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How To Make A Broken And Faulty Handle Compensation Claim

By Danielle Jordan. Last Updated 29th January 2025. Have you been injured due to a faulty handle? Would you like to make a broken handle claim? This article will explain who could be responsible for a faulty handle, what evidence you may need to support your case and the time limits on making a personal injury claim. The guide will also explore potential compensation amounts and how our professional solicitors could help you.

Faulty handles may seem minor at first, however, they have the potential to cause harm in some cases. From minor cut injuries to more significant fractures, each one can worsen your day by detrimentally affecting your physical health. It may even stop your daily and work activities.

If you have sustained an injury due to a faulty handle and you would like to make a personal injury claim then get in touch with our advisors. They are available around the clock to provide free legal advice and determine if your claim is valid. If they believe your case has a strong basis they may connect you with our expert lawyers to start the claiming process. Get in touch with our advisors today by:

An open door to an office.

Select A Section

  1. Who Could Be Responsible For A Broken Or Faulty Handle?
  2. How Could A Broken Handle Cause An Injury?
  3. What Evidence Do You Need To Make A Broken Handle Claim?
  4. How Long Do You Have To Make A Broken Handle Claim?
  5. How Is Compensation Calculated In Faulty Handle Accident Claims?
  6. How To Make A Broken Handle Claim

Who Could Be Responsible For A Broken Or Faulty Handle?

In the faulty handle claim process, you would need to be able to prove liability in order to make a personal injury claim. This would mean proving that those who had a responsibility for your safety breached their duty of care.

Negligence refers to an entity such as an employer or occupier of a space breaching their duty of care, meaning they failed to take the responsible steps to ensure that all workers and individuals in their space are kept reasonably safe.

There are several pieces of legislation that outline the duty of care that is owed:

Successful personal injury claims following an injury caused by a broken handle would need to show how health and safety laws were not adhered to. Contact our advisors for information today on the faulty handle compensation claims process.

How Could A Broken Handle Cause An Injury?

There are various ways a broken door handle injury can occur. Some examples may include:

  • A crush injury may occur if your finger becomes stuck between the door and its frame.
  • Penetrating injuries may occur if the handle comes off during a sudden or violent event. These can result in nerve damage.
  • Degloving injuries may occur if the fingers or hand catch on a sharp piece of the handle and it pulls away with your hand still caught on it.
  • Fractures can occur if the fingers or hand get stuck between the door and frame.

However, in order to have a valid faulty handle injury claim, you must be able to prove that your injuries were caused by a relevant third party breaching their duty of care towards you.

If you would like to discuss your eligibility for personal injury compensation, please get in touch with one of our advisors.

What Evidence Do You Need To Make A Broken Handle Claim?

When making a broken handle claim, you will need to prove a third party’s negligence directly led to your injury. This can be done by gathering evidence, which could benefit greatly from legal guidance. Our No Win No Fee solicitors can help, making the process feel simpler by advising on how to proceed. Some examples of evidence that you can collect include:

  • Medical records – It is important that you receive medical attention to treat your injuries. This can provide official documentation created by a medical professional to support your claim.
  • CCTV footage – Collect any CCTV footage from the incident from your employer or the occupier. You can also request any recordings from bystanders or colleagues too.
  • Pictures – It can really help to have photographic evidence of both the accident site and your injury to provide visual context for your case.
  • Witness details – Try and take witness details so a legal professional, like our solicitors, can collect statements at a later date.

Furthermore, if your injury occurred at the workplace there is another document that can be helpful for your faulty handle compensation claim. If your workplace has 10 or more employees then your employer is legally required to provide an accident at work book. If you note your incident in this book it helps to create a timely record of the incident.

For information about what other evidence you can gather for your case, contact our advisors today.

How Long Do You Have To Make A Broken Handle Claim?

A faulty handle claim is a kind of personal injury claim. According to the Limitation Act 1980, you have up to 3 years to start your personal injury claim. Therefore, you must commence your broken handle claim within 3 years. This time limit is calculated from the date of the injury.

