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Glasgow International Airport Accident Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation From A Personal Injury At Glasgow Airport Scotland

Glasgow International airport has been serving Scotland since 1966 and operates flights to 100 + destinations around the world. It is a very popular airport, Scotland’s second largest and for most travellers offers a safe and comfortable departure area prior to holidays and business trips alike.

Glasgow International airport

Glasgow International airport

That said, if you’ve been involved in an accident at Glasgow International airport then you may have been injured in such a way that your trip was ruined, or your injuries have caused long term issues which means you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

If you’d like to use the Legal Expert no win no fee service to begin a claim today, then please call us directly on 0800 073 8804 and one of our team will assess your claim with you.

It’s important to note that accidents can be claimed for by passengers, staff and visitors to the airport (not just passengers as many people may believe). Legal Expert can help with claims from anybody injured while in the airport.

If you’d like to know more first, then please carry on reading this useful guide which will cover everything you may need to know prior to making a claim.

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A Guide To Glasgow International Airport Accident Claims

Glasgow International has one main runway that serves over 100,000 flights a year and nearly 10 million passengers. It is predominantly the main airport used for long haul flights out of Scotland around the world.

The airport is home to 30 different airlines and has two terminal buildings which, in general runs smoothly every day but for some accidents can and do happen.

This guide will explain what you should do in the event of an accident at Glasgow International airport, the most common types of accident that lead to compensation payments, how to choose the right personal injury lawyer and how Legal Expert can help you with a no win no fee agreement.

There are strict time limits on all personal injury claims in the UK which, in general, is 3 years from the point the accident occurred but this can be reduced if the accident happens on a flight. To ensure you’re within the time limits we’d advise that you begin a claim as soon as you return to the UK to allow your solicitor as much time as possible to begin preparing the supporting evidence required to back up your claim.

What Accidents Can Happen In An Airport?

There are numerous types of accident that can happen in an airport and this guide will cover the most common. The accident could involve a passenger waiting for their flight to depart, an employee of the airport (or one of the retail outlets based there), contractors (i.e. delivering products to the airport) or any other visitor at the airport.

To be able to successfully claim compensation for an airport injury you need to be able to prove that:

  • The defendant (the airport or outlet based there) owed you a duty of care,
  • They breached their duty in some way,
  • And that, because they breached their duty, you were involved in an accident and sustained an injury.

This is the case for anybody injured at an airport and any personal injury lawyer would assess this first before agreeing to take on a case. If you’re unsure of any part of the above then speak with one of our advisers who have the knowledge to advise if you have a valid claim or not.

Airport And Air Transport Accident Statistics

According to statistics released by the Health and Safety Executive, the majority of accidents involving staff based at an airport are caused by manual lifting, slips and falls, being struck by an object and falling from height.

The stats go on to reveal that there are around 94 major accidents to employees for ever 100,000 members of staff. These accidents may be the fault of the employee or it is also possible they were the result of employer negligence which could’ve led to a compensation claim against the airport or other employer.

Common Airport Accidents And Incidents

The following few sections of this guide will cover the most common types of airport injuries that lead to clients seeking compensation payments. It is just a small sample of the most common injuries and, even if you don’t see your type of accident listed here, Legal Expert can help with any claim where somebody else was deemed to have caused an accident.

Airport Slip, Trip, And Fall Accidents

While slips and trips sometimes seem like innocuous accidents with an element of humour attached to them, they can lead to very serious injuries and cause pain for many months or years following the accident.

The types of injuries sustained can include soft tissue damage, muscle tears, fractures, head injuries and back injuries some of which can be so serious that multiple visits to surgery are required.

An airport could be deemed responsible for a slip or fall in instance such as:

  • A wet or slippery floor where no warning signs were visible.
  • A trip hazard being obscured by poor, damaged or faulty lighting.
  • Damaged flooring (including kerb stones or paving slabs in the car park or outside the airport).

If you believe you’ve been involved in a fall because of something the airport could’ve prevented, then please contact our team today.

Glasgow International Airport Vehicle Crashes

Airports are generally very busy places and with the number of people that need to be moved around the airport, there are a number of different vehicles in use on a daily basis.

If you’re involved in an accident involving a vehicle at an airport, then you could make a claim. The claim may be made against somebody other than the airport depending on the vehicle and where the accident happened. This can cause confusion, but our personal injury solicitors have the experience to determine how to direct the claim on your behalf.

The types of vehicle accidents that can be cause injuries at an airport include:

  • Trams, trains or buses within the airport used to move passengers from terminals to planes.
  • Buses used to transfer passengers from car parks to the airport lobby.
  • Electric vehicles used within the airport for cleaning or assisting disabled passengers.
  • Transfer vehicles such as buses or taxis used to move passengers from their hotel to the airport.

