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Gatwick Airport Accident Claims Guide

Gatwick airport

Gatwick airport

Gatwick Airport has served the capital city and the South of England for just over 60 years and is the UKs second busiest airport with over 46 million passengers passing through each year. It is a vast place but still manages to deal with most passengers efficiently and without problems but there are minority of customers, visitors and staff who need to make a compensation claim each year.

For free legal advice about airport claims, call us today on 0800 073 8804 and we’ll listen to the details of your accident.

If you’d like to more first then carry on reading this guide which is packed with useful and relevant information.

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A Guide To Accident Claims In Gatwick Airport England

Gatwick was an aerodrome as far back as the 1930s but became an operational airport in 1958. Today it is open 24 hours a day, operates flights to 230 destinations in 70 different countries and is home to multiple flight operators.

Many people enjoy their trip to the airport prior to a business trip or holiday and thousands of people work at Gatwick on a daily basis. Most have no problems at all but, on occasion, an accident in Gatwick Airport can lead to a ruined trip or even a cancellation of their holiday.

When you decide to make a compensation claim it is essential that you choose an experienced personal injury solicitor to represent you as the amount of compensation can be affected if you make the wrong choice.

Legal Expert are specialists in accident claims and have made many successful claims over a long period of time. We strive to get as much compensation for our clients as they deserve and always offer a no win no fee service for every case that we take on. This makes claiming stress and risk free for our clients.

This guide will provide information about the types of accidents that commonly lead to compensation claims, what to do in the event of an accident, how to claim if you’re an employee injured at work in Gatwick Airport and how Legal Expert can provide free legal advice and guide you on whether you’ve got a good chance of compensation or not.

What Accidents Or Injuries Can Happen At Gatwick Airport?

With 2 terminal buildings and over 25,000 square meters of retail space within Gatwick there are many different types of accident that can happen, and this guide will cover the most common in more detail.

With any personal injury claim we need to be able to prove a number of things for the claim to be successful and lead to compensation:

  • That the defendant owed you some duty of care
  • That they breached their duty of care
  • And because they breached their duty, your accident happened, and you were injured.

The job of a personal injury lawyer is to provide evidence of how each of these points is relevant and to justify the amount of compensation requested. If the accident was your fault or out of control of the airport then you wouldn’t be able to make a claim but if you’re not sure whether to make a claim or not then why not speak with one of our team who have the experience to advise you if somebody else was to blame?

Injury Statistics For The Airline Industry

According to Health and Safety Executive statistics accidents at work rates in the airline industry fell between 2009 and 2014 but the rate is still 777 accidents per 100,000 employees (2014 is the latest set of statistic released under RIDDOR regulations).

In 2014 there was a single fatality at UK airports, 94 major accidents and 823 less serious accidents reported but in each of these cases the employee may have considered a compensation claim if the employer was negligent in any way. We cover accident at work claims later in this guide with more information about why an employer could be liable for your injuries.

Common Accidents You Can Have At An Airport

Over the next few sections we’ll cover the most common types of airport injuries that can lead to compensation and give examples of why somebody else could be liable for the accident occurring.

There are plenty more incidents at Gatwick Airport that could lead to a claim, but this is just the most common types. If you have a different type of accident which was caused by somebody else’s negligence, then let us know the details and we’ll provide you with a free assessment of your claim.

Slips And Trips Caused By Wet Floors Or Boarding Aircrafts

A slip or trip which causes you to fall is often embarrassing and may cause a few laughs but can actually cause very serious injuries which may require hospitalisation. The types of injury that can be caused include:

  • Soft tissue damage
  • Sprains and strains
  • Ligament damage
  • Broken bones
  • Head injuries (including concussion)
  • Spinal injuries

If the accident happened simply because you weren’t paying attention, then you wouldn’t be able to make a claim but here are some examples of where the airport could be to blame:

  • If a wet or slippery floor was left unattended and no warning signs were placed to warn visitors of the danger.
  • If a paving slab or pothole causes you to trip in the car park and the area surrounding the airport.
  • If lighting is so inadequate, turned off or broken and means that you couldn’t see a trip hazard which subsequently caused you to fall over.

There are other scenarios where you could trip on stairs which we’ll cover in another section. In any of these types of accident you could seek compensation for your injuries.

Slips whilst boarding a plane may also be claimed for but might mean a different type of claim as it may be the airline’s responsibility rather than the airport.

Accidents On Buses And Other Airport Transport Vehicles

Gatwick Airport is a vast place and vehicular use is essential in places to make getting around the airport easier. There are many different types of vehicle accident that can happen and depending on where they happen will determine the type of claim you make and who it’s made against. Our specialists can advice on the best route to claim in your situation.

The types of accident that could occur include:

  • Accidents while travelling on a shuttle service from the hotel to the airport.
  • A car accident at one of Gatwick’s many car parks.
  • A collision with an electric vehicle within a terminal.
  • An accident while travelling on a vehicle used to transfer you from the terminal to a plane.

