Just Motorcycle Insurance Personal Injury Compensation Information & Claims Solicitors

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Just Motorcycle Insurance Compensation Claims Guide

Within this online guide to making a compensation claim against a policy brokered by Just Motorcycle Insurance, we aim to talk you through the claims process, from the initial incident to engaging a personal injury solicitor to process a personal injury claim on your behalf. We cover the legal and financial considerations of making a claim and look at why you may be eligible to make a claim.

Just motorcycle insurance accident claims guideEach claim has its own unique circumstances. This means that no online guide could ever contain the answers to every possible question. If you do indeed find that you have questions that are unanswered once you have read this guide, then please do call our claims team on 0800 073 8804. An expert advisor will give you the answers you need, and explain how we can help to get your claim underway today.

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A Guide To Claims Against Just Motorcycle Insurance

This online guide is focused on making motorcycle insurance claims against policies acquired through the insurance broker, Just Motorcycle Insurance (JMI). The claim could either be made by a policyholder for a motorcycle injury or some other reason, or it could be made by a third party injured by the actions of a policyholder.

This guide begins by discussing the kind of policies that the company offers to bikers, and why people need to make a claim against such an insurance policy. We have listed some of the more common reasons that people are put in a position where they need to make a claim as well. We give some information on how Just Motorcycle Insurance brokers its insurance products as well.

The next part of this guide covers the early stages of making a compensation claim. The possibility of a claim being refused is discussed. We also explain why an insurance firm will often offer a claimant a pre-medical or early settlement offer, and try to show why a personal injury lawyer would generally win you more than this initial offer. We close this part of the guide with a section that details the kinds of information you will need to provide your solicitor with to enable them to process a claim on your behalf.

The last few sections of this guide go over a number of financial issues. This includes a table that gives examples of different kinds of injuries and shows the possible range of compensation they could be awarded. We support this section by following it up with a list of some of the more commonly received kinds of damages that can make up an overall compensation settlement. In closing, we give a general overview of our No Win No Fee service offering, explaining how this kind of agreement works and what the benefits could be to you.

If you need any of the information in this guide expanded on, or have general questions related to the claims process or your own claim specifically, then please call our claims team and discuss your situation with one of our advisors. They will have the answers you need and will offer you legal advice, with no obligation, about how best to proceed with your claim.

What Is A Claim Against Just Motorcycle Insurance?

As the name suggests, Just Motorcycle Insurance is an insurance broker that specialises in policies for motorcyclists. The company offers a range of products to suit different types of motorcyclists, such as multi-bike insurance, classic bike insurance, small capacity and scooter insurance, and low mileage policies. The biker may need to make a claim against their own policy for a number of reasons (more on this below). However, more commonly it will be another road user that has been injured in an accident that was caused by a rider who was insured through Just Motorcycle Insurance who will make a Just Motorcycle Insurance claim.

This guide covers both scenarios, and we will clearly explain the differences where they exist. If you have any questions about your own claim at this point, now would be a good time to call our claims team and have those questions answered by one of our expert advisors.

Circumstances When You May Claim Against Just Motorcycle Insurance Policies

In the previous section, we mentioned how either a client of the insurer or a third party impacted by the actions of a client of the insurer might make a claim. In this section we will expand on this, detailing some of the different circumstances in which a claim might be possible.

A third party could be able to claim against a policy acquired through Just Motorcycle Insurance if:

  • The driver or passenger in a vehicle that was involved in an accident caused by a JMI policyholder suffers physical or psychological harm.
  • If a vehicle or other private property is damaged in an accident caused by a JMI policyholder.

A motorcyclist might claim against their own insurance if:

  • They are injured in a motorcycle accident for which blame is shared between those involved, and therefore the biker will make a split liability claim.
  • If a bike covered by the rider’s policy is stolen or damaged.

