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Greggs – Allergic Reaction After Eating At Greggs – Can I Claim Compensation? – Food Allergy What To Do & Guide?

If you have had an allergic reaction after eating Greggs food which arose as a result of negligence on the part of the business, it could be possible to claim compensation for your injuries if you can clearly show the outlet was at fault. Although you are responsible for managing your food allergy condition, if an allergic reaction takes place because Greggs gave you false information about the contents of an item of food, for example, the company could be held liable for your allergic reaction. As a result, you may have legitimate grounds to claim compensation.

Allergic-reaction after eating Greggs food claims guide

Whether misinformation at Greggs triggered your Greggs nut allergy, Greggs doughnuts allergy, Greggs pizza allergy, Greggs pigs in blankets allergy, or you were made ill due to gluten intolerance, trust Legal Expert to help you claim compensation. We can provide you with a No Win No Fee solicitor to represent you. Our expert solicitors have significant experience handling compensation claims against restaurants and will always push to recover as much compensation as possible.

If you suffered a food allergy in Greggs because of a breach in the duty of care on the part of the company, call Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804. One of our legal advisers will discuss your claim in detail to see if you could be owed compensation, we can connect you to a No Win No Fee solicitor to pursue your case on your behalf. Alternatively, please use the online contact form to contact us. We look forward to speaking with you to see how we can help.

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A Guide To Claims For An Allergic Reaction After Eating At Greggs

The bakery chain Greggs was founded in 1951 in Newcastle. From the 1970s onwards, Greggs built its business by acquiring other bakery businesses. Greggs is now the largest bakery chain in the UK. It is known for its sausage rolls, sandwiches and sweet treats such as jam doughnuts and vanilla slices. The business also has a takeaway coffee service.

If you have suffered an allergic reaction in Greggs due to negligence on the part of the business, you may be eligible to claim compensation for your injuries if you can show the outlet breached its duty of care. In this guide to claiming compensation for an allergic reaction to Greggs food, we’ll describe what an allergic reaction to food is and the risks they carry. We will also explain how consumers with food allergies are protected under the law and under what circumstances you may be able to make a personal injury claim.

To begin your claim, call Legal Expert today to speak to an advisor. Or you may use our convenient online claim form to reach us.

What Is An Allergic Reaction To Food Served At Greggs?

The produce that is for sale at Greggs is available as a takeaway product and for delivery via smartphone apps such as JustEat. There are also a small handful of Greggs drive-through outlets in the UK. Although Greggs shops generally do not have seating, there are some Greggs establishments where seating and tables are available, such as a motorway service station. If you suffered an allergy at Greggs due to misinformation or a failure to warn on the part of the company, the setting in which your food was consumed will not affect your compensation claim.

What Causes Intolerances And Allergic Reactions To Food

A food intolerance is when a person’s digestive system struggles to digest certain foods. This can have unpleasant effects, such as bloating and stomach pain. Although food intolerances can be very uncomfortable, they are not dangerous or life-threatening.

A food allergy is a more serious condition than a food intolerance. Food allergies can be experienced at different levels of severity. Severe food allergies can be life-threatening. 

Food allergies occur because our immune system mistakes proteins found in particular foods as an attack or threat and therefore floods the body with antibodies, causing unwanted symptoms.

If you suffer from a mild to moderate food allergy, you could experience the following symptoms if you eat food that you are meant to avoid:

  • A red itchy rash such as urticaria or hives.
  • An uncomfortable itchy feeling in the mouth, throat or ears.
  • Angioedema, which is when your face swells. This can be especially bad at the lips, the roof of the mouth, tongue, and around the eyes.
  • Vomiting or diarrhoea.

If you suffer from a serious food allergy, consuming food that you are allergic to can be life-threatening. You can experience anaphylaxis, also known as an anaphylactic shock. This is a medical emergency which can cause the sufferer to fall into a coma, from which they may never wake up from. 

