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I Tripped Over A Bottle Or Glass And Was Injured, Can I Claim Compensation?

By Marlon Cooke. Last Updated 24th February 2023. Welcome to our guide on claiming compensation after an accident victim tripped over a glass bottle. Have you been injured because you tripped over a bottle or were cut by glass that was left on the floor? Maybe you were cut by broken glass, stepped on broken glass that had been left on the floor, or suffered a nightclub broken glass injury. If the accident was not your fault, you could receive compensation.

You can trust the team and personal injury solicitors at Legal Expert to conduct your claim. We are a known and law firm which specialises in personal injury claims. Our solicitors have handled claims like these for years or decades, so your claim will be in safe hands. What’s more, we will push to win you the highest possible amount of damages that you could receive, so your claim won’t be undervalued.

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Tripped over broken glass bottle

Tripped over broken glass bottle

Before making this type of claim, clients may ask us questions such as, “I tripped over a bottle or glass can I claim?” If the accident was caused by negligence on the part of someone else, then yes, you could be able to claim. You can make a trip claim for a pavement accident, supermarket accident or nightclub accident. You can also claim for a broken glass cut, laceration or a work injury claim if you tripped over a bottle or glass and were injured at work.

If you have tripped over a bottle or glass and have been injured, call Legal Expert today, and see if you can claim compensation for the party responsible. If the advisor believes you are entitled to claim, we could then assign an excellent slip, trip and fall claims solicitor to handle your case. Call us today on 0800 073 8804 for your free consultation and further legal advice. We’re looking forward to hearing from you and learning how you tripped over a glass bottle. And we can advise on how to claim once you’re ready to pursue a claim.

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Who Could Be Liable For Me Tripping On A Bottle?

Many clients ask us, “I tripped over a bottle or glass, can I claim?” If the accident was not your fault and you were significantly injured as a result, then you could be liable to claim. To claim compensation, your solicitor will have to be able to prove that another party was liable for your injuries.

Your personal injury claims solicitor will need to provide evidence of many different points to prove that another party is liable for your slip, trip and fall accident. Firstly, you will need to provide evidence that the person responsible owed you a duty of care. According to The Occupiers Liability Act of 1957, proprietors of businesses such as shops, cafes or nightclubs owe their customers, workers and other people who use their business a duty of care.

This means that they are responsible for providing them with a safe environment to work, shop, eat or drink. Similarly, the Health And Safety At Work Act of 1974 states that employers owe their employees a duty of care. This means that they are supposed to provide them with a safe and hygienic environment in which to work. If an establishment or workplace neglects its duty of care towards a stakeholder and the person is injured as a result, then they could be held liable for the person’s injuries and have to pay them compensation.

Further information

To prove that the party neglected their duty of care, your solicitor will have to provide evidence that the staff knew about the bottle, glass or broken glass on the floor and failed to clear it away or mark it as a hazard. Alternatively, that a member of staff was a cause of the hazard. The reasonableness of your claim may also be taken into account. For example, if your accident was also caused in part by your own clumsiness, misjudgement or foolish behaviour, then you may not be able to claim.

Alternatively, the Defendant (the party you are claiming compensation from) may only be held partially liable for your claim. For example, if you had your accident whilst under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol and that affected your judgement, the Defendant may only be partially liable for your injuries. For example, if you’re 25% liable, you only receive 75% of the compensation.

We will now look at ways that people are commonly injured if they tripped over a glass bottle.

Trips Caused By Discarded Bottles In A Nightclub

You can make a broken glass injury claim if discarded bottles in a nightclub injure you. Unfortunately, in pubs, bars and other similar venues, patrons sometimes discard bottles or glasses on the floor rather than leaving them on the table to be disposed of properly. If the venue’s staff see bottles or glasses, they should clear them up immediately. They should also warn customers to behave irresponsibly. If necessary, they can ask them to leave.

If you have suffered a nightclub broken glass injury, were cut by broken glass, or suffered a trip and fall accident, you could be entitled to make a nightclub accident claim for your injuries. Call Legal Expert today, and if you are entitled to claim, we have a team of personal injury claim lawyers who could conduct your trip claim.

Trips Caused By Bottles Or Glass In A Shop

Shops have a duty of care towards their customers, which means that they have to ensure that the store is a safe environment in which to shop if a fallen bottle injures a customer or glass on the floor (for example, a bottle that has fallen on the shelf, or stock that is not being correctly stored, they could be held accountable for their injuries.

