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I Suffered A Broken Hand At Work, Can I Claim Compensation?

This guide will give you the information you need to claim for broken hand at work compensation. If the negligent actions of your employer have caused you injury, you may be able to start a personal injury claim. We understand that hand injuries can make daily activities more difficult, whether in your work or personal life. If the criteria apply to your case, you could enquire today about starting a claim for compensation.

We will outline what makes you eligible to claim workplace compensation and provide guidelines for compensation amounts. You can also learn about the common causes of broken hand injuries and your employer’s responsibility to you.

Furthermore, we will explain some aspects of the claim process, such as the different types of evidence you could gather that will help to strengthen your case, along with a look at how long you have to start your claim.

If you have any queries about starting a claim, you can get in touch with one of our advisors:

Jump To A Section:

  1. Claiming Compensation For A Broken Hand At Work
  2. How To Calculate Broken Hand At Work Compensation
  3. Common Causes Of Broken Hand Injuries In The Workplace
  4. Negligence And Employer Responsibility
  5. Steps To Take If You’ve Broken Your Hand At Work
  6. More Information

An arm in a white cast resting on a table.

Claiming Compensation For A Broken Hand At Work

As outlined by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, your employer owes you a duty of care. They must take reasonable steps to protect the health and safety of their employees when at work.

In order to claim broken hand at work compensation, you must able to show that:

  1. Firstly, an employer owed you a duty
  2. Secondly, they did not fulfil their duty
  3. Thirdly, this failure caused you injury

All three statements must apply for you to have a valid claim. Our advisors are here to help if you have any questions about the criteria. They can also connect you to a specialist No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel if you are eligible to claim compensation.

How To Calculate Broken Hand At Work Compensation

When looking at what general damages you could be owed, your solicitor (or other parties) may check the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This lists guidelines on compensation for different injuries based on the type and severity of injury. We have provided some figures from the JCG in the table below, which you can refer to for your claim.

We must clarify that these figures do not guarantee the amount of compensation you may receive. Contact an advisor today to discuss your claim in more detail and receive a free case assessment to determine how much compensation you may expect.

Type of injurySeverityCompensation Amount
Multiple injuries with financial impactSevereUp to £500,000 +
HandTotal or effective loss of both hands£171,680 to £245,900
Total or effective loss of one hand£117,360 to £133,810
Less serious£17,640 to £35,390
Moderate£6,910 to £16,200
FingersSevere fracturesUp to £44,840
Index fingerFracture£11,120 to £14,930
Ring or middle fingerSerious £12,590 to £19,940
Hand, finger and thumbMinorUp to £5,800

Factors affecting compensation payouts

Many factors can influence how much compensation you may gain.

These include:

  • The severity of your injury
  • The amount of treatment you require
  • The amount of time taken to recover
  • Whether your injury causes financial losses to you
  • If your future employment may be impacted

General Damages Vs Special Damages

The broken hand at work compensation is divided into two heads of claim. The first is general damages. As mentioned previously, these refer to the pain and suffering that you have experienced due to the injury. They account for both physical and psychological impacts.

You can also receive compensation for special damages. These refer to the financial losses caused by your injury and can be particularly important for serious injury claims. For example, you may be reimbursed for:

  • Adaptations made to your home
  • Lost earnings
  • Travel costs
  • Costs for care in the home
  • Medical expenses

A man in a white T-shirt with his arm in a black brace

Can I Claim Extra For Psychological Impact?

When you suffer an injury at work, it can have a serious impact on your mental health. For example, you may experience anxiety when you think about returning to work. If you choose to work with one of our solicitors, they can help you gather evidence to show the psychological impact that the incident has had on you. This can then be considered for the valuation of your compensation.

Contact an advisor today for more information about what you may be able to claim compensation for.  They could connect you to a solicitor who could ensure that the impact you have suffered is reflected in the valuation of your compensation.

Common Causes Of Broken Hand Injuries In The Workplace

You could suffer a broken hand injury in the workplace due to many different reasons.

