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Emirates Flight Personal Injury Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation For A Accident on a Emirates Flight?

Emirates flightOn this page, you will find a guide to making a claim for compensation following an Emirates flight accident. Although flying with a premier airline such as Emirates is generally very safe, accidents can and do happen. If you have been injured or become ill on an Emirates flight, this guide is for you. It will give you the information you need so that you can start making the right choices about your own claim.

If you need any additional information, or have questions about your claim or this guide, then please speak to one of the Legal Expert team on 0800 073 8804 today. They will be ready and waiting to give you the information that you need, as well as answer any questions that you have.

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A Guide To Emirates Flight Passenger Injury Claims

Nobody wants to think about being involved in an accident while on a plane flight. We tend to think of dramatic plane crashes, causing death to most of the passengers when we think of accidents on planes. However, there are far many more likely ways to be injured on a plane, than a full-on crash. This guide will cover many of these, and also how to make a claim for them.

The guide begins by taking a look at what these kinds of accidents are, and then provides info on several key facts. This includes how to qualify to claim, your legal rights as a passenger, and how the Montreal Convention comes into play.

The next part of this guide looks at the accidents themselves, and covers many of the most common types of claims, including:

  • Burns and scalds caused by hot food and drink being spilt.
  • Injuries that are caused to disabled passengers due to lack of diligence and care on the part of the cabin crew.
  • Accidents that are caused by the service cart or trolley.
  • Slips, trips and falls either boarding the plane, or whilst in flight.
  • Injuries caused by luggage falling out of the overhead lockers.
  • How mid-air turbulence can lead to injuries in some cases, and whether the airline is liable for this act of god type accident.
  • Illnesses such as food poisoning or other water or foodborne illnesses contracted due the refreshments served in flight.
  • Injuries that are caused by faulty or damaged aircraft seats.

The guide then moves on to cover key facts that relate to the claim itself. This includes a very detailed table, that shows typical compensation amounts paid for a wide range of different injury types. You will also find a list of the typical types of damages that your settlement could be made up of.

Finally, this guide covers the Legal Expert accident and injury claims service. This is a simple, financially risk-free way to have your claim processed by an experienced and skilled team of solicitors. If you have any questions about this service, or the contents of this guide, please speak to one of the Legal Expert team on the number at the end of the page. They will be happy to help you.

What Is A General Flight Passenger Accident Or Injury?

When it comes to accidents on a General planes or Airlines, especially fatal ones, the numbers are incredibly low. The chance of you being killed while on a plane comes in at roughly 287 million to 1. The risk of being involved in a fatal plane accident are tiny. To put this into perspective, the odds of being killed in a car crash in the UK are  roughly 17,000 to 1.

Of course, less serious accidents are far more common. These can occur at any time from boarding the aircraft, to leaving it once you have landed. They can be minor, such as slip, trip or fall causing a sprained ankle, and then can be serious, such as a heavy bag falling from the overhead compartments and causing a severe head injury, or even brain damage.

For more information on airline safety, you can take a look at the web page at this link:

CAA information on airline safety

Qualifying To Make An Airline Injury Compensation Claim

There is some complication when deciding whether you could qualify to make a claim. As the airline itself must be responsible for the harm that you were caused in some way. For example, if another passenger were to drop their bag onto your head while getting something from it in the overhead compartment, you would not be able to claim against the airline. However, if one of the airline staff was helping the passenger, and they were partly responsible for the accident, a valid reason to make a claim could exist.

You will also need to make your claim within the applicable personal injury claims time limit. This is generally two-years for accidents on a plane flight, under the Montreal Convention (more on this in its own section below).

Your Legal Air Passenger Rights

You have certain rights when using an airline, and as long as you are within these rights, a personal injury solicitor should be able to process a claim for you. Your rights include:

  • The airline must provide you with information on your rights, in writing, before you fly.
  • If you come to harm on a flight and the airline is liable, they must make a payment to cover any financial hardship you have suffered.
  • Although the airline is liable for damage to your personal property, you must inform them in writing of any damage that has occurred.
  • There is no limit on the amount of compensation that can be claimed for an injury or fatality on a flight. However, there are certain tiers that settlements fit within. Your solicitor will be able to tell you more about this.

If you want to know more about your legal rights when flying, speak to one of the Legal Expert team on the number at the end of this guide. You can find more information about your rights, at this link:

Your rights when flying

Montreal Convention Personal Injury Claims

The Montreal Convention is a legal framework that has been developed to protect passenger on flights that are passing outside of national boundaries. It does not apply to internal and domestic flights, only international flights.

