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EasyJet Flight Personal Injury Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation For A Accident on a Easy Jet Flight?

EasyJet flightThis page contains a full guide to the process of making a compensation claim for an EasyJet flight accident. We tend to think of airline accidents as massive catastrophes, involving an entire aircraft crashing. But of course, there are dozens of trivial accidents on a plane, or at the airport, every day. A plane accident doesn’t always mean a plane crash. And in this guide, it is these kinds of accidents and how to claim for them, that we are going to cover.

You will probably have some questions that you need to be answered, once you have finished reading all of this guide. And if this is so, please do speak to one of the Legal Expert claims team on 0800 073 8804. They will be able to give you the answers that you need, and also help you to get started with making your claim.

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A Guide To Easyjet Flight Accident, Injury, And Illness Claims

As long as you are ready to begin your claim within the personal injury claims time limit can very can sometimes be two years, this guide to claiming EasyJet flight accident compensation is going to be of invaluable help to you. It covers many of the key facts that are related to your eligibility to make a claim, and why a reason to claim may exist. We cover legal considerations such as the Montreal Convention, and also your rights as a passenger.

The guide also goes over many of the most common types of accidents and incidents that result in a claim, and this will include:

  • Scalds and burns.
  • Injuries to disabled passengers.
  • Injuries caused by service trolley accidents.
  • Slips, trips and falls.
  • Injuries caused by luggage.
  • Injuries caused by in-flight turbulence.
  • Food poising and food allergy reactions.
  • Injuries caused by faulty or damage aircraft seats.

In the latter part of the guide, we are going to take a look at some facts that pertain solely to the claim itself. And this will include a list of some of the common types of damages that we see people awarded as part of their overall settlement, and also a table that gives typical compensation ranges for a number of different types of injuries. We will also introduce you to the claims service that we operate here at Legal Expert. This service is available to everyone in the UK, and is a simple way for you to have your claim processed, while not facing any financial risk in doing so.

If you need any part of this guide explained in more detail, or simply have questions that it doesn’t answer, one of the Legal Expert claims advisors will be able to help you further. You can contact them on the telephone number down near the end of the guide.

What Are Easyjet Flight Accidents?


Look at the graph above; it shows the number of aircraft fatalities for a range of years. As you can see, fatal aircraft accidents are actually very rare. In fact, flying is the safest of all methods of travel. Only one fatality occurs for approximately every 3,000,000 passengers. But of course, not all aircraft accidents are fatal accidents. Each day there are hundreds of minor accidents, that could lead to a compensation claim. If you need to make an EasyJet injury claim for one of these less serious types of accidents, Legal Expert can help you. As long as it can be proven the airline was liable for the harm you came to in some way, even partially, there should be a valid route to making a successful claim.

Stats On Different Airline Companies Accidents From Around The World

Airliner accident statistics



When Can You And When Can’t You Make An Easyjet Flight Accident Compensation Claim

Making a personal injury claim against EasyJet is always going to be dependent upon the airline being responsible for the harm you came to in some way. In some cases, this will be straightforward. For example, if one of the cabin crew spills hot coffee on you, scalding you, then it is very obvious that the airline is liable.

But what happens if a passenger lets a bag drop from the overhead lockers, and it injures you? The airline wasn’t involved at all. Or was it? Should the cabin crew have been assisting the passenger? Did one of the cabin crew previously secure the luggage in the locker? These are all grey areas. You will need a skilled Legal Team to help in these kinds of complex claim cases. As long as it can be proven that the airline contributed to the harm you came to in some way, even if only partially, then we should be able to help you to get the compensation you will be entitled to.

EU Airline Passenger Rights

When it comes to making air accident claims, you, as the passenger, have some very specific rights. These rights are applicable internationally, and every airline is affected by them, A basic overview of these rights would be:

  • Compensation for a death or injury operates under a tiering system. This system is laid down by the International Monetary Fund.
  • If you are injured, and as a result of this injury you incur expenses, then the airline must make an advanced payment to you to help you meet these costs, before the final settlement is made.
  • You must be compensated for flight delays. The length of the delay you will be compensated for depends on the specific circumstances.
  • You must be compensated for damaged or lost luggage, but only if you have informed the airline of the problem in writing.

You can find some excellent information about your rights as an airline passenger, at this link:

Airline passenger rights

What Is The Montreal Convention And How Does It Help Me Claim Compensation?

