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How To Make A Deafness Compensation Claim

If you’re wondering how to make a deafness compensation claim, this guide can help.

Environments, where there is excessive noise, can cause people to lose their hearing over time. Under the Health And Safety At Work Act of 1974 and Occupiers Liability Act of 1957, employers have a duty of care towards their employees and other people who use their premises. This means that they are legally obliged to take every reasonable precaution to protect employees from occupational hazards, meaning parts of the job that pose a serious risk to the employee’s health and safety. These precautions are called control measures. If an employer has failed to protect you from hazards related to the job, occupational hazards and you have suffered hearing loss as a result, you could be entitled to make an industrial deafness claim, in the UK.

Trust Legal Expert to handle your claim for workplace hearing loss compensation. We are a well respected personal injury law firm, that are experienced in handling personal injury claims for hearing loss. Whether you are claiming government payment for hearing loss, or private sector workplace hearing loss compensation, our excellent personal injury solicitors will push to win you the maximum amount of deafness compensation that you are entitled to.

Call us today on 0800 073 8804 to begin your claim. Alternatively, if you prefer not to talk on the phone, you can use our claim online form to tell us your story. If you have legitimate grounds to claim compensation for deafness, one of our excellent solicitors will start working on your industrial deafness claims procedure right away. If you have suffered hearing loss because of negligence on the part of your employer or another party, we would love to work with you. Contact us today to learn more about how to make a deafness compensation claim or to get started.

how to make a deafness compensation claim

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What Counts As Hearing Loss Or Deafness That You Could Claim For?

If you’re wondering how to make a deafness compensation claim, this section will look at what type of injuries you could claim for.

To be able to claim compensation for loss of hearing, you will need to undergo a medical assessment with an audiologist. Legal Expert can arrange for you to have a medical assessment with an expert (such as a trusted audiologist) near you. They could measure your loss of hearing and conduct tests to see if your hearing loss is due to excessive noise, or another cause. The audiologist can see that you have suffered significant hearing loss due to excessive exposure to noise, you could be entitled to claim compensation.

Begin your industrial deafness claims procedure today. Contact Legal Expert via phone or contact form to see if you are entitled to make an industrial deafness or tinnitus compensation claim.

Circumstances Which Could Cause Hearing Loss

Before we look at how to make a deafness compensation claim, let’s look at some injuries that could cause hearing loss.

There are specific industries where hearing loss accidents are more likely to happen, because of the machinery, tools and processes used. Here are some examples:

  • Construction
  • Road drilling
  • Engineering
  • Mining
  • Ship building
  • Car manufacturing

Employers have a duty of care to protect their employees against work related hearing loss. These include: installing sound barriers to absorb the noise, providing personal protective equipment (PPE) such as earplugs or noise cancelling headphones, rotating shifts so that no one is exposed to the machinery for a long period of time and using the quietest choice of machinery, where possible.

If you can prove that your workplace failed to apply these health and safety control measures and your hearing was damaged as a result, you could be entitled to make an industrial deafness claim in the UK.

How Much Noise Is Too Much?

Before we look at how to make a deafness compensation claim, let’s look at some relevant legislation.

The general health and safety of employees is protected by the Health And Safety At Work Act of 1974. In addition to this, the Control Of Noise At Work Regulations of 2005, sets out exact procedures for protecting employees from hearing loss, caused by excessive noise at work.

The Control of Noise At Work Regulations of 2005 state that employers must conduct regular risk assessments in order to identify safety hazards that put employees at risk of having their hearing damaged, and control measures to minimise the risk. The acceptable limit for noise in the workplace is 80 to 85 decibels. When the noise reaches this limit or above, employers must apply control measures (as discussed above), to protect their employees from hearing loss.

If an employer fails to do so, and an employee’s hearing is damaged as a result, the injured person could make a tinnitus or deafness compensation claim. For more information on how to make a deafness compensation claim, please read on.

Symptoms Of Noise Induced Hearing Loss And Deafness

There are different types of noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) that can be caused by exposure to excessive noise. We will now look at what these are in more detail.

Industrial Deafness

Industrial deafness, also known as occupational deafness is hearing loss caused by working in an environment with excessive noise. As the noise passes through the outer ear, ear canal and ear drum and into the middle and inner ears, the auditory cells of the inner ears are damaged, causing hearing loss. Unfortunately, this process cannot be reversed. Occupational deafness is a process that takes place over time, rather than a single exposure.

You learn more about industrial deafness and claiming compensation for it, by reading our online guide. For more information on making a claim for industrial deafness, contact Legal Expert today.

