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How Much Compensation Could I Claim For A Thigh Injury?

By Marlon Redding. Last Updated 18th January 2023. Welcome to our thigh injury claims guide. Within this guide, we are going to discuss hamstring injury claims in length. Have you experienced a thigh injury due to an accident that wasn’t your fault, due to negligence on the part of a third party? Whether you experienced a thigh muscle strain, upper thigh muscle pain, hamstring injury or any other type of thigh injury, you could be entitled to make a thigh injury claim for compensation.

hamstring injury claims

hamstring injury claims

As this leg injury claims guide progresses, we will look at common causes of hamstring and thigh injuries, causes of thigh pain, the consequences of thigh injuries and advise you on making a successful thigh injury claim for compensation. You can also consult our thigh injury compensation claim calculator to see an estimation of how much compensation you could claim.

If your hamstring or thigh injury was caused by negligence on the part of someone else, trust Legal Expert to help you make your compensation claim. Legal Expert is a trusted personal injury solicitor’s firm whose personal injury solicitors have an excellent track record of winning personal injury claims for thigh injuries, hamstring injuries, and upper thigh muscle pain claims.

Our team of advisors are here to help. To get in touch and start your free consultation:

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What Is A Thigh Injury?

As we have established, most thigh injuries are sprains or strains of the muscles, tendons or ligaments. You can also suffer a broken or fractured femur. The leading causes of thigh injuries include the muscles becoming overstretched or twisted, for example, in a sporting accident or slip trip and fall injury. They can be caused by trauma such as a fall, a direct blow to the thigh, or a road traffic accident.

In the immediate period after a thigh accident, for example, the first 24 hours, you should rest and avoid any other physical activity. Afterwards, the NHS recommends that you stay reasonably active during your recovery time. Keep all of this in mind as you pursue any thigh injury claims. Please consult a medical professional for more information about how your injury should be treated.

Common Hamstring Or Thigh Injury Symptoms

We are now going to look at the common symptoms of hamstring and thigh injuries. Hamstring injuries cause the sufferer to experience a stabbing thigh pain at the back of the thigh. Similarly, quadriceps injuries cause front thigh pain. More serious thigh injuries where the bone is damaged mean that it can be hard to walk or bear weight on your thigh. What’s more, damage to the front of the thigh can imbalance the muscles at the back of the thigh and vice versa, making them even more difficult to handle.

The thigh strain recovery time can be quite a long time. A thigh or hamstring strain or sprain will often take up to six weeks of recovery time, more if it is a more serious injury. It can be difficult to drive, work (especially if you have a manual job), do housework, or enjoy taking part in sports and leisure activities during your recovery time.

Can You Get Compensation For Soft Tissue Damage?

As we discuss different types of symptoms and injuries you could sustain, you may be wondering, “can you get compensation for soft tissue damage?” You can seek compensation for any type of injury caused by another person’s negligence. 

Importantly, from a legal standpoint, negligence means that the third party that caused your injury needs to have had a duty of care and their actions need to have breached this duty, leading to your injury. 

Therefore, you would only be able to seek compensation if you were able to prove that your injury was caused by negligence. You can learn more about the different types of thigh injuries you could sustain below. 

Types Of Thigh Injury That You Can Claim Compensation For

Your thigh is made up of one large bone, the femur, and is surrounded by muscles, ligaments and tendons that help you to walk. Different types of injuries can occur in various areas of your thigh.

Here are some types of thigh injuries our clients have claimed compensation for:

Femur Damage: As we have already stated, the thigh bone is very strong, so fractures or femur breaks are quite rare. The causes of a broken or fractured femur is usually a thigh injury from impact such as an assault, fall from a great height, crushing injury or a serious road traffic accident. Like most breaks and fractures, they are usually treated by setting the bone with a plaster cast. More extensive breaks and fractures may require surgery. If your femur bone is broken or fractured, then you could be entitled to claim compensation for your injuries. These are serious injuries, so your compensation claim should be higher than a simple muscle strain, and you may also be able to claim a higher rate of compensation for your broken thigh injuries.

Hamstring Injury: Hamstrings are the muscles at the back of your thighs, and as we have already explained, they are usually damaged by being overstretched due to overuse or trauma. Common causes of hamstring injuries are sporting injuries and slip, trip and fall accidents. Thigh problems that can result from a hamstring injury include thigh pain and thigh muscle strain.

Other thigh injuries include strains or sprains to the quadriceps muscles, ruptured tendons and torn ligaments. The thigh strain recovery time and recovery times for other soft tissue injuries to the thigh can vary depending on the extent of your injuries. Still, six weeks is an expected recovery time. And this may factor into the compensation payout that you receive for your thigh injury claims.

Overstretched Hamstring – How Long You Have To Claim

All personal injury claims are subject to time limits, which are set out in the Limitation Act 1980.

If you ruptured your hamstring because a responsible party breached their duty of care to you, the time limit to claim is generally three years from when the injury took place.