If you or someone else is suffering from the symptoms of an anaphylactic shock, you must dial 999 for an ambulance as soon as possible. There are also other things you can do to help the person. This NHS guide to anaphylaxis has more information.

A person who is experiencing an anaphylactic shock may show all the symptoms of a milder allergic reaction to food. These are additional symptoms of a severe allergic reaction:

  • Breathing difficulties such as shallow breathing or wheezing.
  • Feeling dizzy or faint. Some people may collapse or lose consciousness.
  • Clammy skin.
  • The heartbeat increases.
  • Confusion, disorientation and/or anxiety.

What Foods Are Included In The 14 Main Allergens?

The following allergies can be caused by foods, often referred to as the 14 main allergens:

  1. Nut allergy
  2. Egg allergy
  3. Milk allergy
  4. Wheat allergy
  5. Soy allergy
  6. Cereal allergy
  7. Gluten allergy
  8. Celery allergy
  9. Seafood allergy
  10. Fish allergy
  11. Lupin allergy
  12. Mustard allergy
  13. Shellfish allergy
  14. Sulphur dioxide allergy

The term dairy allergy usually refers to milk-based products, such as milk or cheese. The term fruit allergy refers to many common allergies including allergies to strawberries, allergies to grapes and tomato allergies.

Statistics Allergens And Nutrition

The charity AllergyUK is the largest charity in the UK that supports people that suffer from an allergic disease. AllergyUK reports that in the UK, 21 million people suffer from at least one type of allergy. In fact, the UK has one of the highest prevalences of allergy sufferers in the world. Unfortunately, 1 in 1,000 members of the general population of the UK suffers from severe allergies which result in anaphylaxis, if triggered. In the two decades spanning 1992 to 2012, anaphylaxis-related admissions to hospital rose by 615%.

More statistics about allergies can be found at AllergyUK’s website.

I Asked Staff To Remove One Of These Ingredients

According to UK government guidelines, if you informed your server at a restaurant of your allergy, asked them to remove an ingredient from your food and they agreed to do so, you could make a claim if they failed to do so. 

Given that much of the food at eateries like Greggs is prepacked, the restaurant staff must warn you that an item of food is not suitable for you if you have told them about your allergy. These are requests you may make to the staff at Greggs if you have a food allergy:

  1. No Cheese
  2. No Wheat
  3. No Eggs
  4. No Fish
  5. No Oats
  6. No Nuts
  7. No Milk

There are EU directives which are applied in the UK which also state that food providers such as shops, takeaway businesses, restaurants and cafeterias have a legal responsibility to inform customers of any foods which could cause allergic reactions. A list of common allergenic ingredients is provided. If any of these items appear in prepacked food, there must be a written warning on the packaging that the item contains these allergens. Similarly, if a menu item contains these allergens, a restaurant or cafe has to warn their customers in writing on the menu. Greggs allergy information is also available on their website.

A Restaurant Ignored My Request To Remove An Allergen

Government guidelines state that if you inform a restaurant or eatery that you suffer from a food allergy and ask them to remove an ingredient, they should comply or tell you that they can not do so. If they ignore your request, this could be regarded as negligence, which means that they could be held liable for any injuries you suffer as a result.

What else could be deemed negligence on the part of the restaurant with regards to your allergy?

  • If the food is pre-prepared and the restaurant cannot remove an ingredient and they do not warn you of the dangers that this can cause. This can be deemed as “failure to warn”.
  • The restaurant or eatery does not list and highlight the allergenic ingredients contained in the item on the packaging.
  • The restaurant or eatery does not list and highlight the allergenic ingredients contained in the item on the menu.

Negligent Takeaway Practices Causing Allergic Reactions

The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 states that business owners are responsible for the health and safety of their customers when they are on their premises, or using their goods and services. What happens if you suffered an allergic reaction after eating Greggs food because your server ignored your request to remove an ingredient? If it can be shown that staff breached their duty of care and you suffered harm as a result, Greggs could be held liable and you may have legitimate grounds to make a personal injury claim for compensation.