Please get in contact if you been hurt by any type of vehicle in an airport accident so we can help you to make a compensation claim if somebody else was at fault.

Baggage Carousel And Luggage Trolley Injuries

Collecting your luggage following a holiday or business trip is often the most tedious part of any trip but it can be made even worse if you become injured while waiting for your luggage to arrive.

If you’re injured because luggage falls from a carousel or your injured by a damaged carousel or luggage trolley, then you could be eligible to make a claim against the airport operator.

Suitcase And Luggage Trips And Slips

Without a doubt, one of the most common sights within an airport is suitcases. They are obviously very useful but left in the wrong place they can become serious trip hazards.

If you’ve tripped over either a travel suitcase or hand luggage that has been left in an inappropriate location within the airport, then you may be able to make a claim for the injuries you sustained.

Escalator, Travelator, Lift, And Stair Accidents

Airports are such vast places that it’s impossible to get around them without the use of lifts, stairs, escalators and travelators. Whilst these all make travelling across the airport much easier, accidents can happen while using them which could ruin your holiday and even delay your trip. The types of accident that could lead to a compensation claim include:

  • Tripping when exiting a lift because it didn’t stop at the right place meaning that the door and exit were not level with each other.
  • Falling down stairs because a handrail was damaged or missing.
  • Getting an item of clothing or a limb trapped in the gap between a travelator or escalator and the wall.
  • Falling in a lift when it stops suddenly.
  • Being stuck in a lift for any amount of time or being trapped in the doors.

If any of these sound like the cause of an your accident in Glasgow International airport then you may be entitled to compensation so please contact us today.

Shops And Places To Dine At Glasgow International Airport

Here are some of the more popular shops based at Glasgow International airport for your information:

  • Boots
  • Celtic Football Club
  • Aerospa
  • Dixons Travel
  • JD Sports
  • Fat Face
  • Accessorize
  • Swarovski
  • Sunglass Hut
  • Jo Malone Bobbi Brown
  • Victoria’s Secret
  • Travelex
  • WH Smith
  • Tesco Express

And here is a list of the eateries available while waiting for your flight:

  • Bread &
  • Beer &
  • James Martin Kitchen
  • Caledonia Bar and Restaurant
  • Beardmore Bar and Restaurant
  • Mozzo Café
  • Frankie and Benny’s
  • Krispy Crème
  • Starbucks
  • The Sandpiper
  • The Sanderling
  • Panopolis
  • Scotland and Sea

Remember, claims can be made for passengers using these outlets as well as staff who work in them, if somebody else was to blame.

Glasgow International Airport Workplace Accident Claims

As with all employers in the UK, Glasgow International airport and the companies based within it, owe their staff a duty of care to provide a safe working environment and to reduce the chance of accidents in the workplace.

Your employer could be held liable for any injury if:

  • They didn’t train you or other members of staff properly and that was the cause of your accident.
  • They didn’t provide you with adequate safety equipment.
  • They didn’t maintain equipment or machinery properly.
  • They failed to risk assess procedures regularly.

If you’ve been injured in an accident at Glasgow International airport whilst working there and believe that your employer has failed to meet their health and safety obligations then please enquire with one of our personal injury solicitors about the chances of successfully claiming compensation against your employer.

Workplace Baggage Handler Personal Injury Claims

As a baggage handler at an airport you may be exposed to risky working conditions in a fast-paced environment. Amongst other things, your employer should always ensure that:

  • You have received full training in manual lifting
  • You are provided with adequate rest periods
  • There is equipment or machinery that can assist with heavy lifting (and that you’re trained in its use)
  • You are provided with adequate protective equipment such as hard boots

You could seek compensation in situations where you’ve been injured and the above criteria have not been met in some way.

Claiming Compensation For Airport Food Poisoning Or Exposure To Food Allergens

The chances of suffering from food poisoning or allergic reactions when health and safety procedures have been followed correctly are extremely low. All restaurants within an airport will have strict guidelines in place to try and prevent customers becoming ill but in busy times or because of faulty equipment the procedures can be skipped.

Food poisoning happens when the food is prepared, stored, cooked or reheated incorrectly or in an unhygienic way and can lead to serious illnesses, caused a passenger to miss a flight or become ill after they’ve arrived at their destination (as food poisoning doesn’t always present itself immediately).

Allergic reactions occur when a sufferer is exposed to an allergen that they were not aware was contained within a meal because of poor labelling.

In either of these cases, you could sue the airport restaurant to compensate you for the pain and suffering caused. In the case of a more serious illness or fatality (in worst cases situations), you could claim on behalf of a loved one who is unable to claim themselves.