For example:

  • Your employer was aware that there had been a spillage; however, you slipped and fell, injuring your hand as it broke your fall because no warning signs were erected.
  • An accident occurs when you use faulty machinery while working in a factory. The machine crushes your hand and causes a broken bone. Your employer had failed to maintain the machinery and check for faults.
  • A shelving unit has not been properly secured in your workplace, meaning that a heavy item falls off and hits your hand as you walk past. One of your bones is broken during this crush injury.
  • The ground by the doorway to your workplace has frozen over, which your employer is aware of. You slip over on the ice and break a bone in your hand.

If you’re unsure whether you can claim compensation for your work-related accident, contact our advisors for more information.

Negligence and Employer Responsibility

When an employer fails in their duty and causes you injury, this is negligence. The employer must follow legislation to limit the exposure of employees to harm when working, such as:

If you have any questions about your employer’s duty to you, you can speak to one of our advisors.

A man with a broken arm wrapped in white bandages

Steps To Take If You’ve Broken Your Hand At Work

If you think you are eligible to file a claim for broken hand at work compensation, continue reading to learn more about the process. Here, we provide more information about what evidence you need and how the process works.

Gather Evidence

In order to claim, you will need to prove that your employer’s negligence caused you to suffer an injury. Evidence may include:

  • Bank statements or payslips (to show lost earnings)
  • Photos or videos (including CCTV)
  • Receipts for payments made for home adjustments
  • Contact information of people who witnessed the incident
  • A copy of your medical records
  • Copies of accident reports (your employer should have logged the incident in an accident report book)

If you need further advice about what evidence supports your claim, you can speak with our advisors.

Find A Solicitor

If you feel overwhelmed at the prospect of filing a claim, you should consider working with one of our solicitors. They can help your case by:

  • Corresponding with the defending party
  • Advising how you can get the right evidence together for your claim
  • Making sure that the claim is filed within the necessary timeframe (which we will discuss in the next section)
  • Negotiating settlement so that your compensation includes the general and special damages that are relevant to your claim

Furthermore, our experienced personal injury solicitors can help you to follow all stages of the claim and seek compensation. Specifically, they could offer you a No Win No Fee contract, such as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This means that you do not have to pay for your solicitor’s services:

  • Before the start of your claim
  • Throughout your claim
  • If your claim is not successful

Typically, the only fee that you will need to pay is a success fee. This is a legally capped percentage that you pay to your solicitor if your claim is successful. The cap ensures that the majority of the compensation still ends up in your pocket.

The Time Limit For Hand Injury Claims

You must submit your claim for broken hand at work compensation within three years, starting from the date of your accident. This is required by the Limitation Act 1980. However, there are exceptions to the limitation period if:

  • The claim involves a person who is under eighteen
  • The claimant does not have mental capacity. Under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the time limit would be three years from the date that the person recovers their mental capacity.

Our solicitors, who are experienced in handling such claims efficiently, will ensure that your claim is filed within the correct time limit.

Will I Need To Go To Court?

Since taking a claim to court is often a time-consuming process, many cases are settled outside of court. However, you may need to take your claim to court if:

  • The defendant does not accept liability- the court will then need to decide who is responsible for your injury
  • The defendant accepts liability but cannot reach an agreement with you about the level of compensation
  • The personal injury claim is reaching the end of the three-year limitation period (as discussed in the previous section)

Additionally, a settlement cannot be accepted on behalf of a person who is under eighteen or incapacitated without court approval. Although the claimant may be represented by someone else, who is referred to as a litigation friend, the claim must go through the court in accordance with Part 8 court proceedings.

You do not need to worry about whether you should take your claim to court. Our solicitors can help you at every stage and advise you on any decisions about your case.

However, if you have any further queries about the claim process, compensation amounts, or your eligibility to claim for broken hand at work compensation, you can seek free advice from one of our advisors today:

A broken hand claims solicitor sitting behind a mahogany desk

More Information

You can also:

Further resources:

Thank you for reading this guide on how to claim broken hand at work compensation.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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