Under the Montreal Convention, personal injury is specifically mentioned (including death). It states that if the passenger comes to harm whilst outside of any national jurisdiction, then the passage has a) the right to claim compensation from the airline, and b) that they have two years to make this claim within.

Legal Expert understands the Montreal Convention, and can advise you on whether it applies in your own case. Speak to one of our team on the number at the bottom of this page for more help.

Types Of Aviation Accidents And Injuries

You can sue airlines for negligence if you have been harmed. This harm can be caused in many ways, yet some kinds of accidents could be more common than others, such as:

  • Spilt drinks causing scalds and burns.
  • Injuries to disabled passengers.
  • Accidents caused by the serving trolley.
  • Injuries caused by luggage falling from overhead lockers.
  • Food-related
  • Slips, trips and falls.
  • Injuries caused by in-air turbulence.

We have covered many of these common types of accidents and injuries in the section below. However, Legal Expert should be able to help with any kind of claim. Speak to one of our team on the number at the end of the page to begin your claim today.

Claims For Being Burned By A Hot Drink Or Food

These can be common accidents on a moving aircraft, especially when flying through turbulence. A coffee burn or tea burn can cause serious injuries, especially if treatment is not available right away. If the cabin crew were responsible for spilling the hot drink, then a valid reason to make a claim would exist. If you or another passenger spilt the drink, it is highly unlikely that you could prove that the airline was liable. Talk to one of the Legal Expert team on the number at the bottom of the page, and explain what happened. They will let you know whether you have a valid claim. Here is an example of a similar kind of accident, for your reference:

Passenger scalded by hot water

Negligence Leading To Injuries To Disabled Passengers

There can be valid airline negligence cases if a disabled person has been harmed. This is because disabled passengers have specific rights, and should be provided with a certain level of care while board, disembarking or whilst in flight. These rights can also apply to the elderly, and people suffering from a known illness, although this can be a grey area.

Speak to one of the Legal Expert team on the number at the bottom of this guide, to learn whether these rights apply in your own case. You can also find out more about these rights, at this link.

Flying as a disabled person

Service Cart Or Trolley Impact Accidents

If one of the Emirates cabin crew causes an injury, through any kind of trolley accidents, then you could have a valid reason to make a claim. The cabin crew is trained to serve passengers from the trolley safely, in the confined space of the aircraft. When this training fails and the trolley harms a passenger, then Legal Expert should be able to help you claim. Speak to one of our team on the number at the bottom of this page to start your claim today.

Slips, Trips, And Airline Falls

One of the most common causes of a passenger injury, are slip, trip and fall accidents. These accidents are more common when boarding a plane using the steps, rather than an embarkation tunnel. However, they can happen anywhere onboard, and at any time. For example, you could trip over some luggage that the cabin crew have failed to stow safely, and this could be a reason to make a claim. Legal Expert can help with this. Speak to our team on the number at the end of the page to proceed with your claim right away.

Luggage Falling On Your Head From The Overhead Lockers

Another common cause of inflight injuries is luggage falling on the head of a passenger. Once again, this is something of a grey area, with regards to having a valid claim. The cabin crew will need to be someway responsible for the luggage falling out of the overhead storage in order to have a valid claim. For example, they did not close the storage compartment properly, or they allowed the luggage to fall out whilst retrieving an item for a passenger. If you are unsure whether you have a reason to make a claim or not, speak to one of the Legal Expert team on the number at the end of this guide to find out.

Injured During Unexpected Turbulence

When it comes to claiming for in-flight injuries on aeroplanes, compensation may be available for injuries caused by turbulence. However, the turbulence itself is seen as an act of god, and nobody is liable for it. Yet if you are injured in turbulence because one of the cabin crew has failed to keep you safe, for example allowing luggage to fall out of the overhead compartment, you could have a valid reason to claim. We recommend that you speak to one of the Legal Expert team on the number below, so that they can advise you on whether you have a claim or not.

Food Poisoning Can I Claim Compensation

If you come down with an illness such as food poisoning, after eating the food on a plane, then you should have a reason to make a compensation claim. The airline is required to provide you with food that is safe to consume, and failure to do so would see them liable. Legal Expert can help you claim for this, speak to one of our team on the number at the end of this guide to proceed.

Claims for Food Allergies – Allergic Reaction Compensation Claims For Food On A Flight

This section fits in relation to the section above. If you ask a member of the cabin crew whether a specific item of food they are serving has, for example, nuts or gluten? if they say no and they are wrong, you could be able to claim if an allergic reaction is triggered.