Let us know the details of your Gatwick car accident and we’ll assess who you need to make a claim against.

Baggage Carousel And Trolley Accidents

Luggage trolleys and carousels are really useful when your lugging a lot of suitcases around the airport but can lead to injuries on rare occasions.

If you were sat on a carousel and became injured when it started up, then you wouldn’t be able to make a claim as you shouldn’t have used it as a seat. However, if you were waiting for your luggage to arrive and another piece fell on you then you may be able to seek compensation for your injuries.

Other Baggage And Luggage Accidents

It may also be possible for you to claim if you’ve tripped over luggage that has been left unattended in an unsuitable location. As mentioned previously, a trip or fall can lead to serious injuries which you may want to claim compensation for.

Lift, Escalator And Travelator Accident Claims

When moving around Gatwick Airport it is inevitable that you’ll need to use an escalator, lift, travelator or some stairs and in the main they’ll make moving around much easier and quicker but in rare circumstances they could cause you to become injured.

For instance:

  • A lift, travelator or escalator could stop suddenly in the event of a power cut, causing you to fall and injure yourself.
  • A hand rail could be damaged, missing or defective causing you to fall down some stairs.
  • Somebody else could be walking the wrong way down a travelator or escalator and cause you to fall.
  • Another visitor could hit the emergency stop button which, again, could cause you to stumble and fall.

Whilst these cases are rare, the could happen and if they do Legal Expert could help to make a personal injury claim.

Shops, Restaurants And Eateries At Gatwick Airport

As a useful guide we’ve listed some of the main retail outlets and restaurants at Gatwick Airport.


  • Next
  • Hugo Boss
  • Case
  • Cath Kidston
  • Dune
  • Fatface
  • Hamleys
  • Excess Baggage Company
  • Jo Malone
  • Jack Wills
  • Reiss
  • M&S Food
  • Ted Baker London
  • MoneyCorp
  • Lacoste
  • Superdry
  • The Harry Potter Shop

Restaurants and Eateries:

  • Wagamamma
  • Eat
  • Jamie’s Italian
  • Jamie Oliver’s Diner
  • Yo! Sushi
  • Wondertree
  • Starbucks
  • The Nicholas Culpeper Pub
  • The Beehive (Weatherspoons)
  • Shake-a-hula
  • Giraffe
  • Comptoir Libanais

If you have had an accident in these or any other retail outlet within Gatwick Airport and believe it was caused by somebody else’s mistake, then we could look to help you make a claim once we’ve assessed the details with you.

Gatwick Airport Workplace Accident Claims

It is reported that there are over 21,000 people who work daily within Gatwick Airport (and around 2500 are directly employed by the airport). Each of those employees have the same rights as any other employee based outside of an airport in that their employer has a duty of care, under health and safety guidelines, to ensure a safe working environment.

If you’ve had an accident in Gatwick Airport while working there then you could see damages against your employer if they’ve been negligent in any way. Examples include:

  • Where you, or a colleague who caused your injuries, did not receive sufficient training.
  • You were not provided with adequate safety equipment.
  • Machinery was not maintained properly or repaired when faulty.

All employers should regularly check procedures are still relevant, amend them where necessary and retrain staff on any amendments. If you believe your employer could’ve done something differently to help prevent your accident, then please let us know the details.

Gatwick Airport Baggage Handler Injuries

Baggage handlers have the same level of cover as other employees within the airport and should be provided with adequate manual handling training, safety equipment and training on how to use lifting equipment.

If you’ve sustained an injury while working as a baggage handler at Gatwick Airport, then we may be able to lodge a compensation claim for you.

Airport Food Poisoning And Food Allergy Claims

There are two types of common illnesses and injuries that can be caused by food eaten in restaurants, café’s or bars:

  • Food poisoning, which is caused by food that has been stored, prepared, cooked or heated incorrectly or in unhygienic conditions.
  • Allergic reactions, which are caused when an allergen is used in food but not clearly identified on labelling or menus.

In either case, you may be able to make a compensation claim if a doctor has assessed you and diagnosed either condition.

With regards allergic reactions it’d be a good idea to keep hold of any packaging or photograph the menu to prove that allergy advice was missing. Unfortunately, in severe cases, allergic reactions can cause a fatal injury. Legal Expert can work with a loved one in these cases to gain compensation for their loss.

How To Start Your Gatwick Airport Accident Claim

Now that we’ve listed the most common types of accidents that could occur at Gatwick Airport it’s important that you know what to do in the event of one. These steps will make claiming compensation a lot easier:

  1. Seek medical treatment from a doctor as soon as possible. This will ensure that you get treatment and any medicine required to help make you feel better but also means medical records will be created that document what injuries you sustained and their severity. This is a vital piece of evidence used when making a claim.
  2. Photograph the scene of the accident as soon as possible after it happened. Try to capture what you believe caused the accident before anything is moved.
  3. Ask any witnesses for their contact details and if they have time, ask them to write a brief statement of what they saw happen. Independent witnesses have more credibility than people travelling with you, but you could use family witnesses as well.
  4. Report the accident to airport staff who should log it in an accident report log either on a computer or as a written record. If possible, ask for a copy of the report or, failing that, take the name of the person you reported it to and the time of day.

