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How Much Compensation Could I Receive For Slipping On A Wet Floor?

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 8th January 2025. If you slipped on a wet floor and suffered an injury or illness as a result, you could be entitled to claim compensation. This depends on whether the accident was caused by another party’s negligence, which we explain below.

We also explain what your legal rights are in this situation and how we could successfully guide you through the claims process, as well as providing advice on how much compensation you could get for slipping on a wet floor.

Accidents involving a slip on a wet floor can happen due to severe weather, spillages or other factors in public places such as a restaurant or a supermarket.

They can also happen in work environments. Within this guide, we’ll explain the circumstances that may allow you to claim for injuries if you slipped on a wet floor. We’ll also discuss the process of claiming and potential compensation amounts.

For free legal advice on claiming after you slipped on a wet floor, you can contact Legal Expert for help today. Our advisors are available to speak to on the floor or online. You can:

  • Call us on 0800 073 8804.
  • Enquire online
  • Or, why not use our live chat to access free legal advice instantly?

If you’d like to learn about the key points from this guide, why not check out our video below:

Select a Section

  1. How Much Compensation For Slipping On A Wet Floor? Examples Of Payouts
  2. Can I Claim For Slipping On A Wet Floor?
  3. How Can I Prove That The Floor Was Wet?
  4. What Are The Causes Of Slipping Over On Wet Floors?
  5. I Slipped On A Wet Floor – Can I Claim With A No Win No Fee Solicitor?
  6. Contact Us For Injury Claim Advice After Slipping On A Wet Floor

How Much Compensation For Slipping On A Wet Floor? Examples Of Payouts

So, let’s take a look at how much compensation for slipping on a wet floor it’s possible to recover in a claim.

If you suffered injuries when you slipped and fell down on the floor, your settlement might include both general damages and special damages. In this section, we are going to look at how general damages will be assigned value.

After making a successful claim for slipping on water, you would receive general damages to compensate for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries. To help assign value to your injuries, legal professionals use a document titled the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). It provides guidance in the form of compensation brackets for different injuries.

Below, we’ve included injuries you might suffer if you slipped on a wet floor from the JCG. It should be noted that the top line is not from the JCG. We’ve only provided the attached figures to help you understand how this element of your claim will be valued.

A Guide To JCG Brackets

  • More than one significant injury, in addition to financial loss – potentially up to £500,000 or more.
  • The most severe (i) back injuries – £111,150 to £196,450
  • Severe (iii) back injuries including soft tissues, or disc lesions or fractures to either discs or vertebral bodies – £47,320 to £85,100
  • Severe leg injuries that are the most serious afflictions short of amputation – £117,460 to £165,860
  • Other severe cases involving a serious leg injury like compound or comminuted fractures – £47,840 to £66,920
  • Less serious leg injuries, such as fractures from which recovery is not fully complete – £21,920 to £33,880
  • Severe arm injuries that fall short of amputation but are extremely serious – £117,360 to £159,770
  • Less severe arm injuries – £23,430 to £47,810
  • Moderate ankle injuries – £16,770 to £32,450
  • Modest foot injuries – Up to £16,770

The figures you can see above come from the latest edition (17th) of the Guidelines, published in 2024.

If you would like a free claim evaluation or any assistance using our compensation calculator, call our advisors.

Can I Claim Back Money I Lost After Slipping On A Floor?

Some successful claims may also recover special damages to reimburse you for any expenses incurred as a result of the injuries you suffered when you slipped on the floor.

Costs you could recover in a successful accident at work claim include:

  • Loss of earnings.
  • Medical expenses.
  • Home help, such as a cleaner while you recover.
  • Transport costs.

In order to recover your expenses, you should save proof of your costs and submit them as part of the personal injury claims process. For example, you could save your receipts and payslips.

As part of valuing your potential claim, one of the advisors from our team can advise on what costs you could recover under special damages.

Can I Claim For Slipping On A Wet Floor?

There are certain circumstances when you might be eligible to claim compensation if you slipped on a wet floor and sustained an injury. While you are working, your employer owes you a duty of care to take reasonable and practicable steps to ensure your health, safety and welfare. This is set out in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA).

If you would like to claim compensation because you suffered injuries slipping on a wet floor at work, you will need to satisfy the personal injury claims eligibility criteria. This means that in order to have good grounds to claim, you must be able to prove that:

  • Your employer owed you a duty of care.
  • They breached this duty.
  • You suffered an injury as a result. This could be a mental or physical injury, or both.