There are, of course, other reasons to make a claim, but these could be regarded as the most common. If you are unsure whether you can claim in your own circumstances, please call our claims team and ask for one of our advisors to evaluate your claim for you.

Do Just Motorcycle Insurance Have Underwriters?

The Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) maintains a list of insurance underwriters. JMI is not on this list, as the company uses third-party underwriters. This means that when a person is making a personal injury claim against JMI, there will be a third party involved that could potentially influence how the claim proceeds.

An underwriter administers the financial fund that is used to pay compensation settlements. It is therefore bad business for the underwriter to pay out when they do not need to. This means that most insurers will require the claimant to fulfil some very stringent eligibility criteria in order for a claim to be possible. We will cover this in more detail later in the guide.

If you need help dealing with your insurance firm or an underwriter, we can assist you with some free legal advice. Call our claims team and speak to an advisor to proceed with this.

What Happens If An Insurer Doesn’t Pay Out?

It should be obvious that every motorbike insurance firm is going to try to pay out the least compensation for a motorbike accident or attempt not to payout at all. Therefore, you may find that initially you claim is denied, for reasons such as:

  • You have not complied fully with the terms and conditions set out in the policy wording.
  • You were responsible for causing the accident in some way.
  • You did not suffer harm that can be solely attributed to the accident in some way.
  • You cannot prove or provide evidence of the financial losses caused by the accident.
  • You cannot prove that a third party was responsible for causing the accident.

If your claim is initially refused, don’t worry. We can likely help you. We can assist you in preparing for a claim, and provide you with an expert accident and injury lawyer to process your claim for you. Speak to our claims team today to go through our claims process with an advisor.

Dealing With Insurance Providers

When you initially inform an insurance firm about a motorbike accident or any other kind of road traffic accident, it’s likely that they will send prospective claimants a letter offering free legal assistance, or some form of an early or pre-medical settlement offer.

Insurers do this in order to try and tempt a claimant into accepting the quick and easy resolution to their claim, even though they might be receiving fewer damages than they could because the settlement does not fully take their injuries into consideration.

If you would like some advice about accepting an early offer of settlement, please speak to one of our claims experts today. They will be able to assist you further.

Should I Consult A Solicitor?

If you have suffered a motorbike injury, or have some other reason to claim against an insurer, then a lawyer can help you in many ways. It could mean the difference between your claim being a success and losing it. For example, a solicitor can:

  • Advise you on the kinds of evidence you should submit to support your claim.
  • Let you know any actions you should take, such as going to a medical examination.
  • Evaluate your claim and let you know what level of compensation could be appropriate.
  • Process your claim for you, attempting to reach a successful resolution.
  • Represent you in court if this is required.

Our solicitors have over 30-years of experience in providing claimants with just this kind of help. If you would like us to arrange for one to help you with your claim, please let our claim team know today. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

What Information Should I Provide My Solicitor?

When you approach a motorcycle injury solicitor to process a claim against a motorbike insurance provider for you, you will need to provide the legal team with all of the information they need to do their job effectively, and this could include:

  • Any information such as medical notes, which can prove the extent of your injuries.
  • Any bills, invoices or receipts that prove monetary loss you are intending to claim for.
  • The details of all parties involved in the accident and their insurance information.
  • Any video or photographic evidence you manage to get at the scene of the accident.
  • If the police attended the accident, ask for the accident number.
  • Contact details for anybody who might be able to provide witness testimony about what happened.

If you want some help and advice about preparing the evidence you need to support your own claim, please speak to one of our claim advisors and they will help you.

Could I Seek Damages For My Motorcycle Accident And Injuries?

No claims guide would be complete without talking about the tricky subject of eligibility to claim. If you have suffered a motorbike injury and wish to make a split liability claim, or if you are a third party looking to claim against the bike insurance of the person responsible for the accident, you will need to:

  • Be within the personal injury claims time limit. Our claims team can advise you on what this will be. Usually, it is three years from the date of the accident.
  • Be over the age of 18 when you begin your claim. Alternatively, a litigation friend can make the claim on your behalf.
  • Prove you have suffered financial loss or physical harm because of the accident.
  • Be able to prove that a third party was responsible for the accident (unless you are making a split liability claim).