Because of the Montreal Convention, personal injury is covered as a basic right of passengers that they can claim for. The Montreal Convention 1999 (MC99) sets down and international legal framework, for ensuring that airlines are held to account, even when an incident harming a passenger takes place outside of any national borders, where there is no actual legal jurisdiction. In effect, the Montreal Convention is similar to International Maritime Law, but for air travel rather than sea travel. It makes sure that every passenger has a viable route to pursue an airline in an aviation compensation claim.

You can find a much more detailed overview of the Montreal Convention at this link:

A guide to the Montreal Convention

What Easyjet Flight Accidents, Injuries, Or Illnesses Can Claim For?

When you complete the EasyJet compensation form, you will need to describe the type of accident you have been involved in. Some types of incidents are more common than others, and these include:

  • Scalds and burns.
  • Injuries to disabled passengers.
  • Injuries caused by service trolley accidents.
  • Slips, trips and falls.
  • Injuries caused by luggage.
  • Injuries caused by in-flight turbulence.
  • Food poising and food allergy reactions.
  • Injuries caused by faulty or damage aircraft seats.

We will cover each of these common types of incidents in their own sections below in more detail.

Easyjet Flight Scald And Burn Injuries

If you were to suffer an injury such as a coffee burn or tea burn, because a member of the cabin crew has spilt a hot drink on you, then you should be able to make a claim. This also relates to hot food that has been spilt. You would, of course, need to prove that the event took place, but there should be plenty of witnesses on the plane. Legal Expert can assist you, speak to one of our claims team on the number at the bottom of this web page, and they will be able to advise you on how best to proceed.

Accidents Suffered By Disabled Passengers

When it comes to accidents, for disabled people it is always a potential hazard that somebody helping them, actually harms them by mistake. If a member of the cabin crew is assisting a disabled passenger, they are expected to do so in a safe manner. The cabin crew receives training on how to deal with disabled passengers, and should be skilled in assisting them. If they accidentally cause harm, they could be deemed to have been negligent, and a reason to make a claim will exist. You can find a lot more information about this situation, at this link:

UK Government information for disabled flight passengers

Airline Trolley Accidents

The cabin crew onboard an aircraft has been trained to serve passengers from the service trolley safely. Unfortunately, in such a cramped environment, trolley accidents can and do happen from time to time. If the accident was even partially the fault of one of the cabin crew, Legal Expert would be able to help you to make a compensation claim for the harm you were caused.

Slips, Trips, And Falls When Embarking, Onboard, Or Disembarking An Aircraft

These are the some of the most common of all accidents that a personal injury solicitor will process claims for. They can happen at any time, from using the steps to board the plane, to the moment you step off the plane into the airport itself. If the airline is proven to be at fault, and even partially contributed to the accident happening, you should be able to make a compensation claim, and Legal Expert can help with this.

Injuries Caused By Luggage Falling From An Overhead Locker

This can be a complicated scenario. If the accident involving falling luggage was caused by one of the cabin crew, then a fairly clear-cut claim will exist. However, if one of the other passengers caused the accident; then you would need to prove that the airline was liable. For example, the cabin crew should have been on hand to assist the passenger, or that they previously secured the luggage to stop it falling. Legal Expert should be able to help you claim airline injury compensation if the airline is partially or wholly liable.

Injuries Caused By Unexpected Turbulence

Making flight accident claims for injuries that are sustained due to the plane flying through turbulence can be a complicated challenge. The weather is classed as an “act of God” as it is beyond the control of anymore. So, if you are walking in the aisle and fall due to turbulence, you would not have a reason to make a claim.

However, if you are injured by, for example, one of the cabin crew serving hot drinks after the turbulence warning and spilling the drink on you, then you could have a valid claim, as the member of the cabin crew would have been might be negligent. We suggest you call us here at Legal Expert to see if you have a valid reason to claim for turbulence-related accidents.

Food Poisoning And Allergic Reactions

Every airline is expected to serve you with safe food on your flight. This means that if you come down with food poisoning, or suffer an allergic reaction due to the food bot being labelled properly, you can make a claim. Speak to one of the Legal Expert claims advisors to get started with your EasyJet food allergic reaction claim today.

Injuries Caused By A Damaged Seat

Every airline is expected to provide you with a safe aircraft in which to travel. If the aircraft has a defect, such as damaged or broken seats, then they would be liable for airline accident claims if you come to harm because of the defect. Legal Expert can help you to make such a claim, speak to our claims advisors on the number below to proceed with a claim today.

What Can My Easyjet Flight Accident Claim Include Compensation For?

