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Taxi Accident Claims – Getting Compensation If Injured As A Passenger

By Danielle Jordan. Last Updated 20th December 2024. In this guide, we look at taxi accident claims. As with all road traffic accident claims, to seek compensation, your case must meet specific eligibility criteria. This guide looks at these criteria, as well as who you could claim against if you were injured in a taxi accident. Personal injury claims must also be supported with evidence, and this guide provides a few examples of what you could submit to support your case. 

A black cab on a city street.

Additionally, you might like to know how compensation is calculated in personal injury claims. We explain the different factors that determine how much a settlement for a car accident could be worth. We also explain the Whiplash Reforms, which could affect how you claim.

If you have a valid passenger accident claim, you may wish to instruct a solicitor to work on your case. This guide concludes with a look at how having the support of a No Win No Fee solicitor could benefit your claim.

An advisor from our team can answer any questions you may have about making a claim for injuries suffered in a taxi accident. They’re available 24/7 with free advice.

To speak with an advisor:

Select A Section

  1. Taxi Accident Claims – The Criteria For Claiming Compensation
  2. Time Limits For Taxi Accident Claims
  3. What Can Lead To Taxi Accident Claims?
  4. Evidence To Support Taxi Accident Claims
  5. How Are Taxi Accident Claims Calculated?
  6. Will The Whiplash Reforms Affect My Taxi Accident Claim?
  7. Make A Car Accident Claim On A No Win No Fee Basis Today
  8. Learn More About Making A Taxi Passenger Accident Claim

Taxi Accident Claims – The Criteria For Claiming Compensation

You must prove negligence occurred if you wish to make a taxi passenger accident claim. Negligence is when a breach of duty of care leads to an injury.

All road users, while on the road, owe a duty of care to keep one another safe. They must do this by following the regulations in The Highway Code and the Road Traffic Act 1988.

As such, here are the taxi accident claims eligibility criteria:

  1. A road user owed a duty of care to you. 
  2. This duty was breached.
  3. You suffered an injury as a result of the breached duty.

If you have been in a taxi accident, please speak with our advisors today.

Time Limits For Taxi Accident Claims

If you would like to seek compensation for injuries suffered in a taxi crash, you must bring forward your claim before the time limit expires. This is generally 3 years from the date of the accident for personal injury claims. It is set out by the Limitation Act 1980

However, in certain circumstances, there are some exceptions to this time limit. These include:

  • The time limit is suspended for those without the mental capacity to initiate legal proceedings themselves. This suspension lasts until it is deemed that the injured party has recovered the capacity required to launch a claim. It could last indefinitely. At any point during the suspension, a litigation friend could be appointed by the court to manage the claim on behalf of the injured person. If an injured party were to regain this capacity and a claim was not initiated for them, they will have three years from the date they recovered their capacity to start one. 
  • Minors under the age of 18 have the time limit frozen until their 18th birthday. Prior to this, a litigation friend can claim on their behalf. However, if the injured party turns 18 without a claim being made already, they will have 3 years from the date of their 18th birthday to bring forward a claim. 

Get in touch with an advisor to find out if you are still within the limitation period to claim for injuries you suffered as a passenger in a taxi.

What Can Lead To Taxi Accident Claims?

If you were a passenger involved in a taxi crash, you could make a claim for the injuries you suffered. There are two main circumstances in which you could make a taxi passenger accident claim. These are driver negligence or accidents caused by a third party.

Taxi or Minicab Driver Negligence Claims

If your taxi driver failed to follow the rules of the road and breached their duty of care to you as a passenger and to other road users, and you were injured as a result, you could make a claim. Some examples include:

  • Your taxi driver was texting on their phone instead of paying attention to the road and crashed into a stationary object, such as a lamppost.
  • The minicab driver speeds through a red light and crashes into the side of a car.
  • Your taxi driver fails to check if a junction is clear before pulling out, causing them to crash into another car.

Taxi Accident Claims Against A Third Party

If another road user breached their duty of care, causing them to crash into the taxi you were in, you could make a claim for your injuries. Some examples include:

  • A head-on collision caused by a drunk driver speeding on the wrong side of the road.
  • Another motorist fails to look before pulling out of a driveway and crashes into the side of your taxi causing injuries.
  • The driver behind you is not concentrating on the road and crashes into the back of your taxi as stop at a red light.

Do not hesitate to contact one of our advisors today if you have any questions about taxi accident claims. Our team is available 24/7 to answer your questions and offer you free legal advice.

Evidence To Support Taxi Accident Claims

As we discussed earlier, all personal injury claims for taxi accidents will need to prove that negligence occurred. Collecting sufficient evidence could help support your personal injury claim. It could help prove the injuries you suffered in the taxi crash, as well as liability.

