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Stornoway Airport Accident Claims Guide

Stornoway airport

Stornoway airport

On this web page is a guide to making a compensation claim due to an accident at Stornoway Airport. Within it, you will learn about why people could make an airport claim, as well as details of the legal process involved in making a claim.

If you reach the end of this guide and still have questions, the Legal Expert team is always available to answer them for you. Speak to one of our claims experts on 0800 073 8804, and they will be able to answer your questions for you.

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A Guide To Claims For Stornoway Airport Accidents

There is a personal injury claims time limit, which is generally three-years, that you will need to start making your claim within. If you are within this time limit, then this guide should be useful to you. It begins by going over the basic information regarding airport accidents. This includes a general overview of the concept of eligibility to claim, as well as some of the most common reasons to make a claim. We also present some key information related to Stornoway Airport.

The second part of this guide covers possible types of airport claims. Each is covered in its own section, and this includes:

  • Slips, trips and falls.
  • Accidents involving the airport shuttle bus.
  • Baggage trolley and baggage carousel accidents.
  • Other kinds of luggage related accidents.
  • Lift and escalator accidents.
  • Accidents that occur within shops, restaurants and other airport facilities.
  • Work-related accidents at an airport, including baggage handling accidents.
  • Food-related illnesses as well as allergic reactions to food.

The final part of this guide moves on to present facts that are related to the claim process itself. This includes a brief overview of how to get started with your claim. You will find that we have listed many of the common types of damages that claimants receive, as well as provided a table detailing typical compensation amounts for a range of injuries. We also go over the Legal Expert national airport claims service. This is simple to use yet an effective way for you to have your claim processed. Furthermore, when using this service, there is no financial risk to you.

If you have any questions about the facts provided in this guide, or the process of making an airport claim, please speak to one of the Legal Expert claim advisors on the telephone number at the bottom of the page. They will be ready and waiting to provide you with the help you need.

What Is A Stornoway Airport Accident?

Stornoway airport statistics

Take a look at the graph above. The take away here, is that this airport sees a lot of rain each and every year. Weather conditions could play a big part, causing accidents that could result in an accident compensation claim.

A Stornoway airport accident can relate to any accident that happens on the grounds or premises of the airport.

If you are injured in an accident at an airport, there are two core concepts that you will need to understand. These are eligibility and liability. They can be explained thus:

  • Eligibility – this is your ability to make a claim. In order to be eligible to claim, a third party must be at least partially responsible for causing you harm in some way.
  • Liability – this relates to the third party that caused you harm. If it can be proven that they did indeed contribute to the incident that caused you harm, they could be liable to pay compensation. Liability can be complete, or it can be partial, based on how much the third party contributed to the incident that caused you harm. Partial liability is expressed as a percentage, and this percentage would be one of the key drivers of how much compensation you receive.

If you have any questions about the concepts of eligibility and liability, please speak to one of the Legal Expert claims team on the telephone number at the end of this guide.

Incidents At Stornoway Airport

In this section, we are going to give some Stornoway Airport information. This is an airport that has continued to grow the number of flights it handles for some years now. It primarily provides domestic travel within the islands that make up this part of Scotland. It is served primarily by the airline Loganair.

A recorded Stornoway Airport plane crash involved a Cessna, that crashed into the sea whilst coming into land, and this resulted in the death of all 10 on board.

What Accidents And Injuries Could Happen At An Airport?

There is a wide range of ways that a person could be injured in an accident in an Airport. However, some reasons could be more common than others, and these include:

  • Accidents involving the airport shuttle bus.
  • Work-related accidents at an airport, including baggage handling accidents.
  • Baggage trolley and baggage carousel accidents.
  • Other kinds of luggage related accidents.
  • Accidents that take place inside shops, restaurants and other airport facilities.
  • Food-related illnesses as well as allergic reactions to food.
  • Slips, trips and falls.
  • Lift and escalator accidents.

We have covered each of these common types of claims in their own sections below. If you have any questions, please call Legal Expert and speak to one of our claim advisors today.

I Fell At The Airport, Can I Make A Personal Injury Claim?

The most common of all types of accidents that could cause an airport injury, are slips, trips and falls. These accidents can happen in a great many ways, for example:

  • Water that has been spilt on the floor of an airport bathroom.
  • Food that has been dropped on the floor of an eatery in an airport.
  • Luggage that has been left in a hazardous place.
  • Torn carpets, cracked tiles and other damaged floor coverings in the airport.
  • Broken paving slabs and curbstones in the airport car park.

As you can see, the list of causes could go on. This is why slips, trips and falls are the most common accident of all. Legal Expert can help you to claim, if a third party was the cause of your accident.

Airport Shuttle Bus And Transport Accidents

There are several types of transport that passengers could encounter in an airport. This includes electric vehicles used for transporting passengers, as well as shuttle buses. If you were to be injured in an airport shuttle accident, or an airport bus accident and you can prove that an airport was to blame, then you could likely have a valid reason to make a compensation claim. Legal Expert could be able to help you with this claim. Speak to one of our claim advisors on the number at the end of the page to learn more about how we can help you.

