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Britannia Hotel Accident Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim?

Britannia hotel accident claimsSadly, accidents happen on a daily basis. However, for those that experience an injury because of an accident that was not their fault, they have every chance of being entitled to compensation for their suffering. Keeping that in mind, read on to discover everything you need to know about making an accident claim for something that has occurred at a Britannia hotel…

Firstly, it is imperative to recognise the sheer scope of different hotel incidents that can result in a successful accident claim. The following is just a mere handful of examples…

  • Food poisoning
  • Slips, trips and falls
  • Bed bug bites
  • Injured in a lift or escalator
  • Burn injuries
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Spa injuries
  • … And much, much more!

The truth is, what type of incident occurred does not determine whether you are entitled to compensation or not. In order to be able to have the basis for a good claim you need to be able to prove the following three statements to be true…

  • The accident happened because of someone else’s error or negligence
  • The incident occurred within the past three years
  • You received professional medical attention as a result of your injuries

If you can prove these statements to be true, you have a very good chance of getting compensation. When it comes to making an accident claim at a Britannia hotel, you have various options to choose from. You can make the claim yourself, which is highly ill advised! Or you can opt for a traditional solicitor or a No Win, No Fee solicitor. The latter is certainly the best option to go for, and we will explain more about the benefits in this guide.

Here at Legal Expert, all of our solicitors work on a No Win, No Fee basis. If you have any questions or would like to begin making your claim all you need to do is give us a call today on our legal helpline on 0800 073 8804. But before you do this, read on to discover how to claim compensation from a Britannia hotel.

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A guide to personal injury claims against a Britannia hotel

In this guide, you will discover how to make a Britannia hotel accident claim. No matter which Britannia hotel you have been staying at, if you have been hurt and it was not your fault, we can help you to get the compensation you deserve. In this guide, we will take a look at some specific claims, for example, Britannia hotel food poisoning, as well as providing you with some general claims advice. We will also shed light on the amount of money you may receive, as well as the service that we provide. If you still have any questions about making a claim or about our service, you will find our contact details at the end of the guide.

I was hurt at a Britannia hotel, could I claim compensation?

You might well be asking yourself what constitutes a Britannia hotel claim, and who might have a claim against the hotel for an accident?

  • Guests
  • Visitors to conferences, delivery people, etc
  • Staff at the hotel

Essentially, if you are at a Britannia hotel, it is the hotel’s responsibility to ensure your health and safety. If they have not taken the required steps to do so, you can make a personal injury claim.

The most common hotel related injuries and accidents

As touched upon in the introduction, there are many different types of accident and injury people could suffer at a hotel in the UK such as a Britannia hotel. In the sections below, we will go over some of the most common reasons people claim for a hotel accident so that you can get a better understanding.

Britannia hotel slip and fall settlements

This is definitely one of the most common types of personal injury claims. Such instances can happen in various different situations, from slipping on an unmarked wet floor to tripping over a broken pavement. You will not be able to claim if you have slipped or fallen due to your carelessness. You can only claim if the accident has happened because the hotel has been negligent.

Britannia hotel food poisoning claims

There is no denying that food poisoning is one of the most common illnesses that people tend to sustain because of hotel accidents. Most food poisoning cases cause symptoms that only last for a few days. However, there have been cases whereby people have suffered life-threatening symptoms. No matter the severity of your injury, you can make a hotel illness claim so long as you can showcase the food poisoning was caused by food served by the hotel. Although not always feasible, photographs of the food can be helpful, especially in cases of raw chicken and such like.

Am I eligible for compensation for bed bug bites?

No one expects to pay for a hotel room and get bed bugs as well as their bedroom! Not only can bed bugs bother you while you are at the hotel but they can travel on your skin and come home with you too!

Injured in a lift at a Britannia hotel? Claim compensation

People can suffer injuries or harm in a lift or on an escalator. Whilst these types of accidents and injuries are uncommon, they can and do happen. There have been incidents whereby people have died because of escalator and lift injuries. Usually claims are successful where something has malfunctioned due to poor maintenance or manufacture and in these cases it would be likely you’d have a successful claim. However, there are other instances too – so do give the team at Legal Expert a call if you’re hurt in a lift and we’ll let you know quickly whether your lift claim is a valid one.