However, there are certain exceptions where this time limit won’t apply:

  • Minors: If a minor has suffered a broken handle injury, no time limit will apply until their 18th birthday. Once they turn 18, they have three years to start their claim.
  • Individuals with Diminished Mental Capacity: There is no time limit for an individual who doesn’t possess the mental capacity to make their own claim. However, if they regain this capacity, they’ll have three years to start their claim.

In both cases, the individuals’ loved ones could apply on their behalf by acting as litigation friends. If a minor’s parents or family members apply to become litigation friends, they need not wait for the minor’s 18th birthday to begin the claim.

Do not hesitate to contact our advisors for more guidance on the time limits.

How Is Compensation Calculated In Faulty Handle Accident Claims?

If your faulty handle compensation claim succeeds, there are two potential heads of compensation you may receive.

The Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) publishes the potential compensation bracket amounts for general damages, covering the pain and suffering inflicted during your injury. The awarded figures differ in line with the injury and how serious it is. Our table below looks at a few figures from the JCG, except for the figure in the top row which was not taken from this resource. Please note that the table is only to be used a a guide and does not represent your claim.

InjuryNotesCompensation Guidelines
Multiple Severe Injuries and Special DamagesThe individual has suffered many injuries and needs constant care along with loss of income.Up to £200,000+
Amputation of Index and Middle and/or Ring FingersHand has very little use left and a weak grip.£75,550 to £110,750
Serious Hand InjuriesSeveral fingers have been amputated, leaving the hand deformed or reducing its capacity to 50%.£35,390 to £75,550
Severe Fractures to FingersThere could be partial amputations and some resulting disability.Up to £44,840
Less Serious Hand InjuryThere is a crush injury which could cause severe impairment even after operative treatment.£17,640 to £35,390
Moderate Hand InjuryThis could include crush injuries, lacerations or penetrating wounds.£6,910 to £16,200
Minor Hand, Finger and Thumb InjuriesThere could be fractures which recover in 6 months or some scarring or tenderness.Up to £5,800
Scarring- Number of Noticeable Scars or One Disfiguring ScarThere could be severel noticeable scars or one disfiguring scar or scratch on the hand(s).£9,560 to £27,740
Scarring- One Noticeable Scar or Several Superficial ScarsThere is one noticeable scar or several superficial scars on the hand(s).£2,890 to £9,560

The second head of compensation you may be able to receive is special damages. These damages specifically refer to any unexpected costs that you have collated during your injury. Some examples of special damages include:

  • Loss of earnings and future income
  • Gracious costs i.e. family and friend carers
  • Property adaptations
  • Child care costs
  • Travelling between medical appointments

We encourage you to keep any receipts of expenditures caused by your injury to support your claims. Contact our advisors for information regarding your faulty handle compensation claim today.

How To Make A Broken Handle Claim

Should you intend to make a faulty handle claim you may want to speak to our advisors for free legal advice, to understand the validity of your case. If you have a claim they can pass you on to our expert No Win No Fee solicitors.

No Win No Fee is an umbrella term that commonly refers to financial arrangements that can be used to hire a solicitor’s service. The contract our lawyers offer is a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), which requires no upfront hiring costs. Plus, if your claim fails you do not pay your solicitor for their service.

A CFA solicitor receives a small legally capped percentage of your compensation, otherwise known as a success fee. The fee can only be taken if your claim is successful.

If you believe our CFA lawyers could help in your broken handle claim, then get in touch with our advisors today by:

Faulty And Broken Accident Claim Resources

We have provided other informative guides:

Faulty Automatic Door Injury Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation? – How Much Can I Claim?

Workplace Accident Claims Guide – How To Make A Claim Against Your Workplace For An Accident Or Injury?

There are also helpful external links:

When to call 999

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)

Royal Society For The Prevention Of Accidents (RoSPA)

Contact our advisors for information regarding a faulty handle compensation claim.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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