Acoustic Shock Syndrome

If you’re wondering how to make a deafness compensation claim, it may be in relation to acoustic shock syndrome.

Acoustic shock syndrome is a type of damage to the ear which is caused by excessive noise, resulting in a loss of hearing. Acoustic shock syndrome can be caused by exposure to a single soundwave, such as an explosion. It can also happen over time, by listening to loud sounds through headphones.

Military Hearing Loss/Deafness Claims

Military personnel can be injured by being routinely exposed to excessively loud noises reaching above 80 to 85 decibels. This can happen due to mismanagement of training exercises, the negligent firing of weaponry during training exercises or the military failing to provide adequate PPE. If you are a serving or former military member of personnel, you could be entitled to claim a government payment for hearing loss.

Noise Induced Tinnitus Claims

You may be wondering how to make how to make a deafness compensation claim as a result of noise-induced tinnitus.

Tinnitus is a condition which can be caused by exposure to excessively loud noise, resulting in damage to the tiny sensory hairs in the cochlea and inner ear. As a result, the person affected may hear a constant ringing, hissing or clicking noise in their ear. This usually happens over time.

As well as hearing loss induced by noise, many people also experience gradual hearing loss as they age. This can make any noise induced hearing loss individual suffers from even worse. If you have experienced any of these types of noise induced hearing loss symptoms because your employer failed to protect you from excessive noise in the workplace, or an accident at work caused by negligence, you could be entitled to claim compensation. Call Legal Expert today, or use our online claims form today, to see if you are entitled to compensation.

Hearing Loss, Deafness Or Tinnitus Claim Compensation Claim Time Limit

If you’re wondering how to make a deafness compensation claim, you should be aware that there are time limits to making legal proceedings.

In the United Kingdom, there is a hearing loss claim time limit of three years. This means that you must begin your hearing loss claim within three years of you being exposed to excessive noise, or realising that you had become harmed.

A hearing loss claim time limit can be complicated to work out, because industrial deafness is usually a condition that develops overtime. Your personal injury lawyer can carry out investigations to see if you are within the hearing loss claim time limit. Contact Legal Expert today, so we can begin work on your industrial deafness claims procedure as soon as possible.

What Could My Deafness Or Tinnitus Claim Compensate Me For?

If you’re wondering how to make a deafness compensation claim, you will likely also be wondering what damages you could claim for. We will now look at what this involves, in more detail.

General Damages

The general damages part of your deafness compensation claim compensates you for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity that you have experienced as a result of your hearing loss, or tinnitus. This is usually the largest part of your compensation claim.

Special Damages

Special damages serve to reimburse the injured person for any expenses that their injuries could cause, and also pay for any injury-related expenses they may have in the future. We have included some common examples of special damages below.

  • Medical expenses: This includes any medical treatment the person may need because of their noise-induced hearing loss. This includes audiologist appointments or rehabilitative treatment.
  • Hearing equipment expenses: Hearing equipment expenses can include the cost of hearing aids, implants, or an assistance dog.
  • Travel expenses: Travel expenses can include the cost of travelling to hospital appointments, parking and any other travel costs related to your injuries.
  • Home and car adaptation expenses: This covers the cost of any devices needed at home, or adaptations to your home you now require, in relation to your hearing loss or tinnitus.
  • At-home care: If a friend or family member has provided care for you since your noise-related hearing loss injuries, you could be entitled to claim a compensation settlement for them.
  • Loss of income: If your loss of hearing resulted in your having to take time off work, or leave your job, you could be entitled to claim loss of income compensation. This can include lost salary payments and in-work benefits.

Deafness Compensation Claims Calculator

If you’re wondering how to make a deafness compensation claim, you’ll probably be wondering how much you could be entitled to.

We have included a hearing loss compensation calculator, which you can use to estimate how much deafness compensation, or tinnitus compensation you could be entitled to claim.

Updated May 2021.

Injury Upper and Lower Settlements Notes
Total deafness with loss of speech £102,890 to £132,040 In such cases deafness may have occurred at a very early age.
Total deafness £85,170 to £102,890 At the higher end there may also be tinnitus and some speech loss.
Loss of hearing £29,380 to £42,730 Associated problems may include tinnitus, dizziness and headaches
Partial hearing loss / tinnitus £27,890 to £42,730 Severe tinnitus with NIHL
Partial hearing loss / tinnitus £13,970 to £27,890 Moderate to severe NIHL Or Tinnitus or moderate both.
Partial hearing loss / tinnitus £11,820 to £13,970 Mild tinnitus and some degree of NIHL.
Partial hearing loss / tinnitus Around £11,000 Mild tonnitus alone or mild NIHL alone.
Partial hearing loss / tinnitus £6,910 to £11,820 Slight or occasional NIHL and/ or tinnitus.
Partial hearing loss / tinnitus Up to £6,580 Slight symptoms of the above conditions.

