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Ocado Warehouse Fire Toxic Gas Leak Compensation Claims

Have you been impacted by the Ocado warehouse fire at an industrial estate in Andover, Hampshire? The Ocado warehouse fire has affected a large area with an exclusion zone of 500 meters having been put in place by the local fire service. Families and homes in this area, as well as those in a 1.6km stretch have been evacuated over night. Other residents have also been advised (at times) to remain in doors, with all doors and windows firmly closed. This has also affected businesses and the wider community in this part of Andover.

Local residents and families have been evacuated to a local rest centre, with 20 families there at some points. At the height of the blaze, the fire service had to evacuate around 200 homes, during fears that there would be an explosion of toxic materials. Hampshire fire services have taken more than 24 hours to take full control of the blaze, with 200 firefighters involved in fighting the fire engulfing the 30,000 square meter warehouse complex.

Our team is here to help you make an Ocado warehouse fire compensation claim for the effects that this accident has had upon you. You may be a local resident or work in the area and have potentially been exposed to toxic chemicals; have had to remain in your home due to the potential release of toxic gases, or could be a business forced to close during this period; you could have been an employee of the warehouse affected by the fire. If you have been impacted by this event in any way, such as the exclusion zone being put up, there may be grounds for you to claim compensation for the Ocado warehouse fire.

To find out more about this event, and how the team at Legal Expert could help those affected by the Ocado warehouse fire (or similar events), please read this guide, and get in touch with our team by 0800 073 8804.

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A Guide To Claiming Compensation For The Ocado Warehouse Fire

This easy to follow guide has been written for those who have sustained an injury or illness and who need to make an Ocado warehouse fire injury compensation claim. In this guide we will look at;

  • The circumstances of what is known, at the time of publication, about the warehouse fire,
  • How this incident could have affected people working at the warehouse, or who are based in the local area,
  • Injuries or illnesses which could have been caused by it,
  • What victims of this fire can claim for as part of a compensation claim,
  • How much compensation you could be able to claim in the event of different types of accident, injury, or illness.

First we will begin by looking at what happened in the Ocado warehouse fire, and how the local community has been affected.

What Happened At The Ocado Warehouse Fire?

Over 200 homes homes and many families have been evacuated in the Andover area whilst the fire services dealt with the Ocado warehouse fire. A number (quoted by media sources as being twenty) of families had to seek refuge in the Harrow Way Community School whilst fire services spent over twenty-four hours to bring the fire under control.

Whilst the fire was brought under control and eventually put out, the exclusion zone remained in place whilst the warehouse was further secured. No employees of the warehouse have been reported as having been injured or ill as a result of the incident. The area has however remained evacuated whilst the emergency services secure the site.

Speaking for Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service, Andy Bowers, the Deputy Chief Fire Officer stated that there was still a risk of either a large cylinder exploding, or the release of toxic chemicals. Once the fire was put out, the emergency services have worked with partners, removing toxic chemicals from the site of the warehouse.

Have You Inhaled Toxic Fumes?

The inhalation of toxic fumes could cause injury or illness. Many gases or chemical agents which could have been present on the site could lead to symptoms such as mouth, throat, eye, nose, or skin irritation. Depending on the gases or chemicals which may have been present on site, they may also cause irritation or damage to the lungs.

Toxic gas inhalation injury claims can be made if you have suffered a respiratory syndrome, such as where the level and content of oxygen in the air could be affected. In such cases, people might sustain injuries to their lungs including disabilities, or could also suffer from skin allergies.

Other parts of the body, such as the brain, liver, or kidney could also be damaged if you inhale some toxic gases or chemicals. Given that either employees at the warehouse or those present in the general area could have been exposed to agents causing chemical gas inhalation injuries in this area or in other ways, medical evidence will be needed to establish the basis of a claim.

Depending on the materials present at the Ocado warehouse fire, or other similar industrial incidents, those who have inhaled toxic fumes or substances could find that there is an immediate impact on their health. Or, that symptoms of an illness develop over a longer period of time.

If you think that you have been exposed to or have inhaled toxic fumes as a result of this or any other accident, you could make a toxic gas leak compensation claim. In such cases, a personal injury claim can be made under the basis of the occupiers liability act. This act means that members of the public can claim damages if the business has been negligent and allowed people to be exposed to chemicals.

