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How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Leisure Centre Accident?

Last Updated 12th Novemeber 2024. When we go to a leisure centre, we expect to get fit and have fun. No matter whether you’re going to enjoy the gym, taking your children to a swimming class, or anything else, you should be provided with an environment that is completely safe and healthy. If the leisure centre has failed in their duty to provide you with this, and you or your child has been injured as a consequence, you deserve to be compensation. This is where Legal Expert comes in. We have many years of experience in leisure centre accident claims and we can help you to get the compensation you deserve.

A leisure centre swimming pool

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How Much Compensation For Leisure Centre Accident Claims?

Leisure centre accident compensation can be made up of two types of damages or heads of loss, known as general and special damages.

General damages are to compensate for the injuries suffered. There are several factors that impact the size of injury compensation including the severity of the injuries, how long it takes to recover (if at all) and how the symptoms affected your life or hobbies.

To help generate an estimated value of general damages, legal advisors can refer to a document called the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). Inside this document is a list of injuries and a suggested compensation bracket for them.

The JCG are just guidelines, and no figures are guaranteed, but this can be a good source of information to help value injury compensation. Below are bullet points of some injuries and compensation brackets from the JCG for illustration.

Please note that the first bullet point does not come from the JCG.

    • Multiple Severe Injuries and Financial Losses – Up To £1,000,000 +
    • A Very Severe Brain Injury with little meaningful ability to interact with the environment – £344,150 to £493,000
    • A Moderately Severe Brain Injury with severe disability – £267,340 to £344,150
    • A Severe Back Injury with damage to the spinal cord and nerve roots – £111,150 to £196,450
    • A Moderate Back Injury such as compression fractures and residual disability – £33,880 to £47,320
    • A Minor Back Injury where full recovery is between 2 and 5 years – £9,630 to £15,260
    • A Severe Leg Injury that is serious such as a compound fracture – £47,840 to £66,920
    • A Less Serious Leg Injury such as fractures from which an incomplete recovery is made – £21,920 to £33,880
    • A Severe Knee Injury with the risk of some degenerative change – £31,960 to £53,030
    • A Moderate Ankle Injury such as fractures or ligament tears with less serious disability – £16,770 to £32,450

Leisure centre accident claims can also include special damages. These are not present in every case but are for the financial impact the injuries have had. If financial losses are caused by the injuries and they can be evidenced sufficiently, then they could be included in your claim.

Some common examples of financial losses include:

  • Loss of earnings
  • Missed work bonuses
  • Care costs
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Travel expenses

Other financial losses could be included in compensation for an accident at a leisure centre, and our advisors can answer any questions when you make contact. Why not call today for a free case assessment?

What Is A Leisure Centre Accident?

A leisure centre accident is any type of accident that happens while at this type of facility. This can be anything from a swimming pool accident to an incident involving an employee of the leisure centre. So long as the accident in question was not your fault, you will be able to claim.

Leisure Centre Swimming Pool Accidents – Can I Claim Compensation?

There are many different types of accidents that can happen at leisure centre swimming pools. If you or your child has been injured in a swimming pool and it was not your fault, you can make a claim for compensation. There are a number of ways the leisure centre could be at fault. This includes not having the correct supervision in the form of adequately trained lifeguards, as well as failing to maintain the swimming pool correctly, which could lead to illness. Other possibilities include hazards around the swimming pool, as well as broken tiles and insufficient access for getting in and out of the pool. High levels of health and safety need to be maintained in such environments. Failure to maintain such high levels of safety need to be addressed and you deserve justice in the form of a compensation payout.

Slip Trip And Fall Leisure Centre Accidents – Do I Have A Claim?

Leisure centre slips trips and falls are certainly quite common. The key in these claims is being able to prove that the leisure centre is to blame. If you have fallen over because you were being clumsy, then you won’t be entitled to compensation. However, if the leisure centre failed to adequately mark a wet floor, you may have the grounds for compensation. Also, don’t forget that a leisure centre car park accident will also be covered. After all, the company is responsible for this area of their business too, even though it is outside. If you have fallen because of a pothole or a broken pavement, there is a high chance you will be entitled to a payout.

