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Shearings Hotels Personal Injury Claims Guide

Shearings holidays have been popular for many years as they offer convenient all in one package holidays including coach travel from the UK, via ferry, to many top hotels in Europe and the UK.

Guests like the fact that they can avoid the inconvenience of driving abroad and just sit back and relax.

Shearings hotel accident claims

However like with all holidays there is a risk that accidents could happen if they do then a holiday can be ruined, and the effects can last into the future.

If you’ve been injured while on a Shearings holiday, and it can be proven to be the fault of staff or management, then you could use our no win no fee service to make a personal injury claim.

Please call us today on 0800 073 8804 now and let one of our specialists help you with your claim.

If you’d rather know more first then please continue reading this helpful guide about hotel accident claims.

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In What Circumstances Am I Eligible To Claim Compensation For An Accident At A Hotel?

Every hotel in the UK and abroad has a duty of care to protect its staff, guests and visitors from being hurt while on its premises. This means that owners and management should identify the potential risks to anyone on site, take action to reduce those risks, write health and safety procedures and fully train their staff in those procedures. They should continually review their procedures, rewrite them and retrain staff so that everybody knows how to protect people who are in the hotel.

Anybody injured whilst on the grounds of the hotel could have an accident including: guests, staff and visitors including people using the hotels conferencing suite, delivery drivers, pool maintenance staff and anybody else who has reasonable reason to be on the site.

To be eligible to make a claim for injury compensation it has to be proved that the accident was either due to staff/hotel negligence for example; lack of training, poorly maintained fixtures or fittings or could’ve been prevented in some way had the hotel staff done something differently.

If you think you have a valid claim against Shearings hotels for an avoidable injury then please give our team a call today and we’ll be happy to assess your accident in our free consultation.

Examples Of Different Injuries And Accidents Which Could Happen At Hotels

Over the next few sections we’ll cover the types of accident claims against hotels that could happen and what might cause them. We’ll cover: Slips and falls; Injuries from fixtures, fittings or furnishings; Food poisoning; Bed Bugs; Scalds and Burns and; Lift injuries.

Legal Expert no win no fee service could help you to pursue a claim for your injuries please call for more details.

I Slipped In A Shearings Hotel, Can I Claim?

Some of the worst injuries seen could come from a simple slip or fall at a hotel. They often look innocuous but could lead to some devastating injuries that sometimes claimants may never fully recover from.

The types of reasons a hotel may be responsible for a slip or fall include:

  • Slippery floors with no warning signs possibly due to cleaning, spillages, flooding or rain water being transferred indoors by guests.
  • Uneven flooring such as damaged carpets, floor tiles or kerbstones (as you could claim even if the accident was in the hotel car park or outside pool area).
  • Trip hazards that aren’t visible due to poor lighting, broken lighting or automatic lights failed to operate.

If you have experienced a slip or trip fall at a Shearings hotel, if there is evidence that it could’ve been avoided then call our helpline to see if you could claim. If you’re involved in a fall you could photograph the cause of the accident as evidence.

Hotel Food Poisoning Compensation Cases

Food poisoning could at best cause a few days in bed and at worst lead to life-threatening illnesses. Either of which could ruin your holiday and could possibly lead to accident claims against Shearings hotels if it is as a result of food eaten in one of their hotels and it can be medically proven.

Food poisoning is caused when food is left out, stored, prepared, cooked or reheated incorrectly and can lead to viruses such as Salmonella, E-coli and Noro virus. It could also be caused by poor hygiene around eating areas which is why some hotels provide hand sanitisers and insist that everybody use them before entering the restaurant.

If you become ill due to food poisoning and it is diagnosed by a doctor then you could possibly claim compensation against a hotel or package holiday provider for the pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of your holiday.

Hotel Bed Bug Exposure

Bed bugs aren’t the nicest thing to think about when discussing what happened on holiday and, in general, they aren’t present very often. But, whilst they’re not dangerous, they are annoying and could lead to annoying and irritating bites and also lead to unexpected costs.

Bed bugs hide in bedding, under mattresses and under skirting boards near beds and if they’re not expelled from a room they could get into clothing and then travel back with you to your home. This could then lead to an infestation of your own home. The only proper way to remove them is by paying for pest control to fumigate the room which can be costly. If you are unlucky enough to encounter bed bugs and it can be proven to have come from your trip to a hotel then you could claim compensation using a personal injury solicitor.

