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Can I Make A Defective Product Claim – Compensation Examples

When we buy products, whether they’re used for important everyday tasks or for our enjoyment, we expect them to work as intended. What we don’t expect is for those products to cause us harm, and yet, unfortunately, this does happen. In this guide, you can learn about pursuing compensation through a defective product claim.

We start by discussing the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and the Consumer Protection Act 1987, two pieces of legislation which set out your rights. Additionally, we explain how defective product claims might come about and what you can do to help your claim succeed.

Furthermore, we look at how compensation is calculated if you make a successful faulty product claim. Lastly, our guide reviews why many people come to our expert personal injury solicitors for legal support on a No Win No Fee basis.

You can get immediate and free guidance by getting in touch with us today. We also provide a free claim assessment to see if you can start a case, but there’s no obligation to do so. Choose one of these options:

  • Call our 24/7 line on 0800 073 8804.
  • Go online to contact us and request a call.
  • Click on the live chat pop-up at the foot of this page.

A person receiving first aid to their eye from a doctor.

Select A Section

  1. What Is A Defective Product Claim?
  2. What Types of Defective Products Could Cause Injuries?
  3. Can Defective Products Cause Fires?
  4. What Should I Do If I Suffered An Injury Due To A Defective Product?
  5. What Compensation Could I Claim If I’m Injured By Faulty Goods?
  6. Can I Make A No Win No Fee Defective Product Compensation Claim?
  7. More Resources About Making A Defective Product Claim

What Is A Defective Product Claim?

When you buy a product, you automatically have legal protection that entitles you to take action if you are harmed by a defect that wasn’t your fault.

Your consumer rights are safeguarded by two key pieces of legislation:

  • The Consumer Rights Act 2015. Section 9 of this law states that goods must be of a satisfactory quality, which means that a reasonable person would consider the product to meet a satisfactory standard.
  • The Consumer Protection Act 1987. Under this Act, consumers have the right to seek damages if they are harmed by defective products.

With this in mind, you are able to make a personal injury claim if you can show that you bought an item that was faulty, and that this fault caused you to suffer an injury. Alternatively, you can claim if someone else bought the product but you were injured by it.

You may have a valid defective product claim for an incident you’ve had that caused harm or damage. To find out whether you have an eligible case, simply call Legal Expert today through the number at the top of this page for a free consultation. 

What Types of Defective Products Could Cause Injuries?

Any product could theoretically cause an injury if it is manufactured with a fault. Resulting injuries can be minor, such as a slight laceration or bruise, while some injuries could be severe, life-threatening or even fatal. 

Here, we are going to look at different types of products that, if made faulty, could lead to various types of incidents that have the potential to cause injury or damage:

  • Electrical equipment, such as mobile phone chargers or hair straighteners, if faulty, could lead to electrical shocks, burns, scarring, or hair and skin damage. 
  • Medical devices or tools. For example, if a patient is fitted with a faulty pacemaker, this could lead them to suffer a fatal heart attack. 
  • Kitchen or home appliances. As we discuss in the next section, appliances like TVs, cookers tumble dryers and washing machines are a leading cause of house fires. This has the potential to cause massive damage, injury and even death. 
  • Vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, bikes or scooters. A fault with a vehicle could lead to a road traffic accident and inflict broken bones, internal injuries or brain damage.
  • Gardening equipment or power tools. Even an unpowered tool like a hacksaw or a ladder could cause serious harm. A broken ladder could lead to someone falling from height. 

If a faulty item has caused damage or injury/illness, you have the right to seek compensation under the Consumer Protection Act. Call today to discuss how we can help with a defective product injury claim.

Can Defective Products Cause Fires?

It is entirely possible that a product defect could lead to a fire. Government statistics show that 24,083 accidental fires in English dwellings were recorded between April 2022 and March 2023.

One of the leading causes of accidental fires in dwellings in the year 2022/23 was faulty appliances and leads, which caused 3,486 fires. Faulty fuel supplies were also a leading cause of accidental fires, causing 2,325 fires.

If you were hurt in a fire caused by faulty electrics or other defective appliances, call today to discuss your options and see if our solicitors could help you make a product liability compensation claim.

A microwave that is on fire, with flames surrounding it.

