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How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Morrisons Accident?

Whether you are shopping or working at a supermarket, you expect to do so without incident. If you are a shopper, all you want to do is collect the groceries you want, and if you are a Morrisons worker, you expect to do your job and collect your pay. However, accidents do happen, as supermarkets are host to a number of risks. If, however, those risks were not picked up by the supermarket or not dealt with appropriately, and you are injured, you could launch a claim for compensation, whether for a Morrisons accident at work no win no fee claim or a fall in Morrisons as a shopper. Read on to find out how you could claim for an accident in a supermarket.

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A guide to Morrisons injury claims

According to the HSE, many people are injured in accidents that happen within supermarket premises each year. Whilst many of these accidents are unavoidable, and will simply be written in the Morrisions accident book as something that was unavoidable, there are instances in which someone can be found to be at fault, leading the injured parties to pursue Morrisons accident claims. To help you understand more about Morrisons accident compensation claims, including information on accident at work compensation case studies, the accident at work claim time limit, and a handy accident at work claim calculator, we have put together this handy guide.



It is not just workers that are injured within the supermarket though. If you have suffered a slip at Morrisons while shopping, or perhaps been hurt in the car park, you could also have reason to launch a claim. In the guide below, we also include information that may help you if you are seeking compensation, as well as providing our Morrisons accident claims number so that you can quickly and easily begin a claim.

What is an accident at Morrisons?

An accident at Morrisons can be anything from someone having slipped on water in Morrisions, to someone who been backed into by someone else in the car park. Put simply, if an accident has occurred on Morrisons premises, and you have been injured, and it is someone else’s fault, you could have reason to lodge a claim for compensation for your injuries.

What to do if you are involved in an accident at Morrisons causing injury

If you have had an accident in Morrisons, whether in the car park or within the store or forecourt, then you should try your best to collect evidence of this, which can come in the following forms.

  1. Medical Evidence – We would always advise you to seek medical attention if you are injured, even if it does not seem that your injury is serious. If left, some injuries can get worse, so do make sure you get checked out. The notes the medical professional makes on your initial visit to seek treatment can serve as medical evidence to support a claim.
  2. A Report of the Incident – You should report any injury suffered on Morrisons premises so that it can be included in Morrisons accident book. It would be a good idea to write your own personal report to rely on if your memory of the event fades over time.
  3. Photographic Evident – If you can, try to take photographs of your injuries and also of the scene where your accident occurred.
  4. Witness evidence – While we would not ask you to get a witness to provide a statement at the scene of the accident, if you take their details then we can call on them as a witness if required.
  5. Expenses evidence – Keep records that relate to any expenses you have incurred. This will form proof that you have been left worse off financially due to your accident.

How to begin a Morrisons accident injury claim

To begin a Morrisons accident claim, it is vital that you get in touch with a specialist claims service like ours. With a good number of years’ experience, a commitment to offering a quality service and thousands of previous satisfied clients, we can help begin your claim quickly and without added stress to you. Initially, we will give you a consultation, which is free, and part of our No Win No Fee service, so we can find out more about your accident and injuries. We will also, in most cases, arrange an appointment locally for a medical to gather medical evidence. We will talk you through the claims process as well so what there is nothing you do not understand about what the process entails.

What is the time limit on Morrisons accident claims?

If you are injured at Morrisons, you have up to 3 years from the incident date to lodge Morrisons injury claims. However, if you are injured under the age of 18 years old and no adult has put in a claim for you, you may have up to three years from your 18th birthday to lodge a claim. However, we do advise that if you are planning to submit a claim then you do so as soon as you can, as this makes the gathering of evidence a bit easier.

I had an accident while shopping at Morrisons can I claim compensation?

Claiming for an accident that has been suffered in Morrisons, whether this is slipped in Morrisons compensation, or compensation for an accident that happened in a poorly lit car park, is possible, providing someone else is at fault and liable. Examples can include claiming against the supermarket for a shelf that has been damaged and tips its load as a result, or claiming against a driver that has struck you in the car park as they were not driving carefully. Whatever has happened, why not call our Morrisons accident helpline team to gain clarity on whether you have a claim.