Faulty, Damaged, And Broken Seat Injuries

The airline is expected to provide you with a safe aircraft, that is well maintained. If the seats of the plane are faulty, and this leads to a passenger being injured in some way, then the airline could be liable to pay compensation. This is also something that Legal Expert can help you with. We would be able to pursue the airline for compensation on your behalf. Talk to one of our team on the number at the bottom of the page, and they will help to get your claim started right away.

What Can My Claim Against Emirates Compensate Me For?

When you claim airline injury compensation, if successful, the settlement you could receive could be made up of multiple types of damages, for example:

  • Special damages (financial and other losses):
    • Loss of future income.
    • Loss of current earnings.
    • Costs of hiring care staff.
    • Medical fees.
    • Travel costs.
  • General damages (for physical harm):
    • Loss of life quality.
    • Permanent disability.
    • Painful recuperation.
    • Psychological damage
    • Pain and suffering.

To find out what kinds of damages could apply in your own case, speak to one of the Legal Expert team on the number below.

How Much Could I Claim For A Flight Injury?

Instead of a personal injury claims calculator, we have included this factual table, showing typical compensation payments for a range of injuries.

Injury Type Severity Compensation Information
Back injury Minor to severe Up to £141,170 Injuries will scale up from tissue damage such as lacerations and scrapes, through sprains, nerve damage and fractured vertebrae, to full or partial paralysis of the back.
Neck injury Minor to severe Up to £130,080 Injuries will scale up from tissue damage such as lacerations and scrapes, through sprains, nerve damage and fractured vertebrae, to full or partial paralysis of the neck.
Toe injury Moderate to severe Up to £49,140 Injuries will scale up from damage to the soft tissue such as cuts and lacerations, through sprains, dislocations and fractures, to complete loss of one or more toes.
Ankle injury Minor to severe Up to £61,140 Injuries will scale up from bruising, cuts and burns, through sprains and other types of nerve damage and fractures, to paralysis of the ankle.
Foot injury Minor to very severe Up to £96,140 Injuries will scale up from tissue damage (cuts, lacerations, burns, etc), through muscle and nerve damage, fractures and sprains, to amputation of one or both feet.
Leg injury Minor to severe Up to £119,240 Injuries will scale up from soft tissue damage (such as lacerations or bruising), through muscle damage, nerve damage and fractures, to partial or complete paralysis or amputation of the leg above or below the knee.
Hand injury Minor to serious Up to £54,300 Injuries will scale up from tissue damage (cuts, lacerations, burns, etc), through muscle and nerve damage, fractures and sprains, to amputation of one or both hands.
Wrist injury Minor to severe Up to £4,180 Injuries will scale up from bruising, cuts and burns, through sprains and other types of nerve damage and fractures, to paralysis of the wrist.
Arm injury Moderate to severe Up to £114,830 Injuries will scale up from soft tissue damage (such as lacerations or bruising), through muscle damage, nerve damage and fractures, to partial or complete paralysis or amputation of the arm above or below the elbow.
Finger injury Minor to severe Up to £21,940 Injuries will scale up from damage to the soft tissue such as cuts and lacerations, through sprains, dislocations and fractures, to complete loss of one or more fingers.
Thumb injury Minor to severe Up to £48,040 Injuries will scale up from damage to the soft tissue such as cuts and lacerations, through sprains, dislocations and fractures, to complete loss of one or both thumbs.

Talk to one of the Legal Expert team on the number below, to learn how much you may be able to claim in your own case.

No Win No Fee Airline Injury Claims

Legal Expert can process your claim under a No Win No Fee agreement. There is no fee to start your claim, no fee to process your claim, and no fee if we don’t get you any compensation. If we do win your claim, we take our fee out of the money received, and send you the rest.

Make An Airline Negligence Case With Our Experts

Legal Expert can provide you with a simple, effective and financially risk-free way to have your personal injury claim processed. We always aim the get our claimants the maximum level of compensation possible, and do all we can to ensure the claim is successful. Speak to us on the number below to get your claims started today.

Contact Us Today

Are you ready to make your airline accident claim? Do you want Legal Expert to act as your personal injury lawyer? If so, speak to one of our team on 0800 073 8804 today. They will go over your claim, and offer you some free advice on what to do next.

Additional Resources

We included some useful links in the body of this guide; here they are again in case you missed them whilst reading:

Flying as a disabled person

Passenger scalded by hot water

Your rights when flying

You may also like to read over these guides, that might be of use to you:

How to make a claim for a holiday accident

A guide to claiming for flight delays

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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