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Boots Pharmacy Personal Injury Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation For A Accident In Boots Chemist?

If you have been involved in an accident in Boots and it was not your fault, you could be eligible for compensation if you suffered an injury. Here at Legal Expert, we have helped victims of all different types of personal injury and illness to claim compensation for their suffering. If you feel that you have been harmed in anyway due to the negligence of Boots or its staff call our team and they will discuss your case with you. You can reach our friendly team on 0800 073 8804. However, before you do so, make sure you continue reading for all of the details you may need about making a claim, no matter whether you have experienced a slip, trip, or fall, a health and beauty accident, a prescription error, or any other type of accident.

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A Guide To Claiming Compensation For An Accident In Boots

Boots chemist accident claimsThere is no denying that Boots is one of the most well-known brands of chemist in the UK. A lot of people visit these stores every day to pick up prescriptions or to make a purchase of beauty products, toiletries, haircare products or more. If you have been involved in an accident at Boots chemists and it was not your fault, you may potentially be considering a compensation claim. However, you may be feeling a little unsure regarding how to go about it. That is what this guide is here for. We will reveal everything you need to know about claiming. This includes details on the different types of claims, for example, a prescription error or an accident at work. We will also shed light on the amount of compensation you may receive, as well as the steps that you could follow in order to make your claim process is a lot more straight forward. If you still have any queries by the time you get to the end of the guide, please do not hesitate to pick up the phone to call us.

What Is An Accident In Boots?

This relates to any sort of accident that has happened at a Boots store. You may have suffered an illness, for example, an allergic reaction due to the pre packed food you have bought not showing the correct allergen information. Or an error made with your medication, for example, if you were given the wrong prescription, taking another person’s prescribed medication could be very dangerous and cause adverse effects. Or, perhaps you were injured in a slip, trip, or fall because a spillage has not been cleaned up or clearly marked with a hazard sign. If you are unsure whether your accident at Boots was due to negligence call us as we can clarify this for you in our free consultation we offer all potential clients.

Eligibility To Claim Compensation

In order to be able to make a successful personal injury claim liability and eligibility must be proven.

Who is to blame?

The first thing you need to do is determine is who caused the incident. Who is liable. In order to make a personal injury claim, you need to be able to prove that you suffered your injuries because of someone else’s error or negligence. As a business, Boots owes a duty of care to all of its customers and employees. If they have breached this, and you have been injured through an avoidable accident you may be able to make a claim.

When did the incident occur?

The accident must have happened within the past three years in most cases. This is the UK personal injury claims time limit. Exceptions are those whereby the injury has developed over time, such as industrial illness cases or where you were unaware of the injury until it was diagnosed. In such instances, you will usually have three years from the date of your diagnosis instead.

Did you see a doctor?

Last but not least, this is the final area of consideration. No matter how minor your injuries were, it is quite important that you see a doctor. Their medical report is often imperative when it comes to making a claim. The report the doctor completes will be proof of your injury or illness. If you have not seen a doctor yet, though, don’t panic – our solicitors can organise this for you and the appointment will usually be in your local area.

Examples Of Accidents Which Could Happen In Chemists And Pharmacies

In the next sections, we will take a look at examples of accidents that could happen in any sort of pharmacy or shop. These are not purely accidents that could just happen at Boots. Whether it is Boots or any other chemist you were injured in, if you’ve suffered an accident that wasn’t your fault – even if it isn’t mentioned in the sections below, call us and discuss your case with us.

I Slipped In Boots Can I Claim

Out of all of the different types of personal injury claims that we handle, we deal often with slips, trips, and falls. This is because there are so many different ways that these accidents could happen. You may have tripped in a Boots store for example due to items that have been left around the floor causing a trip hazard. Or, you could have slipped because of a spillage that was not cleaned up or no warning signs to warn customers and staff alike of the slipping hazard.

Illness Caused By Prescription Errors

An illness injury that could be suffered due to a pharmacy error could be being given the incorrect prescription. This may happen in various ways; printed on the medication label could be the wrong dosage, you could be given someone else’s prescription all together, you could be given a completely different medication to what your prescription stated. If this has happened to you and by taking the incorrect medication you have fallen ill call us to see if you are eligible to pursue a wrong prescription compensation claim.

