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Allergic Reaction After Eating At Pizza Express – Can I Claim Compensation?

Over 21 million people in the United Kingdom suffer from at least one type of allergy. This includes food allergies. An allergic reaction to food can be unpleasant at best, or at worst, life-threatening. If you suffer from a food allergy, you are of course responsible for managing your allergy. However, shops, restaurants, cafeterias and other businesses that provide food, are obliged to supply their customers with the correct allergenic information. If you have experienced an allergic reaction after eating at Pizza Express that was not your fault, you could be eligible to claim compensation if you can clearly prove the restaurant was at fault.

Allergic reaction after eating Pizza Express claims guide

If you have suffered an allergic reaction after eating Pizza Express ingredients that you are supposed to avoid because you were misinformed by Pizza Express, or staff ignored a request to remove an ingredient, you may be eligible to claim compensation if you can prove that this is what happened. 

Legal Expert can provide you with an experienced personal injury solicitor to handle your compensation claim. We will make sure your claim is valued correctly and your dedicated solicitor will push to win you the maximum amount of compensation you could be owed.

If you wish to claim compensation for an allergic reaction that was not your fault, call Legal Expert today to discuss your claim. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. If we can see that you have grounds to claim compensation, we can provide you with a No Win No Fee solicitor to handle your claim.

Call us today on 0800 073 8804 to begin your claim, or use the online claims form on our website to reach us. Contact us today to begin your claim, we’re looking forward to hearing from you.

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A Guide To Claims For An Allergic Reaction After Eating At Pizza Express

Pizza Express is a chain of pizza and pasta restaurants which were founded in 1965 in the UK. They are now owned by Chinese conglomerate Hony Capital. There are 470 branches of Pizza Express in the UK and over 100 branches around the world. Pizza Express mostly focuses on Italian cuisine. The business also offers a gluten-free menu and provides extensive online Pizza Express allergy advice about the allergenic content of its menu options.

In this guide, we will look at what duty of care restaurants like Pizza Express owe their customers, especially those who suffer from allergies. We will also look at the circumstances where a business could be held liable for a customer’s allergic reaction and will advise you on how to make a personal injury claim for a food allergy in Pizza Express. To begin your claim, call Legal Expert today or contact us using our online compensation claims form. We will be happy to assist you.

What Is An Allergic Reaction To Pizza Express?

If a customer eats food from Pizza Express which contains ingredients that they are allergic to, they could suffer an allergic reaction to their Pizza Express food. The customer may suffer from a Pizza Express egg allergy, a Pizza Express nut allergy, a gluten allergy or any other type of food allergy. This can happen if the customer dines in, or orders a takeaway meal.

What Are Food Allergies And Intolerances

Food intolerance is when a person has problems digesting specific types of food such as gluten. As a result, they may experience unwanted physical symptoms after eating these foods. Food intolerance sufferers can experience stomach pains, flatulence, stomach bloating and diarrhoea. They may also experience a rash. Although food intolerances can be very unpleasant and painful to deal with, fortunately, they are not life-threatening.

On the other hand, a severe food allergy can be life-threatening. Most people who have a food allergy will experience mild to moderate symptoms. However, one in one thousand of the population of the UK, experience an extreme form of an allergic reaction (to food, or other types of allergens such as bee stings).

Mild to moderate symptoms of a food allergy can include the following:

  • Vomiting and/or diarrhoea.
  • Urticaria (also known as hives)
  • Angioedema, which is a swelling of the face, particularly the tongue, roof of the mouth, lips and around the eyes
  • Itching inside the mouth, throat or ears.

A person who experiences a severe allergic reaction may suffer from these symptoms. In addition, they will suffer from a medical emergency known as an anaphylactic shock, or an anaphylaxis reaction. Symptoms of an anaphylaxis reaction can do the following: wheezing and trouble breathing, a raised heart rate, feeling dizzy, collapsing and losing consciousness, the skin becoming clammy to the touch and feelings of anxiety, confusion and/or disorientation.

An anaphylactic shock is an emergency situation. The person suffering from the anaphylactic shock could slip into a permanent coma, or they could die if they do not receive immediate treatment. If you or someone else is suffering from an anaphylactic shock, you must dial 999 immediately for an ambulance. This NHS guide has more information about how to provide the patient with immediate first aid.