These are some of the key precursors to making a compensation claim. There could be others that apply in your own case. You can check with our claims team and find out what the criteria for eligibility might be in your own circumstances.

Motorbike Accident Injury Claims Calculator

We used the Judicial College Guidelines published in the UK to create the example table below. These are the same guidelines used by the legal system to value claims.

Type of Injury? How Severe? Compensation
Injured hand Moderate to serious Up to £58,100
Injured arm Simple fractures to severe Up to £122,860
Injured back Minor Up to £2,300
Injured foot Modest to very severe Up to £102,890
Injured leg Less serious to very serious Up to £85,600
Injured head/brain Minor Up to £11,980

You could also try using a personal injury claims calculator to get a rough estimate of the level of damages you could receive. You might like to get an accurate valuation of your claim based on your own unique circumstances. In this case, call our claims team and explain this, and they can organise one of our solicitors to evaluate your claim.

Additional Damages Awarded For Motorbike Accidents

If you win your claim and are awarded a settlement, the amount of compensation you receive will be made up of a number of different types of damages.

General damages are a group of associated damages that covers the physical or psychological harm the claimant has suffered. When awarding compensation, the level of suffering the claimant has been through, any long-term disability, how intrusive the injuries have been on the claimant’s life, and similar considerations apply. General damages might include:

  • Provision for any long-term or permanent disability the claimant will need to live with.
  • For having to undergo invasive or traumatic treatment or extended therapy.
  • Developing psychological issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety or depression.
  • General suffering and pain inflicted at the time of the accident.
  • The shock and trauma of being involved in an accident.

Special damages are a group of associated damages that refer to non-physical loss, financial and otherwise. When claiming for costs incurred, the claimant will need to provide evidence to show what payments have been made and why in the form of bills and receipts. Special damages might include:

  • Loss of future income potential due to lowered work capacity.
  • Loss of income if you needed to take time away from your job to recover, and lost out on your salary or wages either partially or in full.
  • The cost of any private medical treatment you needed that you could not have gotten on the National Health Service (NHS).
  • Home care costs, such as paying for a nurse to visit you at home.
  • Ad-hoc expenses such as travel tickets.

These are some of the most frequently awarded kinds of damages but there are many more you could potentially claim for. If you talk to one of our claim advisors and explain your claim to them, they could be able to indicate which types of damages might be appropriate to claim for in your own case.

No Win No Fee Motorbike Injury Claims

We can arrange for a No Win No Fee solicitor to process your claim for you. This kind of agreement, also known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) is a good way to get the legal help you need, as well as reducing the risk of financial loss.

The lawyer we provide you with won’t ask for any new claims fee to start working on your case, or any fees as it is ongoing. If the claim fails, then the lawyer won’t ask you to pay their fees. If the claim is a success, at this stage your lawyer might ask you to pay a small success fee, which is legally capped. This fee can be taken directly from any money the lawyer has received for you. For more information about making a No Win No Fee claim, call our team on the number below.

Start A Claim

Do you think you might be able to claim compensation for being knocked off a motorbike? Or are you a road user that has been injured by the actions of a motorcyclist? No matter what legal help you need, or how close to beginning a claim you believe you are, we can assist you. Please speak to our claims team on 0800 073 8804 and explain your situation to them. An advisor will talk over your claim with you, evaluate it, and let you know whether it is potentially viable or not. They will also explain how one of our solicitors could help you further.

Essential References

You can also learn more about motorcycle accident claims below:

These external links have additional information that could be useful:

Facts About Motorcycle Casualties

British Motorcycle Foundation Information About Safety

UK Road Accident Statistics


Guide by Wheeler

Edited by Billing

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