What Should I Do If I Suffered An Injury Due To A Defective Product?

First and foremost, you should make sure you get the medical treatment you need. After that, you could consider whether you have a case against the manufacturer for a defective product claim. With that in mind, see if you can collect the following:

  • A copy of the fire investigation report. You can request a copy from your local fire and rescue service.
  • The product itself, as well as any photos or videos that highlight the fault.
  • Any packaging, instructions or safety notices that came with the product.
  • Proof of purchase. This could be an entry on a bank statement or a receipt.
  • Medical evidence showing the extent of your injuries and treatment. You can ask your GP for a copy of your medical records.

Ultimately, evidence could decide whether or not a faulty product compensation claim is successful because it should prove liability. If you work with a personal injury solicitor, they can help you gather evidence and present it during your claim.

For more information on how our solicitors help people claim for injuries caused by product defects, and what evidence you can collect to give your claim the best chance of success, call the number listed above.

What Compensation Could I Claim If I’m Injured By Faulty Goods?

Should you win your defective product compensation claim, you will be awarded compensation. Payouts in personal injury claims can be split into two parts, known as heads of loss.

The primary head of loss is general damages, which aim to compensate you for any physical injury or emotional damage.

When payouts for personal injury compensation claims are calculated, those figuring out a number might get some insight from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This document has guideline compensation brackets for different injuries, and we have used it to create the table you see below.

Compensation Table

This table features JCG figures, with the top line being the only exception. All personal injury cases differ so the table is just a guide.

Multiple Significant Injuries And Financial LossesSevereUp to £1,000,000+
HandTotal Or Effective Loss Of Both Hands£171,680 to £245,900
HandModerate£6,910 to £16,200
Injuries Affecting SightLoss of Sight in One Eye with Reduced Vision in the Remaining Eye (i)£117,150 to £219,400
Brain DamageModerate (ii)£110,720 to £183,190
LegAmputation Of One Leg Above The Knee£127,930 to £167,760
BurnsSignificant Burns Covering 40% Or More Of The BodyLikely to exceed £127,930
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Severe£73,050 to £122,850
Lung DamageBreathing Difficulties (Short Of Disabling Breathlessness)£38,210 to £66,920
Scarring To Other Parts Of The BodySingle Disfiguring Scar£9,560 to £27,740

Can My Defective Product Injury Claim Payout Account For Financial Loss?

It is also possible to seek compensation for financial losses that an injury caused. The special damages head of claim accounts for this, meaning that your defective product claim payout could include reimbursement for:

  • The cost of replacing damaged property, not including the faulty product itself.
  • Medical expenses.
  • Travel fees.
  • A loss of earnings if you cannot work due to your injuries.

Make sure that you keep receipts, payslips and other documents showing out of pocket expenses so you can submit them as evidence.

If you’d like to discuss how much compensation you might receive for an injury caused by faulty products, simply call us or use the live chat option below.

Can I Make A No Win No Fee Defective Product Compensation Claim?

You’re likely to find that the claims process runs more smoothly with professional guidance. Our specialist No Win No Fee solicitors are personal injury experts who can:

  • Be there for you when you want to seek legal advice.
  • Use their knowledge to push for the best possible resolution.
  • Submit all paperwork within the legal time limit and prevent any unnecessary delays.

You can get this support without paying any upfront or ongoing solicitor fees. Furthermore, you wouldn’t have to pay for the solicitor’s work if the case loses because our solicitors offer their work under a Conditional Fee Agreement.

You are guaranteed to receive a clear majority of your payout if the claim wins. This is because a legal cap set out by The Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013 restricts the percentage of your compensation that a solicitor can take as their success fee.

Two defective product claim solicitors sat at a table. One is writing in a book.

Contact Us For Free Product Liability Claim Guidance

If you’d like to learn more about making a defective product claim or believe you have a case, we can help. Simply contact us any time for free guidance and an evaluation that can let you know if one of our expert solicitors could take your case, but does not include an obligation to start legal action.

This service is available to you all day, every day. Reach us through any of these ways:

More Resources About Making A Defective Product Claim

Here are some further articles from our extensive collection:

These sites could also have information you need.

Thank you for reading our defective product claim guide. Please call if you need any further guidance or support.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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