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A Guide On How To Claim For Life Changing Injuries

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 14th February 2025. If you have been involved in a serious accident, you could have sustained life changing injuries. In certain circumstances, you might be eligible to claim compensation for the effect these injuries have on your life.

As a result of a life-changing injury, you may have had:

  • To take an extended period of time off work, or leave work altogether.
  • To undergo lengthy and ongoing medical treatment.
  • Required care in a specialist facility or the home.

In order to claim for these items, you must satisfy certain eligibility criteria. We’ll discuss what this is as well as take a look at when you could file a life changing injury claim on behalf of a loved one.

Additionally, we explain what a life altering injury is and how one could occur. We also look at the different ways in which you could be compensated for wider and long-term impacts, such as a permanent disability.

This guide concludes with a look at how you could claim for a catastrophic injury with the support of a specialist No Win No Fee solicitor.

If you have suffered a life altering injury our team could help you. Contact Legal Expert today to discuss whether you meet the eligibility to make a life changing injury claim. To discuss claiming for traumatic or catastrophic injuries:

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Can I Claim For A Life Changing Injury?

Life-changing injuries, often referred to as catastrophic injuries, have a long-term impact on your physical and sometimes mental health. After suffering these injuries, it is difficult to return to your original state of health or lifestyle. Often, extensive support and rehabilitation will be necessary.

Therefore, if the actions of another person caused your life-changing injuries, you may be eligible to make a personal injury claim to be compensated for your suffering.

Life Changing Injury Claims Eligibility

If you are suffering from life-changing injuries, you may be asking, ‘Am I eligible to make a personal injury compensation claim?’ This may be possible if you meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • You must have been owed a duty of care
  • The person who owed you this duty must have acted negligently and breached it
  • This must have resulted in your life-changing injury

A duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on specific individuals who are responsible for ensuring you are safe. Below are some situations when you are owed a duty of care, along with examples of how breaches of this duty may result in you suffering life-changing injuries. 

Accidents At Work:

Whilst you are at work, your employer has a duty to take reasonable and practicable steps to ensure you are safe. Therefore, they must adhere to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. Failure to do so may cause you to be in hazardous situations and sustain injuries.

For example, you may cut wood with an electric saw at work. However, your employer failed to provide safety training or safety goggles. If some of the wooden fragments went into your eyes, causing blindness, you may be eligible to claim compensation for these serious injuries. 

Accidents In A Public Place:

Whilst you are in a public place, those in control of that space must ensure you are reasonably safe while using that space for its intended purpose. Therefore, they must adhere to the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1975. Failure to do so may put you at risk of serious injuries. 

For example, a store owner may have failed to complete a risk assessment of the outside objects and may not have noticed that the sign above the door was falling off. If you were walking into the stoor and this fell on you, causing paralysis, you may be eligible to make a life-changing injury claim. 

Road Traffic Accidents:

Whilst you are using the roads, you are owed a duty of care by all other road users who must use the roads safely and reasonably to prevent putting you in harm. In doing so, they must adhere to the provisions of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code. If road users fail to comply with these driving standards, they may cause life-altering injuries. 

For example, you may be safely crossing at a pedestrian crossing. However, a road user may have failed to see the red traffic light as he negligently used his mobile phone while driving. If this resulted in the driver colliding with you, causing your leg to need amputation, you may be eligible to claim compensation.

Contact our friendly advisors to learn more about the life-changing injuries meaning or to start a compensation claim today.

What Are Examples Of Life Changing Injuries?

In the following sections, we look at examples of life changing injuries. Although there is no specific definition of a life-changing injury, such injuries may have a serious impact on the injured person, their family, and those around them.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries cause temporary or permanent damage to the spine. Symptoms could include loss of sensation and muscle function or loss of autonomic function in parts of the body below the point of the injury. Spinal cord damage could result in a paralysis injury, such as tetraplegia or paraplegia.

As a result of a spinal injury, you could require extensive and long-term medical care and rehabilitation. You may also require support returning to normal life or adjusting to living with your injury. A spinal injury could impact your overall quality of life, mobility and independence.

You could suffer a spinal cord injury in a trip and fall accident. This could occur if a staircase with damaged steps is not taken out of use in a public place until it can be made safe.

Traumatic Head And Brain Injuries

A traumatic head or brain injury may lead to long-term physical, cognitive, behavioural and emotional changes. Such changes may severely impact a person’s ability to function independently. Someone with a traumatic brain injury may require constant care and be unable to return to everyday life.

You could sustain a head injury and brain damage if a driver fails to stop at a pedestrian crossing and runs you over.

Amputations And Loss Of Limbs

The loss of a body part such as a limb, foot, hand or digit could have a significant impact on someone’s quality of life. Whether you have experienced a traumatic amputation in an accident or required a surgical amputation as a result of an incident, such as a severe crush injury, you will need long-term medical treatment and rehabilitative care and may require prosthetics.

You could suffer a below-the-knee amputation in an accident at work if required equipment checks are not carried out. For example, if appropriate visual checks were carried out prior to operating a machine with a blade, it could have been discovered that the safety shield had been removed.

Birth Injuries

Birth injuries could occur during labour, childbirth or immediately after delivery. They could impact a mother or baby (or both) and may result in serious injuries, such as brain injuries, and life-long conditions like cerebral palsy.

For example, due to insufficient monitoring during labour, the baby suffered from a lack of oxygen, resulting in a brain injury that impacts the development of the child.

Mothers could also be left with life changing injuries, emotional harm and post-traumatic stress disorder. For example, a mother could suffer nerve damage leading to double incontinence due to a failure to intervene earlier in the labour.