I Am A Resident In A Home, We have Been Evacuated, Can I Claim Compensation?

If you were one of the families or local residents who have been evacuated from your home overnight due to the fire, smoke, or possible release of toxic materials you could claim compensation from the occupier of the building, responsible for maintaining the facility.

As a resident who has been evacuated from their home, either due to the Ocado warehouse fire, or for other circumstances, you could claim compensation for your evacuation. To claim compensation for evacuation, you need to show that you have either been injured in some way, that you were sick, or that you suffered some form of financial loss.

You may have had to pay for alternative accomodation, or had to travel elsewhere. For a better estimation of what you can claim damages for, and how much you could be owed, get in touch with our experienced team today.

I Am A Business Owner Who Has Been Evacuated Because Of The Ocado Warehouse Fire, Can I Claim Compensation?

If you are a local business, either in the exclusion zone, or the local area, you might find that your business has been affected by the Ocado warehouse fire. It might be that your business either had to close, or was unable to open if it was within the exclusion zone areas. If the business is based outside this area, it could still find that there is a significant decrease in the volume of business, or that the business is not able to open.

To find out what your business might be able to claim with one of our personal injury lawyers, or whether you as an individual can make a toxic fumes inhalation injury compensation claim, please contact our team. We can help to assess your eligibility to claim, and what you could seek damages for.

How To Claim For Chemical Exposure At Work?

In the UK, all employers have a legal duty of care to both their employees or those working on their premises, as well as any customers and anyone else present on their site. However, to protect people in workplaces which involve or make use of hazardous substances, there are further regulations applicable to this. Examples of these regulations include the COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous To Health. Such regulations highlight that a company, such as Ocado, have a legal obligation to their employees to keep them safe from exposure to toxic or hazardous chemicals.

This means that exposures to substances which might be hazardous to a person’s health should be mitigated or avoided, with safety equipment and procedures put in place. If these steps were not put in place, or if they were not adequate, you could be able to claim compensation for your injury or illness in the workplace. In the case of this incident, whilst no employees were injured, had they been exposed to a toxic material, they could have been able to make a toxic fumes inhalation injury compensation claim for said injuries.

For you to be able to claim compensation, such as making a toxic fumes inhalation injury compensation claim, you will need to show several key pieces of information.

  • That your injury or illness was caused in the last three years, or were connected to an event in the last three years.
  • That an employer, or other third party was involved. This could also be a local authority.
  • That there is a link between the illness or injury, and being exposed to a hazardous material or chemical agent.

In the majority of instances where someone is making a toxic gas leak compensation claim, the case is based upon the employer having failed to meet or maintain their duty of care to the employee. In some cases this might be a very obvious case of negligence. In some instances there may be a degree of shared liability for the exposure and the illness.

In the following section, find out what types of damages you could claim compensation for.

What Can I Claim Compensation For After The Ocado Warehouse Fire?

In our personal injury claims calculator, we look at how much you can claim for examples of specific injuries or illnesses. However, when you are making a toxic fumes inhalation injury compensation claim, you can claim for more than just your injury itself. You can also claim damages for the wider effects of the injury on you.

These are commonly referred to as special damages. Special damages is compensation which can be claimed for damages, such as the damage to or loss of, personal property. This might include damage to your property in the event of the warehouse fire.

You might have faced a variety of different medical expenses such as having to pay for private medical treatment, special medical equipment, or prescription medication. You might also have had to pay for hospital care, of for help around the house. If you have had to pay for these expenses, you could claim for them.

You could also claim for different travel expenses. For example, you may have had to travel out of the area when evacuated, or had to stay overnight at a hotel. You could also claim damages if you have had to travel for medical care.

As you are dealing with the effects of your illness or injury, make sure that you record any expenses you come across. You could then claim them back later.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For Inhaling Toxic Fumes?

If you have suffered any form of injury, such as a toxic gas inhalation injury, you will probably have many questions about what you should do next to deal with what has happened to you. Chiefly among those might be how much Ocado warehouse Fire compensation your illness or injury could you be able to claim.

The amount of compensation which you could claim will vary depending on the injury or illness you suffered, and how serious it was. In the compensation table below, we have included details of different types of injury or illness those affected by the Ocado warehouse fire might have suffered, and how much toxic gas leak compensation they can claim.