Some examples of evidence that could be useful in taxi accident claims include:

  • Photographs from the accident scene.
  • Accident footage, such as from a dashcam or CCTV.
  • The contact information of any witnesses so they can give a statement later.
  • A copy of your medical records stating the type of injury you suffered and what treatment was required.

Call our advisors to discuss personal injury claims for taxi passenger accidents. They could offer you free advice for your potential claim. They may also connect you with one of our solicitors who could help you with gathering evidence.

How Are Taxi Accident Claims Calculated?

If you make a successful taxi passenger accident claim, your settlement could consist of two parts (known as heads of claim). These are general and special damages.

The first head of loss awarded in successful personal injury claims is called general damages. It compensates for the physical pain and mental suffering sustained in the car accident. To help when valuing this part of your taxi accident claim, those tasked with doing so may refer to the compensation guidelines published by the Judicial College (the JCG) or the whiplash tariffs found in the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021 (more on this later).

We’ve provided the table below to help illustrate how compensation could be awarded in a successful claim. In the first row, we’ve provided a figure that shows how your settlement could consist of compensation for multiple injuries and related losses. The following rows look at figures that could be relevant to taxi accident claims from the JCG. In the last two rows, we look at examples of the whiplash tariffs. It should be noted that the first row figure was not taken from the JCG or Whiplash Injury Regulations.

This table is only provided for guidance as each claim is different with settlements decided on individual factors. You can find a list of compensation payouts here if you’d like to find more in-depth examples.

InjurySeverityGuideline Amount
Multiple Severe Injuries and Special DamagesVery SevereUp to £1,000,000+
Brain DamageVery Severe (a)£344,150 to £493,000
Moderate (c) (iii)£52,550 to £110,720
Back Severe (a) (i)£111,150 to £196,450
Moderate (b) (ii)£15,260 to £33,880
LegSevere (b) (ii)£66,920 to £109,290
Arm Substantial and Permanent Disablement (b)£47,810 to £73,050
Shoulder Severe (a)£23,430 to £58,610
Whiplash TariffLasting 18-24 months with psychological damage£4,345
Whiplash TariffLasting 18-24 months without psychological damage£4,215

Special Damages in Taxi Accident Claims

In addition to general damages, you could also be awarded special damages as part of a successful taxi passenger accident claim. Special damages are awarded to compensate for the financial losses suffered as a result of the car accident injuries. For example:

  • Loss of earnings.
  • Care costs, such as a nurse.
  • Home help, including a cleaner or child minder while you recover.
  • Medical expenses, including prescriptions and physical therapy.

In order to recover your financial losses, you will need to submit proof as part of the claims process. For example, you could save and submit your pay slips, receipts and invoices.

Direct any questions about how compensation could be awarded in a successful taxi accident claim to a member of our advisory team. They can also help value your claim.

Will The Whiplash Reforms Affect My Taxi Accident Claim?

The Whiplash Reform Programme introduced changes to the way claims for low value road traffic accidents are made. The reform programme applies to:

  • Vehicle drivers and passengers who are aged 18 or older at the time of the accident. This includes taxi passengers.
  • Their injuries valued at £5,000 or less. This applies to whiplash as well as other injuries, such as broken or bruised ribs.
  • The accident occurred in England or Wales.

In claiming in this way, your whiplash and soft tissue injuries will be valued in line with the tariff outlined in the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021.

However, even if you do not need to make your claim this way, your whiplash injuries may still be valued in accordance with the tariff.

If you have injuries not listed in the tariff, these will be valued in the traditional way.

To learn more, please get in touch on the number above.

Make A Car Accident Claim On A No Win No Fee Basis Today

Our No Win No Fee solicitors may be able to help you claim if you were injured as a passenger in a taxi accident. When you work with a solicitor, they can guide you through the claims process by answering your questions, helping you collate evidence, and presenting your claim in full within the limitation period.

Additionally, they could offer you a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), which is a type of No Win No Fee arrangement. Under this kind of contract, you aren’t required to pay any upfront or ongoing fees to your solicitor for their services. You also won’t be asked to pay for their work if the claim fails.

If your claim is successful, then your solicitor will take a success fee. This is deducted from your settlement award as a small, legally capped percentage. The legal cap allows you to keep the majority of what you receive.

If you’d like to learn more about personal injury claims for taxi accidents, contact our team. They can tell you whether you are eligible to work with one of our solicitors and can offer more helpful information about the claims process.

Call Legal Expert Today

You can reach out to one of our advisers now by:

  • Using the live chat feature and speaking to one immediately
  • Phoning us on 0800 073 8804
  • Using our contact form to claim online

A solicitor and client shake hands over a desk after discussing taxi accident claims.

Learn More About Making A Taxi Passenger Accident Claim

Below, you can find some more guides about making a taxi passenger accident claim that you may find useful:

If, after reading this guide, you still have any questions about taxi accident claims, you are welcome to contact Legal Expert. You can reach us on the phone or online using the contact details mentioned above.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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