How to claim compensation for burn injuries at a hotel

Burns and scalds can happen in many different ways. You may have been burnt because of a problem with a faulty shower and boiling water, or due to foods or drinks being served too hot or being spilled on people. They can happen to members of staff involved in food preparation. On occasion these types of accident have been fatal. You can make a Britannia hotel death claim on the behalf of a loved one.

Other hotel accidents and injuries

There are many other accidents and injuries that could happen in a hotel. This includes the following:

  • You may get injured while using the hotel facilities, for example, the gym, due to poorly maintained equipment, improper instructions, and so on.
  • You could get injured because the hotel has not been maintained properly and/or there has been broken or dangerous furniture in your hotel room.
  • You could suffer an illness because of a lack of hygiene or some sort of cleaning blunder could cause you to fall ill.

Steps you should take if involved in an accident which was not your fault

Discover the five steps you need to take to make sure that this is the case…

  • See a medical professional – You may be thinking that this sounds obvious – if you have been injured, then you are going to see a doctor. However, there are some people that sustain minor injuries and they would rather cope with them alone. Or, there are those who have a friend or family member who is a doctor, so they get them to quickly give it the once over. The problem with this is that there is going to be no proof of your injuries, and thus you will be unable to build a strong case.
  • Write down everything that happened – This is a good way to make sure you do not forget any vital details later on down the line. So, as soon as you get a second you should sit down and make note of everything in as much detail as possible.
  • Report the accident – In some cases, it is necessary to report the incident. For example, you need to make sure Britannia are aware of what happened, and you need to get a copy of the reported accident.
  • Keep proof of costs – You are going to be able to claim for any costs you have encountered as a direct result of your injuries. But, to do this, you must have proof.
  • Call Legal Expert – We have years of experience and a reputation as one of the top law firms in the country, meaning that you can be sure that there is no one better to handle your claim and give you the best chance of getting the full amount you deserve.

What can I claim for after a personal injury?

Not only can you claim for the injuries you have suffered, but you can also claim for ‘special damages’ – essentially out-of-pocket expenses. Here are some examples:

  • Medical Costs – Have you had to pay for medication? Perhaps you have had to foot the bill for treatment for your injuries? If so, you will be able to claim for this as special damages. All you need to do is make sure you keep proof of the costs incurred – this applies to all types of out of pocket expenses you are planning on claiming for.
  • Loss Of Income – Have you experienced a loss of income due to your inability to work? Not everyone is covered by sick pay. Moreover, there are a lot of people in the UK that are self-employed. If they are injured and unable to work, how are they going to make an income? Thankfully you can claim for loss of income as a special damage.
  • Travel Expenses – Travel expenses are exceptionally common when it comes to special damages for an accident claim. Travel costs can relate to anything from the cost of parking at the hospital, to using alternate travel methods whilst recovering, to having to adapt your car because of your injuries.
  • Counselling Costs – Unfortunately, a lot of people find themselves needing to go through counselling when they have suffered an accident. From car crashes, to medical negligence cases, to criminal injuries – there are many types of accidents that can cause damage psychologically. You will be able to claim for the costs spent on this type of treatment.
  • Childcare Expenses – Last but not least, if you have children and find yourself in a position where you are unable to look after them whilst you recover, you will also be able to claim for this as special damages. After all, you would not have experienced this expense if you had not got injured.

Hotel and holiday accident compensation calculator

You probably want to know how much compensation you are going to receive for your hotel accident claim, right? The truth is that hotel injury claim settlements differ dramatically. This is because no two cases are the same. However, we have put together a table of common injuries and their payout levels below to give you a better understanding.