Morrisons accident at work claims

Morrisons claims can be put in by shoppers, but also by people who work for the company. An injury at work can be devastating, especially as you may feel awkward about lodging a claim for compensation against an employer – particularly if they have treated you well throughout your contract, and this seems just a blip. Our accidents at work compensation examples can include anything from tripping on trailing wires in the back office to a back injury at work claim for a manual handling incident, when someone has been asked to carry a load that is unstable or too heavy.

If your employer has acted negligently or carelessly by not maintaining your working area in a safe manner, by asking you to complete dangerous work without risk assessments or a lack of relevant training or equipment, then you may be able to make an accident at work claim against them. For an accident that left you injured at work, do I get paid is the most common question. If you do not get paid sick leave, you could receive an award for loss of earnings as part of your claim.

Morrisons slip trip or fall claims

Some of the most common accident claims in supermarkets across the UK are for slip trip fall claims. However, there are some common misconceptions about the type of slip trip fall you can claim for. In essence, the supermarket would have to be seen to be at blame for your slip or fall. If a spillage on the floor has not been cleared up or marked out as a wet floor and you have slipped, then you would likely have a claim. If the sign was there to point this out and you slipped, then it may not be easy to blame the supermarket for this.

I had a car accident in a Morrisons car park can I claim?

If you have tripped on a poorly maintained pavement, or your car has hit a pothole and you have been injured, then you are likely to be able to pursue a claim, as Morrisons, just like any other supermarket, has a duty of care to maintain their grounds and keep them as safe as possible for visitors. If you were injured in a car park due to another driver’s fault, you may be able to make a claim, but against the driver, not the supermarket.

What can be claimed for after an accident in Morrisons causing injury?

Usually, in a compensation claim, you will be able to claim for items such as:

  • Medical Costs
  • Travel Costs
  • Earnings Loss
  • General Damages for your injuries

In addition, if someone has been needed to help you at home because of injuries, that someone can file care costs claim.

The most common types of accidents that can happen at Morrisons

There are so many examples of accidents that can happen, there would not be room to list every one here. However, we have included a few of the more common instances that tend to happen in stores like this, so that you can get an idea of what can be claimed for:

  • A slip in Morrisons, or trips or falls
  • Manual handling incidents (for Morrisons workers)
  • Potholes in car park
  • Poor lighting in car park causing accidents
  • Falling items

If your accident is something other than these, you may well have a claim as long as someone was at fault for the accident that caused your injuries.

How much compensation will I get after an accident at Morrisons causing injury?

It is difficult to put a price on an injury. Even if two people appear to have had the same thing happen to them, some small details could make their payouts very different. However, we know that you want to know if making a claim will be worth your while. Although we take on most of the work, you will be required to attend an appointment or two, and it is important to get to grips with what your injuries may entitle you to.

This is why we offer a general guide to Morrisons compensation payouts below. We can only include the main injuries in this guide, as to include all would make it too long for anyone to go through. However, if you do not see your injury here, feel free to call us and we will give a guide to how much injuries such as yours typically see awarded.