Could I Still Claim If I Hadn’t Told Greggs About An Allergy To Food?

Can you only claim compensation if you told your server about the food allergy that you suffer from? No. Greggs is legally obliged to provide Greggs allergy info on their menu and on the packaging of any prepackaged food they sell. This is to help allergy sufferers make informed decisions on their own. If you ate food that you were allergic to because the information provided by Greggs was inadequate, the business may be held liable for your injuries. Therefore you would still be able to claim compensation for an allergy at Greggs UK.

What Rights Do Takeaway Customers Have?

According to civil law and the Consumer Protection Act 1987, manufacturers can be held liable for a customer’s injuries if they are harmed by a faulty product. In the world of prepackaged food, this could include an item of food containing ingredients that should not be included in the recipe. Therefore, if you suffered an allergic reaction due to a Greggs product which contained products that should not have been included, you may be eligible to claim compensation if you can prove that the company responsible was at fault.

Responsibility For Not Informing Customers Of Potential Allergens

If you tell your server that you suffer from a food allergy, your server is supposed to warn you if your food contains potential allergens. If your server fails to do so, this could be taken as “failure to warn” and the restaurant or eatery could be held liable for your injuries.

Greggs Menu And Allergy Advice

Greggs bakery allergy information can be found on their website. The Greggs menu can be found below. Please be aware that at the time of writing (August 2020) the world is experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic, so Greggs may be offering a reduced menu.

Bread & Rolls

  • Baguette
  • Corn Topped Rolls
  • Floured White Rolls
  • Half Malted Bloomer
  • Half White Bloomer
  • Large White Bloomer
  • Malted Brown Sandwich Loaf
  • Morning Rolls
  • Oval Bites
  • Stotties
  • White & Wholemeal Loaf
  • White & Wholemeal Rolls
  • White Sandwich Loaf


  • Breakfast Sandwiches with spread
  • Bacon Breakfast Roll
  • Bacon & Omelette Breakfast Roll
  • Bacon & Sausage Breakfast Roll
  • Omelette Breakfast Roll
  • Sausage Breakfast Roll
  • Sausage & Omelette Breakfast Roll
  • Bacon Breakfast Baguette
  • Bacon & Omelette Breakfast Baguette
  • Bacon & Sausage Breakfast Baguette
  • Omelette Breakfast Baguette
  • Sausage Breakfast Baguette
  • Sausage & Omelette Breakfast Baguette
  • Bacon & Lorne Breakfast Roll
  • Lorne & Omelette Breakfast Roll
  • Lorne Breakfast Roll
  • Bacon & Lorne Breakfast Baguette
  • Lorne Breakfast Baguette
  • Lorne & Omelette Breakfast Baguette


  • Apple Danish
  • Bavarian Slice
  • Belgian Bun
  • Belgian Chocolate Caramel Shortbreads/Offcuts
  • Belgian Chocolate Chunk Shortbreads
  • Caramel Custard Doughnut
  • Cheese Scone
  • Chocolate Cake Bar
  • Cream Apple Danish
  • Cream Coconut Finger
  • Cream Doughnut
  • Cream Éclair
  • Cream Iced Finger
  • Cream Peach Melba
  • Devon Doughnut
  • Empire Biscuit
  • Filled Milk Chocolate Doughnut
  • Fondant Fancy
  • Fruit Scone
  • Gingerbread Man
  • Glazed Ring Doughnut
  • Iced Finger
  • Iced Ring Doughnut
  • Iced Split
  • Jam Doughnut
  • Jammy Heart Biscuit
  • London Cheesecake
  • Milk Chocolate Cookie
  • Milk Chocolate Ring Doughnut
  • Mini Yum Yums
  • Novelty Biscuit
  • Novelty Bun
  • Pineapple Cake
  • Pink Jammie
  • Sugar Strand Doughnut
  • Sweet Mince Pies
  • Tottenham Cake
  • Triple Belgian Chocolate Brownies
  • Triple Chocolate Cookie
  • Triple Chocolate Doughnut
  • Triple Chocolate Muffin
  • Vanilla Custard Slice
  • Vanilla Doughnut
  • White Chocolate Cookie
  • Yum Yum

Calculating Compensation For An Allergic Reaction After Eating Greggs

How much compensation could you claim for an allergic reaction caused by negligence on the part of Greggs? You can use our personal injury claims calculator to estimate how much you could potentially recover for your allergic reaction.


