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How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Caffe Nero Accident?

Caffe Nero is a chain of coffee shops founded in 1991 and are now an established and extremely popular brand of coffee shops across Europe and in the UK. Their popularity has grown significantly since they started out and just recently this year, 2017, Caffé Nero was voted as ‘Best store and Best Menu’ at the Sweets and Coffee Awards having won numerous other awards in previous years.

Whether you are an employee of Caffe Nero or one of their customers, if you have been involved in an accident at one of their stores such as falling on a slippery floor or perhaps suffering a burn from hot food or drink, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation for the injuries you have sustained.

Caffe Nero is responsible for the safety of their staff and customers alike while on their premises. They are required by law to have health and safety measures put in place to protect staff and customers from potential harm, but unfortunately accidents can and do still happen, often due to negligence. If appropriate safeguards are not put in place within the store, then this can be seen as neglecting the duty of care and so Caffe Nero could be found liable for compensation for injuries you may have sustained and any financial costs and losses incurred as a direct result of your accident.

Caffe Nero accident claims often occur due to the growing popularity of the chain and many more people visiting their stores sometimes causing what could be perceived as a busy and occasionally chaotic environment increasing the likelihood of an accident occurring. Legal Expert has a wealth of experience in personal injury claims and could help you to get the compensation you deserve on a No Win No Fee basis.

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Can I claim for an accident at Caffe Nero?

Caffe Nero have a duty of care to have health and safety procedures put in place in all of their stores to help prevent accidents occurring that may cause injury to either their customers or their staff. Failing this, if someone does suffer an injury, compensation can be sought.

If an employee is burned at Caffe Nero whilst working, or had slipped over whilst carrying out their duties for example, they could possibly be entitled to claim compensation. If it was found that the actions leading to the accident were due to procedures and safety measures being inadequate or not being followed correctly, they could file a claim against Caffe Nero as they would be seen as liable for neglecting their duty of care.

Caffe Nero

Caffe Nero

Customers who have suffered an injury whilst on the premises of Caffe Nero due to an accident because of negligence can also file a claim. Whether it be that you have suffered a burn, fallen down due to slipping or tripping over, or have suffered food poisoning for example, you should qualify to make Caffe Nero compensation claims.

Caffe Nero do not currently work as a franchise business in the UK and all UK stores are therefore company operated. Any Caffe Nero injury claim will be made directly against the company itself. Legal Expert specialise in personal injury claims and can help you to make sure your claim is a success.

Caffe Nero Accident Claims

There are many potential accidents that can occur in coffee shops and regular risk assessments and updates on health and safety procedures should take place to try to reduce the risks as much as possible. However, even with these in place, accidents unfortunately still happen often due to human error and negligence. Some of the potential accidents that can occur are:

Slippery Floors –

If there is a liquid or food on the floor, this will tend to make the floor surface slippery and therefore a hazard. The floor needs to be immediately dealt with so as to reduce the likelihood of someone slipping over and hurting themselves. On wet, rainy days the floor nearest the entrance needs to be kept as dry as possible as well by the use of matting and even regular mopping to soak up excess water coming off people’s shoes and dripping from umbrellas. ‘Wet floor’ signs should also be positioned to remind people to take extra care as the floor may be more slippery than usual.

Slipping over could cause a number of injuries such as bruising, broken or fractured bones, and in extreme circumstances even death if someone was to hit their head hard.

Tripping over –

There are many reasons for someone tripping over. It could be something left on the floor in the way, furniture placed awkwardly, uneven flooring such as floorboards sticking up or slight steps that aren’t signposted, rugs or carpets caught up and so on. Again, many injuries could occur when tripping over similar to that of a fall.

Burns and scalding –

The hot drinks and hot food being served can be a risk for causing burns or scalds to not only the customers but to staff too. If someone gets a burn because a hot drink gets spilt over them or perhaps the food burns their mouth, there’s a possibility that they could claim compensation.

Caffe Nero need to ensure that their staff are trained properly so that they are not preparing food or drink that is too hot to consume. Another reason for ensuring the staff have sufficient training is to make sure that they can operate the appliances used to make the hot drinks and food properly and so lessening the risks of them having an accident causing burns or scalding.

Food Poisoning –

If staff are insufficiently trained in food preparation, food poisoning may occur usually because of food being undercooked. Also though, staff need to make sure that the food used is stored correctly, in date and sourced from reputable manufacturers. Food poisoning can range from being fairly mild to potentially life threatening.