The settlement that you could receive if your personal injury lawyer is successful in processing your claim, could be made up by potentially a number of different types of damages. This will be under the headings of special damages for financial and other losses, and general damages for physical harm. For example:

  • Special damages:
    • Loss of future earnings.
    • Loss of current income.
    • Private medical fees.
    • Care costs.
    • Travel costs.
  • General damages:
    • Permanent disability.
    • Loss of life quality.
    • Painful recuperation.
    • Psychological damage.
    • Pain and suffering.
    • Mental trauma.

To find out which types of damages might be relevant in your own claim, speak to one of the Legal Expert claims advisors on the number below.

Flight Accident Personal Injury Claim Calculator

Instead of an online personal injury claims calculator , we have provided you with this detailed table of compensation amounts for a range of different injuries:

Injury Type Severity Compensation Information
Toe injury Moderate to severe Up to £49,139 Here, the injuries will range from damage to the soft tissue, and this includes cuts, lacerations and bruising, through dislocation, nerve damage and fractures of any kind, to the entire loss of one or more of the toes.
Ankle injury Minor to severe Up to £61,139 Here, the injuries will range from lacerations, burns, cuts, etc. through nerve damage such as sprains, fractures both simple and compound, to paralysis of the entire ankle.
Foot injury Minor to very severe Up to £96,139 Here, the injuries will range from soft tissue damage (cuts, bruising, scrapes, etc.) through sprains, muscle and nerve damage, to paralysis or amputation of one or both feet.
Leg injury Minor to severe Up to £119,239 Here, the injuries will range from soft tissue injuries such as cuts and lacerations, through breaks to the bones of the leg and damage to the muscles and ligaments, to amputation or paralysis above or below the knee.
Hand injury Minor to serious Up to £54,299 Here, the injuries will range from soft tissue damage (cuts, bruising, scrapes, etc.) through sprains, muscle and nerve damage, to paralysis or amputation of one or both hands.
Wrist injury Minor to severe Up to £4,179 Here, the injuries will range from lacerations, burns, cuts, etc. through nerve damage such as sprains, fractures both simple and compound, to paralysis of the entire wrist.
Arm injury Moderate to severe Up to £114,829 Here, the injuries will range from soft tissue injuries such as cuts and lacerations, through breaks to the bones of the arm and damage to the muscles and ligaments, to amputation or paralysis above or below the elbow.
Finger injury Minor to severe Up to £21,939 Here, the injuries will range from damage to the soft tissue, and this includes cuts, lacerations and bruising, through dislocation, nerve damage and fractures of any kind, to the entire loss of one or more of the fingers.
Thumb injury Minor to severe Up to £48,039 Here, the injuries will range from damage to the soft tissue, and this includes cuts, lacerations and bruising, through dislocation, nerve damage and fractures of any kind, to the entire loss of one or both of the thumbs.
Back injury Minor to severe Up to £141,169 Here, the injuries will range from cuts, scrapes, burns and bruising, through nerve and muscle damage, as well as fractures of the vertebrae, to some form of complete or partial paralysis of the back.
Neck injury Minor to severe Up to £130,079 Here, the injuries will range from cuts, scrapes, burns and bruising, through nerve and muscle damage, as well as fractures of the vertebrae, to some form of complete or partial paralysis of the neck.

For a more accurate idea of how much can you sue an airline for, call Legal Expert today on the number below.

No Win No Fee Flight Accident Claims Against Easyjet

The Legal Expert No Win No Fee claims service, costs nothing for us to start on your claim, and nothing as we process your claim. If you don’t win any compensation, then it still costs nothing. If you do, then we take our fee out of the money received for you, and then give you the rest.

Why Claim Compensation With Our Team?

Legal Expert can help with most airline accidents and aviation claims. We leverage our skill and expertise to get you the most compensation that we can, and to make sure that you have the best chance of your claim being successful. Use the contact number below to speak to one of our claims team today, and get your claim underway.

Contact Us Today

Are you ready to begin making a claim against an airline such as EasyJet? We can help. Speak to one of the Legal Expert claims advisors on 0800 073 8804 right now. They will tell you how we can provide a simple and effective way for you to have your claim processed, without paying anything unless you win your claim.

Additional Resources

We linked out to several resources in the body of this guide, and here they are again for you:

Airline passenger rights

A guide to the Montreal Convention

UK Government information for disabled flight passengers

You might also like to read these guides, which are related:

A general guide to claiming from an airline

Claiming for flight delays

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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