Baggage Trolley, Belt And Carousel Accidents

There are two primary baggage related hazards that airport passengers could be exposed to, and these are:

  • Baggage trolleys – these can cause a serious injury if rammed into a passenger, or left in a place where they could cause a trip hazard.
  • The baggage carousel –  baggage if incorrectly placed on the carousel can fall off and potentially hit a person causing injuries. The carousel itself can also cause harm.

If you are injured by a baggage trolley or the baggage carousel, and it was due to the negligence of an airport, you could be able to make a compensation claim, and Legal Expert can help with this.

Other Suitcase Or Luggage Accidents

Aside from trolleys and the baggage carousel, luggage can easily cause injuries in its own right. Luggage that has been left in a hazardous place could cause a trip. Another passenger could drop luggage onto another passenger’s foot. Or a person carrying a heavy bag could accidentally strike another passenger with it. However if it was not due to an airport being negligent in some way then a claim could not be brought against them. Legal Expert could be help you establish liability so please call today to see if you have a valid claim.

Escalator Or Lift Injury Compensation Claims

Another common Airport incident that could cause harm to a passenger, is some form of accident that is caused by a lift or an escalator. These facilities must, by law, be made safe at all times. If maintenance is lax and the condition of an escalator or lift becomes bad enough to cause an accident, then the airport could be liable, and a reason to make a compensation claim could exist. If you speak to the Legal Expert claims team on the number at the end of this guide, they will explain how to proceed with your claim.

Shops, Eateries And Passenger Facilities At Stornoway Airport

All of the franchises that operate within the boundaries of an airport, and this includes shops, cafés, restaurants, fast food outlets, foreign exchange booths, etc. must all conform to the Health & Safety legislation that pertains to their industry. This is a legal requirement, and failure to comply fully, if the failure results in harm to a member of the public or an employee, could result in the business becoming liable to pay compensation. In this case, Legal Expert could act as your personal injury claim, and help you to make a claim.

Have You Suffered An Accident At Work At Stornoway Airport?

Every employer in the UK is legally obligated to provide every member of staff with a safe, healthy working environment at all times. Multiple levels of legislation cover this requirement, including Health & Safety directives and the Occupiers Liability Act. If an employer fails to comply with all of these legal requirements, and this directly or indirectly leads to harm to one of its employees, they could be liable to pay damages in a work-related accident claim. Legal Expert could help with this; we can process a claim on your behalf.

Baggage Handler Workplace Injury Claims

If you work as a baggage handler at Stornoway airport, and you are injured due to a workplace accident, then you could be able to make a Stornoway Airport accident at work claim if it is proven that in some way your employer has been negligent. Despite the fact that baggage handlers receive special training in lifting and manual handling methods, accidents could still happen from time to time. If a baggage handler is injured due to insufficient training, or being asked to perform an unsuitable task not suitable for a single person to handle, then a reason to make a claim against their employer could exist.

Food Poisoning Or Food Allergy Claims

All food service establishments, as well as the airport canteen serving food to the employees, must conform with all Health & Safety regulations related to serving food in a safe and healthy way. If they don’t comply fully, and serve food that causes an illness such as food poisoning, they could be liable to pay compensation.

Additionally, if a person who suffers from a food allergy of some kind suffers an allergic reaction due to a) being given wrong information by serving staff, or b) eating food that has been labelled incorrectly, they could have a valid reason to make a compensation claim.

How To Begin A Stornoway Airport Accident Claim

If you have fallen foul of an accident, injury or illness at an airport, and it can be proven that a third party was even partly to blame, then starting a claim is a simple process. Call Legal Expert today, and speak to one of our claim advisors. They will go over a standard list of questions with you, and the answers that you give will help us to understand your situation. Once we know enough, we will offer you some free legal advice on what we think your next steps should be.

What Can Stornoway Airport Accident Personal Injury Claims Include?

If your airport accident claim is successful, the settlement you receive will likely comprise of several different categories of damages. This could include, but is in no way limited to:

  • Special damages (to compensate for loss both financial and ad-hoc):
    • Travel tickets – to reimburse you for any travel costs due to medical treatment or dealing with the claim.
    • Cost of care – if you need nursing care home, or somebody to come in and assist with the cleaning and maintenance.
    • Medical fees – if you had to pay either all or part of the costs of the medical treatment you required.
    • Loss of prospects – if your injuries will leave you with a lessened capacity for working in the future.
    • Loss of wages/salary – if you took time away from work and did not get paid or were only partially paid.
  • General damages (to compensate for the harm you have suffered):
    • Shock and trauma – of the accident itself.
    • Pain and suffering – that you suffered during the accident, and also while receiving emergency treatment afterwards.
    • Painful treatment and recovery – if you will have to undergo a long course of medical treatment and spend a long time recovering.
    • Psychological damage – for the long-term psychological damage caused by the accident and the injuries.
    • Long-term disability – if you are left disabled in some way, lowering your life quality.

How Much Can I Claim For An Accident In Stornoway Airport?