Broken or damaged furniture –

If the seating is damaged, it could cause an accident such as collapsing when sat on, resulting in someone being injured. Also, tables that are broken or damaged increase the risk of hot drinks being spilt which could lead to a Caffe Nero customer burn or a slippery floor so also posing an increased risk of a customer or staff slipping over resulting in injury.

Rest Room –

Toilets that are broken or leaking, again, can pose an increased risk of injury due to the risk of falling or slipping over.

There are many potential accidents that could happen and Caffe Nero need to ensure that the health and safety procedures are followed with due care and attention at all times.

Caffe Nero are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of all of their staff and customers and failing to do this could lead to expensive lawsuits filed against them by people making Caffe Nero compensation claims.

Burned by a hot drink at Caffe Nero

Employee burned at Caffe Nero –

If you are an employee and have been burnt whilst at work at Caffe Nero, you may be eligible to make a compensation claim. Accidents involving being burnt by a hot drink could be caused by lack of training of the appliances, faulty coffee machines, messy work area resulting in tripping and touching or spilling hot items and so on. All employees should receive sufficient training to make sure that they can operate the appliances used to make the hot drinks and food safely. All health and safety procedures should be followed with care.

Caffe Nero customer burn –

If you have been burned whilst at a Caffe Nero as a customer, you could possibly make a successful Caffe Nero accident claim. Most coffee shops have warnings on their cups about them being hot and also put an extra sleeve on to stop people burning themselves whilst holding their drink. If you have burnt your hand or dropped a hot drink over yourself because it was too hot to hold and there wasn’t a warning, you would be able to claim for compensation for your injuries sustained and the pain and suffering you endured. Similarly, if you have had a hot drink spilt over you due to the negligence of staff at Caffe Nero and/or inadequate safety policies being in place, you could make a claim.

Legal Expert can help you to decide whether you have a case for claiming against Caffe Nero if you have suffered an injury after being burned by a hot drink at one of their stores.

Caffe Nero hot food burns

Both staff and customers could potentially have a burn accident at Caffe Nero from hot food. Appliances in the kitchen such as toasters, grills and ovens pose a risk to staff, as does a deep fat fryer. The oil in a deep fat fryer can reach such temperatures as high as 160-190 degrees celcius and if it comes into contact with the skin, can cause severe damage.

If food is wrongly prepared and given to a customer too hot for consumption, they could end up with burns to their mouth and throat. The customer would be well within their rights to make Caffe Nero accident claims to be awarded compensation for the injuries they have sustained and the pain and suffering they have endured. The same would go for a member of staff if they were to burn themselves on hot food, it makes no difference that they are an employee.

If you have suffered burns due to hot food at a Caffe Nero store, we can help you get the compensation award you’re entitled to.

What to do if a member of staff or customer suffers a Caffe Nero burn

If you have suffered from a Caffe Nero burn there are a few things that you should do that is recommended by the NHS to treat the burn and symptoms.

  • Make sure to take off any clothing or jewellery near the area that is burnt, but if anything is stuck to the skin, leave it as pulling it off could cause extra damage.
  • Immediately apply cool, running water to the burn for at least twenty minutes. By doing this, it helps to cool the burnt skin down and will ease the pain slightly. Never use ice or icy water or any creams or substances that are greasy.
  • Keep yourself warm with extra clothes or a blanket being careful not to cover the burnt area particularly if you have suffered a burn on a large area.
  • Cover the burn with clingfilm.
  • Use painkillers to help ease the pain.
  • If the burn is to the eyes or face, stay upright for as long as possible to help reduce any swelling.

Any burns that are deep and larger than you hand, have caused the skin to go white and charred or have come out in blisters, get treated in the A&E of your local hospital.

Anyone, regardless of whether you are an employee or a customer, who has suffered a Caffe Nero burn can begin to start compensation claim proceedings as soon as you have had your burns treated and have an idea of your future prognosis of recovery.

Slip, trip and fall injuries at Caffe Nero

Slip, trips or falls can lead to serious injury to both employees and customers. Not only can the act of falling cause injury to them such as fractured or broken bones, there is also a risk to those around them who could be carrying hot food or drinks which then could pose a risk of added injuries such as burns.