Illness Which May Be Suffered Seriousness Of This Illness Comments On The Illness Damages
Anaphylactic reaction Severe reaction This includes very severe instances of having an anaphylactic shock. The reaction could be be life-threatening to the victim. Hospital treatment will be required. £36,060 to £49,270
Allergic reaction to a food Severe / moderate reaction These are allergic reactions which are worse than the below category, but less severe than above. Symptoms may include muscular pain, nausea and stomach cramps. £8,950 to £18,020
Allergic reaction to a food Moderate reaction A moderate allergic reaction is less severe than the category above. Symptoms might include a rashe, itching and general discomfort. £3,710 to £8,950
Allergic reaction to a food Minor reaction Claimants should recover without needing medical care. symptoms include pain and cramps lasting some days or weeks. From around £860, up to £3,710


These compensation award amounts are based on guidance by the Judicial College. Of course, every compensation claim is different. For a personalised estimate of how much you could claim in damages, call Legal Expert today to speak to an advisor.

Special Damages Definitions And Examples

If you make a successful claim for allergic reaction compensation, you could be awarded two heads of claim:

  • General damages: This is compensation to award you for the loss of amenity, suffering and pain that you experienced. It is normally the largest part of your claim.
  • Special damages: This is compensation to reimburse you for any expenses incurred because of the injuries sustained, such as the cost of medical treatment, transportation costs to relevant appointments, or at-home care you needed as a result. You can also claim compensation for any loss of income you experienced if you had to miss work to recover from your injuries.

How Our Team Could Help After An Allergic Reaction To Takeaway Food

If you have experienced an allergic reaction to food purchased at Greggs, due to negligence on the part of the business, how can we help? Legal Expert can link you with a knowledgeable personal injury solicitor to act on your behalf. Our solicitors will accurately value your claim and will fight to win you the optimum amount of compensation you could recover, so you won’t get short-changed. You will also have the option to make a claim on a No Win No Fee basis, so there is a lower financial risk for you.

Legal Expert’s solicitors have decades of experience handling compensation claims against restaurants. To learn more about the experiences of our satisfied clients, read our online solicitor reviews.

No Win No Fee Claims For Suffering An Allergic Reaction To Greggs Food

If you have suffered an injury due to an allergic reaction at Greggs that was not your fault, you may be eligible for compensation. Legal Expert can connect you with a No Win No Fee solicitor to pursue compensation. What are the advantages of making a claim on a  No Win No Fee basis?

  • You will not have to pay an upfront or ongoing solicitors fee, making No Win No Fee claims the more affordable option for many of our clients.
  • If the claim fails, you won’t have to pay any of your solicitor’s fees. 
  • If your case succeeds, your solicitor will charge a small, legally capped fee. This will form a percentage of your compensation award. The level will be set out in clear terms in your No Win No Fee agreement.

To discover more about the benefits of making a claim on a No Win No Fee basis against a restaurant for an accident that was not your fault, call Legal Expert today to speak to an advisor, or read our online guide.

Talk To Our Team Today

To begin your claim for an allergic reaction after eating Greggs food, call Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804 to speak to an advisor. Alternatively, why not drop us a message via our online claims form? If you have legitimate grounds to make a Greggs compensation claim, we would love to help you.


Thank you for taking the time to read about our services for claims for personal injury following an allergic reaction after eating Greggs food. Below, you can find some further guides.

How To Sue A Restaurant For An Allergic Reaction In The UK

Gluten Allergy And Intolerance Claims Guide

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For An Accident In A Restaurant?

Starbucks Accident Claims

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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