Hotel Lift Injury Claims

Accident claims could be made against a hotel if you become injured or stuck in a lift. Most large hotels have lifts nowadays to make traversing the floors much easier and moving luggage around. If maintained properly then there are usually no problems but if you become stuck in a lift for any period of time, trip over because the lift and doorway don’t align properly or have any other accident in a lift that was due to negligence then you could be eligible to make a hotel accident claim. If you have suffered a Shearings hotel lift incident and it has left you injured or harmed in some way call Legal Expert to see if you are eligible to pursue a personal injury claim.

Scalds, Shocks, Or Burns Injuries

There could be a number of accidents in hotels that could lead to burns or scalds. For either type of injury, you should seek immediate medical attention to decrease the effect of scarring.

The types of accident that hotels could be liable for include:

  • Scalds from taps, showers or baths due to a faulty water boiler or thermostat.
  • Food or drink being served too hot and without any warning.
  • Hot food or drink being spilled on you by hotel staff accidentally.

Examples Of Accidents In A Hotel

The final example of accident claims against hotels that could happen are accidents involving fixtures, fittings or furnishings that are faulty or damaged causing you an injury. This could be relevant to a guest of the hotel, a visitor or member of staff so long as it is reasonable to expect that you would use the item that caused the injury.

Essentially, all fixtures and furnishings should be well maintained and if, because the item is in a poor state of repair, you became injured then you could make a claim for compensation. For instance, if a chair in a restaurant were to collapse, because of damage to one of it’s legs, and you fall from it then the hotel could be liable. If you’re involved in this type of accident, then it would be advisable to try and photograph the damaged item and seek witnesses. If you fee that you have had an accident that was not your fault and want to pursue accident claims against a Shearing Hotel call us for your free initial consultation.

What Should I Do If I Am Injured When Staying At A Hotel In The UK?

Accident claims against Shearings hotels could be made more straight forward if you take certain steps when your accident occurs. If you are involved in an accident at a hotel then taking the following steps could make claiming for compensation a lot easier:

  • Inform the hotel staff of what happened and how it happened. They should then log the details in an incident report book (or similar). Ask them for a copy of the report (so that it can be used as evidence of your claim). If they are unable to give you a copy, then take the member of staff’s name and the time and date that you reported the accident to them.
  • Seek medical assistance or advice for your injury. This will ensure you’re checked out by a professional and receive the appropriate medical attention but, at the same time, it will mean that a medical record of your injuries will be created and can be used as evidence to support your claim (along with further medical records obtained throughout your recovery).
  • Try to photograph the scene of your accident after it happens including as much detail as possible but essentially try to capture the root cause of your accident. So, if you believe the cause of the accident was that a trip hazard wasn’t visible because of broken (or not working) lighting, then try to capture the trip hazard and the fact the lights weren’t on.
  • Try to obtain the contact details of any witnesses who saw your accident happen. If they have time then ask them to write down what they saw, if not then get the minimum of their name and telephone number so that we can contact them at a later date.

Obviously, you’ll want to get on with your holiday, but it is important to try and get as much evidence as possible at the time as this could be the difference between a successful or unsuccessful accident claims against a hotel.

What Forms Of Compensation Could I Include In My Shearings Accident Claim?

There are a number of elements that we could include in accident claims against hotels to help compensate you for injuries and financial losses and it’s important that we gather all of the information from you before submitting a claim as, once a claim has been settled, we won’t be able to make a subsequent claim. The elements we could include in a claim are:

  • Damage to personal property: This element is to cover the cost of replacing anything that was damaged in the accident such as torn clothing or a damaged mobile phone.
  • General damages: Usually this will make up the bulk of any claim as it covers the pain and suffering caused by your injury. It is calculated from an agreed set of guidelines which lists each type of injury and what the range of compensation should be (dependant on the severity) i.e. an amputated arm would obviously be compensated more than a bruised arm. We’ve got a selection of compensation amounts in the next section.
  • Loss of earnings: Earnings that are lost because you have to take time off from work could be claimed back if they are a direct result of your accident. If your injury is so severe that you can no longer work or have to change jobs (to a less well-paid job) because your job can’t be completed any more then we may also be able to claim for future loss of earnings.
  • Travel expenses: We can claim back the cost of any costs to return home (if you have to make your own way back earlier or later than planned) and also for any travelling to and from medical treatments while recovering from your accident.
  • Care costs: It is possible, if you have to pay somebody to help you out while you’re recovering from your injuries, to claim back the costs associated with caring for you.

