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A Guide To Broken Glass Accident Claims

By Cat Way. Last Updated 11th June 2024. Welcome to our guide on broken glass accident claims. Have you been injured in a broken glass injury in an accident that wasn’t your fault? If the negligence of a third party caused the accident, you could be entitled to claim potentially tens of thousands of pounds in compensation. How are people hurt by broken glass accidents? Broken glass accidents can occur in pubs, bars or restaurants, falls through or walking through unmarked glass and road traffic accidents, including bicycle or motorcycle accidents.

If you have been involved in a broken glass accident such as these, or of any other type and it was caused by negligence on the part of another party, trust Legal Expert to help you claim compensation for your injuries and pay for your broken glass injury treatment. Who are Legal Expert? We are a top personal injury solicitors firm with an excellent track record of winning glass cut and laceration injury claims for victims like yourself. If you have been cut by broken glass in an accident that wasn’t your fault, then call Legal Expert to see if you are entitled to claim compensation.

So, If you have a legitimate claim, you are welcome to a free no-obligation consultation where one of our friendly advisors will estimate how much compensation you could claim and will provide you with a top personal injury lawyer to handle your claim. You also have the option to make a No Win No Fee claim.

Call us on 0800 073 8804 to receive your free consultation ahead of filing your broken glass accident claims.

Broken glass bottles.

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Who Could Make Broken Glass Accident Claims?

To be able to make a broken glass accident claim, you will need to establish negligence occurred. In regards to personal injury claims, negligence is when the following criteria are met:

  • You were owed a duty of care.
  • This duty was breached.
  • This breach caused you to suffer your injury.

There are various cases where you are owed a duty of care. These include:

  • At work – Under the Health and Safety At Work etc. Act 1974, your employer owes you a duty of care to take reasonable steps to ensure your safety. This could include providing you with personal protective equipment (PPE) when needed.
  • In public – Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, those in control of a public space owe you a duty of care to take all necessary precautions to ensure your reasonable safety while you are visiting that space. This could include addressing any hazards they are made aware of within a reasonable timeframe.
  • On the roads – All road users have a duty of care to use the roads safely and responsibly to avoid causing harm. They must also adhere to the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code.

If you can prove that you were injured because any one of these parties breached a duty of care they owed, you may be able to make a personal injury claim.

Contact our advisors today to discuss the eligibility of your case.

What Are The Common Causes Of Broken Glass Accidents?

We have already mentioned some common causes of broken glass accidents, including smashed glass in a public establishment or people being cut from glass that has been broken and not cleared up. This often happens when the victim has stepped on broken glass.

Here are some common causes of broken glass injuries:

  • Assaults in pubs/nightclubs, where someone is hit with a broken bottle or has glass thrown at them.
  • Pub, restaurant or nightclub injuries.
  • Accidents in the workplace.
  • Cycle accidents, motorbike accidents, car and other road traffic accidents. You could receive car crash compensation if you suffer a broken glass injury in a road traffic accident.
  • Accidents can occur when the victim falls through broken glass or walks through an unmarked pane of glass. These sorts of accidents can occur in the construction industry.

If you suffer a broken glass injury, you could make a broken glass injury claim. Contact Legal Expert today to see if you could receive compensation for making broken glass accident claims.

Broken Glass Injury – Evidence You May Need To Claim

If you are interested in making a claim for a broken glass injury, it’s important to collect evidence in order to strengthen your case. Evidence can help you prove who is liable for your broken glass injuries, and can also prove the severity of your injuries and how your injuries occurred. For example:

  • Medical records can show the extent of your injuries, and the treatment you received for them
  • Photographs of your injury can also help prove the severity of your injury
  • Taking the contact details of witnesses means their statements can be taken at a later date

One of the benefits of using a solicitor to help you claim is that they can help you gather this evidence. To find out more about claiming for broken glass cut or laceration injuries, get in touch with our team.

