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Brittany Ferries Personal Injury Claims Guide

Have you been injured whilst travelling with Brittany Ferries? Did it occur because of an accident on the part of the ferry company? If so, you could make a Brittany Ferries personal injury claim for compensation. Whether you were injured due to a ferry crash, a ferries fire, were injured on a car deck or suffered any other type of passenger accident or a ferry worker accident, you could be owed money for your injuries.

Trust Legal Expert to help you claim compensation for an accident on a ferry or ship. We are a respected and well-known specialist in personal injury claims. We could handle ferry accident claims for compensation, for passenger injuries and ferry crew injuries. Our specialist panel of solicitors have decades of experience conducting these types of personal injury claims, so your case will be in a good pair of hands. 

If you wish to make a Brittany Ferries personal injury claim, call us today on 0800 073 8804 for your free legal consultation. One of our well-informed advisors will speak to you in-depth about your ferry accident and the resulting injuries. If we believe that your claim could succeed, we could provide you with a personal injury lawyer to handle your case. Call us today, or use our online claims form to contact us.

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A Guide To Brittany Ferries Personal Injury Claims

Brittany Ferries personal injury claims information

Brittany Ferries is a French shipping company which runs passenger ferries and cruises between France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and Spain. The company was founded in 1973 by French farmer Alexis Gourvennec, who launched the business as part of a campaign to improve the infrastructure of and access to Northern France. Brittany Ferries is the business’s trading name of BAI Bretagne Angleterre Irlande S.A.

In the following guide to making an accident claim against a ferry operator, we shall discuss the rights passengers have when travelling on ferries. We shall also look at ferry accidents that can happen if the ferry company neglects its duty of care. We have also included a personal injury claims calculator which could help you work out how much compensation you could claim for. Remember, Legal Expert offers a free personal injury claims service to anyone looking to claim compensation for an accident on a channel ferry journey. Call us today to speak to an advisor and begin your claim.

What Is An Accident Claim Against Brittany Ferries?

As an organisation that provides transportation for members of the public, ferry operators hold a duty of care to their passengers, staff, and other people that may have reason to use the ships. This means that the operator must provide passengers and crew with a safe and hygienic environment in which to travel and work. If the business neglects to repair or remove a health and safety hazard (something that poses a risk of causing an accident), and a customer or employee is injured or becomes sick as a result, the ferry operator could be held liable for any harm caused. Therefore the injured person would have the right to make a personal injury claim against the operator of the ferry for compensation.

It’s strongly advised that you use a personal injury solicitor, also known as a personal injury lawyer, to represent you and handle your personal injury claim. Legal Expert could provide claimants with a personal injury solicitor who could handle your accident claim, so call us today to enquire.

Ferry Passenger Rights When Travelling To Or From The UK

What are the rights of passengers travelling by ferry?

At present, the United Kingdom is experiencing a transition period in its departure from the EU. EU Regulation 1177/2010 applies at the moment but may not apply after the UK ceases to be a member state on 31st December 2020. EU Regulation 1177/2010 allows passengers on ferries departing from member states certain passenger rights.

EU Regulation 1177/2010 states that ferry companies must do the following in the event of a delay or a cancellation:

  • If a ferry journey is due to be delayed or cancelled a ferry company must inform passengers as soon as possible.
  • If a ferry or cruise is delayed by more than 90 minutes, the ferry company must provide refreshments or a meal to the passengers. Guidelines suggest a light meal, tea, coffee and water initially; snacks and light meals if the delay is more than four hours, or a hot meal if the delay is more than 8 hours.
  • If a journey is cancelled the ferry company must provide a full refund within seven days, or offer passengers an alternative journey at no extra cost. Taking an alternative trip can cause a significant change to passengers taking a cruise holiday.
  • If a delay happens overnight, a ferry company must pay for passengers to stay in overnight accommodation or alternatively reimburse them for up to 80 Euros (approximately £66) for the price of a hotel stay.
  • The passenger has the right to seek partial compensation for their journey if it is delayed over a certain period of time.

