Welcome to our personal injury compensation page. Here we’ve provided lots of useful information and guides on the claims process, No Win No Fee agreements, and how we can help you.
We’ve also included links to some of our guides that we think you may find useful.
What Is A Personal Injury Compensation Claim?
A personal injury claim is a legal action you can take if you’ve suffered an injury or illness that resulted from a third party breaching the duty of care they owed to you.
We’ve mentioned a few terms there that you may be unfamiliar with:
- Duty of care – this is the legal duty a third party has to you to ensure that you do not suffer, within reason, any avoidable form of harm. Examples of those who could owe a duty of care include your employer, the controller of a space open to the public (such as the local council), or those that use the roads.
- Breach of duty – there are certain steps that third parties must take to ensure they comply with their duty of care. If they fail to do so they could breach it and create the risk of someone suffering an injury or illness. An example of this would be an employer’s failure to provide adequate personal protective equipment, leaving you exposed to loud noise or harmful gases.
To successfully prove a personal injury compensation claim, you need to prove that you were owed both a duty of care and that the duty was breached. The final hurdle to overcome is proving that the accident caused the injury. This is known as causation.
Sometimes an accident may exacerbate a problem we already have, or it may accelerate a problem we were likely to develop down the line anyway. In such cases, it’s necessary to determine the impact of the accident.
How Can Legal Expert Help You?
We’re a trusted firm of solicitors with extensive experience handling personal injury compensation claims. Not only that, we handle claims relating to:
- Medical negligence
- Data breach law
- Criminal injury claims
We pride ourselves on providing a service that clients appreciate. It’s why we’ve received so many great reviews over the years.
Our solicitors cover every aspect of a personal injury claim to ensure you receive the maximum compensation you could be entitled to. They’re well-versed in the claims process too, so know the tricks used by defendants to evade liability. And they’ll explain all legal jargon to you and ensure you’re fully informed every step of the way.
To learn more or to enquire about making a personal injury compensation claim, get in touch for free using any of the methods below:
- Call us on 0800 073 8804
- Write to us via our online claim form
- Or chat with us now using our live chat service
Types Of Personal Injury Cases
We’re able to help with a range of different personal injury cases. In this section, we wanted to illustrate this by pointing you in the direction of some of our dedicated guides:
Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs)
A road traffic accident can be a traumatic experience to endure. Not only that, it can leave significant injuries, both mental and physical.
RTAs can happen in a range of different circumstances. Here are some of our guides:
- Cycling accident claims
- Car accident claims
- Pedestrian accident claims
- Passenger accident claims
- Motorcycle accident claims
- MIB / Motor Insurers’ Bureau claims
- Whiplash compensation claims
- Bus accident claims
- Faulty traffic light car accident claims
- Can you claim for a car accident with suffering an injury?
- What to do if you suffer an injury in a car accident
- Claiming for anxiety after a car accident
- What should you do after a car accident?
- Can you claim for an accident if you didn’t wear a seatbelt?
- Scooter accident claims
- If you’ve been injured in a rear-end collision, you can check out this guide to learn more about your legal rights. Find answers to questions such as who’s at fault if someone stops suddenly and what to do if your car is rear ended.
- If you’ve been injured while on a cycling activity, such as hitting a pothole or being knocked off your bike by a car, you could claim compensation for your injuries and damage to your bicycle. You can find a comprehensive guide here.
- I was knocked off my bicycle by a car pulling out; can I claim?
- Proving fault in cycling accident claims
- Learn how to claim for a cycling accident without a helmet. Our guide to claiming for injuries when you weren’t wearing a helmet.
Accidents At Work
When we go to work each day, the last thing we hope for is to suffer an injury. Depending on the nature of the workplace, the risks to our health could be significant.
Construction sites, for example, carry the risk of moving vehicles and objects, slips, trips and falls, and falls from a height.
You could also find yourself at risk of harm in conducting lifting and carrying tasks. For example, if you work in the NHS, you may suffer an injury lifting patients out of beds.
Wherever we work, our employers owe us a duty to keep us safe from harm to a reasonable degree. This legal duty is contained within the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
We’re specialists in accident at work claims, and below, we’ve included some of our guides:
- Accident at work claims guide
- If your loved one has sadly passed away in a fatal accident at work, you may want to learn more about your legal options and whether or not you can claim compensation. This comprehensive guide offers lots of important insights.
- If you work as a window cleaner and you’ve suffered an injury at work, such as when falling off a ladder, you could make a personal injury compensation claim. This comprehensive guide offers lots of insights on settlement amounts and working with our No Win No Fee solicitors.
- Wet floor accident
- Rights after an accident at work
- Personal injury claims against an employer
- Fall at work claims
- Steps to take when injured at work
- Do I need a lawyer if I get hurt at work?
- Repetitive strain injury claims against your employer
- Farming accident claims
- Falling object injury claims
- Injured slipping on ice at work
Public Liability Claims
Public liability refers to accidents that occur in public spaces such as parks, streets and pavements, shops, malls and supermarkets.