As you can see, other than the general damages element, financial loss is a big part of any claim and therefore we would advise that you keep any receipts for those elements you want to claim back as it’ll make the claim easier to process.

Accident Compensation Calculator

The amount of compensation a claimant might receive against Shearings hotels for an injury that occurred due to a avoidable action is difficult to put an exact figure on as each and every case is unique and so we don’t offer a hotel accident compensation calculator, but we have listed some of the injuries that you might sustain in the table below with a range of compensation payments that may be obtained:

Injury Type Compensation Brackets Injury Information
Minor Neck Injury Up to £2,150 to £6,920 Lower bracket is for full recovery within several months to neck injuries that last from 1/2 years that possibly acceleration and/or exacerbation injuries. Injuries of this kind tend to be soft tissue in nature.
Minor Back Injury Up to £2,150 to £10,970 Injuries in these brackets tend to be concerned with length of time of injury, severity, ability to work etc and include injuries such as sprains disc prolapses and soft tissue injuries.
Moderate or Minor Injury to the Elbow Up to £11,040 Brackets include: simple fractures, tennis elbow syndrome and lacerations.
Very Minor Wrist Injuries £3,090 to £4,160 Undisplaced or minimally displaced fractures and soft tissue injuries.
Fracture of Index Finger £7,990 to £10,730 Fracture has been repaired, not fully able to grip.
Moderate Hip Injury £23,310 to £34,340 Hip replacement or surgery needed or necessary in the future to significant pelvis or hip injury but permanent disability not a great risk.
Moderate Knee Injury Up to £12,050 to £22,960 Twisting and bruising of the knee where recovery is almost complete to dislocation, torn cartilage or meniscus which results in minor instability, and minor disability.
Modest Ankle Injuries Up to £12,050 Less serious, minor or undisplaced fractures, sprains and ligamentous injuries.
Food Poisoning £3,460 to £8,360 Varying degree of cramps accompanied by diarrhoea to significant abdominal pain, alteration of the bowel and fatigue.
Trivial Scarring £1,500 to £3,090 Scarring is minor.

Remember that this amount is for the general damages element only (pain and suffering) and doesn’t take into account any costs associated with your claim. Also, it is only a sample of injuries so, if you’re injury is not listed, then please call our team and, once we understand your accident, we’ll be able to give you a better idea of what a compensation payment may be in your case.

No Win No Fee Claims Against Shearings Hotel

No win no fee means that as your personal injury solicitor, we’d only get paid if we manage to secure compensation for you. There’s nothing to pay if we lose and you will receive written confirmation of this before the claims process begins.

Solicitors sometimes charge their clients by the hour even if they lose the case which means you could end up with a large legal bill but no compensation and we don’t think that is fair. It also leads to a lot of stress and worry which is why we operate what is called a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA or no-win, no-fee).

Our CFA states what you’ll pay us ( a percentage of the compensation you are awarded) and explicitly states that we can only charge you this if we win your case for compensation. It is the fairest and stress-free way to make a personal injury claim and is why so many clients recommend Legal Expert.

How To Start Your Claim With Legal Expert

The team at Legal Expert are a friendly team of professional personal injury solicitors who, between them, have decades of experience in making hotel accident claims which means they know what they need to ask from you and what they don’t.

Having so much knowledge of claiming for a hotel accident means we know when an offer is fair and when it’s not. We always look for compensation that actually reflects the personal pain, suffering and financial losses of our clients and we’ll always advise you if we think any compensation offer is fair or not. In our experience, most of our claims are settled out of court which is great for clients but we always reserve the right to issue court proceedings if a hotel makes an offer that is under-valued.

The Best Way To Contact Us

If you’re happy, after reading our guide regarding accident claims against Shearings hotels, to begin your personal injury claim with us (especially now you know about our no win no fee service) then you can contact us today using any of the following methods:

Whichever method you choose, one of our friendly specialists will be able to give you advice on your claim, begin your free consultation and hopefully take your case forward with Legal Expert so get in touch today.

Other Helpful Guides And Links

Hopefully this guide about accident claims against Shearings hotels has covered everything you need to know but here are some more useful guides that you may find helpful:

Slip and Fall claims – another of our guides regarding slips, trips and falls

Hotel accident claims – a guide about accidents in hotels.

Package holiday claims – another guide, this time regarding the special regulations for package holiday providers

Food Poisoning Guide – a guide by NHS Scotland with detailed information regarding symptoms and treatment of food poisoning

Travelling in the EU advice guide – A guide from the British government covering all you need to know about travelling within Europe

Edited By Melissa.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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