If you were on a ferry crossing which has been cancelled or delayed and you do not believe the ferry company upheld your passenger rights you will have two months to complain to the business in writing. If the matter is not resolved, you can contact ABTA for assistance.

The rights of passengers also extend beyond expecting a certain level of treatment if and when a voyage is delayed. If you are a disabled passenger, the ferry company has no grounds to discriminate against you. The only reason why a transport company can refuse to have you on board is if there is a legitimate concern for your safety or the safety of others. If you require assistance during your journey at the port, or during the voyage from the ferry company, it should be provided. To receive assistance, you should notify the ferry company 48 hours before your journey begins.

You may bring an assistance dog on board. However, this will be subject to rules governing the transporting of animals. You can read more about travelling by ferry as a disabled passenger in this ABTA guide.

Legislation Protecting Ferry Passengers

If you have suffered a Brittany Ferries injury because of negligence on the part of the business, there is legislation protecting ferry passengers rights. We will now look at what these are in more detail.

The Athens Convention of 1974

The Athens Convention 1974 is an international protocol that states that passengers injured on a ferry, or whose property is damaged on the ferry, because of negligence on the part of the ferry company, are entitled to claim compensation. A protocol that was added to the Athens Convention in 2002 stated that ferry companies are required to take out insurance for their passengers and their luggage.

The Merchant Shipping Act Of 1995

The Merchant Shipping Act 1995 is the UK law that implements the Athens Convention in the UK.

International Maritime Organisation (IMO)

The International Maritime Organisation was founded in 1948 with the purpose of encouraging countries to adopt international maritime laws to improve the safety of their passengers and crew.

Types Of Cross Channel Ferry Accident

We will now look at the types of cross channel ferry accidents that could occur involving passengers or crew. Remember, if you were injured in an English channel ferry accident or a ferry worker accident which was caused by the ferry operator, you may be eligible to claim compensation. Call Legal Expert today, to see if you are entitled to claim.

Ferry Collision Accidents

In 2018, Brittany Ferries made the news following an accident at the port in Roscoff, Northwest France. The Armorique ferry accident involved the passenger ferry the ‘Amorique’, which crashed into the dock. As a result of the Armorique ferry accident, the door was jammed and passengers were left stuck on the ferry for an hour and a half. Fortunately, no one was hurt in this particular ferry crash.

Source: https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/plymouth-news/passengers-stuck-brittany-ferries-armorique-2333039

However, there have been incidents when ferry collisions have happened and passengers and crew have not been so lucky. A recent ferry collision happened when a ferry struck what was believed to be a whale off the coast of Sado Island, Japan. As a result of the accident, 5 people were treated for serious injuries. 

If you have been injured due to a ferry collision accident, you could be entitled to compensation. If you suffered a ferry employee injury or a ferry passenger injury, contact Legal Expert today to see whether you could make a ferry personal injury claim.

Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/japan-ferry-whale-crash-injury-sado-minke-humpback-a8815521.html

Ferry Whiplash Injuries

Another type of ferry injury you could claim compensation for is whiplash. Whiplash injuries can happen if a ferry crashes or collides with another boat, object or a dock. Whiplash occurs when a sudden impact causes a person’s head to move beyond its usual range of motion, overstretching the soft tissues in the neck and causing strains or sprains. Potential symptoms of whiplash can include stiffness, pain, a loss of range of motion and headaches. Luckily, most symptoms heal on their own with time, but people suffering from whiplash injuries sometimes need physiotherapy to recover. If you wish to make an injury claim for whiplash caused by a ferry crash, call Legal Expert today to see if you are entitled to claim.

Slips And Falls On A Ferry

A common accident on holiday or while in the workplace is a slip, trip or fall. Unfortunately, slip, trip and fall accidents can happen on ferries if proper standards of health and safety have not been upheld. Causes of slip accidents on ferries can include spilt drinks that have not been mopped up or wet floors that have not been signposted. Causes of trips and falls can include broken flooring or a loose nail sticking out of the floor. 

