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A Guide To Slip, Trip Or Fall In London Injury Claims

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 9th December 2024. This guide examines who might be eligible to make slip, trip or fall in London injury claims. London is one of the biggest cities in the world and every day millions of people travel into the city for work and tourism.

All these people combined with many old streets, steps and historical landmarks mean the risk of slipping and injuring yourself is increased. That’s why this guide covers key aspects of the claims process, including, the eligibility criteria to claim, how a slip and fall accident could occur and an explanation of how compensation is calculated for these types of claim.

You will also see a compensation table with some example payouts for your reference.

The final section of our guide looks at the No Win No Fee contract offered by our dedicated personal injury solicitors and explains how you can benefit when choosing to begin your claim with us.

If you reach the end of this guide and you still have unanswered questions, please call Legal Expert on 0800 073 8804 and speak to one of our team. They will be happy to answer any questions you have, and provide you with any additional information you need. Alternatively, you can fill in our contact us form and an advisor will call you at a time that suits you, or connect with an advisor immediately using our live chat.

Man falling on his back after slipping over in public

Select A Section

  1. Can I Claim For A Slip, Trip Or Fall In London?
  2. Where Do Slips, Trips, And Falls Commonly Happen?
  3. Time Limit For Slip, Trip Or Fall In London Claims
  4. I Was Injured In A Slip Or Fall In London, What Could I Claim Compensation For?
  5. Average Payout For Slip, Trip Or Fall In London Injury Claims
  6. No Win No Fee Slip Trip Or Fall In London Injury Claims
  7. Useful Guides And Resources

Can I Claim For A Slip, Trip Or Fall In London?

Certain parties will owe you a duty of care in different scenarios, such as the following:

  • In a public area – When you’re in a public space, such as a shop, hotel or a park, the controller of that space owes you a duty of care under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. As part of their duty, the controller should take steps to ensure your reasonable safety while you are in the public area.
  • While at work – Employees are owed a duty of care by their employer while they’re at work. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 establishes that employers should take reasonable steps to protect their staff from harm while they are in the workplace and performing their work-related duties.

If you are injured by a slip, trip or fall in London, you may be eligible to claim compensation if you can prove the following:

  • You were owed a duty of care.
  • The accident happened because the party that owed you a duty of care breached it.
  • You were injured because of this breach.

For more advice about claiming for a trip or slip and fall, what the law says about such accidents or how much compensation may be offered, please contact our advisors for free today.

Where Do Slips, Trips, And Falls Commonly Happen?

Before we look at slip, trip or fall in London injury claims, let’s look at how these types of accidents could happen.

Slips, trips, or falls can happen anywhere and have many causes. They can happen in a public place, such as walking down the street or visiting the library, and they can happen in private buildings such as a friend’s home, or your place of work. For example:

  • A restaurant where food has been spilt on the floor.
  • A supermarket where liquid has been spilt on the floor.
  • A public carpark with a damaged or badly laid curbstone.
  • Walking down a street with potholes or broken paving
  • A hotel room with a frayed or torn carpet.
  • A hospital, on a stairwell with a broken safety rail.

As you can see, the ways that these accidents can happe are limitless; these they can happen almost anywhere. No matter where your slip, trip or fall took place, Legal Expert should be able to help you make a claim. Call us on the number at the end of this guide to find out how.

Time Limit For Slip, Trip Or Fall In London Claims

If you’re thinking about making slip, trip or fall in London injury claims, please be aware that there is a time limit within which you must begin your legal proceedings.

In general, you have a deadline of three years within which you must make a personal injury claim. The exception to this is if you have developed an illness or disease due to the actions of a third party. In this case, the three-year limit will run from the time the medical conditions is first diagnosed.

If you are fast approaching your personal injury claim deadline of three years, please give Legal Expert a call on the number at the end of this page today. Inform us that you are running out of time, and we should be able to expedite a claim for you.
Wet floor sign inside a building

I Was Injured In A Slip Or Fall In London, What Could I Claim Compensation For?

If you’re thinking about making slip, trip or fall in London injury claims, you may also be wondering how much you could be entitled to.