Storage Or Racking Accidents

There is typically racking used in both storage areas and customer areas, either for storing items or displaying goods. If these systems are not maintained properly, or stacked incorrectly they could easily fail or items could fall from them. Collapsing racking or items falling from such storage spaces could cause injuries if they fall on to customers or staff.

I Had A Boots Workplace Accident Can I Claim?

Have you been involved in an accident that occurred in the workplace while working at Boots? If so, you may be worried about how you should go about making a personal injury claim against Boots.

The most important thing you need to recognise is that if you have been injured and your employer is at fault it is your right to attempt to claim compensation for any injuries suffered among other things. Your employer will recognise this and they will have insurance in place to cover such accidents. By law employers cannot discriminate against employees who have been injured in the work place due to a breach of duty and want to make a workplace accident claim.

It is important to make sure you handle the claim process in the correct manner. One of the most vital things you need to do is report the incident to your employer and/or your safety representative. By law, all employers are required to have an accident book, and the incident must be recorded in this.

Why not give Legal Expert a call. You will speak to one of our experienced advisors who will answer your questions and tell you about the strength of your case. They will then put you in touch with one of our leading no win no fee solicitors if they feel you have a valid claim who will do everything in their power to make sure you get the full amount of compensation you deserve for you case.

Customer Accidents, Injuries And Illnesses That Could Occur

If you have had an accident at Boots as a customer, due to the negligence of the company or staff you may have grounds for a compensation case. All companies in the UK owe a duty of care to their customers. This means they need to provide a healthy and safe environment in-store. It also means that all products must undergo stringent safety testing to ensure they are safe for public use.

What Steps Should You Take If Injured Or Ill Because Of An Accident In A Chemists?

What can you do to strengthen your case? Let’s find out:

  • See a doctor – We always advise that you see a doctor regardless of the severity of your injury or illness. A lot of people bypass this step when they have only sustained minor injuries. However the doctors report that they will complete can be used as part as your evidence in regards to the injury sustained.
  • Contact details – You should really try to get the contact details of the person that caused the incident, as well as anyone that witnessed it. Witness statements can really help to strengthen your case.
  • Report the incident – There are situations when it is necessary to report the incident. For example, if you have been involved in a workplace accident you will need to tell your employer, as they will need to record it in their accident book, which they are required to have by law. If you have been involved in a road traffic accident in the Boots car park, you could be required to call the police, especially if the other driver has fled the scene or the incident is a threat to oncoming traffic.
  • Take photographs – If this applies to you, take photographs of the injuries you have sustained, as well as the scene, such as street or vehicle damage.
  • Make a note of everything that happened – As soon as you get the chance, you should really sit down and make a note of everything that occurred in as much detail as possible, as this will ensure you don’t let any of the key details slip your mind.
  • Keep proof of expenses – Keep proof of any costs you have incurred because of your injuries, such as prescription costs, loss of income and travel expenses, as you will likely be able to claim for these as special damages.

Personal Injury Compensation Claims Calculator

Are you wondering how much compensation you are going to get for the pharmacy accident that you were involved in? If so, you can use the table below to get a better understanding. This table displays amounts for some common injuries sustained in personal injury accidents. If you cannot find the Boots injury you have experienced, please do not hesitate to give us a call and we will shed further light.

Injury Type Compensation Brackets Injury Information
Minor Neck Injury Up to £2,150 to £6,920 Lower bracket is for full recovery within several months to neck injuries that last from 1/2 years that possibly acceleration and/or exacerbation injuries. Injuries of this kind tend to be soft tissue in nature.
Minor Back Injury Up to £2,150 to £10,970 Injuries in these brackets tend to be concerned with length of time of injury, severity, ability to work etc and include injuries such as sprains disc prolapses and soft tissue injuries.
Moderate or Minor Injury to the Elbow Up to £11,040 Brackets include: simple fractures, tennis elbow syndrome and lacerations.
Very Minor Wrist Injuries £3,090 to £4,160 Undisplaced or minimally displaced fractures and soft tissue injuries.
Fracture of Index Finger £7,990 to £10,730 Fracture has been repaired, not fully able to grip.
Moderate Hip Injury £23,310 to £34,340 Hip replacement or surgery needed or necessary in the future to significant pelvis or hip injury but permanent disability not a great risk.
Moderate Knee Injury Up to £12,050 to £22,960 Twisting and bruising of the knee where recovery is almost complete to dislocation, torn cartilage or meniscus which results in minor instability, and minor disability.
Modest Ankle Injuries Up to £12,050 Less serious, minor or undisplaced fractures, sprains and ligamentous injuries.
Food Poisoning £3,460 to £8,360 Varying degree of cramps accompanied by diarrhoea to significant abdominal pain, alteration of the bowel and fatigue.
Trivial Scarring £1,500 to £3,090 Scarring is minor.