Examples Of Foods Which Could Cause You To Have An Allergic Reaction

Here are some common types of food, which could trigger an allergic reaction. They include the following:

  • Nut allergy
  • Egg allergy
  • Milk allergy
  • Dairy allergy
  • Wheat allergy
  • Soy allergy
  • Fruit allergy
  • Cereal allergy
  • Gluten allergy
  • Celery allergy
  • Seafood allergy
  • Fish allergy
  • Lupin allergy
  • Mustard allergy
  • Shellfish allergy
  • Sulphur dioxide

Statistics Showing How Common Food Allergies Are

According to the EAACI, allergies are the more common type of chronic illness. More than 150 million Europeans suffer from allergies. By 2025, it is expected that half the population of Europe will suffer from at least one type of allergy. 

As well as having negative physical symptoms, allergies can also take an emotional toll on the people that suffer them. The EAACI also reported that 20% of people living in Europe who suffer from an allergy also suffer from fear and anxiety about having an asthma attack, anaphylaxis reaction or dying due to a severe allergic reaction. 

In the UK, 20% of people suffer from one or more allergic disease, which is a relatively high prevalence of allergy sufferers.

The charity AllergyUK, which supports people who suffer from food allergies, has more statistics available about the prevalence of food allergies in the UK, Europe and worldwide.

I Asked Staff Not To Serve Me One Of The Following Ingredients

If you have a food allergy, restaurant staff are supposed to cooperate with you to make sure that you can enjoy your meal safely. If you inform the restaurant that you suffer from a food allergy and request an ingredient to be left out (for example, you want a topping left off your pizza), the restaurant could comply with your request if it’s possible to do so. However, they can also refuse it.

Here are some examples of requests you may make to Pizza Express if you suffer from a food allergy:

  • No Cheese
  • No Tomatoes
  • No Eggs
  • No Wheat
  • No Oats
  • No Fish
  • No Milk
  • No Nuts

What happens if you order food which has been pre-prepared and it is not possible for the chef to remove an ingredient? If you have informed your waiter or waitress about your health issues and an ingredient cannot be removed, they should inform you that the food that you have ordered may trigger an allergy in Pizza Express UK.

If you believe that your waiter has not understood your request, ask to speak to a manager. Alternatively, eat elsewhere.

A Member Of Staff Ignored My Request Not To Have One Of The Following Ingredients

If you request to have an ingredient left out of your food, your serving staff and the chefs at Pizza Express should carry out your request if they agree to do so—though they can refuse too. If they fail to remove one of the following items, or any other Pizza Express allergen and you suffer an allergic reaction as a result, this could be judged as negligence on the part of the business if it can be proven the restaurant and its staff were at fault.

Pizza Express ingredients you may wish to have removed:

  • Cheese
  • Tomatoes
  • Eggs
  • Wheat
  • Oats
  • Fish
  • Milk
  • Nuts

Similarly, if you have suffered an allergic reaction to Pizza Express food because staff who had been told that you suffered a particular food allergy failed to warn you about the allergenic contents of your food, this could be judged as negligence, also known as a “failure to warn”.

How An Allergic Reaction Could Be Caused By Negligence

Staff ignoring a request to remove an ingredient, or staff failing to warn a customer of an allergenic ingredient in the food could be regarded as negligence if the customer has warned them that they suffer from a food allergy. If you have experienced a food allergy in Pizza Express, due to negligence on the part of the staff, you may be eligible to claim compensation if you can prove the restaurant had failed in upholding its duty of care. Call Legal Expert today to see if you have the right to make a food allergy claim.

Restaurant Customers Rights

What happens if you ate food that had an ingredient which was not supposed to be included in your meal and caused you to suffer an allergic reaction in Pizza Express UK? According to the Consumer Protection Act 1987, if a consumer is injured or made ill because of a faulty product, the manufacturer will be held liable for those injuries, even if they did not act negligently. Therefore, Pizza Express may be held liable for your injuries and have to pay you compensation if you can establish that they were at fault.

Liability If Allergens Were Not Labelled

EU Directives, which are upheld in the UK, state that nutritional information about ingredients that commonly cause allergic reactions must be labelled on menus and food packaging. The label must highlight the ingredients in bold or a noticeable colour, such as red. If the restaurant fails to inform you of the allergens contained within your meal, they may be held liable for your injuries or resulting illness.

Could I Still Make A Claim If I Did Not Tell Pizza Express About My Allergy?

The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 states that businesses such as restaurants owe their customers a duty of care. Therefore if the customer is injured or made ill because of negligence for which the restaurant is responsible, the business could be held liable for their injuries. 