Please note that the calculator is not 100% accurate because it does not include any special damages you can claim or take your personal circumstances into account. Therefore, if you want to get an accurate estimation of how much you could claim, contact us via phone or our form. One of our specialist personal injury claims advisors will be happy to assist you.

No Win No Fee Deafness Compensation Claims

If you’re thinking about how to make a deafness compensation claim, the cost of getting a lawyer could be offputting.

Losing your hearing due to acoustic shock syndrome, industrial deafness or tinnitus is an experience that many people find highly stressful. In fact, it often takes a long time for people to come to terms with it. We understand that the industrial deafness claims procedure can also be very stressful for claimants.

For many deafness compensation claimants, making a no win no fee claim is the less stressful option to take. This is because your no win no fee personal injury claims lawyer will not charge you an upfront fee. Instead, they will enter into an agreement with you that means that they will only take a payment for their services if and when they win your deafness compensation claim. In the unlikely instance that you do not win your claim for noise induced hearing loss you will not have to pay your solicitor a penny. This means that when making a no win no fee claim, there is no financial risk involved for you.

Read our online guide to making a no win no fee claim for hearing loss or tinnitus compensation. Alternatively, contact Legal Expert today and one of our well informed personal injury claims advisors, will be happy to discuss the benefits of making a no win no fee claim with you.

Contact A Legal Expert Today

Are you still wondering how to make a deafness compensation claim? Alternatively, do you feel ready to make legal proceedings?

how to make a deafness compensation claim

how to make a deafness compensation claim


If you have been made deaf because of excessive exposure to noise, via acoustic shock syndrome, occupational deafness or are suffering from tinnitus because of negligence on the part of your employer, you could be able to claim a large sum of money in compensation. Legal Expert offers a free consultation to anyone looking to claim deafness compensation.

If you are comfortable using the phone, call us to discuss your industrial deafness claims procedure. Alternatively, we have an online claims contact form, which you can use to get in contact with us and we can seek alternative means of communication.

If we believe that you have the right to make an industrial deafness claim, we will provide you with an excellent personal injury solicitor to handle your claim. Our solicitors have up to thirty years of experience handling workplace accident claims, so you’re bound to be in safe hands. What’s more, they will always push to win you the maximum amount of compensation that you are entitled to. Contact now to see if you are entitled to claim compensation. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

How to make a deafness compensation claim FAQs

How much compensation do you get for hearing loss?

There’s no way of estimating how much you could claim without learning a bit more about your case as compensation is valued on a case by case basis.

How are claims valued?

Typically, the more damage sustained as a result of the incident in question, the more compensation you’ll be entitled to.

What damages can I claim?

You could claim general damages for your injuries, whether that’s mental or physical. In addition, you could claim special damages to recover any financial losses you suffered.

How do I make a claim for hearing loss?

To see if you could claim, please speak to one of our specialist advisors today for a free consultation.

Should I get a solicitor?

Although there isn’t any legal requirement to get a solicitor, having their expertise on your side can significantly increase your claim’s chances of success as well as ease the claims process for you.

Where can I get a solicitor?

We work with a panel of personal injury lawyers that always handle cases on a No Win No Fee basis. What’s more, they have over 30 years of experience behind them, meaning you can have peace of mind that your claim is in the right hands.

How could a No Win No Fee agreement benefit me?

By claiming on this basis, any financial risk involved in the claims process is minimized. This is because you won’t have any legal fees to pay if your lawyer is unsuccessful in securing you with your compensation and there aren’t any upfront or hidden fees either.

How can I contact Legal Expert?

Please call the number at the top of this page to get through to one of our specialist advisors or refer to our contact section for more options.

Resources For Deafness

Industrial Deafness Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim?

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For Loss Of Vision Or Blindness? – See how much you could claim in this guide.

Defective Work Equipment Injury Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim? – Check how much you could claim in this guide.

A Guide To Tinnitus Accident Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim? – See how much compensation you could claim.

Accident On Hearing Loss’s website – Here you could find out more information about how to deal with hearing loss.

An NHS Guide To Hearing Loss – Further information from the NHS about how to deal with hearing loss and treatment options which may be open to you.

Other Guides You Can Check Out

Thanks for reading our guide on how to make a deafness compensation claim.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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