If you have experienced any form of accident in a shop or supermarket accident because you stepped on broken glass leading to a broken glass cut or tripped over a bottle and glass and was injured, you could be entitled to make a personal injury claim. Call us today to speak to a well informed personal injury claims advisor. If we believe that you are entitled to compensation, an excellent slip, trip or fall claims solicitor can manage your tripped over a glass bottle case.

Glass Cut Injury – Types Of Injuries Caused By Broken Glass

Broken glass left lying around could lead to broken glass injuries. Injuries caused by broken glass could include puncture and laceration wounds.

If you’ve sustained a glass cut injury due to someone else’s negligence, you may be able to claim compensation. If you are eligible to claim compensation for your glass cut injury, it may be beneficial to use legal assistance. You can call Legal Expert today to see if we can start working on your case.

Slip Trip And Fall – Example Injuries

A slip, trip and fall accident may cause significant injuries, particularly if you were to fall and land on a broken glass bottle. If you do land on a sharp object, you could suffer from cuts or lacerations. Whilst some of these wounds may be treated at home, it is advised that you seek an assessment from a medical professional to avoid the risk of infection.

If you were to trip over a bottle, you could suffer from knee pain due to the impact of your knees hitting the ground. Subsequently, you might experience stiffness in both knees as well as mild swelling. Additionally, the fall could cause a torn ligament or sprain.

In serious cases of a slip, trip and fall accident, you could break a bone. According to the NHS, the most common signs of a broken bone include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Deformity

It is important you seek medical attention if you are concerned you have a bone as not receiving adequate treatment may result in you developing a serious infection or other issues. It could also lead to serious problems for your joints in the long term.

How Are Glass Injuries Treated?

If you are injured because you tripped over a bottle or glass or experience a broken glass injury, you must seek the correct medical attention as soon as possible. If you have a minor injury, you could apply pressure to the skin to reduce the bleeding whilst you go to the doctor’s surgery or hospital. Do not do this if it is a severe or deep cut.

Do not try to pull the glass out yourself, or you can create further cuts or lacerations. A very deep cut could sever an artery causing you to bleed to death. This is why it is important to visit a doctor or hospital as soon as possible. That way, the doctors and nurses will know how to remove the glass and close the wound up effectively.

Compensation for Injury – How Could I Be Compensated If I Tripped Over A Bottle Or Glass?

If you have been injured because you tripped out a bottle or glass in an accident that was not your fault, you could be awarded a large compensation package for your injuries. Your compensation package could include both general as well as special damages. We will now look at what this means for your tripped over a glass bottle claims in more detail below.

General damages:

General damages are often the primary part of a compensation package. They reward the injured person for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity they have experienced. They are usually the larger part of a compensation package.

Special damages:

Special damages are the secondary part of a compensation package. They compensate the injured person for any expenses or financial losses they have had due to their injuries.

Examples of special damages can include:

  • Medical bills: If you have needed any private medical treatment or medication for your injuries, your medical expenses will cover these.
  • Loss of earnings: If you had to take time off work after tripping over a bottle or glass on the floor, you can claim any salary or in work benefits payments that you lost.
  • Mobility equipment or home adaptation expenses: If you have been made disabled because of your injuries, you can claim compensation to pay for any mobility equipment or home adaptations you may now need.
  • Travel expenses: This can include the cost of parking at a hospital, expenses travelling to and from hospital or doctor’s appointments or the cost of taxis if you were temporarily unable to drive.
  • Care expenses: You may have had help or care from a relative or friend during your recovery. If they had to take time off work to do so, you could claim compensation for this.

If you tripped over a bottle or glass and are wondering, “Can I claim?” call Legal Expert today to see if you can make a claim. If you legitimately have grounds to do so, one of our excellent lawyers will work on your case right away.

Broken Glass Bottle – Settlements For Falls And Other Injuries

Our table shows how general damages could be awarded for injuries that could be sustained in an accident with a broken glass bottle.

The compensation figures are based on previous claims and are taken from a document called the Judicial College Guidelines. This same document may be used by solicitors to value your injuries if you choose to pursue a claim.