Serious Burn Injuries

Serious burn injuries could include second and third degree burns. These may include chemical burns and other types of burn injuries which result in serious and long-term injuries to the skin and underlying tissues. This could result in the person experiencing physical and emotional trauma, disfigurement and scarring.

Following a burn injury, victims may require extensive treatment (such as plastic or cosmetic surgery) as well as other rehabilitative care in order to return to everyday activities.

If a kitchen does not have appropriate anti-slip flooring, you could sustain a burn or scald injury while working in it. Grease and water could contaminate the floor without proper slip-resistant flooring and shoes, and you could slip, causing hot grease to land on you, resulting in serious burns.

Loss of Sight or Loss of Hearing

Loss of vision or hearing loss could have a long term impact on victims, such as by impacting their independence and ability to socialise or work. As a result of either or both, you could require home adaptations and a carer to help you cope.

You could suffer a brain injury in a car crash caused by a driver speeding, which results in damage to your vision and hearing.

Direct any questions about life changing injury claims to an advisor from our team. They can help assess the situation that caused your injury and advise on whether or not you have good grounds to claim compensation.

Life changing birth injuries could affect a mother or child.

Can I Claim On Someone Else’s Behalf For A Life Changing Injury?

Generally, when seeking compensation in a personal injury claim, you have three years from the date of the accident as set under the Limitation Act 1980 to start one. However, there are circumstances in which this time limit is suspended. These include:

  • If the injured party does not have the mental capacity to manage their court case. In these cases, the time limit is suspended for as long as they do not have this capacity. Should they recover their capacity, then they will have three years from that date in which to start a life changing injury claim, if one was not made for them during the suspension.
  • A child below the age of 18 also cannot manage their own court case. The time limit is suspended until the child’s 18th birthday, giving them three years from that date to launch a claim if one was not made for them already.

When the time limit is suspended, you could seek compensation on their behalf. However, you will need to become their litigation friend in order to do so. You will have to be a suitable person and act in the best interests of your loved one. You can apply to the court, or the court can appoint you to claim on their behalf.

Our solicitors can help you to claim on behalf of someone else. To find out more, please contact our team.

A person sits on a bed, wrapped in bandages.

How Much Compensation For Life Changing Injuries?

If you make a successful claim for life changing injuries, your settlement may consist of up to two heads of loss. These are general and special damages.

You will be awarded general damages to compensate for the physical pain and mental suffering sustained in the serious accident. The parties tasked with calculating general damages may refer to the guidelines published by the Judicial College to help them. This resource contains guideline amounts of compensation for different types of injury.

In the table below we have included figures from these guidelines. Additionally, we’ve provided a figure in the top row that shows you how compensation could be awarded for multiple life altering injuries and related expenses. This figure was not taken from these guidelines. As all life changing injury claims are different, this table is only provided for guidance.

InjurySeverityCompensation Guideline
Multiple serious and severe injuries with special damages.Serious and/ or severeUp to £1,000,000+
Injuries affecting sight(a) total blindness and deafness.In the region of £493,000
Brain damage(a) very severe£344,150 to £493,000
Brain damage(b) moderately severe £267,340 to £344,150
Brain damage(c) moderate (i) £183,190 to £267,340
Injuries involving paralysis(a) tetraplegia£396,140 to £493,000
Injuries involving paralysis(b) paraplegia£267,340 to £346,890
Deafness and loss of speech(a) loss of speech and total deafness.£133,810 to £171,680
Epilepsy(a) established grand mal£124,470 to £183,190
Epilepsy(b) established petit mal£66,920 to £160,360

Can I Claim For The Long Term Effects Of Life Changing Injuries?

In addition to general damages, if you make a successful claim, your settlement may also include compensation for the financial losses caused by the life changing injuries sustained in the incident. This part of your compensation is known as special damages.

As part of your claim, you may be able to recover compensation for:

  • The costs of long-term care, physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
  • Adaptations to your home or vehicle.
  • Mobility aids. You may require mobility aids to help you get around your home or other places.
  • Lost income and earnings. Personal injury claims can include compensation for income which you have already lost due to time away from work. You may also claim for projected future lost income and earnings if your injury is expected to take a long time to heal or if you are unable to return to work.

To claim for special damages, you will need to submit evidence. For example, you could save any receipts, invoices and payslips to submit as part of the claims process.

Contact a member of our advisory team for a free valuation of your claim. They can also advise on what evidence you could save to claim under special damages.

Why Claim For A Serious Accident On A No Win No Fee Basis?

If you are eligible to claim for life changing injuries, you may wish to have the support of a solicitor during the claims process. One of our No Win No Fee solicitors could help with your case under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA).

One of the benefits of claiming under a CFA is that your solicitor won’t ask you to make any payments for their services either upfront or while your case is being processed. Also, if your compensation claim is not successful, you usually will not need to pay for your solicitor’s work.

If your catastrophic injury claim is successful, your solicitor will charge a success fee. That means that they’ll take a small percentage from the compensation awarded. This fee is agreed with your solicitor before they start work on your case and the percentage is legally capped. This cap ensures you get to keep most of your compensation.

Contact our advisors today to learn more about claiming with a No Win No Fee solicitor for life changing injuries, the meaning behind a CFA or other aspects of the claiming process. To get in touch, you can:

  • Message our team using the live-chat feature on this page.
  • Send a message via our claim online form.
  • Phone now on 0800 073 8804

A lawyer stands ready to work on a case, reading a book about life changing injuries.

More Resources About Claiming For Life Altering Injuries

Here we have included further resources on how to claim for life altering injuries.

Life-changing injury references

If you or a loved one has suffered life changing injuries due to medical negligence, an accident at work or road traffic accident, please contact our team. We are ready to help you.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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