A personal injury solicitor needs as much evidence as possible to support a claim so the time you spend in the immediate aftermath of an accident could greatly increase the chances of gaining the compensation that you deserve for your injuries, assuming of course that the accident was caused by somebody else.

What Could I Claim For Should A Gatwick Airport Accident Occur?

As we have discussed, the parties in charge of airports can be found liable for injuries sustained in airport accidents if they are caused by an unsafe environment that they were aware of. It is their responsibility to deal with hazards as soon as they can or within a reasonable amount of time.

If you were to sustain an injury due to their negligence, you could be able to claim accident compensation, which could include:

  • General damages – Compensation for the pain and distress of your injury
  • Special damages – This can include reimbursement for costs such as:
  • Treatment costs – Which can include reimbursement for prescriptions, or private medical care
  • Loss of earnings – To compensate you for the income you may have lost as a result of your injury
  • Adaptation costs – For any modifications or equipment you may have had to buy to help you cope with your injury.

Should a Gatwick accident occur, get in touch to discuss the steps you could take.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For An Accident At Gatwick Airport?

The table below outlines the different amounts of compensation that may be awarded under the general damage’s element of any claim:

Type / Category of Injury Notes Compensation range
Back injury – severe (iii) This includes injuries to the spinal discs that could include a fracture or lesion £38,780 to £69,730
Back injury – moderate (i) Affecting the bones of soft tissue in the back, this injury can include a wide range of different symptoms. £27,760 to £38,780
Back injury – minor (i) Gradual recovery takes place over 5 years after pain and discomfort £7,890 to £12,510
Foot injury – serious Serious foot injury to either one or both feet £24,990 to £39,200
Neck injury – moderate (i) An injury that may require fusion, includes soft tissue damage to the neck bones £24,990 to
Non-traumatic digestive system injury (ii) Food poisoning symptoms which last between 2 and 4 weeks £9,540 to
Ankle injury – moderate A fracture or ligament tear that may cause a serious disability in future £13,740 to £26,590
Ankle injury – modest A more simple ligament injury or fracture Up to £13,740


Wrist Injuries – (d) Recovery within a year from fracture or tissue damage £6,080 to £10,350

The list isn’t comprehensive so don’t worry if your injury isn’t listed, we can let you know more accurately once we’ve spoken with you.

As you’ll see, compensation falls within a range depending on the severity of your injury so a broken finger will receive less compensation that an amputated digit.

No Win No Fee Gatwick Airport Accident Claims

At Legal Expert, we only work on a no win no fee basis which clients tell us makes claiming much less stress and risk free.

When you take out a no win no fee agreement, you’ll be told a fixed percentage of your compensation that we’ll retain if we win the case.

If we go on to win the case, then we’ll subtract our agreed fee from your compensation and send the rest directly to you. If we lose the case, you don’t have to pay us anything at all for our time or services.

The alternative to no win no fee is where you pay a solicitor for their time by way of an hourly rate and if they win you keep 100% of your compensation but the risk is that, if they lose the case, you still have to pay them for their service which could potentially be a large bill.

Why Make An Airport Accident Claim With Our Team?

Our panel of specialist personal injury solicitors are friendly and professional and available throughout your claim to answer any questions that you may have.

They’ll strive to get as much compensation for you as you deserve and are always openly honest about the chances of success in your case.

We’ve represented many clients over many years successfully for various types of personal injury claims.

How To Contact Our Experts

If you’re now ready to begin a compensation claim for your accident in Gatwick Airport and you’d like Legal Expert to manage your case, then you can contact us in any of these ways:

  • Telephone: Call us today, for free, on 0800 073 8804. Our team are ready to talk to you today.
  • Email: Send brief details of your claim to office@legalexpert.co.uk an we’ll call back at a time you specify.
  • Live Chat: If you want to chat online then our advisers are available 7 days a week
  • Online: Submit this online form, which takes around 10 minutes, to begin your claim

Additional Links

We hope that you’ve found this guide useful and informative and it has helped you to decide whether you will make a claim or not. For further reference we’ve provided these guides which may be relevant and help you further:

Health and Safety Executive – information and regulation information for employers and employees including those who work in airports.

Food Poisoning Guide – A guide, by the NHS, that covers information on symptoms and treatment of food poisoning.

Airline Compensation Claims – A guide about how to claim for compensation when your accident occurs on the plane rather than in the airport.

Food Allergy Claims – further information on how to make a compensation claim for allergic reactions caused by allergens in food.

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Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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