Slip, trip and fall accidents can cause soft tissue injuries, cuts and bruises or even broken bones. If you have suffered a passenger injury or ferry worker injury due to a slip, trip or fall accident on a ferry and you were not at fault, contact us for help and guidance.

Accidents Caused By Faulty Furnishings

Accidents can happen if furnishings on deck, or in the ship’s lounges are faulty. For example, if a faulty chair is placed at a dining table, it can collapse beneath the weight of a passenger, causing them to fall backwards. Collapsing chairs can cause back injuries and head injuries. Similarly, a broken railing on deck could loosen beneath a passenger’s weight, leading to a fall from height. Similarly, heavy furnishings that have not been secured to the wall can come away, striking a passerby, causing a crew injury or passenger injury.

Have you been injured by broken furniture on a cross channel vessel? Then you could be entitled to claim compensation. Call Legal Expert today for your free personal injury claims consultation. If we can see that you are owed compensation for your accident on a ferry, we will provide you with an excellent No Win No Fee solicitor to handle your claim.

Cross-Channel Food Allergy Claims

If you suffer from a food allergy, it is, of course, your responsibility to manage your allergy. However, food providers such as shops and restaurants onboard a ferry have a responsibility to inform you of any allergenic ingredients used in their food, such as nuts, gluten or soy, by highlighting these ingredients on the menu. If a shop or restaurant on board a ferry fails to do so, causing you to have an allergic reaction, you could be entitled to claim compensation. 

If you have suffered an allergic reaction to food onboard a ship because of mislabelled produce, or a mislabelled menu item, you could be entitled to make a Brittany Ferries personal injury claim. Call Legal Expert today, to find out more.

Man Overboard Ferry Accidents

In September 2019, there was a serious ferry accident when a man overboard accident occurred on a Wightlink ferry. The man plunged several metres into the sea and was rescued by the coastguard from Southampton. He was taken to Southampton Hospital by helicopter where he received treatment. 

The risks of a man overboard accident can include drowning, dying of hypothermia, or getting pulled under the ship by the currents. If you have been harmed in a man overboard accident that was caused by poor safety conditions you could be entitled to claim compensation. Similarly, if you lost a next of kin relative because they fell into the water due to a ferry accident, you may be able to claim compensation on their behalf. Contact Legal Expert today, to see if you can claim.

Source: www.islandecho.co.uk/man-overboard-from-wightlink-ferry-rescued-by-coastguard-helicopter

Ferry Workplace Injuries

As an employer, ferry operators based in the UK have a legal and moral responsibility to protect its staff from ferry worker accidents. We will now look at an example of a ferry worker accident that occurred, as reported on by HSE.

This ferry worker accident occurred as a lorry reversed off a goods ferry, hitting the employee then running him over. The accident resulted in the man suffering a fractured skull, broken ribs and becoming blind in one eye. An investigation had found that the ferry company had failed to conduct a proper risk assessment for the area and make proper demarcations between lorries and pedestrians, putting them at risk. The ferry company was prosecuted for this employee injury.

Source: https://press.hse.gov.uk/2019/10/21/ferry-operator-prosecuted-after-worker-injured-by-moving-vehicle/  

Have you suffered a ferry employee injury whilst working for a ferry operator? If your ferry worker accident was caused by negligence on the part of your employer, you could make a personal injury claim against Brittany Ferries. Call Legal Expert to find out more today.

Personal Injury Calculator For Claims Against Brittany Ferries

You can use our personal injury claims calculator to gauge the amount of compensation you could be able to claim in general damages, which is compensation awarded for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity your injuries have caused. The calculator does not include an estimation of any special damages (reimbursement for financial losses you have experienced, as a result of your injuries), which we’ll cover in the section below.

