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Wedding Day Personal Injury Claims

Welcome to our wedding day personal injury claims guide. For many, their wedding day is the happiest day of their lives. However, unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone.

If you suffered as a result of third-party negligence on your wedding day, you could claim compensation provided you can prove that they breached their duty of care. In this guide, we’ll explore how you could achieve this.

Alternatively, if you’d like to receive a free consultation about your case, you speak with one of our specialist advisors. They could connect you with a member of our panel of personal injury lawyers if you have a valid claim. Simply choose one of the following contact options:

Wedding day personal injury claims time limits

Did you know that all personal injury claims have time limits within which you can make them? If you want to make wedding day personal injury claims, it’s important that you heed these time limits to avoid missing out on the compensation you deserve.

In general, the time limit for making personal injury claims is 3 years after the accident. Therefore, if you want to claim compensation, you must do so before this limitation period expires.

In some cases, this time limit is effective from the date of knowledge, meaning the date you realised you suffered as a result of third-party negligence. For example, if you slipped on a spilt drink at a hotel and suffered debilitating back pain as a result, you may not have realised that the owners of the hotel were responsible for poorly training staff to respond to spillages quickly and effectively. Upon realising that a breach in duty led to your suffering, the personal injury claims time limit would begin, giving you 3 years to make a claim.

To learn more about how personal injury claims time limits could affect your eligibility for compensation, please get in touch today for a free consultation.

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A Guide To Wedding Day Personal Injury Claims

Welcome to our wedding day personal injury claims guide. This guide contains everything you need to know about the legal process that your solicitor will follow, when they process your personal injury claim for you, such as:

  • Information about burns, sprain and strain injuries,
  • Slips, trips and fall information, like how they occur, and how you would claim for a fall.
  • Details about road traffic accidents involving the wedding car, or the vehicles that wedding guests arrive in.
  • A section that covers food poisoning and potential claims.
  • A short case study that shows how an injured bride was able to successfully make a compensation claim, for an accident that happened on her wedding day.
  • Instructions on how to start your personal injury claim if you have been injured in an accident at a wedding.
  • A claims calculator table that gives an idea of compensation that may be paid across a wide range of different injury types.
  • An introduction to the Legal Expert national claims service. We also explain why we believe this is the simplest, most risk-free way to have a wedding accident claim processed.

If you still have questions that you need to be answered once you reach the end of this guide, then call Legal Expert on the number at the end of this page. One of our team will be able to get you the answers you need right away.

Burns And Similar Injuries On Your Wedding Day

Burns and related injuries such as scalds are a very common reason for people to make personal injury claims. There are a number of burn hazards at a wedding, such as hot food and drink being served, or sparklers and fireworks being set off. The severity of a burn is graded depending on its severity:

  • Superficial burns – these are minor injuries that only damage the top layer of the skin.
  • Partial thickness burns – a more serious injury, that will damage both the top layer of skin, and the epidermis below it. These are the burns that result in blisters. They can be very painful.
  • Full thickness burns – very serious burns that damage the flesh beneath the skin. These injuries are generally white or brown. Surprisingly, they are often not very painful, due to the nerves being damaged.

How much compensation you can claim for a burn injury at a wedding, will depend on how serious your burn is based on the scale above. Call Legal Expert on the number at the bottom of this guide, and we will explain how we can help you.

Sprains And Strains On Your Wedding Day

There are many ways that a groom, bride or wedding guest can receive a sprain or strain injury. For example:

  • Temporary furniture not being placed safely, causing a person sitting on it to fall off.
  • An uneven temporary dancefloor either indoors or outdoors.
  • Falling over, after jumping to try and catch the wedding bouquet.

And the list could go on. Any time people are celebrating and enjoying themselves, the risk of minor injuries such as sprains or strains increases. If you are injured at a wedding, Legal Expert can act as your personal injury lawyer and process a claim for you.

Food Safety Laws In The UK

If you have come down with wedding food poisoning, it will be useful to understand what the UK law says about food safety, to decide whether you have a valid claim or not. It is the Consumer Protection Act 1987 that comes into play in this case, which states that a food vendor must sell safe food, free from bacteria. If the following points are true, you should be able to make a claim:

  • The food you were served was not safe for consumption.
  • Eating unsafe food gave you food poisoning.
  • It can be proven that the food vendor was to blame.

