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Helicopter Accident Claims Guide

By Dan Green. Last updated 12th Novemeber 2024. Welcome to our guide to making a helicopter accident injury claim.

At Legal Expert, we can help you to make a personal injury claim for injuries suffered by yourself, or on behalf of a family member who was seriously injured or who suffered a fatal injury. We have both experience and expertise in processing claims for helicopter accidents, as well as a host of other aviation accidents. We are able to work through your claim, analysing who the accident claim should be brought against, whether the pilot, a maintenance company, helicopter operator, or another party. Our team can also help you to make a claim for a helicopter accident that has happened in either a civilian or a military setting.

If you have experienced an accident in a helicopter or been involved in a helicopter crash read our guide below and find out how to make an aviation accident claim within the appropriate personal injury claims time limit. At the bottom of this guide, we have included details of how to contact our team and start your No Win No Fee claim, including giving us a call on 0800 073 8804. Alternatively, use the pop-up window in the bottom right to chat with us.

Read on for more information on the subject of helicopter accident claims.

A helicopter on a landing pad

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A Guide To Helicopter Accident Claims

In this guide to helicopter accident claims, we will look at the causes of helicopter accidents, the type and nature of injuries that can happen as a result of an aviation accident, such as one in a helicopter, the steps you need to take to make a personal injury compensation claim, and how much you could claim compensation for. At the end of this guide, we have also included details of how to get in touch with our team as well as where you can find further information.

The impact of a helicopter crash can extend from just the victims of the accident itself to their friends and families too. This impact on victims and their families can not be overestimated. Whilst we understand that no amount of compensation can make up for your injuries, the trauma you have experienced and your losses, we do know that getting a compensation payout can help you to cope with the effects of your accident and injuries suffered.

When making any personal injury claim in the UK you need to make your claim within a three year period. After this, the claim is time-barred and you can not start a claim. The time from which the three-year limits starts is variable. It could be from the moment an accident happened, or if an injury or its effects do not become apparent till much later, this can be the starting point for the three-year limit. If your accident happened overseas there are circumstances in which the time limit may be much shorter. As such, you should always contact a solicitor to start your claim as soon as possible,

What Is A Helicopter Accident?

Before we continue with this helicopter accident claims guide, we will look at what a helicopter accident actually is. There are a variety of ways in which and reasons for which a helicopter accident can happen. The pilot may not have carried out all of the necessary pre-flight checks, a mechanic or engineer may have been neglectful when carrying out maintenance, or there may have been an electrical fault leading to a malfunction of some kind. In situations where someone else is responsible for your helicopter accident, you could make a helicopter accident claim with a personal injury lawyer.

Causes Of Accidents Leading To Helicopter Accident Claims

As with any form of transport, there are many things that can go wrong with a helicopter and many different causes. If you have been injured in a helicopter crash we will need to find out how your accident was caused. The more you know about the circumstances of your accident, the better your helicopter accident claims could progress.

Some of the most common causes of helicopter accidents:

  • Varying types of pilot error including pilots failing to operate a helicopter in the right way or not having created a proper flight plan.
  • Pilot error due to lack of training.
  • Engineer/ maintenance errors caused by a lack of training.
  • Electrical and/ or electrical failure.
  • Defective designs or parts.
  • Collisions.
  • Problems with air traffic control.
  • Accidents caused by poor weather or operating a helicopter in unsafe conditions.
  • Not having adequate fuel.

Whilst it can be difficult to determine the cause of your accident in a helicopter, we will work with all relevant parties and organisations to ascertain the cause of the accident which caused your injuries.

Common Injuries From Helicopter Accidents And Crashes

Due to the severity of the crashes and accidents, the size, speed and weight of a helicopter, and the heights that they may be flying at in an accident situation, helicopter accident claims will generally be made for more serious and severe forms of injury.

Examples of common helicopter accident injuries can include (but are not limited to) these types of serious injuries.

  • Blunt force trauma to any part of the body.
  • Fractures to the bones. Commonly, these can be to the skull, other bones in the face, and the ribs or limbs.
  • Damage to the nervous system and the spinal cord. This might include varying levels of paralysis, paraplegia and even quadriplegia.
  • Damage and injury to the internal organs.
  • A TBI or Traumatic Brain Injury.
  • Serious and deep lacerations that can cause very serious scars.
  • Serious burn injuries.

Remember, whilst it is less common, injuries in survivors of helicopter crashes can also be less severe forms of injury than those listed above. For example, they could be things such as cuts, lacerations, less severe burns and simple fractures.

If you have had a serious injury as a result of a helicopter accident, find out more about the nature of them and how much you could claim in this guide to serious injury compensation claims.

Can I Claim Compensation For A Helicopter Accident Abroad?

There are circumstances in which you could make helicopter accident claims for incidents abroad, whether travelling for a holiday, for business or otherwise. If you have suffered any of the common helicopter accident injuries we highlighted above, whilst travelling abroad in a helicopter for leisure or work, you could be eligible to make a personal injury claim.

Helicopter accidents, as with any aviation accident, can leave you in a great deal of pain and suffering. These type of accidents will almost always end your holiday and result in a hospital stay. If this has happened to you, our team of aviation and holiday accident personal injury lawyers are on hand to help you claim compensation.