Glass Cut and Laceration Injury Claim Case Study

There was recently a case where a 40-year-old man, Mr U, was shopping in his local Tescos supermarket. He reached to take an item off a display shelf and cut his hand on a piece of broken glass, which was on the shelf and had not been cleared up. He had to go to the hospital and have the glass removed. Unfortunately, he would miss two weeks of work and would have scarring. He would make a broken glass accident claim for compensation against Tesco and receive [placeholder compensation amount].

If you’re cut by broken glass in a public place or workplace, make sure you report your injury. Ensure they report the incident correctly in the accident log book. You should immediately see a doctor receive the appropriate glass wound treatment. As well as receiving broken glass injury treatment, you receive a doctor’s report as evidence of the injuries you experience. Contact Legal Expert to see if you are entitled to make a compensation claim.

Calculating Compensation For Glass Injury Claims

People often ask us how glass injury compensation is calculated. This generally depends on how you make your claim and whether you work with a solicitor, but oftentimes, the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) are used to help. The JCG provides guideline compensation amounts for different injuries.

The JCG can be used to help calculate general damages, which is the first of two heads of compensation you could receive from a successful glass injury claim. Compensation under this heading covers the pain and suffering caused by your injuries.

Below, you can see a table with some examples of JCG guidelines. Please be aware that the first entry has not been taken from the JCG.

InjuriesCompensation Range
Multiple serious injuries and special damagesUp to £500,000+
Very Severe Foot Injuries£102,470 to £133,810
Severe Foot Injuries£51,220 to £85,460

Serious Foot Injuries£30,500 to £47,840
Moderate Foot Injuries£16,770 to £30,500
Modest Foot InjuriesUp to £16,770
Serious Toe Injuries£11,720 to £16,770
Moderate Toe Injuries

Up to £911,20
Very Severe Facial Scarring£36,340 to £118,790
Less Severe Facial Scarring£21,920 to £59,090

You might also be able to claim special damages, which cover the financial losses you experience because of your injuries. For example, this might include lost earnings if you aren’t able to work because of your injuries. It could also help cover the cost of:

  • Prescriptions.
  • Travel.
  • Childcare.
  • Cosmetic aids, like cosmetic surgery.

However, you will need to provide evidence of these losses to be able to claim special damages. This could include payslips, invoices and receipts.

To learn what else could be covered by your glass injury claim, get in touch with our friendly team today.

No Win No Fee Broken Glass Accident Claims

If you are eligible to claim broken glass injury compensation, you could do so with the support of a No Win No Fee solicitor. Your solicitor’s services could be funded under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), which is a type of No Win No Fee funding arrangement.

If a solicitor helps you claim for broken glass injuries in this way, you will generally not be charged a solicitor’s fee upfront. If your broken glass injury claim is successful, you will have a legally capped success fee taken from your broken glass injury compensation.

If the claim for broken glass injury compensation doesn’t succeed, the claimant is not required to pay the solicitor.

Call our advisors to discuss your broken glass injuries caused by third party negligence. If your broken glass injury claim seems eligible, you could be connected to our solicitors. To get in touch:

Useful Links

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Permanent Scarring Injury

If you have an accident causing a permanent scar, find out the compensation amounts and how to claim.

Broken Chair Injury Claims

How to make a broken chair accident compensation claim with Legal Expert.

Hand Injury Accident Claims

A guide to making successful hand injury accident compensation claims.

Other Useful Compensation Guides

Broken Glass Accident Claims FAQs

What is an accident compensation claim?

This is any claim you make for compensation after an accident due to someone else’s negligence.

What are the two most common injuries with broken glass?

These are deep lacerations and cuts to the skin.

How long after an incident can you claim compensation?

You can claim up to three years after the accident happens.

Can you get an infection from broken glass?

Yes, and this tends to stem from puncture wounds that aren’t visible on the outside.

Can a small piece of glass kill you?

It is sadly possible for this to happen due to the potential pain and sharpness of the glass.

What are the two types of injury claims?

These are compensatory and punitive claims.

What harm can broken glass cause?

It could lacerate skin, puncture muscles and spread infections.

What are the three types of damages?

These are compensatory damages, nominal damages and punitive damages.

Thank you for reading our broken glass accident claims guide.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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