If the above is all true in your case, then Legal Expert can help you to make a wedding illness claim. Call us on the number at the bottom of the page to learn how.

What Steps Should You Take If You Have Food Poisoning

If there has been a problem with wedding catering, and you believe you may have a valid reason to claim food poisoning compensation because of it, then taking the steps below is the best way to prepare for your claim.

  1. Make sure you are treated by a medical professional, and have the food poisoning diagnosed.
  2. Contact the Environmental Health Department and report the incident.
  3. Miss work for two days, so that you won’t be infectious and give others the illness.
  4. Make a list of the foods you ate at the wedding.
  5. If you can, get a sample of the food, then freeze it but take care to keep it away from other food.
  6. Arrange to visit a Gastroenterologist and have a medical report done by them.

Taking steps such as these above, will make it simpler for Legal Expect to process our claim for you. If you are ready to proceed with your claim, call us on the number at the end of this page.

Slips, Trips, And Falls On Your Wedding Day

Of all of the types of accidents that occur at a wedding, slips, trips and falls are the most common of all. There are so many additional hazards at a wedding that can lead to these accidents, such as:

  • Guests wearing high heeled shoes.
  • Potholes and soft spots in the ground if the reception is held outdoors.
  • An uneven temporary dancefloor.
  • Guests who have enjoyed a little too much alcohol.

As we can see, there really are some unique hazards at a wedding. Legal Expert can act as your personal injury solicitor to process a slip, trip or fall claim for you. Call us on the number at the end of this guide to proceed.

Road Traffic Accidents On Your Wedding Day

A road traffic accident is a possible reason for a person to make a claim for wedding compensation. For guests visiting a wedding reception, the risk of an accident caused by drink driving is ever-present. And of course, the wedding car itself could be involved in a road traffic accident on the way to the church or registry office.

If you were injured in a road traffic accident at a wedding, Legal Expert should be able to help you claim. Give us a call on the number at the end of this page, and we will start on your claim straight away.

I Suffered Food Poisoning At My Wedding, Can I Claim Compensation?

To answer the question, a guest got food poisoning at my wedding, am I liable? the answer is no, not unless you prepared the wedding food yourself. It is the caterer that would be liable for compensation, as laid out in the section above that covers UK food laws.

If you are poisoned by food at a wedding, makes sure to follow the steps outlined in the section further up this guide, before calling Legal Expert on the number at the end of the page, so we can begin getting you the compensation you are eligible for.

Case Study: Compensation For A Bride Injured On Her Wedding Day

In this case study, we look at how a bride who was injured just before her wedding, was able to make a successful compensation claim. The wedding was being held at a hotel. On the morning of the wedding, just after breakfast, the bride decided to step outside for some fresh air. As she walked through the revolving door at the front of the hotel, the back of her leg was snagged by a loose brass plate at the bottom of the door.

A first aider working at the hotel was called, but they lacked the required medical supplies to treat the injury properly. The bride was forced to rent a wheelchair from the hotel so that she could continue with the wedding preparations.

During the wedding, the bride had to take a large dose of painkillers, ruining the ceremony for her, due to the pain she was in and the narcotic effect of the painkillers. She also had to leave her wedding reception early because of the pain.

Following a complex negotiation between the bride’s solicitor and the hotel operator, a five-figure compensation settlement was achieved. Initially, the hotel operator denied liability, but the claimant’s solicitor was able to successfully prove that they were.

How To Claim Damages For An Injury Or Illness On Your Wedding Day

If you are injured in an accident at a wedding, and you believe you may have a valid cause to make a compensation claim, the steps below will help to give you the best chance of success:

  • Visit a hospital to have your injuries treated.
  • If you are involved in a crime such as an assault, or a serious accident such as an RTA, ensure that it has been reported to the police.
  • As any witnesses to the accident to provide you with their contact details, so you can approach them to give testimony if needed later.
  • Use your phone to take photographs of the scene of the accident, and its cause if possible.