Helicopter Accident Personal Injury Case Study

To illustrate the role which a personal injury solicitor can play in helping people to secure a settlement for helicopter accident claims, we will look at this example of a very high profile and prominent case which took place in the UK.

In this case, a Eurocopter EC225 Super Puma helicopter which was operated by a company called CHC was flying from Aberdeen International Airport to a drilling rig called ‘West Phoenix’. The helicopter had to make a controlled ditch into the North Sea 32 miles south of Shetland island. This was due to a malfunction with the lubrication system of the gearbox. The helicopter was carrying a total of 2 crew members and 17 passengers. All aboard the helicopter were subsequently rescued. This accident was similar to an incident that happened in 2012 where another EC225 which also had to ditch into the North Sea with a similar fault.

Both accidents were investigated by the Air Accident Investigation Bureau at the same time. Their final report showed that the two helicopters had a failure of the oil pressure in the gearbox of the main rotor. Whilst the emergency system was working, the warning system had wrongly displayed that it was not. As a result, aircrews decided to make a controlled emergency landing into the sea. Airbus, the manufacturer of the helicopter, took sole responsibility for the accidents and personal injury claims were successfully made against them for this.

Helicopter Accident Claims Compensation Calculator

Compensation in helicopter accident claims can be from two heads of loss. The first is called general damages, and these damages are to compensate for the injuries.

Factors that affect how much you receive under general damages include:

  • Severity of injuries
  • Recovery period
  • Pain levels
  • The prognosis for the future
  • Impact on daily living and hobbies

As part of your helicopter accident compensation claim, you may be invited to attend an independent medical examination. This would produce a report that could discuss the factors above. A document called the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) can be used with a report to help calculate general damages.

The JCG contains a vast array of injuries and has guideline compensation brackets for them.

The table below contains some example injuries that could be sustained in a helicopter crash and their corresponding compensation bracket from the JCG. Please note that the first entry is not from the JCG.

InjurySeverityCompensation Bracket
Multiple Serious Injuries and Financial LossesSeriousUp to £1,000,000 or more
Brain InjuryVery Severe£344,150 to £493,000
Moderately Severe£267,340 to £344,150
Injuries Involving ParalysisQuadriplegiaQuadriplegia
Paraplegia£267,340 to £346,890
Leg (Amputations)Loss of Both Legs£293,850 to £344,150
Above-Knee Amputation of One Leg£127,930 to £167,760
Amputation of ArmsLoss of Both Arms£293,850 to £366,100
BowelsDouble IncontinenceUp to £224,790
Digestive SystemSevere Damage£52,490 to £75,550

Compensation in a helicopter injury claim can also include special damages. These are financial losses that are caused by the injuries. They are not present in every case, but with supporting evidence, they could potentially be claimed. Some examples of special damages include:

  • Loss of earnings (including future losses)
  • Loss of opportunity in the open labour market
  • Reduction in bonus payments
  • Loss of pension benefits
  • Care costs (including private fees)
  • Surgery costs
  • Home and vehicle adaption
  • Treatment or rehabilitation fees

To discuss any aspect of claiming helicopter accident compensation, you can reach out to our team for a free case assessment.

No Win No Fee Helicopter Accident Injury Claims

No Win No Fee agreements are a fair and affordable way for people to make helicopter accident claims without having to worry about how to pay for a solicitor.

One of the main concerns that people have if they have been involved in an accident and when thinking about making personal injury claims is whether they can afford a solicitor or lawyer. We believe that no one who has a legitimate claim should be prevented from doing so by the cost of a personal injury solicitor.

If you were injured in a helicopter crash that was not your fault, our No Win No Fee solicitors can help you to claim any compensation which you might be entitled to claim. Our solicitors will work with you to work out how much you could be able to claim and to build your case. If you are able to seek damages, we will offer you a No Win No Fee agreement through which we can make your claim.

Why Make Helicopter Accident Claims With Our Team?

Our team of personal injury solicitors are experienced in making a variety of aviation accident claims, including helicopter accident claims.

In the event of a helicopter accident, determining who to make a claim against can be difficult. The accident could have been caused by the operator of the helicopter, a manufacturer, or the manufacturer of a part. It could also have been caused by the pilot. For example, they may have had insufficient pilot training. Alternatively, perhaps the company that has serviced the helicopter carried out the service incorrectly. This means your claim may be against a company in the UK, or abroad. Our team has helped numerous people to make a helicopter crash injury claim and can advise you too. So get in touch to start your claim.

A personal injury solicitor who is an expert in helicopter accident claims meets a client.

Contact Legal Expert Today

Our expert team are here to take your call about helicopter accident claims, reply to your email, or speak to you on our live chat feature.

Call: 0800 073 8804
Email: Office@LegalExpert.co.uk
Or fill in our contact form here.

Whichever way you choose to get in touch with our team, we are here to help.

Similar Related Guides And Resources

If you have been the victim of a helicopter accident you may wish to find out more about steps that you can take after your crash, as well as additional advice on making a helicopter accident injury claim. This is why we have included these related guides and external resources.

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Thanks for reading our guide to making a helicopter accident injury claim.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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