Employees are probably the most at risk from having a fall. This is because being in the kitchen there is a higher chance of water or food being on the floor causing it to be slippery. Also there are appliances such as the freezer that could possibly have a leakage if it were to become faulty, leaving a spillage on the floor.

All spillages should be mopped up immediately to prevent any falls taking place and also ‘wet floor’ signs should be put in position to warn others of the potential danger.

Floors and walkways should be kept clear so as to remove the risk of tripping over something. Any flooring issues that could cause someone to trip over, should be either rectified or have a sign out nearby, for example, ‘mind the step’ etc.

If you have had a slip, trip or fall in a Caffe Nero and have suffered an injury as a result, give us a call at Legal Expert and we will endeavour to help you.

Coffee shop Barista injuries

Baristas in the coffee shop are the people that serve the customers, take payment, make up the customer’s orders, and clean and tidy the work areas, equipment and coffee machines.

Baristas are probably the most at risk whilst working at Caffe Nero as they are in regular use of the hot coffee making machines, spend time in the kitchen with other hot appliances and sharp utensils, and are usually rushing about. Without sufficient training in food preparation and the use of any of the hot appliances, they are at risk of suffering an injury such as a burn, or cuts and lacerations when preparing food.

Coffee shops can get extremely busy and Baristas are often rushing about to get their customers served in a reasonable period of time and so due to the increased pressure and stress, less care may be taken when moving about, increasing the chances of slip, trips and falls and also carelessness when using the hot appliances or sharp utensils. Also during busy periods, the carrying out of health and safety procedures might be lacking.

If you are a Barista that has ended up with an injury whilst at work, give us a call and we will help you to begin your Caffe Nero accident claims.

Caffe Nero food poisoning claims

If you have become ill after eating at a Caffe Nero coffee shop, then you would be entitled to claim compensation for your suffering.

All Caffe Nero stores should provide adequate training in food handling, preparation and storage practices and also in hygiene regulations and procedures to make sure that they meet the standards set by The Food Standards Agency.

Without proper training, food may not be stored as it should, be prepared properly, or cooked properly leading to food poisoning. Food poisoning can range from mild to severe and make the person who has it, feel very unwell. Symptoms are usually sickness and diarrhoea, abdominal cramping and sometimes a fever.

If you believe you have suffered with food poisoning from a Caffe Nero, get in touch with us, Legal Expert, and we will help you as best as we can.

What can I claim for after a personal injury?

There are a number of items to take into consideration when making a personal injury claim for compensation such as:

  • General Damages – The pain and suffering you have experienced due to your injury is reflected in the amount awarded.
  • Care Claim – If you have had to have assistance around the house while you recover, the person who has cared for you can file a claim.
  • Loss of earnings – If you have lost income since sustaining an injury at Caffe Nero, and are possibly going to lose future income, then this will be taken into consideration.
  • Medical Expenses – Any expenses incurred as a direct result of the accident should be included in your claim.
  • Travel Expenses – Any extra travel costs that you have incurred such as travelling to hospital, extra travel arrangements, vehicle adaptions etc. due to the injuries sustained in the accident, should be included when making your claim.

No Win No Fee Caffe Nero injury claims

You’ll be pleased to know that all our solicitors at Legal Expert work on a No Win No Fee basis and so give everyone then opportunity to claim compensation for their injury, no matter what their current financial situation. No Win No Fee basically means that you will only pay a fee once the case is successful. If in the unlikely event it is unsuccessful, you do not pay a penny. There are no upfront costs or any financial outlay at all. We simply take a small percentage of the compensation amount awarded to you when it is paid out.

If you were to go with an hourly paid solicitor, then you will be required to pay the legal fees throughout your case and that’s without any guarantee of a win at the end. With us and our No Win No Fee policy, there is no financial risk at all, you can only gain.

How much can I claim for an injury in Caffe Nero?

It would be very difficult to give you an exact amount of the compensation you would receive. The amount awarded reflects the severity of the injury, treatment time, recovery time, future prognosis and of course the pain and suffering you have endured. As you can imagine, injuries can range from fairly minor to very severe and so each and every Caffe Nero injury claim is very different making it impossible to give you an exact amount of what we think you may be awarded.

However, in the table below is some average payout amounts to at least give you an idea of what you may receive should your claim be successful.