If you would like to further discuss the eligibility criteria, please contact a member of our advisory team.

How Can I Prove That The Floor Was Wet?

A key factor in determining how much compensation for slipping on a wet floor you might receive is evidence. Showing what happened, whose fault it was, and how it affected you is vital in putting forward an accident at work claim. You can help your case by collecting the following:

  • A copy of your medical records, which you can get when you’re treated.
  • Photo evidence. Take pictures of the accident location and anything that proves employer negligence or the extent of visible injuries.
  • Where possible, footage showing the incident and its cause are also very useful. You might be able to request CCTV footage from the site.
  • A copy of the report put in your work’s accident book. It is possible to claim if there was no entry in the book, but your chances are much better if there’s a clear record.
  • Contact details for any possible witnesses to the incident.

Our solicitors can support your slip and fall claim by helping you get the evidence you need. This would also include arranging an independent medical examination from an expert.

How Long Do I Have To Claim After I Slipped Over?

You may not be aware that, if you are hurt after a slip on a wet floor, there’s a deadline to start a compensation claim. Generally, because of a time limit established by The Limitation Act 1980, a claim for a slip on a wet floor must begin within three years of the accident happening.

However, this is not necessarily the case for all claims. Some situations may call for an exception to this general rule. To find out more about how to claim and the best way to go about getting evidence for your case, just call us or reach out online.

A wet floor sign and someone mopping a floor.

What Are The Causes Of Slipping Over On Wet Floors?

Now we’ve explained the eligibility criteria in an accident at work claim and how compensation is calculated, we now need to look at how a slip and fall accident can occur in the work.

A some possible examples could be:

  • A burst pipe in a warehouse caused a water hazard on the floor. The warehouse manager took no steps to rectify this. Consequently, you slipped on the floor and damaged your lower spine.
  • A split carton on a storage shelf in the stockroom of your supermarket job caused liquid to spill onto the floor. Although management had sent for a clean-up crew, you had not been informed nor had a warning sign been placed. You were walking past with stock when you slipped on the spillage, badly damaging your wrist and elbow.
  • Adverse weather conditions had resulted in a large amount of water pooling in the entrance way of your workplace. Anti slip matting had not been placed. You slipped and fell on the wet floor, injuring your face and shoulder in the fall.

These are only a few examples. If you’d like to find out more about claiming for a slip and fall at work, reach out to our advisors today. They can assess the eligibility of your case and offer you free advice.

A man holding his knee in pain next to a wet floor sign.

Injuries Caused by Wet Floor Accidents

If these steps aren’t taken by your employer to ensure your safety and you have a wet floor accident at work as a result, you could suffer a range of injuries, such as:

 I Slipped On A Wet Floor – Can I Claim With A No Win No Fee Solicitor?

You could seek support from a solicitor if you have strong grounds to make a personal injury claim after you slipped on a wet floor. If you get in touch with our team of advisors today to discuss your case, they may connect you with one of our solicitors.

One of our solicitors may offer to help with your personal injury claim under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This is a type of No Win No Fee agreement. If you start a slip on the floor injury claim under such an arrangement, you won’t have to pay upfront or ongoing fees for your solicitor’s services. You also won’t need to pay your solicitor for their work if your claim proves unsuccessful.

If your claim is a success, then the No Win No Fee solicitor who supported your claim will be able to take a legally capped percentage from the compensation awarded to you. This is referred to as a success fee.

For more advice on making a personal injury claim after you slipped on the floor with a No Win No Fee solicitor, please get in touch with our advisors. To reach them, you can:

Claim with a No Win No Fee solicitor if you suffered injuries slipping on the floor.

Useful Links

Within this section, you will find some additional resources related to wet floor accident claims. As always, should you have any additional questions if you slipped on the floor due to negligence, please feel free to contact our team.

Slip Trip or Fall Claims

Want to read another one of our trusty and detailed guides? Please click the link.

Office Accident Claims

Our guide on claiming for an accident that occurred in an office, such as wet floor slip and fall accidents.

NHS Head Injury and Concussion

After a slip or fall, you may suffer a head injury. Please click the link to access relevant advise and to learn how the NHS advise you treat a head injury.

Mental Health Services NHS

Unfortunately, you may suffer psychologically after an accident that wasn’t your fault. If that is the case, then please click the link provided to access NHS Mental Health resources. Support is always available.

Thanks for reading our guide on wet floor accident claims. To learn more about claiming after falling on a slippery floor, please contact our team for free legal advice using the above details.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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