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How much compensation can I claim for injury in Formentera?

Holiday accident claim FormenteraIf you have been injured on holiday in Formentera, this is a guide to making a holiday accident claim for accidents, illness and injuries.

It gives advice on what to do to deal with your emergency while you are on holiday in Formentera, as well as information on what to do to make sure you have the best chance of claiming holiday compensation when you return to the UK.

Select a Section

A guide to accident claims in Formentera

What you should do following an accident or injury in Formentera

Emergency contacts in Formentera following an accident

Healthcare and medical treatment following an accident in Formentera

Time limits for compensation claims in the Balearic Islands

Package holiday accident claims in Formentera

Formentera personal injury holiday claims Legal Expert can help with

Hotel holiday compensation claims

Accidents, injury and illness at unprepared hotels

Restaurant illness, accident or food poisoning claims

Slips, trips and falls

Water sports and activity claims

Formentera hire car accident compensation

Do I need to use a Spanish Lawyer for my claim?

No win no fee accident abroad solicitors

Start your claim

Useful links

A Guide to Accident Claims in Formentera

This guide to making holiday accident claims in Formentera is aimed at people who have become the victim of an accident, suffered an injury, or became ill while they are on holiday.

Almost 28% of all the tourists who visit Formentera each year, are from the UK. Making it one of the most popular parts of Spain for UK visitors. For the vast majority of these holidaymakers, Formentera is a safe place to enjoy some summer sun, and they return home to the UK safely at the end of a lovely holiday. Unfortunately, there is a minority that have the opposite experience. They become the victim of an accident, sustain an injury or become ill while they are on holiday in Formentera, ruing the whole experience. This guide will help these people to firstly, deal with the emergency as it happens and secondly, to do everything possible to make sure they have the best chance of winning any holiday compensation claim they wish to make when they return home to the UK. This guide contains information such as:

  • All of the things you can do, both while you are still on holiday in Formentera, and when you get home to the UK, to make sure that if you decide to claim holiday compensation for an accident, injury or illness that happened in Formentera, you will have the best chance of winning your claim.
  • Information on how you can contact all of the emergency services in Formentera to deal with your emerging emergency. You will find phone numbers for each service, as well as a contact number for the British Embassy that covers the Formentera area.
  • Details of what you have to do to gain access to healthcare services in Formentera so that you can receive medical attention for your injury or illness.
  • An overview of the time-limits that are in place with regards to how long UK holidaymakers have to make a compensation claim for an accident, illness or injury, once they return home to the UK.
  • An explanation of how UK package holiday companies are governed by specific legislation that is in place to protect UK consumers.
  • Details about the kinds of holiday accident, injury and illness claims that Legal Expert can help UK holidaymakers with. We also give an overview of how our No Win No Fee holiday compensation claims service works.

Legal Expert has over 30-years of experience in dealing with complex holiday compensation claims on behalf of our clients. We believe our No Win No Fee claims service provides the simplest, most effective and risk-free solution for claiming compensation for accidents, injuries and illnesses that happen while people are on holiday in Formentera.

What you should do following an Accident or Injury in Formentera

For people who become the victims of accidents abroad international personal injury claims go much smoother if they have taken steps to make sure they have prepared to make a compensation claim. If you suffer an injury abroad what to do may not be entirely apparent. The steps below will help you make sure you have done everything possible to prepare for a holiday compensation claim for an accident, injury or illness that occurred while you were on vacation in Formentera. There are steps you can take while you are still on holiday, and steps you can take when you return home to the UK.

Steps to take in Formentera while you are still on holiday:

If you booked your holiday in Formentera through a UK based travel company, then you need to inform them that you have been involved in an accident, suffered an injury, or become ill while in Formentera. Make sure that you write down the name of the person you speak to, either the local travel rep or the customer service person you speak to on the telephone. Ask if there is a unique reference number for the report and write this down too.

If you intend to claim for any medical or travel costs against your insurance, then contact your insurance firm and let them know in advance.