Body part injured How serious was it Comments Potential compensation
Hands Serious hand injury Such as where fingers hand been amputated and/ or where the usage of the hand is less than 50%. £29,000 to £61,910
Hand Less serious hand injuries Severe injuries which could or will require surgery to rectify. £14,450 to £29,000

Hand Moderate hand injury This may include serious and deep cuts or lacerations. £5,720 to £13,280
Finger(s) Serious injury to middle finger or ring finger Serious levels of injury affecting the usability of the hands and fingers. £10,320 to £16,340

Thumb(s) Very serious thumb injuries. These may be similar to the injuries affecting a finger but which affect the thumb. £19,600 to £35,010
Thumb(s) Moderate thumb injuries. Where they may be injuries to the tendons or the nerves of the thumb. Feeling and usability may be affected. £9,670 to £12,590
Neck Minor neck injuries (i) Injuries which will heal in one or two years. £4,350 to £7,890
Back Moderate injuries to the back (ii) There may be various injuries affecting the back. £12,510 to £27,760

Toe(s) Moderate levels of toe injury These may include moderate soft tissue injuries. Up to £9,600
Elbow(s) Moderate levels of elbow injury. This may include joint or soft tissue injuries. Up to £12,590

You can use our compensation calculator to see more examples of compensation for different injuries, but you should keep in mind that these figures are not a guarantee of what you would receive. How this type of compensation may be awarded to you will depend on your personal circumstances and the evidence you can present of the effects of your injuries.

If you were injured by glass that had fallen, or that was smashed on the floor and not adequately attended to, please reach out to one of our advisers. They can give you more information about your eligibility to start a claim and even provide you with a free compensation valuation.

No Win No Fee Claims For Tripping Over A Bottle Or Glass Accidents

If you have been injured because you tripped over a bottle or glass, you could claim compensation. We can offer you the option to make a No Win No Fee claim for your injuries. No Win No Fee means that you will only have to pay your solicitors fee if your claim is successful. In the unlikely instance that your claim is not successful, you will not have to pay us a penny. Making a No Win No Fee claim for many of our clients is the more secure way to claim.

To learn more about your options, call Legal Expert today to discuss your claim.

How Could Legal Expert Help Me?

Call Legal Expert today if you suffer an injury because you tripped over a bottle due to someone else’s negligence. We can provide you with an excellent personal injury lawyer to handle your case. Our lawyers will always fight to win their clients the best possible settlement. So call us today to begin your claim.

Contact A Legal Expert

To begin your tripped over a glass bottle claim, call us today. Alternatively, use our online claims form to contact us. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

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Tripped Over Glass Bottle FAQs

I was injured by a broken glass bottle, can I claim?

Whilst it is possible to claim for these kinds of injuries, they must also have been caused by the negligence of someone else. The person or body responsible must also have owed you a duty of care. This could be someone like your employer, or whoever is responsible for the area you are in.

For example, if you cut yourself on a broken glass bottle in a bar or restaurant, this could be the fault of the manager or the owner. For instance, they may have been aware of broken glass nearby but made no effort to clean it up. If a customer or employee is then injured on this glass, those in charge could have a claim made against them for negligence.

What harm can broken glass cause?

Broken glass can cause a variety of injuries. If there are shards of broken glass on the floor, this could be a trip hazard. Even if you do not fall on the glass, you could injure yourself on the way to the ground, or upon impact with the ground. Fractures, dislocations and other injuries are all possible.

However, if you were to come into contact with broken glass, you could suffer from cuts or lacerations. Blood loss can be an occurrence due to this, which could lead to death in some extreme circumstances. Infections are also possible.

Additionally, wounds could leave lasting damage such as scars that could be physically uncomfortable or could even affect you psychologically.

Can I claim if I cut my hand in the supermarket?

You can, although it depends on proving whether or not your injuries were caused by negligence.

How much compensation do you get for a slip, trip or fall?

This varies because it all depends on the circumstances surrounding the accident.

Can you claim if you fall over a pavement?

You can do so, though you need to prove that the accident is in some way the local Council’s responsibility.

Is a store liable for a customer injury?

Yes, because the accident will be on their property, they hold liability for the incident.

How long after a slip and fall can you sue?

You have 3 years after the accident to make a claim.

What are the 4 types of negligence?

These are gross, vicarious, comparative and contributory negligence.

What are the 3 types of damages?

These are exemplary, economic and non-economic.

Who must prove negligence?

As the claimant, you have to prove negligence on the part of the defendant.

Can you sue someone for causing stress?

You can do this in the form of claiming post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after an accident. However, you need medical evidence to back this up.

Thank you for reading our tripped over a glass bottle claim.

Article By HC

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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