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Bladder Cancer Compensation Claims Guide

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 26th June 2024. Welcome to our guide on bladder cancer compensation claims. If you have developed cancer of the bladder due to the negligence of someone else, then you could be entitled to compensation. In this article, we will be explaining the process of making a claim as simply as we can.

How To Seek Damages For Bladder Cancer

We endeavour to avoid legal jargon whenever possible, so you can understand precisely what is being explained. In addition, we’ll also answer questions such as:

  • How is bladder cancer diagnosed and treated?
  • What causes bladder cancer?
  • What does bladder cancer look like?

A doctor sat at a desk and talking to a patient

There are a number of ways in which cancer can develop, with the risk being present in various working environments. This article will also mention some of the employment roles that could result in the development of bladder cancer.

Symptoms are also an important thing to know how to spot, so we’ll be touching on those too. However, we are not medical professionals. If you suspect that you could have bladder cancer, then please see a doctor for advice.

The value of bladder cancer compensation claims could also be a matter on your mind. There is an entire section of this article dedicated to giving you a better understanding of how much you could be awarded. 

Every claim is different. The most accurate initial valuation you can receive will be from our advisors. The more we know about your claim, the more likely the advice we give to you will be as accurate as it can be. 

So, read on for more information about bladder cancer compensation claims. You’ll also find our contact information below.

Get In Touch With Our Team

Our advisors are available 24/7 to speak with you over the phone. If once we’ve spoken to you, we believe you could have a valid No Win No Fee claim, then we could connect you with one of our lawyers. If you prefer not to speak over the phone, there are other means of reaching us.

  • You can call us on 0800 073 8804
  • Alternatively, you can begin the process of your claim online
  • There’s also the option of using the pop-up window in the corner to chat with us in real-time

Services And Information

    1. Everything You Need To Know About Bladder Cancer Compensation Claims
    2. What Is Bladder Cancer?
    3. Calculating Bladder Cancer Compensation Claims
    4. What Are The Time Limits For Bladder Cancer Compensation Claims?
    5. Claim For A Bladder Cancer On A No Win No Fee Basis
    6. Learn More About Workplace Illness Claims

Everything You Need To Know About Bladder Cancer Compensation Claims

As mentioned above, there are certain roles within various industries that can increase the risk of bladder cancer. This can be due to working with certain chemicals on a regular basis. In some of these instances, the dangers would seem to be much more apparent. This is because there is specialist protective equipment that can be provided to employees to decrease these risks.

In some employment roles, whilst the risks are known, safety equipment can sometimes not be seen as a necessity. If you work in one of these industries and are not supplied with adequate personal protective equipment (PPE), then the risk of you developing bladder cancer could be increased. 

Not being supplied with PPE is an example of employer negligence. This is when many claims for personal injury are made, including some bladder cancer compensation claims.

All employers have a legal duty of care to their employees. This is stated in section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. In simple terms, this means that employers must make sure the workplace is as safe as reasonably possible. The likelihood of those who work for them becoming ill or injured must be kept to a minimum. 

If this duty is not carried out properly and an employee’s health suffers as a direct result, this is known as a breach of the employer’s duty of care.

To find out more about potentially claiming against your employer in bladder cancer compensation claims, get in touch with our legal advisors today.

What Is Bladder Cancer?

The NHS describes bladder cancer as a growth of abnormal tissue. This growth is known as a tumour, and will more commonly develop in the lining of the bladder rather than the bladder muscle. However, the tumour can spread to the muscle in the later stages. If the tumour does spread to the bladder muscle, it can then continue to spread to other parts of the body.

Each year, around 10,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with bladder cancer. This makes it the 11th most common form of cancer in the country.

Calculating Bladder Cancer Compensation Claims

Following a successful bladder cancer claim, the compensation awarded may include general damages and special damages. General damages compensate a claimant for the pain and suffering the negligence has caused.

In the following table you can see some of the compensation guidelines included in the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This document may be used by those valuing your bladder cancer negligence claim for general damages. It lists numerous types of illnesses and injuries alongside guideline compensation brackets.

Please note that the table below should be viewed as a guide only, and the first entry is not based on the JCG.

Multiple serious injuries/illnesses and special damagesSeriousUp to £500,000+
Bladder(a) complete loss of function and other medical complicationsUp to £224,790
Bladder(b) function and control will be completely lostUp to £171,680
Bladder(c) control will be seriously impaired and there will be pain£78,080 to £97,540
Bladder(d) an almost complete recovery will have been made, but natural function will stiff suffer from some fairly long-term interference£28,570 to £38,210
Hip and pelvic injuriesModerate (ii)£15,370 to £32,450
Male reproductive organs(f) The claimant had a orchidectomy with some psychological consequences. However, there is no loss of sexual functioning or impotence. £24,490 to £27,560
Female reproductive organs(e) The claimant suffers with infertility, but wouldn't have had children in any event.£8,060 to £22,800

Those eligible to claim general damages may also be able to claim special damages as part of their bladder cancer compensation. Special damages cover financial expenses or losses you’ve experienced due to the medical negligence. Examples of what may be covered under special damages include:

  • Loss of earnings if you’ve been required to take unpaid time off work during your recovery.
  • The cost of certain medications or treatments you’ve required.
  • Travel expenses you’ve paid to attend vital appointments.

Evidence is needed to claim special damages. This could include certain documents like bank statements, invoices or wage slips.

Get in touch with our advisors for free today to learn more about how much compensation you could potentially receive for your bladder cancer claim.

What Are The Time Limits For Bladder Cancer Compensation Claims?

We know from the Limitation Act 1980 that you have 3 years to begin a personal injury claim from the date of the accident that caused your injury. Whilst this rule is also relevant to bladder cancer compensation claims, in this instance it would function slightly differently. Because of the unlikeliness of illnesses such as these being traced back to one particular date, the time limit can begin from the date that you obtained knowledge that you were suffering from cancer and at least suspected it was down to your employer’s negligence.

For example, you may not know that you have cancer until you have an MRI scan or CT scan to confirm it. The date you find out is known as the “date of knowledge”. This can be used as the start of your 3-year time limit to issue court proceedings to the defendant. You must have sufficient medical evidence to back up your date of knowledge.

Claim For A Bladder Cancer On A No Win No Fee Basis

All of our lawyers work with every client on a No Win No Fee basis. As the name suggests, this means that unless you are awarded compensation, you will not be required to pay your lawyer’s legal fees.

If your claim is successful and you are awarded compensation, then your specialist solicitor’s fees will be covered by taking a small, pre-arranged figure from your settlement amount. Arrangements such as this are in place so that everyone has access to the legal help they require to make a claim. There is no upfront fee, so don’t worry.

If making a claim in this way would suit you, then get in touch today.

  • You can call us on 0800 073 8804
  • You can begin the process of your claim online
  • Use the pop-up window in the corner to chat with us in real-time

Learn More About Workplace Illness Claims

You’ll find more information at the links below that could help you whilst researching your claim.

  1. Learn more about making a personal injury claim against your employer
  2. What to do if your condition has become worse due to misdiagnosis.
  3. Read our general guide on personal injury compensation.
  4. NHS information regarding bladder cancer.
  5. Cancer Research Uk has more information on bladder cancer.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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