If you were involved in an accident such as a car or motorcycle crash while you are on holiday in Formentera, then make sure the police know about the incident, even if they do not attend the scene of the accident. Be sure to write down the names of any police officers who deal with your case, and also ask them for the case number and write it down.

Be sure to receive adequate professional medical treatment for your injury or illness while you are still on holiday in Formentera. Make sure that you write down the names of the doctors who administer the treatment. You can also ask for a copy of your medical file when you leave the hospital.

Steps to take in the UK when you return home from your holiday in Formentera:

  • Visit your GP or local hospital to have your illness or injury checked over. This will perform to functions; firstly, to make sure the medical treatment you received while you were on holiday in Formentera was sufficient, and secondly, to make sure that the injury or illness is now recorded within the National Health Service (NHS).
  • If you had previously reported the accident, illness or injury to the travel company while you were on holiday in Formentera, then make a call to follow up on the incident, and check they have all the facts straight.
  • If you have been claiming for private medical care from your insurance company, contact them to let them know you are now back home, and there will be no further overseas medical bills to pay.
  • Contact Legal Expert on the number at the bottom of this page, to find out how our No Win No Fee claims service can help you to claim compensation for an illness, injury or accident that occurred while you were on holiday in Formentera.

The two links below have far more detailed information on a) how to claim compensation for accidents that happened overseas and b) specific information on claiming against a UK based travel company:

How to claim for an accident that happened abroad

Emergency Contacts in Formentera Following an Accident

Although you can’t begin making your personal injury claim abroad, you will need to return to the UK first. But you will need to be able to deal with the emergency while you are still in Formentera. Below you will find all of the contact numbers for the emergency services in Formentera, as well as for the closest British Consulate in case you need assistance from the UK Government while you are on holiday.

  • Emergency Services – 112 – you will be asked which service you wish to contact.
  • Medical Centre in la Savina: 971 32 16 80.
  • Medical Centre in Sant Francesc Xavier.
  • Medical Centre in Sant Ferran.
  • Local Police: 092/ +34 971 32 20 87.
  • Civil Guard: +34 971 32 20 22.
  • Fire service: 092/112.
  • Formentera Hospital: +34 971 32 12 12.
  • British Consulate Ibiza – +34 93 366 6200.

These numbers above will help you carry out some of the key steps in ensuring you have done everything possible to give you the best chance of claiming holiday compensation. Such as:

  • Informing the police of an accident.
  • Notifying your insurance firm.
  • Receiving proper medical treatment.
  • Informing your package holiday company.

Healthcare and Medical Treatment Following an Accident in Formentera

If you have been unlucky enough to contract a Balearic Islands holiday illness, you will need to know how to gain access to healthcare services so that you can get medical treatment while you are on holiday in Formentera.

The good news is, that the UK has a reciprocal healthcare agreement with Spain under the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) scheme. As long as you have on you, a valid EHIC, then you can get medical treatment in Formentera for free, exactly the same as if you were a Spanish citizen. However, EHIC doesn’t cover every single medical cost you could encounter in Formentera. For example, it won’t cover the cost of medical repatriation, and it won’t cover the cost of ongoing outpatient treatment.

If you didn’t take your EHIC with you to Formentera, or you have lost it, then you can call +44 191 218 1999 and speak to the Department of Health Overseas Healthcare, to get a temporary card. Anybody can apply for an EHIC, and at the links below you will find instruction on how to do that and also how to download the EHIC app:

Apply for the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

Time Limits for Compensation Claims in The Balearic Islands

There are time-limits set on how long you have to make holiday compensation claims once you return back to the UK. You will find the details of these time-limits in the table below:

Circumstances of Claim Time Limit
On a pre-booked holiday, flight or trip that was booked in the UK. 3 years
On a privately booked holiday, flight or trip. 3 years
On a privately booked flight to or from:
• Ibiza Airport
2 years