This does not apply to claims for minors. People under 18 cannot start a claim for themselves, so they do not face a time limit. A litigation friend can be appointed to act on their behalf if they want to make a claim before they turn 18. If a claim is not made before this date, they will be expected to start a claim before their 21st birthday.

The time limit also does not apply to people who lack the mental capacity to claim for themselves. Their time limits are indefinitely suspended. A litigation friend can start a claim on their behalf at any point. They will only face a time limit if they are deemed mentally capable of doing so. They will then have three years from when they gained their mental capacity.

If you have any questions about how to start a claim for an overstretched hamstring, please reach out to one of our advisers.

What Steps Should You Take After A Hamstring Or Thigh Injury

If you have been involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, which resulted in you suffering from a hamstring injury or thigh injury, your number one priority should be finding the appropriate medical attention for your injury. There are also steps you can take after your accident to collect evidence about your injuries. This information will help your personal injury lawyer build evidence to support your case in your personal injury claim.

After suffering a hamstring or thigh injury, you can take the following steps to collect evidence:

  • Take photos: Photographs of your injuries and the hazard that caused your injury can serve as visual evidence to support your claim. Make sure your photos have a date stamp on them if possible.
  • Collect witness contact details: Taking down the contact details of eyewitnesses to your accident means that they can be contacted at a later date and give evidence of events.
  • Medical report and records: Be sure to keep your medical report and other medical records such as doctor’s notes, x-ray images or prescriptions. This will show the severity of your injuries and the impact they could have on your life going forward.
  • Keep your receipts: Keep receipts of any medical treatment you need as a result of your injuries. If you have to pay for alternative transport, at-home care, keep your receipts for these. You should be able to retrieve these expenses as part of the compensation package for your thigh injury claims. They will also serve as evidence of the severity of your thigh injuries, thigh pain and hamstring injuries.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Thigh Injury Or Damaged Hamstring?

Personal injury compensation for a damaged hamstring or other thigh injury could include general damages and special damages.

General damages compensates you for your injuries and the pain and suffering they have caused you. When solicitors and other legal professionals value claims, they can get help from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This text offers guideline compensation brackets for different injuries of varying severities. In the table below, you can find some examples of the amounts listed in the 16th edition of the JCG.

Please only use this table as a guide.


Injury type and severity Severity Settlement Notes
Severe Leg Injuries (i) Very Severe £96,250 to £135,920 Such injuries would include extensive degloving of the leg, where there is gross shortening of the leg, or where fractures have not united and extensive bone grafting has been undertaken.
Severe Leg Injuries (ii) Very Serious £54,830 to £87,890 Injuries leading to permanent problems with mobility, the need for crutches or mobility aids for the remainder of the injured person’s life.
Severe Leg Injuries (iii) Serious £39,200 to £54,830 Serious compound or comminuted fractures or injuries to joints or ligaments resulting in instability, prolonged treatment, a lengthy period of non-weight-bearing.
Severe Leg Injuries (iv) Moderate £27,760 to £39,200 This bracket includes complicated or multiple fractures or severe crushing injuries, generally to a single limb.
Less Serious Leg Injuries (i) Less Serious £17,960 to £27,760 In the case of fracture injuries, the injured person will have made a reasonable recovery but will be left with a metal implant and/or defective gait, a limp, impaired mobility, sensory loss.


Special damages could compensate you for financial losses caused by your injuries. For example, if your injuries require you to take time away from work to recover, this may result in a loss of earnings, in which case you could potentially claim these back.

Special damages can also potentially cover the cost of:

  • Prescriptions.
  • Medical bills.
  • Mobility aids.
  • Childcare.
  • Domestic help.

As previously stated, you will need to provide evidence of these financial losses in order to claim them back. This could include receipts, invoices and bank statements.

To learn more about making a personal injury claim for a damaged or overstretched hamstring, contact our team today.

No Win No Fee Thigh Injury Claims

If you experience a thigh injury, you could make a No Win No Fee compensation claim. No Win No Fee (also known as a conditional fee arrangement or CFA) means that you still get the same excellent service from your personal injury lawyer, but you don’t have to pay any upfront or ongoing fees. Instead, you will pay your fee if and when you win your thigh injury claim. This means that no win no fee claims are the more affordable option.

As you only pay if your personal injury claim is successful, there is no financial risk to you. Call Legal Expert today to inquire about making a No Win No Fee claim for a thigh injury. We will give you free legal advice about making your claim. If you have a legitimate case, you will have a No Win No Fee compensation hamstring injury claims solicitor.

Useful Links

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Leg Injury?
View our guide to how much you could claim for an injury to your leg.

NHS Guide To Thigh Problems
From the NHS, a guide to thigh problems.

The NHS on Sprains and strains

This link goes to the NHS website on sprains and strains.

Other Useful Compensation Guides

Thank you for taking the time to read our guide on hamstring injury claims. As always, our team is more than happy to answer any questions you may have about thigh injury claims.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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