When claimants are compensated for slips, trips, and falls, the settlement will be comprised of a number of different types of damages. The damages they receive will be driven by the circumstances of their accident, but could include:

  • Special damages to compensate for financial and ad-hoc losses:
    • Care costs – to pay for in-home help or nursing.
    • Medical fees – to pay for the cost of private medical treatment.
    • Travel costs – if the claimant has had to travel for treatment, or due to the claim itself.
    • Loss of income – if the claimant has had to take time away from work and has lost out on income because of this.
    • Loss of future earnings – if the claimant will have a reduced capacity for working in the future due to their injuries.
    • Ad-hoc losses – any other losses, such as missing a holiday that had already been paid for.
  • General damages to compensate for all of the physical symptoms of the injury:
    • Mental trauma – for the shock and trauma of the accident, and also the emergency treatment received.
    • Pain and suffering – that was caused by the initial accident, and that was experienced during emergency treatment.
    • Psychological injuries – such as anxiety, depression or PTSD.
    • Painful recovery – if there will be a long and painful period while the claimant is recovering from their injuries.
    • Permanent disability – if the claimant will be left with a reduced quality of life due to a disability such as brain damage, loss of a limb, or paralysis.

The types of damages you can claim will be unique to your accident. Call Legal Expert on the number at the end of the page, and we can give you an indication of what we think you could claim for.

For more information about slip, trip or fall in London injury claims, please continue reading.

Average Payout For Slip, Trip Or Fall In London Injury Claims

Knowing the average payout for a slip and fall in the UK may not be helpful to you. This is due to the differences in claims as discussed above.

However, this section looks at the compensation brackets in the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). The JCG is a document that provides guideline claiming figures for different injuries. Legal professionals use it to help them assign value to general damages in England and Wales.

Compensation Table

We have used a selection of the JCG figures, apart from the first entry, in our table here. It is important we emphasise that this information has been provided for guidance purposes only.

Injury TypeSeverityCompensation Guideline
Multiple very serious injuries and special damagesVery SeriousUp to £250,000+
Back injurySevere (a)(i)£111,150 to £196,450
Other Arm InjuriesSevere injuries (a)£117,360 to £159,770
Foot injuryVery severe (c)£102,470 to £133,810
Ankle injuryVery severe (a)£61,090 to £85,070
Hand injurySerious Hand Injuries (e)£35,390 to £75,550
Wrist injuryComplete Loss of Function (a)£58,710 to £73,050
Neck injurySevere (a)(iii)£55,500 to £68,330
Toe injurySevere injuries (c)£16,770 to £25,710

You may have questions about how trip or fall compensation is awarded, or maybe you need help using our compensation calculator. Our advisors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your queries. If you give them a call and they can also value your claim for free.

No Win No Fee Slip Trip Or Fall In London Injury Claims

If you’re thinking about making slip, trip or fall in London injury claims, you may be worrying about the cost of legal fees.

Legal Expert offers our national accident claims service to residents of London, and all across the UK, under a comprehensive No Win No Fee agreement. We strongly believe that our service is the simplest, most effect and risk-free way for you to have your claim processed.

When we first take your claim on, we don’t levy a fee at all. The same is true as we process your claim, even if it takes months to reach a settlement. If we fail to successfully win any compensation for you, then you walk away without paying a thing.

However, when we are successful in reaching a settlement, we will take our pre-agreed percentage of the money we received on your behalf as our fee. We will then send you the rest of the money. If you have any questions about how out accident claims service works, or are ready to move forward with your claim, please give us a call on the number below. One of our team will be ready to help you.

Are you ready to start making slip, trip or fall in London injury claims? Do you need the answer to questions such as, I slipped and fell at work what should I do? Have you been injured in a slip, trip or fall accident and want to know if you have a valid claim? Or are you ready to begin the claims process right now?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, call Legal Expert right now on 0800 073 8804. One of our team will be ready and waiting to deal with our questions, and help you get your claim started right away.

Man slipping over on wet floor near a wet floor warning sign

Useful Guides And Resources

Information on the Occupiers Liability Act can be found here:

The Occupiers Liability Act

Details of the Landlord and Tenant Act can be found here:

The Landlord and Tenant Act

You will find a guide to making a compensation claim for slipping on a wet floor at this link:

A guide to claiming if you have slipped on a wet floor

At the link below, you will find a guide to making a compensation claim if you have been injured by tripping over in a restaurant:

A guide to claiming if you have tripped in a restaurant

At the link beneath, is a guide to making a compensation claim for injuries received due to falling in a public park:

A guide to claiming if you have falling over in a public park

Learn more about making a jet ski injury or jet ski death claim with our helpful guide.

Get advice on claiming for injuries sustained by lifting heavy objects at work from our guide.

Thanks for reading our guide on how to make slip, trip or fall in London injury claims.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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