Reason for compensation Typical compensation payout Notes
Benefits Loss £5,000 – £500,000 If you have sustained injuries that have required you to miss work while you recovered, this part of a claim will compensate you for this. It is based on the actual amount of money you will have lost out on and depending on how highly you are remunerated for your job, could exceed the higher award amount listed here.
Loss of anticipated earnings £10,000 – £400,000 This applies for those who are likely to miss work into the future. It is for future monies that will be lost because of your injuries and your recovery. Usually, this is based on a calculation that takes into account your current salary as well as what you would be likely to earn in the future.
Pain and suffering £1,000 – £200,000 The award you will see is based on the suffering you have been deemed to have encountered as well as the pain of your injuries.
Minor injuries £1,050 – £1,860 A three-month recovery period will apply here.
Minor injuries £525 – £1,050 A twenty-eight-day recovery period will apply here.
Minor injuries A few hundred pounds to £525 A seven-day recovery period will be likely
Back injuries – Severe £29,475 – £122,350 Within the lower end of the award bracket, claimant’s will likely have suffered some sort of disc lesion, fraction and severe soft tissue issues. These conditions, however, will leave the claimant with long term problems even after they have been treated for their injuries. The higher payout awards are for those injuries that have caused damage to nerves and nerve roots, as well as the spinal cord. Consequences for this type of injury are deemed to be serious. Even in the lower award levels, employability will likely be affected, and it will be common to see claimant’s suffering with depression.
Moderate Back Injury £9,500 – £21,100 If claimants are suffering with soft tissue injuries and back aches, they may see the lower payment amounts stated here. At this level, the injuries sustained by the claimant may have made pre-existing problems worse. The higher levels are generally paid out to those claimants who have been left with residual problems that are likely to be long-lasting if not described as quite as severe as the others in the higher award categories.
Back injuries – Minor A few hundred pounds – £9,500 The lowest payment amounts will be to claimants that are likely to see a full recovery within the space of a few months. However, many factors are taken into account in order to calculate this payout. The level of medication required, the initial injury’s severity, the effect on the claimant’s ability to work, and how often the pain and symptoms are present, are all likely to be considered here.
Severe Shoulder injuries £14,600 – £36,500 If there is severe damage to the claimant’s brachial plexus, and there are pains and injuries extended to the neck, then this award may be offered, as these types of injury usually result in a disability that is significant.
Shoulder injuries – Serious £9,700 – £14,600 Often, claims in this category will be for those who have suffered damage within the lower brachial plexus, and also for shoulder dislocations. Pain in the shoulder as well as the neck and often some restrictions on movement will be present.
Moderate Shoulder injuries £6,000 – £9,700 Claimants in this category will often be suffering from a frozen shoulder which will often cause discomfort and leave the claimant with limited movement. Symptoms will usually persist for around two years.
Minor Shoulder injuries A few hundred pounds – £6,000 Recovery time is usually the benchmark for the awards offered in this category. Those with a recovery time of a few months will see the lower awards, whilst the more serious, running into recovery within a couples of years will see the higher awards.

No Win No Fee personal injury claims

No Win No Fee. It is likely that you will have seen these words before, and it is also equally as likely that you will not full understand how we can work in this manner. We handle all the cases we take on as No Win No Fee cases, which means you would not have to put up any money upfront in order to lodge a claim.

It also works to eliminate the risk to you of making a claim and having it turned down, as you will not face legal fees if your case is not successful. This, we feel, gives you peace of mind that not only will we not take on a claim we think carries the risk of being unsuccessful, but also, you’ll know we will be working as hard as possible to secure you, and us, a successful conclusion to your claim.

Why choose us as your claims service for a personal injury claim?

When it comes to claims service providers, many appear to offer the same thing, so it can be difficult for you to decide on who to choose to take your claim forward. What we believe gives us the edge over our competitors, however, is not only the fact that we have settle successfully thousands of personal injury claims just like yours, but that we have maximised the compensations amounts for many of them, due to our attention to detail when it comes to evidence gathering. We also pride ourselves on the fact that we treat our clients with respect. You will not be ‘just another client’ to us – you will be treated like you deserve to be treated, like someone who has been through something awful, and deserves to be listened to and compensated for that.

Call for free advice and to start a claim

Whether you have been injured as the result of a supermarket’s negligence, or another driver’s fault in the car park of a supermarket, our solicitors will be glad to help. By calling 0800 073 8804, you will be beginning a journey to the compensation your injuries and your accident deserves, with us by your side every step of the way. However, if you are not yet ready to begin with a claim, then calling us puts you under no obligation to do so – we will be equally as happy to provide free no-obligation advice on the situation you find yourself in.

Helpful Links

NHS health conditions information

The NHS’s conditions pages offer a wealth of information on different injuries and different medical conditions. You can use these to find advice on how to handle your illness or injury, and to find out what to do about common symptoms.

Reducing slip risks on supermarket floors

The Health and Safety Executive have provided advice as to what retailers can do to reduce risk on smooth, slippery floors, for both shoppers and staff.

Retailers advice on health and safety

This link takes you to the government’s advice for retailers on Health and Safety. It includes a wealth of information pertaining to reducing risks, and links out to many other pages you may find of interest.


Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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