The injury you have suffered Extra details Payout amount
Foot injuries – Amputation of both feet This injury is treated similarly to below knee amputation of both legs because the common feature is loss of a useful ankle joint. £148,540 to £176,660
Foot injuries – Amputation of one foot This injury is also treated as similar to a below-knee amputation because of the loss of the ankle joint. £73,620 to £96,150
Less severe elbow injuries Injuries causing impairment of function but not involving major surgery or significant disability £13,720 to £28,060
Wrist fracture Minor wrist fracture. £2,675 – £3,600
Anticipated earning loss Is it predicted that you are going to be off work for some time? If so, you can also claim for anticipated earning losses. £10,000 – £400,000
Loss of benefits After an injury, no matter where or how it has happened, people often miss time off work. If you have missed income because of this, you will be able to claim for loss of benefits. £5,000 – £500,000
Injuries and fractures to the rib For these cases, a few weeks are all it should take for a recovery to be made in full. Up to £3,000
Mental anguish If you feared you were going to lose your life because of the hotel accident you were involved in, you can claim for mental anguish. £3,550
Pain and suffering This payment defers considerably, as you can see. The amount depends on the level of pain and suffering you have been subjected to. £1,000 – £200,000

If you cannot find the injury you have sustained in the table above, give us a call and we can shed further light.

No win no fee claim for an accident in a Britannia hotel

If you are thinking about making an accident claim, one of the most important decisions you need to make is what personal injury solicitor to use. If you take a look on the Internet you will see that you have a whole host of different options at your disposal. One of the key decisions you need to make is whether to go for a No Win, No Fee solicitor or not. Read on to discover why this is definitely a good idea…

You will not need any money to begin your claim

There is only one place to begin and this is with the fact that you will not require any money to begin your hotel accident claim. This is actually one of the major hurdles associated with using a traditional solicitor. People do not have the money to afford the huge consultation fees and such like. This is something you no longer need to worry about.

Financial risk is minimised substantially

Another monetary benefit is the fact that financial risk will be reduced dramatically. If you use a traditional personal injury lawyer you will likely be worried about the scenario occurring whereby you lose your case and you have spent a considerable sum on the solicitor’s service. Since the payment structure is entirely different with a No Win, No Fee solicitor, the risk of this is nowhere near as great.

They won’t waste your time

When using a traditional solicitor there is always the worry that they have simply taken on your case to take your money. There is no chance of this happening with a traditional solicitor, as they have nothing to gain by doing so. You can be certain they will only take on your v if they genuinely believe you have a good chance of getting compensation.

You will experience a greater level of service

Last but not least, all of the points that have been mentioned come together to ensure you benefit from a much better quality of service. After all, the solicitor is going to be more impacted by the outcome of your case and thus they will give it the level of attention it deserves.

Here at Legal Expert, all of our provided Britannia hotel accident solicitors are No Win, No Fee.

How we can help you through the process of making a hotel accident claim

There is this misconception that personal injury cases are complex. Of course, there are instances when this is the case, but it is all about the law company you use. Here at Legal Expert, we do all in our power to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve while causing little disruption to your life, so you can concentrate on the recovery process. We appreciate that you are probably already stressed enough as it is, and we certainly do not add to this. This is why we secure compensation over the telephone whenever it is possible.

One of the main reasons why so many people choose our service when they need accident lawyers is because all of our lawyers work on a No Win, No Fee basis. What does this mean? Financial risk is reduced significantly because you will only pay the legal fees if your case is a success. This also leads to a much better service and peace of mind; you know the solicitor in question is going to be doing everything they can to win your case, as they are impacted as well.

If you have any questions or would like to use our services to make a claim, all you need to do is give us a call. When you ring our number provided at the end of this post, you will be greeted by one of our polite and professional advisors. They will give you a realistic picture of the strength of your case and they will talk you through the claim process too. They will then match you to the best lawyer from our team based on the specifics of your case.

Contacting our team

If you are ready to make a claim, or you have any further questions, all you need to do is give us a call on 0800 073 8804. You will speak to one of our friendly advisors who will help you. There are also a number of other ways to get in touch with us, including live chat. You can also find our email address and a contact form by heading to our contact page.

Useful links

General details on hotel injuries – When you’re staying at any hotel, there are accidents that can happen that lead to claims. Find out in more general terms whether you’re able to claim here.


NHS . – Seeking treatment – Seeking the right treatment is important when you’ve suffered injury. The NHS page to help is here.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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