Injury Location Seriousness Possible Settlement(with (10% uplift) Notes
Brain Damage Moderate £40,410 to £205,580 Moderate brain injuries include several sub-levels of brain injury. Such injuries could affect the claimants personality, their intellect and functions such as sight, speech or in other ways.
Brain Damage Less severe £14,380 to £40,410 At the point of the claim, the claimant may not have made a full recovery, but should make a very good recovery. They should be able to return to activities such as work and social activities.
Injury To Eyes Minor £3,710 to £8,200 Injuries may have been caused by exposure to a harmful gas or liquid or by being struck
Tinnitus / Hearing Loss Partial £13,970 to £27,890 The claimant may have experienced a moderate degree of tinnitus or noise induced hearing loss.
Injury To Chest (d) £11,820 to £16,860 This type of injury could be caused by a simple penetrating wound. There will not be any injury to the lungs.
Injury To The Digestive system Damage from a traumatic injury £40,370 to £58,100 More severe forms of damage to the digestive system could leave the claimant with pain and discomfort.
Injury To The Neck Minor (iii) Up to £2,300 An injury which heals within three months.
Injury To The Back Moderate (i) £26,050 to £36,390 Such back injuries could present as a crush fracture which requires further treatment in the future.
Injury To The Shoulder Minor Up to £2,300 An injury which heals within three months.
Fracture Of The Forearm Simple fracture £6,190 to £18,020 Only includes simple fractures of the forearm.

What Other Types Of Damages Could Ferry Passengers Or Workers Claim?

As well as claiming general damages, your personal injury claim could also include a claim for special damages, which seeks to reimburse you for any financial losses or expenses you have experienced as a result of your injuries. Examples of special damages you could claim include medical expenses, travel expenses, home care expenses, home and car adaptation expenses, mobility equipment expenses and loss of income reimbursement.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Claims Against Brittany Ferries

Legal Expert gives claimants the chance to make a No Win No Fee personal injury claim. No Win No Fee means that you won’t need to pay any upfront solicitors fees, nor will you have to pay anything during the claim. And if the case does not succeed, you will not have to pay any of your solicitor’s fees. 

If your claim is successful, your solicitor may ask for a small percentage of the compensation to help cover their costs. This is known as a success fee and would be deducted from the compensation you receive at the end of the claim. Success fees are legally capped and will be set out at the beginning of the claim. 

No Win No Fee claims reduce the financial risk involved in making a claim and gives you the confidence to pursue justice.

To learn more about the benefits of No Win No Fee claims, call us today or read our online guide.

Why Choose Legal Expert To Handle Your Brittany Ferries Accident Case?

If you have been injured or made ill as a result of a Brittany Ferries accident which was caused by negligence on the part of Brittany Ferries, trust us to handle your claim. Legal Expert’s solicitors have 30 years of experience conducting personal injury claims of this nature and will push to win you the highest amount of compensation you could be owed. They’ll keep you fully updated every step of the way and will explain any legal jargon that may arise. And if at any time you have a question or query, they’ll be on hand to take your call.

Start Your Brittany Ferries Accident Claim

To begin your claim, contact Legal Expert today. Call us to speak to one of our informed advisors, or fill out our online claims form.

Supporting Information For Brittany Ferries Accidents

Here are some more resources if you’re considering making a Brittany Ferries accident claim:

TUI Cruise Personal Injury Claims Guide – How to claim compensation for an accident on a TUI Cruise

How Much Compensation Can I Make For A Boat Accident? – How much you could claim in compensation for an accident on a boat?

How Much Could I Claim For A Slip, Trip Or Fall Accident Claim? – Our more general guide to slip and trip accident claims.

External Resources For Brittany Ferries Accidents

The following guides contain information from the Association of British Travel Agents.

An ABTA Guide To Making A Ferry Complaint

An ABTA Guide To Cruise And Ferry Passenger Rights

Other Guides Available To Read


Written by Chelache

Edited by Billing

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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