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Alitalia Flight Personal Injury Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation For A Accident on a Alitalia Flight?

Have you been injured on an Alitalia flight because of an accident which was caused by negligence on the part of the airline? If you were hurt or made ill because Alitalia neglected their duty of care towards you, you could be entitled to claim damages and compensation for your injuries or illness. Whether you were made ill because of food poisoning (or exposure to a food allergen) or were injured because of a trolley accident, hot coffee burn, hot tea burn or any other injury, or by luggage falling on your head, then you could be entitled to claim.

Alitalia flightTrust the well respected personal injury law firm Legal Expert, to supply you with the right personal injury lawyer to help you make your claim for in-flight injuries. Our panel of solicitors have up to three decades of experience in winning compensation claims for our clients and they will always fight to get you the maximum amount of compensation that you are owed. What’s more, all of our clients have the opportunity to make a no win no fee claim for compensation, so you will not have to pay us a penny in the unlikely event that you do not win your claim.

If you were injured on an airplane in an accident that was not your fault, call Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804 to see if you are entitled to compensation. If you have a grounds on which to claim compensation for an Alitalia flight accident, contact Legal Expert today, we can calculate how much compensation you are entitled to and will supply you with an excellent personal injury solicitor to handle your claim. Call us today to see if you are entitled to claim compensation for your injuries. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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An Alitalia Flight Accident And Injury Claims Guide

Alitalia is the operating name of the airline Società Aerea Italiana and the former flag carrier of Italy. The company largely sells flights to and from Italy to the UK market, as well as global flights to destinations as far off as South America and the Far East.

Alitalia is a well-established airline, with a reputation for good quality service. Some flight accidents are unavoidable or arbitrary happenings, but other accidents are avoidable and can happen because of negligence. If you have been injured or made ill because of an avoidable accident you suffered on an Alitalia flight, you could be able to claim compensation for your injuries, if the accident was the fault of the airline. In this guide to how to sue airlines for negligence, we will look at what defines an airline accident, what your rights are as an airline passenger in the event of an injury and how the Montreal Convention protects your rights. We will also look at common airplane accidents that could happen resulting in claims for  compensation, review what damages you can claim compensation for, and will tell you how to make a no win no fee claim. We have also included a personal injury claims amounts to help you estimate how much airline negligence cases can be worth which are like yours. Remember, we offer a free personal injury claims consultation for anyone looking to make a claim for in-flight injuries on airplanes, so call us today and if you have a legitimate claim, we will provide you with the right personal injury solicitor to handle your claim.

What Are Injuries And Accidents On Planes?

When people think of a plane accident, they usually think of a plane crash, or another horrible accident that results in multiple casualties or fatalities. Whilst these sorts of accidents are the stuff of nightmares, they are thankfully very rare. At Legal Expert, we are more likely to represent clients that are suing an airline for injuries caused by accidents on board the plane, such as tripping over an obstruction on the floor or being hit by a trolley, or accidents that happened alighting or disembarking the aircraft. Whilst these sorts of accidents are not as dramatic as a plane crash and are unlikely to make the news, they can still have a profound effect on the person who experienced the accident, ruining their holiday, or in some instances causing them long term pain, suffering and loss of amenity.

Eligibility To Make Flight Accident Claims

Airlines have a duty of care towards their passengers. This means that they are legally bound to take every reasonable step possible to protect the health and safety of their passengers. If a passenger is made ill or is injured because of an avoidable accident, which was caused by the airline behaving negligently then the airline could be held liable for the injuries caused and the airline could be sued for compensation. An example of this could be that if you experienced a concussion because of luggage falling on your head because a member of the cabin crew didn’t close the locker properly and made sure the luggage was secured. If this happened because you took your luggage out mid-flight, then didn’t stow it away properly afterwards you wouldn’t be entitled to claim compensation. Call Legal Expert today, to see if you are entitled to claim compensation for your flight injuries or illness today.

Airline Passenger Rights In The Event Of An Injury

If you have been made ill or injured on an aeroplane in an accident that was not your fault, you could be entitled to claim compensation. For you to claim compensation for your injuries, your solicitor will have to be able to prove that your injury was caused by the airline neglecting their duty of care towards you as a passenger, not your own error or poor judgement. Your solicitor will able to collect evidence on your behalf, to help prove this.

Passenger Rights Under The Montreal Convention

The Montreal Convention of 1999 states that passengers who are injured or made ill on a flight have the right to claim compensation if the accident was not their fault. The convention also states that passengers have the right to claim compensation in their home country, no matter where in the world their accident happened while on a flight. Many countries are signed up to the Montreal Convention including the United Kingdom.

When Can I Claim Compensation If Injured On An Airplane?

You can claim in-flight injuries on airplanes compensation if you experienced an illness or injury during a flight, which was caused by an avoidable accident which was due to negligence on the part of the airline. Common examples of airline negligence cases could include trolley accidents, hot coffee burns, hot tea burns, food poisoning, turbulence injuries, broken seat injuries, luggage falling on a passenger’s head and more. We will now look at these common injuries that could happen on a plane in more detail.