What Else Can I Be Compensated For?

What a lot of people do not realise is that compensation is split up into two different types. Firstly, you have general damages and secondly, you have special damages.

Let’s begin with the former – general damages. This relates to the compensation you will potentially receive because of the physical suffering you have encountered due to the accident in the pharmacy. Therefore, this amount is largely decided based upon the severity of your injury and how much of an impact it is going to have on your daily life. Someone with lifelong injuries will likely receive a lot more than someone whose symptoms are going to disappear within a few months.

Now you know about the first type of compensation, but what are special damages? This essentially relates to any expenses you have encountered as a result of the injury. Have you needed to sort out childcare while you recover? Does the hospital you use charge for parking? Have you suffered a loss of income because of your injury? These are all examples of special damages you could claim for. After all, if you did not suffer from your injury due to the pharmacy accident, you would not have encountered any of the expenses.

No Win No Fee Compensation Claims For Accidents In Boots Chemist

You don’t actually need any money to begin the personal injury claims process. If you go for a no win no fee solicitor, you will not require any cash to begin the process of making an accident claim. Large outlays are often associated with traditional solicitor services. This can put people off making a claim altogether, as it’s something not everyone can afford. Nevertheless, you don’t actually need to fret about this if you use the services of a solicitor that works to a no win no fee arrangement. All of our solicitors at Legal Expert offer this type of service.

How Our Retail Accident Experts Could Help You

The only thing you need to do is get in touch with a quality firm who could provide you with a specialist solicitor. That’s exactly what you have with Legal Expert. Read on to discover the top three reasons why we believe we are the firm for you…

  1. Free Advice

One of the main reasons Legal Expert is the favoured choice of so many is because our advice is one hundred per cent free. We have a free legal helpline available every hour of the day, every day of the week. All you need to do is give this number a call and you will speak to an efficient advisor who will answer all of your questions and provide you with any information you need. They will give you a realistic picture of your case and the chances of it being a successful one.

  1. A Company You Can Trust

There is no denying the fact that choosing a firm of solicitor is a big deal. After all, this company is going to have your chances of compensation in their hands. Suffering an injury is devastating enough, and so you need a firm that makes the claim process as hassle-free as possible. This is what you have with Legal Expert. We have an excellent reputation in the industry. We have helped thousands and thousands of personal injury victims since we opened our doors. We also have an impeccable reputation – you can read our customer reviews on our website and across review websites.

  1. No Win No Fee Solicitor

On a final note, when you use Legal Expert you can be confident that you will only be matched to a no win no fee solicitor. We only work on a no win no fee basis. We know how financially damaging a case can potentially be if you go down the traditional route. Therefore, we eliminate this risk and ensure you do not need any money to actually begin your claim.

Contact Legal Expert Today

We hope that you have found this guide useful when it comes to getting the information you may need about accidents that could have been sustained in Boots. However, if you are ready to make a claim or you simply have more queries, simply give us a call today on 0800 073 8804. Alternatively, you can send us an email and we will get back to you as quickly as we can. Live chat is another option, or why not enter your details on our homepage and we will call you back as soon as we can?

Resources For Victims Of Retail Accidents

Pharmacy Compensation – Further information – This covers the medical negligence aspect of chemist claims.

Store accidents – Further information on store incidents.

Department store claims – A further guide covering department stores.

GOV – Accidents at work – The governments page on work accidents.

Edited By Melissa.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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