Once you have completed steps like these above, give Legal Expert a call on the number at the end of this guide, and we can start processing your wedding accident claim straight away for you.

Damages You Could Claim After Being Injured On Your Wedding Day

As we’ve covered in this guide, there are many different types of wedding day personal injury claims. Each case is unique, which is also true of the compensation payout. What we can say for sure is that, when you make a personal injury claim, you can seek a payment accounting for up to two types of damages:

  • General damages. As the ‘head’ of a payout that is guaranteed in any successful claim, these damages refer to physical harm and emotional distress sustained due to the incident. The nature of this harm and the extent of your suffering are among the factors that contribute to the compensation award.
  • Special damages. This potential second head accounts for the financial losses that build after an accident. For example, if you suffer food poisoning because of food you ate at the wedding reception and have to cancel your honeymoon, you might lose a non-refundable deposit.

You will receive a payment under the general damages head if you successfully make a wedding accident claim. For a special damages payment, you need to collect relevant evidence. This can include payslips to show a loss of earnings or a bank statement to prove expenditure.

The general damages part will be valued during the case. Those responsible for that decision could look at sources like the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) for guidance. We’ve used the JCG, which is made up of guideline bracket amounts for different injuries, to create the illustrative table below.

The top line is the only one not from the JCG, but remember that all figures are for guidance only. You can call our advisors today for a more detailed review of what wedding day injury compensation you could claim.

Injury TypeSeverityCompensation
Multiple Injuries Plus Significant Financial EffectsSeriousUp to £500,000+
HeadModerate (i)£183,190 to £267,340
LegVery Serious£66,920 to £109,290
ArmInjuries Resulting in Permanent and Substantial Disablement£47,810 to £73,050
NeckSevere (iii)£55,500 to £68,330
BackModerate (ii)£15,260 to £33,880
AnkleModerate£16,770 to £32,450
Digestive System (Non-Traumatic Damage)Serious But Short-Lived Food Poisoning£11,640 to £23,430
ToeSerious Toe Injuries£11,720 to £16,770
Food Poisoning or Allergic Reaction£4,820 to £11,640
BurnsNo Significant Internal InjuryIn the region of £10,550

No Win No Fee Wedding Day Accident And Injury Compensation Claims

Legal Expert operates a national claim service under a comprehensive No Win No Fee scheme. What this means, is that we can process a wedding accident claim for you, in a completely risk-free way from a financial standpoint.

When we start handling your claim, we won’t ask for any initial fee. As we process your claim for you, no matter how long this takes, we still won’t charge you anything. If we don’t win compensation for you, then you pay nothing at all for the work we did on the claim.

When we do win compensation for you though, we will take our fee out of the money received automatically, and then we will give the rest to you. If you have any questions about our claims service, please give us a call on the number below.

How We Can Help Those Injured On Their Wedding Day To Claim Compensation

Legal Expert has an exceptional track record. We have proven time and time again that we have the skills and experience to tackle even the most complex claims. We have secured significant settlements on behalf of many of our clients, often the maximum compensation available for their type of injury, and we can do the same for you.

If you need some free advice on how to make your claim, one of our team will explain everything you need to know and answer any questions you have without any confusing legal jargon. Give us a call on the number below to proceed with your claim today.

Speak To The Legal Expert Team Today

Were you injured at a wedding? Did you come down with food poisoning after eating food at a wedding reception? Do you believe you have a valid reason to make a claim?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch about making wedding day personal injury claims. Once we know a little more about your claim, we will give you some free legal advice on what to do next.

Helpful Resources And Guides

To conclude our guide on wedding day personal injury claims, please find some further resources below:

You will find information covering the UK food laws, at this link:

UK food laws

The NHS has published some excellent information about food poisoning here:

NHS info on food poisoning

Legal Expert has produced a full guide to claiming compensation for a road traffic accident at this link:

A guide to claiming for a road traffic accident

You will find a full guide to claiming compensation for a slip, trip or fall accident here:

A guide to claiming for a slip, trip or fall

Some great advice on how to claim compensation for a burn injury at this link below:

A guide to claiming for a burn injury

Other Guides You Can Check Out

Thanks for reading our guide on how to make wedding day personal injury claims.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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