In the vast majority of cases, the organisation or individual in control of this space owes the general public a duty of care to keep them safe from harm, within reason. This duty is contained in the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957.
Below, we’ve included links to some guides that you may find useful when it comes to public liability compensation claims.
- Council compensation claims
- Accident in a shop
- Slip, trip and fall accidents
- Pavement accident
- Supermarket accident claim
- What is the pavement slab height for a personal injury claim
- Razor wire claims
- How to make a nut allergy claim
- Hotel accident claims
- Food allergy compensation claims
- Music venue accident claims
- Suing a barber or hairdresser for cuts and lacerations
- If you’d like more information on slip and fall claims, check out this page. You can find compensation amounts for different injuries and discover the time limits for making a claim.
- Betting shop accident claims
No Win No Fee Personal Injury Compensation Claims
You may have heard of a No Win No Fee agreement before, but do you know what it means?
In short, it’s a contract between you and your solicitor that’s built upon the condition that they do not get paid for the work they do in representing you unless they achieve a successful outcome.
This means:
- You don’t have to pay any fees upfront
- Nor do you pay any fees while the claim is ongoing
- And if the claim fails, there are no fees to pay
In a successful claim, you pay your solicitor just a small percentage of your compensation award. This covers their costs. The amount they can deduct is capped by law.
Personal Injury Compensation Claims Guides
As well as the guides we’ve included above, we wanted to point you in the right direction of some of our other personal injury compensation claims guides.
- Burn injury claims
- Learn how to make a claim for employer negligence at work and find compensation examples too
- Shoulder injury claims
- Back injury claims
- Post-traumatic stress disorder compensation
- I was injured in a car accident with no insurance, can I still claim?
- Waxing allergic reaction claims
- Fish and chip shop allergic reaction claims
- Chinese restaurant allergic reaction claims
- Can you still claim if injured while working for cash?
- Hair loss compensation claims
- Bladder injury compensation claims
- Boat accident claims
- Groin injury claims
- This guide discusses nerve damage claims in detail and how you can claim compensation
- Can you claim compensation for someone else?
- Get help claiming injury compensation after sustaining an injury while drunk with our helpful article.
- Claiming compensation with no witnesses
- Passenger Car Accident Claims Guide
- Claiming When A Dentist Extracted The Wrong Tooth
- Darlington Personal Injury Solicitors
- Pedestrian Hit By A Car At A Junction Claims Guide
- Maximum Criminal Injuries Compensation Guide
- Delayed Whiplash Injury Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim?
- My Hairdresser Burnt My Hair, Could I Claim?
- Middlesbrough Personal Injury Solicitors
- Can I Sue My Employer?
- Finding a personal injury solicitor near me
- Could I claim compensation after falling on uneven pavements?
- Read this guide to learn the benefits of using solicitors for Hull.
- Claiming For An Accident At Work With No Safety Goggles
- ABH Compensation Claims Guide
- Hazardous Materials Accident Claims Guide
- Health Spa Accident Claims
- Optician Negligence Claims
- Spinal Cord Injury Solicitors
- Injury In Ibiza Claims
- What Is The Pavement Slab Trip Height For A Claim?
- Nut Allergy Compensation Claims
- Can I Claim Compensation For Somebody Else?
- How To Get More Money From A Personal Injury Claim
- Boat Accident Claims
- Different Types Of Personal Injury Claims
- How Do I Know If I Have A Valid Claim For Whiplash?
- Accident Claims In Scotland Guide
- Personal Injury Claim Interim Payments
- Proving Liability and Injuries in A Slip and Fall Case
- Success Fee Calculations In Personal Injury Claims
- Chopping Or Slicing Injury Claims
- HAVS Compensation Claims
- Claiming For A Whiplash Injury With Pre Existing Condition
- Accidents at Home Injury Claims Guide
- Personal Injury Claims In Scotland Calculator
- Lung Disease Compensation Claims
- Paisley Personal Injury Solicitors
- Wondering what happens if I lose my personal injury claim? Read our guide to learn more.
- Get more information on claiming for a laceration injury and scarring with our helpful guide.
- Get help claiming for an eyelash extension allergic reaction with our guide.
- Learn what is a Conditional Fee Agreement and how a No Win No Fee solicitor could help you.
- Find out if you could claim after being injured in a digger accident by reading our guide.
- Find out how to make a tattoo negligence claim with our guide.
- Find out what to do if your foot was ran over by a car with our guide.
- Find out how to make a claim for a lift accident and get more information on the compensation claims process.
- Find out how much you could claim for a damaged hamstring or another thigh injury with our guide.
Other Guides You May Find Useful:
- If you still have questions about personal injury claims, our FAQ page may have the answers. You can check it out here.
- Human Error Data Breach Examples
- Data Breach Compensation Claims
- Read this guide to learn more about flight accident claims
- Learn about the 25% limit on success fees with our helpful guide.
Remember, if you have any questions or would like to discuss a case with one of our solicitors, please get in touch.