Reason for Compensation Average amount awarded Comments
Pain and suffering £1,000 – £200,000 The amount a person is awarded will depend upon the level of pain and suffering they have endured.
Loss of earnings £10,000 – £400,000 Lost earnings will be taking into account as well as any potential future earnings.
Minor Body Scarring £1,800 – £5,950 Minor scarring that is only noticeable when close-up.
Moderate Body Scarring £6,575 Permanent scarring that will only be noticable when close up or when talking to someone face to face.
Severe Body Scarring £5,950 – £17,275 Permanent scarring that would be noticable from a longer distance.
Minor Knee injury £4,750 – £19,600 Short term damage to the knee causing pain and loss of movement.
Moderate Knee injury £22,250 – £33,200 Long term damage causing on going pain and loss of movement of the knee.
Severe knee injury £39,700 – £72,970 Permanent loss of movement to one or both knees and continuing pain and suffering.
Minor Elbow injury £3,100 – £9,750 Short term slight loss of movement and pain.
Moderate Elbow injury £11,400 – £23,900 Partial loss of movement of the elbow causing ongoing pain.
Severe Elbow injury £29,200 – £42,250 Total loss of movement of the elbow, surgery could possibly be needed.
Wrist injury Minor – severe £2,550 – £44,500 Minor sprains causing short term pain, to total loss of movement of one or both wrists.
Minor back injury £350 – £9,850 Damage to back is temporary with short term pain.
Moderate back injury £8,750 – 30,750 Damage to the back with long term ongoing pain.
Severe back injury £29,750 – £123,300 Paralysis and loss of motor function.

What should you do after a Caffe Nero accident?

When you have been involved and injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, there are a number of actions you should try to take in order to gain evidence for your claim, these are:

  • Medical Report – Firstly, get your injuries checked out by a medical professional and begin treatment as soon as possible. Not only is that important to do for your health’s sake, it will also provide you with a medical record that will have all the details of your injury, recommended treatment, predicted recovery period etc.
  • Photos – Take as many photos as you can of the injury so that you can provide visual proof of the pain and suffering you have experienced.
  • Witnesses – If there are any witnesses to your accident, get their contact details so that you can take a statement from then. Witness statements can really help to strengthen your case.
  • Write it down – It may sound daft, but write everything you can remember about the accident down as it may be useful at a later date whilst making your claim.
  • Expenses – Keep proof of any extra expenses that you have incurred as a direct result of the accident.

Why choose us for your Caffe Nero accident claim?

Our solicitors have many years of experience in personal injury claims such as yours. They have a brilliant track record of successful claims with the maximum payout amounts for our clients, our reputation really does speak for itself, you only need to look at all the great feedback we have received.

We specialise in dealing with injury claims such as Caffe Nero accident claims and lots of similar cases and so you can have every confidence that we know what we are doing.

We are honest, professional, caring and reliable, and will not let you down. We will do our best to make the process of your claim run as smooth and as efficiently as possible so you don’t have to deal with any extra stress or worries. We will focus on securing your compensation, and so you can concentrate on getting yourself better.

Making a Caffe Nero accident claim

Making a compensation claim can often be quite a complicated and sometimes frustrating process. However, having someone else such as Legal Expert to take the reigns’ can be a great help and weight off of your mind. All you need do to start your compensation claim, is to call us. When we answer your call, you will be speaking to a member of our professional team. We will offer you a free consultancy session where you can use the time to ask as many questions as you wish regarding your claim. We will also use this time to ask you some questions too so that we can get a better understanding of your case. We will also offer you a free local medical at a time that is convenient to you if we feel it could help to strengthen your case.

Once we have all the information we need and you are happy, we will begin to launch your Caffe Nero accident claim. As mentioned earlier in the guide, we work on a No Win No Fee basis so you’ve no need to worry about any legal costs as we only take payment when your compensation claim award has been released.

Call for free advice and to start a claim

If you have any queries regarding making a compensation claim against Caffe Nero, please do not hesitate to call us on 0800 073 8804. A member of our professional and friendly team will answer your call and will try to help you in any way that they can. They will answer any questions you may have and can explain the claiming process if you are unsure of what happens. With your go ahead, we can start your claim and get you the compensation amount you deserve.

Useful Links

NHS guide

This link leads to the NHS guide for treating burns and scalds

HSE case study

This link leads to a case study involving an accident resulting in burns.

No Win No Fee guide

This link leads to Legal Experts guide providing extra information about claiming on a No Win No Fee basis.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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