Leisure Centre Accident At Work Claims

We do not only help people that have been visiting leisure centres to make a claim, we have also helped many employees that have been the victims of leisure centre accidents at work. After all, all employers have a duty to provide a safe and healthy working environment for their staff. If they have failed to do this, and you have been injured as a consequence, you most certainly have the grounds to make a claim.

When it comes to leisure centre accident claims for employees, there are a number of ways that your employer could be to blame. For example, they may have failed to carry out risk assessments, they may have ignored the findings in risk assessments, they may not have provided you with the correct personal protective equipment, they may have given inadequate training, or they may have encouraged you to use facilities and equipment that was broken without you realising. These are just a few examples. If you are unsure as to whether you have the basis for a claim, please do not hesitate to give us a call.

What To Do If You Are Injured In A Leisure Centre Accident

If you have been involved in a leisure centre accident, it is important to take the steps to build a strong case. This includes the following:

  • Make a note of everything that happened – You should do this at the earliest opportunity, as it will make sure you do not forget any details later down the line. After all, you never know what could turn out to be important or what elements could be in breach of health and safety rules.
  • Get witness details – Did anyone witness the accident you were involved in? If so, you should make an effort to get their contact information. This includes their name, address and telephone number. This is because witness statements can really help to prove your account of things.
  • Take photos of the accident location – If there is any damage at the scene that will prove what has happened to you, make sure you take some photographs. If your injuries are visible, it is also a good idea to take photos of them too.
  • Keep proof of any expenses – You will be able to claim for any out-of-pocket expenses that you have been subjected to in the form of special damages. This includes anything from travel costs and loss of income to the cost of counselling and childcare expenses. However, to claim for all of this, you are going to need proof, so please hold onto receipts and any other documents that are relevant.

No Win No Fee Leisure Centre Accident Claims

An important thing to remember about our service is that we handle all leisure centre injury claims under No Win No Fee agreements. This may be a term that you have heard about previously, yet you might not be completely sure exactly what it entails. Let us tell you. It’s really simple! Basically, if we do not manage to ensure a compensation award for you, you won’t owe us any legal fees. This ensures that you are financially protected at all times throughout the claim process. You are never going to be in the position in which you don’t have any compensation but you have a monumental legal bill to fund. This won’t happen with us; you can be sure. This also leads to a number of other advantages that are worth mentioning too. For example, you can be sure that we will never give you false hope. We will only take your case forward to submit a claim if we believe it has a genuine chance of securing compensation.

Why Choose Us As Your Claims Service For Leisure Centre Accident Claims?

We understand that picking a personal injury law firm is a huge decision for you. You can rest assured that you are in safe hands when you turn to Legal Expert for your leisure centre accident claim. We have a lot of experience in leisure centre accident claims, and have helped many personal injury victims to get the maximum amount of compensation they deserve. We will assign a specialist solicitor to your case, giving you the greatest chance of the highest payout. Not only this, but we will always put your needs first. We are fully aware that this is an incredibly difficult time for you. We don’t want you to worry about your claim. We hope by taking stress from you, you can put your focus on getting better. We will handle everything else for you, and we will do so in an efficient and effective manner.

Contact Us For Free Leisure Centre Accident Advice And To Start A Claim

Whether you have been injured while working at a leisure centre or being the customer of a leisure centre, all you need to do is ring us for more information. You can reach the team at Legal Expert on 0800 073 8804. We will be more than happy to answer all of your questions, as well as informing you more about the claims process if you are unsure of anything. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can rest assured that our team will handle each call confidently.

A solicitor who is an expert in leisure centre accident claims works with a client.

Helpful links

HSE Leisure activities guide

This leads you to the UK Government’s Health and Safety Executive website. Here you will be able to view information on health and safety for leisure activities, including the law on this matter.

ROSPA – Accident statistics at home and at leisure

For insightful accident statistics, look no further. You will be able to view data on home and leisure accident statistics that have come from the Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance web database.

NHS Sports Injury Guide

This link takes you to the NHS guide on sporting injuries. This includes details on what causes sports injuries, what to do if you have such an injury, how to prevent sports injuries, as well as advice on treating a sports injury.

Accident at work – How much can I claim?

This is an updated guide on accident at work claims. You can find out how much compensation you may be entitled to. This is useful for those that have been injured while they were working at a leisure centre.

Further Helpful Guides

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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