If adequate Pizza Express food allergy info was not provided either on the menu or by a server, or if an allergy-friendly product was contaminated by an allergen and served to you, this could be considered negligence. It would not matter whether or not you informed Pizza Express of your allergy, before eating their meal. As a result, you could make a personal injury claim for an allergic reaction after eating at Pizza Express if it can be proven that the restaurant was at fault.

Pizza Express Food Allergy Menu Advice

Pizza Express has a food allergy menu with nutritional information about the allergenic contents of their food. You can find this Pizza Express food allergy information, on their website.

Here is an example of the Pizza Express menu. Please note that due to the Covid-19 crisis, Pizza Express may be operating a reduced menu:


  • Vegan Mezze Romana
  • Margherita Bufala Romana
  • Barbacoa
  • American Hot
  • Diavolo
  • Padana
  • Pollo ad Astra
  • Pollo Forza
  • Sloppy Giuseppe
  • American
  • Fiorentina
  • Margherita
  • La Reine
  • Vegan Giardiniera
  • Veneziana
  • Vegan Mezze Classic
  • Margherita Bufala Classic
  • Sloppy Giuseppe
  • Calabrese


  • Bolognese
  • Pollo Pesto
  • Lasagna Classica
  • Nicoise
  • Pollo
  • Grand Chicken Caesar

Calculating Compensation For Allergic Reactions After Eating At Pizza Express

If you have suffered a food allergy in Pizza Express, you may use the personal injury claims calculator provided below to estimate how much compensation you may receive in general damages (calculator does not estimate special damages).

The figures you can see below are based on guidelines issued by an organisation known as the Judicial College, which reviews compensation awards made by the courts. 

Type Of Illness Severity Symptoms Awarded Damages
Illness (i) The claimant may suffer various symptoms at differing levels of severity. These might include; rashes, effects on the bowels and sexual function as well as fever and pain. They will need hospital treatment. £36,060 to
Illness (ii) The effects or symptoms outlined above will be less serious and will last for a shorter period of time. £8,950 to
Illness (iii) As with the above category, the symptoms suffered by the claimant will be shorter lasting and will be less severe. £3,710 to £8,950
Illness (iv) Very mild symptoms that resolve within a few days or weeks. From around £860 to £3,710

Alternatively, call Legal Expert today to speak to an advisor. After speaking to you about your case, we can give you an accurate estimate of how much you could claim which reflects your personal circumstances.

What Are Special Damages And Could I Claim Them?

If you win your compensation claim against Pizza Express, you could be awarded two heads of claim. As well as funds to compensate you for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity caused by your injuries (general damages), you will also receive funds which could reimburse you for any out of pocket expenses you have had as a result of your injuries. This could include funds to pay for any medical treatment you require, travel expenses, at-home care expenses, or reimbursement for loss of income if you were temporarily unable to work due to hospitalisation.

It’s important to retain all receipts, bills and invoices which evidence the expenses. Without them, you may not be able to claim them back.

How Could We Help You If You Have Experienced An Allergic Reaction?

If you have experienced an allergic reaction to Pizza Express food that was not your fault, we can provide you with an experienced personal injury lawyer to handle your claim. Our solicitors can offer you the following:

  • Over thirty years of experience helping claimants like yourself sue restaurants for injuries
  • A promise that your claim will be valued correctly and we will fight on your behalf to win you the maximum amount of money you could be owed
  • The option to have your claim handled on a No Win No Fee basis.
  • You’ll be kept fully updated of all progress, and if at any time you have a query, your solicitor will be on hand to take your call.

No Win No Fee Claims For An Allergic Reaction To Pizza Express

If you have suffered an allergic reaction to Pizza Express that was not your fault and you can prove that the restaurant breached its duty of care, Legal Expert can handle your claim on a No Win No Fee basis. 

No Win No Fee means that you will not have to pay your solicitors fee unless you win your compensation claim. Therefore, there is less financial risk involved for you. Instead of paying any fees at the beginning of the claim or while it’s ongoing, your fee will be deducted from your compensation package at a capped rate, so you will not have to worry about funding your claim upfront. Read our online guide to making a No Win No Fee claim, or call us to begin your compensation claim today.

Talk To A Solicitor About An Allergic Reaction

To begin your compensation claim, call Legal Expert for your free consultation today on 0800 073 8804. Alternatively, use our online claims form to reach us. We’re looking forward to working with you.


Thank you for reading our guide to the legal services that we offer following an allergic reaction after eating Pizza Express. Below, you can find some further guides.

McDonald’s Allergic Reaction Claims

McDonald’s Accident Claims

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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