I Was Burned By A Hot Drink, Can I Claim?

Enjoying a hot beverage is a normal part of flying. However, passengers could suffer a coffee burn or tea burn if the beverage is served at too hot a temperature. For example, the drink can burn the inside of their mouth, or if the drink is served in a cup that does not have a protective sleeve, then this can result in the cup being too hot to hold, so the passenger drops the drink onto their lap and burns themselves. If you have suffered a tea burn or coffee burn, or have been scalded because of a hot beverage on a flight, then you could be entitled to claim compensation. Call Legal Expert today, to learn more.

Injuries To Disabled Passengers

Disabled passengers can be more vulnerable when travelling, especially if they are travelling alone. Therefore, airlines have to make special allowances for disabled passengers such as offering assistance at certain points in the airport, allowing disabled passengers to board first, or letting them bring their mobility equipment onto the plane and helping them to store it in the correct space. If you are a disabled passenger and have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, because the Alitalia cabin or ground crew neglected their duty of care towards you, you could be entitled to claim personal injury compensation.

I Was Injured By An Alitalia Flight Service Cart, Can I Claim?

Although it may not sound dramatic, a trolley accident on board an aircraft can result in a passenger experiencing a broken or fractured bone, or worse. This is because trolley service carts used on flights can weigh a lot when fully loaded. If a trolley is left unattended, or the breaks don’t turn on and it rolls down the aisle, hitting a passenger then, as you can imagine, this could cause a serious long-term injury. If you believe that you are entitled to claim compensation for your injuries, call Legal Expert today to speak to an advisor about your airline negligence case.

Injured On An Airplane By A Slip Or Fall?

You could suffer a slip, trip or fall injury on a plane if there is an obstruction on the floor, or food or drink has been spilt and has not been cleared up. Similarly, if there is a fault on the staircase when alighting or disembarking the aircraft, then you could trip and fall as a result. Although some slip, trip and fall injuries are relatively minor, others could result in serious injuries such as sprains, strains or even broken bones. If you have experienced a slip, trip or fall accident that was not your fault on an Alitalia Flight and was injured, as a result, call Legal Expert today, to see if you are owed compensation.

Injury Caused By Luggage Falling On Your Head Or Body?

On flights, luggage is usually stored in overhead bins. It is the responsibility of the cabin crew to make sure that the luggage items are correctly stored and the locker doors are shut properly when taking off and landing. If a member of the cabin crew neglects to do this and luggage falls on your head or body injuring you, then you could be entitled to claim compensation. In extreme cases, luggage falling on your head can cause head or neck injuries with lasting consequences, so if you believe you are owed compensation, don’t hesitate in calling us. If you do have a legitimate reason for which to make a compensation claim, we can supply you with an experienced personal injury lawyer or solicitor to handle your claim.

Injury Caused By Unexpected Turbulence?

A flight accident could easily be caused by unexpected turbulence. Although the airline and staff can’t control when they experience turbulence, they should have procedures in place to help minimise the risk of injuries due to turbulence, such as making passengers return to their seats, and making sure no one tries to get luggage out of an overhead storage locker. If you were injured during a flight because staff did not apply these procedures you could be entitled to make an airline injury compensation claim. Call Legal Expert today to see if you are entitled to claim.

Food Poisoning Claims

A part of the flight many passengers look forward to is the inflight meal. Like restaurants on the ground, airlines have to make sure that they follow correct food hygiene standards when storing and preparing food to serve. If proper standards are not adhered to, it could result in a passenger becoming ill with food poisoning, symptoms of which can include vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramps amongst other problems. If you have suffered food poisoning because of incorrect preparation or storage of your meal, and it can be medically proved then you could be entitled to claim compensation. Call Legal Expert today, to enquire about making a flight compensation claim.

Food Allergy Claims

Businesses selling food are required by law to list allergenic ingredients that are included in their products. If a food item does not have the allergenic ingredients clearly listed and highlighted and a person suffering from a food allergy eats it, resulting in an allergic reaction, then the business could be held liable for their injuries and could have to pay the victim compensation. If you experienced a food allergy reaction after eating on a Alitalia flight because of misinformation on the part of the airline or food manufacturer, you could be entitled to claim compensation for your injuries. Call Legal Expert today, to enquire about making a food allergy claim today.

Broken Seating Injuries

Broken seating on a flight could cause different kinds of injuries to passengers. For example, if a seat is damaged and the seat belt does not work correctly as they are harnessed into the chair a passenger may suffer an injury if thrown about their seat going through turbulence. It is the airlines responsibility to check its seating regularly and make sure it is safe for passengers. If they have failed in their duty of care towards you and you have become injured as a result, you could be entitled to claim compensation from them. Call Legal Expert today, to see if you are entitled to claim flight accident compensation.

What Can My Alitalia Flight Accident Include Compensation For?

