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Torn Cartilage Compensation Claims Guide

By Cat Way. Last Updated 22nd November 2024. Welcome to our guide on torn cartilage compensation claims. Have you suffered a torn cartilage injury that wasn’t your fault?

If your injury was caused by the negligent actions or inactions of another party, you could be awarded thousands of pounds for your injuries in when you make a torn cartilage claim for compensation.

Many torn cartilage injuries affect the knee, so can be very debilitating and make it difficult to walk, drive, exercise or work in many jobs. Therefore if you have suffered a torn cartilage, making a personal injury claim is an excellent way to hold the person responsible accountable for your injuries.

Whether you suffered a torn meniscus injury to your knee, or any other sort of torn cartilage injury, as long as you have legitimate grounds to claim compensation, Legal Expert would love to handle your claim.

We are a trusted law firm specialising in personal injury claims and have helped many people just like you claim compensation for cartilage damage or win meniscus tear settlements. What’s more, we offer a free no-obligation legal consultation to all potential clients, where you will receive free legal advice on how to make a torn cartilage claims.

Call today Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804 to see if you have a legitimate claim, how much compensation you could claim and be provided with an excellent personal injury solicitor who can handle your torn cartilage claim, who will proceed with your case right away.

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A Guide To Torn Cartilage Compensation Claims

To be eligible to make a torn cartilage claim, you must have suffered negligence. Negligence is when you sustain an injury due to a duty of care being breached.

Here are the places where a duty of care is owed to you, and by whom:

  • At work. Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, employers owe their employees a duty of care. This means that employers must take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of their employees when they’re at work.
  • On the roads. All road users owe one another a duty of care. This means that all road users must follow the rules and recommendations that are in The Highway Code and the Road Traffic Act 1988 to ensure that everyone on the roads uses them in a safe manner to avoid causing injuries and damage to themselves and others.
  • In public spaces. Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, anyone in control of a public space (the occupier) owes a duty of care to any members of the public who lawfully visit their space. This means that occupiers must take steps to ensure the reasonable safety of the public when they are on their premises.

As such, negligence forms the basis of the torn cartilage compensation claims eligibility criteria, which is as follows:

  1. You were owed a duty of care.
  2. This duty of care was breached.
  3. Due to this breach, you were injured.

So, please have a chat with us today if you meet the above criteria. Our team can assess whether you’re eligible to claim torn cartilage compensation.

A footballer lying on the field holding his knee in pain.


Causes of Torn Meniscus Injuries

Here are some examples of how duty of care could potentially be breached, and how you could possibly suffer a torn cartilage as a result:

    • At work – your employer asked you to perform a manual handling task, but you have not been given any manual handling training. From this, you use the incorrect lifting technique and tear your cartilage as a result.
    • On the roads – a driver is on their mobile phone whilst driving, and fails to realise that the traffic ahead of them has come to a stop at the red traffic lights. This causes the driver to crash into the rear of your car, where you sustain torn cartilage and other injuries from the impact, such as whiplash.
    • In public spaces – there is a spillage in a supermarket aisle, but the occupier of that supermarket has not provided any wet floor signs. Due to no wet floor signs being displayed, you slip and fall on the spillage, tearing your cartilage as you fall.

These are just a few examples, so please do not worry if your circumstances have not been discussed above. Please contact us to discuss how your specific accident occurred.

Compensation For A Personal Injury – Torn Cartilage Injury Claims

Compensation for a personal injury can vary on a case-to-case basis. This is because the amount that you could potentially receive is based on the unique circumstances of your claim, including the severity of your injuries and the treatment you receive.

Personal injury compensation can consist of up to two heads: general damages and special damages. General damages is the head of claim that addresses your injuries and the way your pain and suffering has affected your life.

The table below shows personal injury compensation guidelines from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This is a document that solicitors can refer to when calculating general damages. Please note that these amounts are not guaranteed and are only guidelines, and the top figure is not from the JCG.

InjurySeverityGuideline Amount
Multiple serious injuries and special damagesSeriousUp to £500,000+
KneeSevere (a) (i)£85,100 to £117,410
Severe (a) (ii)£63,610 to £85,100
Severe (a) (iii)£31,960 to £53,030
Moderate (b) (i)£18,110 to £31,960
Moderate (b) (ii)Up to £16,770
AnkleVery severe (a)£61,090 to £85,070
Moderate (c)£16,770 to £32,450
ShoulderSevere (a)£23,430 to £58,610
Moderate (c)£9,630 to £15,580

Torn cartilage injury compensation amounts can also include special damages. This is the head of your claim that addresses the financial impacts of your injuries. For example, if you need to take time off work to recover from your torn cartilage injury, you may experience a loss of earnings. You could potentially claim these back under the special damages head of your claim.

For more information on what you could claim for following a torn cartilage injury caused by negligence, get in touch with our team today.

No Win No Fee Torn Cartilage Claims

If you have experienced a torn cartilage injury, Legal Expert would love to help you make a torn cartilage injury claim. If the accident was not your fault, we could potentially win you thousands of pounds in compensation. At Legal Expert, all of the lawyers on our panel operate on a No Win No Fee basis.

This means that you will only have to pay us if and when you win your compensation claim. For many clients, it’s the more affordable way to claim the compensation that you are entitled to as there is no upfront fee. Plus, if you don’t win your claim, you won’t have to pay us a penny. If you would like to enquire about making a No Win No Fee claim call us today to talk about your options.

Remember, there are a number of ways you can reach us.

  • Call our advisors on 0800 073 8804
  • Check the validity of your claim online by completing the form on our website
  • Use the pop-up window in the corner to chat to our advisors

How We Can Help With Torn Cartilage Compensation Claims

If you have suffered from torn cartilage or a meniscus tear in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be able to make a torn cartilage injury claim for compensation. Whether you wish to claim worker’s compensation for a meniscus tear, knee replacement compensation or any other sort of torn cartilage injury compensation, Legal Expert can help you.

Our expert personal injury lawyers have years of experience in their field and will always push to get you the maximum amount of compensation that you are entitled to. Remember, we offer a free legal consultation for anyone looking to claim compensation for a cartilage tear accident, so call us today to receive yours and if you have legitimate grounds, get started on your compensation claim.

Useful Links

Accident At Work Claim – How Much Compensation Can I Claim?

Find out how much compensation you could be entitled to after suffering an accident at work.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Knee Injury?

Have you had a knee injury? If so, find out how much you could claim with this claims guide.

Public Place Accidents

There are a number of ways you could be injured in a public place.

NHS Guide to Cartilage Damage

Find out more about damage to tissues such as cartilage with this handy NHS guide.

CCTV Footage Of Yourself

You can legally request footage that features yourself. Find out how.

Litigation Friends

If you’d rather someone else make your claim for you, that’s possible.

Thank you for reading our guide on torn cartilage compensation claims.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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