How To Begin A Glasgow International Airport Accident Claim

There are some key steps that you can take at the point an airport accident happens:

  • Seek medical treatment as soon as possible (this will ensure you get any required medicine or treatment and also a medical record will be created which is essential when making a claim as it documents your injury and its severity).
  • Photograph the scene of the accident and capture as much information as possible including the cause.
  • Ask witnesses for their contact details as we can gather witness statements at a later date.
  • Report the accident to staff who should log it in an accident report. Ask for a copy if possible or take the name of the member of staff you spoke to.
  • Contact Legal Expert when you return to the UK.

Your first instinct may not be to gather evidence to support a compensation claim (which you may not even be thinking about) but it will certainly make any future claim much easier to process so it’s worth spending some time on.

What Damages Can I Claim When Injured At An Airport?

All personal injury claims can be made up of a number of different elements depending on what affect the accident had on the claimant. These include general damages (the pain and suffering caused by the accident), any medical expenses, any additional travel costs, the costs of getting someone to care for you while in recovery and loss of earnings which can occur when you are unable to attend work as often while you’re in recovery.

With any financial part of a claim we’d recommend that you keep receipts or bank statements as evidence of your financial loss.

It is also possible to claim compensation for the cost of repairing or replacing any item of personal property that was damaged during your accident. For instance, if your phone was smashed during your accident then you could request the cost of replacing the screen in your compensation claim.

Glasgow Airport Accident Personal Injury Claims Calculator

New clients often ask how much compensation they’ll be entitled to but that is a very difficult figure to provide until we fully understand the exact nature of your claim as every case we deal with is pretty much unique.

What we can provide at the outset is the table below which details the amounts of compensation offered for some injuries under the ‘General Damages’ element of your claim:

Type of Injury Further Info Range of payment
Minor Injuries Full recovery within 4 weeks £600 to £1,200
Minor Injuries Full recovery within 1 week A few hundred pounds – £600
Food Allergy Severe symptoms that can cause fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, and acute pain. £33,700 to £46,040
Food Allergy Serious food poisoning but with a quick recovery £3,460 to £8,360
Upper Limb Disorders Continuing bilateral disability with surgery and loss of employment. £19,210 to £20,280
Hip injuries A serious injury but with a good chance of recovery and very limited ongoing problems £3,460 to £11,040
Moderate Ankle Injury A fracture that causes permanent but less serious disability such as pain when climbing stairs £12,050 to £23,310
Scarring – medium Scars which are able to be camouflaged or a series of smaller scars £3,460 to £12,050
Scarring deemed to be trivial Minor effects only £1,500 to £3,090

We have only provided a small sample of the types of injuries that are claimed for following an airport accident so don’t worry if yours isn’t listed. Please contact one of our team for further information about how much compensation you may be entitled to.

No Win No Fee Glasgow International Airport Injury Claims

No win no fee agreements make claiming for compensation much easier, risk free and stress free as well because you never actually have to send your personal injury solicitor any funds.

They operate in the same ways a more traditional solicitor who charges by the hour, in that they have to put the claim together in the same way, but they only charge you if they win the case.

When you agree to a no win no fee service, you’ll be told a fixed percentage of your compensation that will go to the solicitor to pay for their services.

If they win the case, then they keep the agreed percentage and then send the rest of the compensation to you directly.

If they lose, then they don’t charge you anything for their service at all which we believe is the fairest way to make compensation claims.

How Our Legal Experts Can Help You To Claim Damages

Legal Expert have worked on personal injury claims over many years and always strive to win as much compensation for our clients as possible.

The team are friendly, professional and always honest when assessing the chances of successfully claiming compensation.

We are available to answer any questions that you may have during your claim and offer no win no fee agreements on all cases that we take on.

How To Contact Our Team

Now that you’ve read the whole of this guide about claiming compensation for accidents in Glasgow International airport, we hope that you’d like to engage with Legal Expert to begin your accident claim. If so, you can contact us by using any of the following methods:

  • Telephone: Call us free on 0800 073 8804
  • Email: Send a message to office@legalexpert.co.uk and we’ll call you back at a time that suits you.
  • Online: Fill in this simple online form to begin your claim.
  • Live Chat: Our advisers are available 7 days a week to answer any questions that you may have regarding personal injury claims.

When you get in touch, we’ll begin by offering you a free initial consultation where we’ll assess your claim and offer you free advice about what steps you should take next and whether we believe you have a good chance of successfully claiming compensation or not.

Additional Resources

Hopefully you’ve read all of the information you need that will help you to decide whether to claim for compensation or not. Here are a few more relevant guides which you may find useful as well:

The Civil Aviation Authority – A guide about how the CAA works with the Health and Safety executive to ensure passengers are safe at UK airports

The Health and Safety At Work Act – The UK government legislation that protects employees while in their work place.

Food Allergy Claims – a more detailed guide about the causes of food allergies and reasons you may be able to claim compensation.

Claiming Compensation for Somebody Else – a guide that explains under what circumstances you may be able claim compensation on behalf of a loved one.

Further Helpful Guides

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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