Injury Severity Amount Description
Loss of sight – caused by a chemical burn. Very serious Upto £307,000 Total loss of hearing and sight.
Loss of sight – caused by a chemical burn. Serious £73,000 – £136,700 Loss of sight totally in one eye. The other eye may also lose sight in the future.
Loss of sight – caused by a chemical burn. Very severe injuries £37,450 – £41,675 Permanent partial loss of sight. One or both eyes.
Loss of sight – caused by a chemical burn. Severe injuries £18,000 – £30,000 Permanent partial loss of sight.
Loss of sight – caused by a chemical burn. Minor £3,000 – £6,650 Lesser loss of sight. May not be permanent.
Loss of sight – caused by a chemical burn. Transient £1,675 – £3,000 Victim should fully recover their sight
Loss of Benefits n/a £5,000 – £500,000 Damages are estimated from income actually lost. Can exceed the maximum.
Loss of Anticipated Earnings n/a £10,000 – £400,000 Damages are estimated from income actually lost. Can exceed the maximum.
Loss of Care, n/a £2,000 – £100,000 Claimed by a family member for loss of care, companionship, or protection.
Asthma Mild Up to £3,900 Mild effects to the chest.
Asthma Relatively mild £8,100 – £14,600 Mild symptoms similar to and including asthma.
Asthma Moderate £14,600 – £20,000 There will be a full recovery, but condition may last for several years.

No Win No Fee Claims Against Ocado Warehouse Fire

If you choose to make your claim with the Legal Expert team of personal injury lawyers and solicitors, one of the first things which we will ask you to do is to sign a no win no fee agreement. This is a contract which is drawn up between you (the claimant) and your solicitor. It will set out details for things such as; what services will be provided to you by the solicitor, the conditions under which they will be paid (winning your case), and what the ‘success fee’ which will be deducted from your damages is set at. This is usually a set percentage of total amount.

To find out more about what using a no win no fee solicitor means for you, please read out

How Can Legal Expert Help Victims Of the Ocado Warehouse Fire

The Hampshire Ocado warehouse fire has been a large event for the local fire service, and has had a significant impact on the businesses and people of the local area. Many families within the exclusion zone have been affected, and those in the 1.6km area where wind may have blown smoke and materials could also have been affected. Many of those people may require assistance to claim damages for injuries, illness, or loss of income. This is where Legal Expert can help.

The biggest way we can help victims of this incident is to help people claim compensation for the Ocado warehouse fire. We can usually do so through a no win, no fee agreement, removing any financial risk of you doing so. Our panel of personal injury solicitors can also connect you with a local medical expert who can better assess any health impacts the potential toxic gas leak has had on you.

Our team will:

  • Offer you a free consultation.
  • Offer you services through a no win, no fee agreement.
  • Adapt our service to meet your needs.
  • Manage your claim and case from start to finish.

To start your personal injury claim, please contact our specialist team today via the methods below.

Contact Our Team Today

If you need to make an Ocado warehouse fire injury claim, such as for a chemical gas inhalation injury, contact our team of personal injury solicitors today. You can call the number above to talk to our team.

You can also send an email to us via Office@LegalExpert.co.uk with details about how the incident has affected you. Alternatively, you can also click ‘Online Claims Advisor’ at the bottom of this page to chat to a member of our team.

Additional Resources

There are many ways in which employees of the Ocado warehouse, local business owners, and local residents could be impacted or adversely affected by this incident. If you were affected by the Ocado warehouse fire, or a similar event we have further compensation claim guides which may be helpful to you.

Compensation Claim Guide For Workplace Accidents
If you have been injured in this, or any other workplace accident, find out how to claim compensation for any injury sustained.

Compensation For Work Related Illness
If you have become ill while carrying out your work, you could be eligible to claim compensation. Find out how to do so in this guide.

Chemical Burn Injury Claims Guide
If you have suffered a chemical burn as a result of someone else’s actions, such as in the workplace, you could claim compensation. Find out more in this guide.

Brain Injuries Caused By Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Monoxide poisoning can lead to serious levels of injury, up to and including brain injuries. Read this guide to find out how much you could seek damages for.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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