You could try to locate a personal injury claims calculator to get a rough estimate of how much your claim could be worth. You could also take a look at the table below to see how much you could potentially claim.

Injury Type Severity Compensation Information
Toe injury Moderate to severe Up to £49,180 Here, injuries are going to range upwards from damage to the soft tissue that could include lacerations, bruising, cuts, etc. through fractures, dislocations and nerve damage, to complete loss of all toes, mobility and effect on overall foot will be taken into consideration.
Ankle injury Minor to severe Up to £61,110 Here, injuries are going to range upwards from tissue damage (bruising, scrapes, burns, cuts, etc.) through sprains, damage to the muscles and also fractures, to some level of loss of function of the ankle, transmalleolar fracture with possible future amputation.
Foot injury Minor to very severe Up to £96,150 Here, injuries are going to range upwards from lacerations, bruises and other soft tissue injuries, through broken bones, nerve or muscles damage, to paralysis or loss of the foot or to a below-knee amputation because of the loss of the ankle joint.
Leg injury Minor to severe Up to £120,530 Here, injuries are going to range upwards from general tissue damage such as burns, scrapes and cuts, through muscle or nerve damage, fractures either simple or compound, to loss of function or complete amputation of the leg fully above the knee with consideration for the risk of developing osteoarthritis in the remaining joints of both lower limbs or in the hips and spine.
Hand injury Minor to serious Up to £96,150 Here, injuries are going to range upwards from lacerations, bruises and other soft tissue injuries, through broken bones, nerve or muscles damage, to paralysis or total loss of the dominant hand.
Wrist injury Minor to severe Up to £52,490 Here, injuries are going to range upwards from tissue damage (bruising, scrapes, burns, cuts, etc.) through sprains, damage to the muscles and also fractures, to some level of loss of function of the wrist to fractures where an arthrodesis has been performed.
Arm injury Moderate to severe Up to £120,270 Here, injuries are going to range upwards from general tissue damage such as burns, scrapes and cuts, through muscle or nerve damage, fractures either simple or compound, to loss of function or complete amputation of the arm fully (at the shoulder).
Finger injury Minor to severe Up to £32,210 Here, injuries are going to range upwards from damage to the soft tissue that could include lacerations, bruising, cuts, etc. through fractures, dislocations and nerve damage, to severe fracture, partial amputation, impairment of grip and reduced function, complete loss of one or more of the fingers.
Thumb injury Minor to severe Up to £48,080 Here, injuries are going to range upwards from damage to the soft tissue that could include lacerations, bruising, cuts, etc. through fractures, dislocations and nerve damage, to complete loss of one or both thumbs.
Back injury Minor to severe Up to £141,150 Here, injuries are going to range upwards from damage to the soft tissue of the back such as lacerations, burns, scrapes, etc. through damage to the vertebrae, muscle damage or sprains, to either complete or partial paralysis, possible combination of incomplete paralysis and significantly impaired bladder, bowel and sexual function.
Neck injury Minor to severe Up to £130,060 Here, injuries are going to range upwards from damage to the soft tissue of the neck such as lacerations, burns, scrapes, etc. through damage to the vertebrae, muscle damage or sprains, to either complete or partial paralysis, or incomplete paraplegia or resulting in permanent spastic quadriparesis.
Food Illness Severe Toxicosis £33,700 to £46,060 Causing serious acute pain, vomiting, diarrhoea and fever, requiring hospital admission, severe impact on life and work.
Food Poisoning Minor £800 to £3,460 Diarrhoea, stomach cramps clearing in a few days or weeks.

A much better idea, is to speak to a Legal Expert claim advisor on the number below, and they will be able to give you a much more accurate estimate of the worth of your claim.

No Win No Fee Stornoway Airport Accident Claims

The Legal Expert No Win No Fee national claims service, is a very simple service that has proven effective in getting claimants the compensation they are entitled to. We don’t charge to take your claim on, and we don’t charge as we process it. If we fail and you don’t get you any compensation, we still won’t charge. We do charge when we receive a compensation payment for you though, and we will automatically take our fee from the money received at this stage.

How Legal Expert Can Help You

Legal Expert uses plain and simple English to keep you updated on the status of your claim at all times. When you choose us as your personal injury solicitor, you can rest assured that we will do everything we can to make sure you get the most compensation possible for your case, and have the best chance of your claim being successful. Call us on the number below, and learn how we can help you today.

Contacting The Team At Legal Expert

Have you been injured or contracted an illness due to the actions of a third party at an airport? Do you think you have a good reason to make a claim? If so, speak to a Legal Expert claim advisor on 0800 073 8804 today. They will be able to offer you a simple and effective way to get your claim started right away.

Additional Guides And Information

You may find these links below to be useful; they give additional information:

Your rights as an airline passenger

The website of Airport Safety Week

Health & Safety for airlines

You can also check out these guides; they are published elsewhere on this site:

How to make a claim for a holiday accident

Claiming compensation against an airline

Other Guides Available To Read

Edited by Melissa.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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