If you have experienced a flight accident with Alitalia, which resulted in you becoming injured or ill, you could be owed compensation. What would your compensation claim include? It will be awarded as general damages and special damages. General damages are the main part and usually the largest part of your personal injury claim. These funds will be granted to compensate you for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity your illness or injuries has caused. You will also be awarded special damages which will serve to reimburse you for any expenses you experienced as a result of your Alitalia flight accident, such as loss of income, medical expenses or travel expenses that you underwent.

Flight Accident Compensation Claims Calculator

If you have been injured or made ill because of an Alitalia flight accident due to the negligence of the airline, you are probably concerned with how much your in flight injuries on airplanes compensation package could be worth. You can use our personal injury claims calculator to estimate how much compensation you could be entitled to, depending on the types of injuries or illness that you experienced. Alternatively, call Legal Expert today, to speak to one of our informed advisors, who will be able to estimate how much compensation you could claim, depending on your individual circumstances.

Injury Type Severity of Injury Compensation Amounts Information
Head Injury Moderate Brain Damage £43,060 to £90,720 These injuries range from concentration and memory issues, ability to work is reduced, risk of epilepsy to severe intellectual deficit and effects of speech, sight and senses.
Head Injury Minor Brain or Head Injury £2,210 to £12,770 In these cases brain damage if any will have been minimal and the lower bracket reflects recovery within weeks.
Neck Injury Moderate Neck Injury £7,890 to £38,490 These injuries will range from soft tissue damage with further trauma possible, serious limitation of movement, permanent or recurring pain to injuries associated with dislocations and severe fractures.
Neck Injury Mild Neck Injury Up to £7,890 Lower bracket reflects recovery within three months, to short-term acceleration and/or exacerbation injuries, duration of the soft tissue injury will play a major factor.
Shoulder Injury Serious Shoulder Injury £12,770 to £19,200 Dislocation to the shoulder causing back issues, pain to the neck and elbow and gripping issues to the hand.
Arm Injury Permanent and Substantial Disablement £39,170 to £59,860 Serious fractures to one or both forearms leading to disability.
Arm Injury Simple Fractures of the Forearm £6,610 to £19,200 Fractures to forearm.
Hand Injury Serious Hand Injuries £29,000 to £61,910 Brackets include 50 percent reduced capacity, possible amputation and rejoining of fingers, or amputation of some fingers together with part of the palm resulting in gross diminution of grip.
Hand Injury Minor to Moderate Hand Injuries Up to £13,280 Brackets include crush injuries, penetrating wounds, soft tissue type and deep lacerations, impaired function to permanent disability.
Hip/Pelvis Injury Moderate Injuries £12,590 to £39,170 These brackets involve hip replacement or other surgery to significant pelvis injury.
Back Injury Moderate Injury to the Back £12,510 to £27,760 Disturbance of ligaments, soft tissue injuries, prolapsed discs necessitating laminectomy or resulting in repeated relapses to residual disability, traumatic spondylolisthesis with continuous pain requiring spinal fusion.
Back Injury Minor Back Injury Up to £12,510 Brackets include soft tissue injuries, strains and sprains, recovery time plays an important factor.
Leg Injury Moderate Injury to the Leg £27,760 to £39,200 Multiple fractures, severe crushing, future surgery; imperfect union of fractures, muscle wasting with a possible impact on employment.
Leg Injury Less Serious Injuries to the Leg Up to £27,760 Simple fractures to the tibia and fibula to serious leg fractures with incomplete recovery.
Ankle Injury Modest Injuries Up to £13,740 Minor displaced fractures, ligament damage, sprains, recovery will determine the amount.
Foot Injury Modest to Moderate Injury Up to £24,990 Fractures to the foot that could lead to permanent deformity.
Scarring Trivial Scarring Up to £3,530 One scar which may be covered to some small scars.
Food Poison Significant Illness £3,950 to £9,540 Stomach pains, cramps alteration of bowel function, recovery within a couple of years.
Food Poison Minor Up to £3,950 Disabling pain, cramps and diarrhoea.

No Win No Fee Flight Accident Claims Against Alitalia

If you are worried about paying for a solicitor and anxious about what will happen in the unlikely event that you do not win your flight accident claim, then hiring a no win no fee solicitor may be the right option for you. No win no fee means that you will not have to pay an upfront for your solicitor, and will only be charged a fee if you win. Ofcourse, we only take on cases that we know we could win, but for many of our clients, making a no win no fee claim provides them with extra peace of mind. See our online guide to making a no win no fee claim for more information, or call Legal Expert today to discuss making a no win no fee claim today,

Make Your Alitalia Aviation Accident Claim With Legal Expert

If you have been injured or made ill because of an Alitalia flight accident and fault has been proven on their part, Legal Expert could help you sue the airline for negligence. Remember, you could be owed compensation, so call Legal Expert today. If you are entitled to claim, we could supply you with the right lawyer to handle your claim. Call today to take advantage of our free legal consultation and start your claim for an Alitalia flight accident.

Useful Links

Flight Delay Compensation – How To Claim Up To £530 Per Person

Flight Accident Claims – In this guide you can see how to make a claim for an inflight accident or injury.

Edited By Melissa.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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