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Tinnitus Accident Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim?

By Cat Way. Last Updated 12th February 2024. Within this guide, we will discuss how compensation is calculated in tinnitus accident claims. Additionally, we will explain the eligibility criteria that these types of claims need to meet in order for them to be valid.

Furthermore, we will set out some examples of evidence that could be used to support a personal injury claim for tinnitus. Lastly, we will look at how one of our No Win No Fee solicitors could help you with claiming compensation.

Contact our friendly advisory team today to discuss your case and receive free advice. They can also help answer any questions you may have about the personal injury claims process. To connect with them today, you can:

A woman holding her ear due to severe tinnitus

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Compensation Amounts For Tinnitus Accident Claims

Compensation settlements for tinnitus accident claims could consist of two heads of loss. General damages is the first head of loss and is awarded to compensate you for the pain and suffering your injuries have caused you. It is awarded in all successful personal injury claims.

Those responsible for valuing your claim for general damages may refer to the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) for help. It lists compensation guidelines for different injuries ranging from minor to severe in severity. 

We have used some of these guidelines when creating the following table. Please only refer to it as a guide, as how much compensation you could receive will depend on the factors of your case. Please also note that the first entry has not been taken from the JCG.

Injury Severity Compensation Bracket Notes
Multiple Serious Injuries And Special Damages Serious Up to £50,000+ This would include multiple serious injuries as well as financial losses like loss of earnings, and the cost of prescriptions or travel.
Total Loss of Hearing in One Ear Severe £31,310 to £45,540 More severe cases will present with tinnitus as well as headaches and dizziness.
Tinnitus and/or Partial Hearing Losses Severe £29,710 to £45,540 Including tinnitus and noise induced hearing loss.
Noise Induce Hearing Loss (NIHL) and Tinnitus Moderate £14,900 to £29,710 Noise induced hearing loss as well as moderate tinnitus.
NIHL and Tinnitus Mild £12,590 to £14,900 Mild noise induced hearing loss as well as associated tinnitus.
NIHL and Tinnitus Very mild £7,360 to £12,590 Occasional or slight tinnitus as well as some slight noise induced hearing losses.
NIHL and Tinnitus Slight Up to £7,010 Some slight tinnitus and noise induced hearing loss.
1+ Whiplash Injuries N/A £4,215 Symptoms in this bracket last for 18-24 months.
1+ Whiplash Injuries & 1+ Psychological Injuries N/A £4,345 Symptoms in this bracket last for 18-24 months.

We hope this guide on tinnitus accident claims has been useful for you. If you are looking for more information on matters such as claiming for tinnitus, then you can contact Legal Expert advisors on the phone or online.

Can I Claim Special Damages Due To Ringing In My Ear After A Car Accident?

If you’ve experienced ear ringing after a car accident caused by another person’s negligence, you could potentially receive compensation for special damages. Special damages compensation is for the losses you’ve suffered financially because of your injury.

Financial losses you may be able to claim for include:

  • Loss of earnings – If you cannot work due to the injury, you could claim for loss of earnings or future loss of earnings, if the injury is permanent or long-term.
  • Travel costs – You may not be able to drive because of the injury. This could lead to you paying taxi or public transport costs that you could claim back.
  • Medical costs – You could, for instance, have prescription costs due to the injury.

If you’ve experienced both whiplash and tinnitus from the same accident, you may suffer financial losses from both injuries. You need to provide evidence (such as bank statements and receipts) to claim successfully for the financial losses.

If you would like to know more about claiming, please contact us for free using the details above.

Who Is Eligible To Make Tinnitus Accident Claims?

In order to be eligible to make a personal injury claim for tinnitus, you need to provide evidence that you meet the following criteria:

  • You were owed a duty of care.
  • This duty was breached.
  • You experienced harm as a result.

These three points form the basis of negligence in claims for a personal injury. If it can be proven that negligence occurred, you may be able to make a tinnitus compensation claim.

Claiming For Tinnitus After A Car Or Road Accident

Road users owe a duty of care to navigate the roads in a way that prevents harm or damage to themselves and others. To uphold this duty, they must adhere to the rules and regulations laid out in the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code.

If this duty is breached, it could lead to a road traffic accident that causes you to sustain tinnitus. For instance, when the air bags explode this can leave the occupants with ear damage.

Claiming For Tinnitus After A Workplace Accident

Employers have a duty of care placed on them by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. It states that they need to take reasonable and practicable steps in order to prevent employees sustaining an injury in the workplace or as they carry out their work tasks.

If this duty is breached by your employer, it could lead to an accident in which you sustain tinnitus. For example, you could suffer a head injury that damages your hearing.

For more information on claiming compensation for tinnitus, call our team on the number above.

Do I Need Evidence To Claim Compensation For Tinnitus?

One step of the tinnitus compensation claims process that a solicitor could help you with is collecting evidence. Evidence is an important part of claiming, as it helps demonstrate the severity of your tinnitus, as well as who is liable for your accident and how it occurred.

Some examples of evidence that could be used to help support a personal injury claim for compensation for tinnitus can include:

  • Medical reports: Documents and reports from a doctor or audiologist, such as the results of an audiogram, can be used to help support your claim.
  • Witness statements: Taking the contact details of anyone who witnessed your accident can be helpful, as this means that their statements can be taken at a later date.
  • Footage of the accident – Any CCTV or other video footage of your accident could be used as evidence in your claim.
  • Accident book logs: If you were injured at work, you may have filled out the accident book. This can then serve as a permanent record of what happened and who was liable for your accident.

To learn more about the importance of collecting evidence in claims for tinnitus or to find out if you could be eligible to work with one of our solicitors on your case, contact our team.

Claiming Compensation For Tinnitus With A No Win No Fee Solicitor

Working with a personal injury solicitor to help you claim tinnitus compensation can be very beneficial. A solicitor can make sure your claim is filed on time and help you gather evidence to support your case. If you have developed tinnitus as a result of someone else’s negligence, one of our No Win No Fee solicitors may be able to help you.

Our solicitors work under a kind of No Win No Fee arrangement known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). When you claim on a No Win No Fee basis, your solicitor generally won’t ask for an upfront or ongoing payment to cover their work. Likewise, if your claim fails, your solicitor won’t ask you to pay them for their services throughout the claims process.

Your solicitor will take a success fee from your compensation if your claim succeeds. This fee is a small percentage, and it’s limited by a legal cap. This helps to make sure that the majority of your compensation stays with you.

Contact Our Team

To learn more about how to make a tinnitus claim, or to find out how much compensation for tinnitus you could receive, contact our team today. One of our advisors can evaluate your claim for free, and potentially connect you with one of our expert solicitors. To get started:

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Thank you for reading our tinnitus accident claims guide. But please get in touch if you need more information about how to claim.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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