Package Holiday Accident Claims in Formentera

If you have become the victim of a package holiday accident while on holiday in Formentera, then the good news is, there is a much better chance of winning a holiday compensation payment. This is because all UK package holiday and tour companies, that sell holidays to UK consumers, are governed by the Package Holidays, Package Travel and Package Tours Regulations 1992. If you booked your package holiday with one of the travel firms on the list below, then you are likely protected by this legal framework:

  • MyTravel
  • Olympic Holidays
  • Royal Caribbean
  • Saga Holidays
  • Thomas Cook Holidays
  • Thomson Holidays
  • Virgin Holidays
  • Airtours Holidays
  • Balkan Holidays
  • Crystal Holidays
  • Direct Holidays
  • First Choice Holidays
  • Kuoni
  • Libra Holidays
  • Monarch Holidays

Call Legal Expert on the number at the bottom of this page, to find out how we can help you claim holiday compensation for an accident, illness or injury that occurred while you were on holiday in Formentera.

Formentera Personal Injury Holiday Claims Legal Expert Can Help With

Legal Expert can help with a very wide range of holiday compensation cases, from a Spain swim tour injury Formentera to lethal road traffic accidents. We have a proven track record in winning the maximum amount of compensation possible for our clients, in holiday claim cases such as:

  • Food-related illness due to bad hotel hygiene.
  • Falls from a hotel balcony.
  • Boating accidents.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning due to bad hotel room ventilation.
  • Injuries caused by collapsing furniture.
  • Accidents that happen on day trips and excursions.
  • Injuries caused by faulty room fittings.
  • Sporting and activity accidents.
  • Slips, trips and falls.
  • Accidents that happen in the swimming pool or pool area.
  • Accidents caused by faulty exercise equipment in the hotel gym.

This is not a full list of the types of hotel compensation claims we make for our clients. If your specific situation doesn’t fit on this list, then call us on the number at the bottom of this page to discuss your case further.

Hotel Holiday Compensation Claims

The most common reason we see UK holidaymakers pursue personal injury holiday claims is due to accidents that happen at their hotel in Formentera. There are numerous ways that accidents can happen in a hotel, including:

Accidents in the hotel swimming pool due to poor maintenance of insufficient qualified supervision.

Accidents in the gym due to poorly maintained exercise equipment or of insufficient qualified supervision.

Slips, trips are falls on wet, dirty or faulty flooring.

Injuries caused by faulty room fittings such as an electric shock from a damaged light switch.

Falls for a hotel balcony, due to the balcony being too low, or broken.

These are just some of the ways that accidents can happen in a hotel, there are more. Call Legal Expert on the number at the bottom of this page to find out how we can help you claim holiday compensation for an injury caused by an accident in your hotel while on holiday in Formentera.

Accidents, Injury and Illness at Unprepared Hotels

If we examine Formentera holiday accidents statistics, we find that most of the accidents in hotels occur in the high season. At this time of the year, hotel staff are often overworked, and health and safety issues can be overlooked.

For example, there may be an insufficient number of pool attendants or gym instructors to cover the high number of residents, and this can lead to accidents. No hotel is perfect in this respect, as every hotel in Formentera attempts to employ the least number of staff possible. At busy times, this policy can lead to residents coming to harm.

Restaurant Illness, Accident or Food Poisoning Claims

Food-related illness is common in UK holidaymakers visiting Formentera. UK citizens just don’t have the natural immunity to local bacteria the same way the residents do. Even the tap water can be dangerous in Formentera. Some of the more common ways food-related illnesses are caused are:

  • Undercooked food, especially meat.
  • Food prepared in an unhygienic kitchen.
  • Food that has been reheated and served.
  • Food this been left sitting on the buffet table for too long.
  • Food that has been stored at the wrong temperature.

If you begin to feel nauseous, have stomach cramps or a fever while you are on holiday in Formentera, see medical attention, you may have food poisoning or another food-related illness.

Slips, Trips and Falls

When we look at the most common types of accident abroad solicitors agree that slips, trips and falls are the single type of holiday accidents in Formentera that they see much more often than any other. There are so many ways a slip, trip or fall can happen while on holiday, such as:

  • Slipping in the pool area due to wet tiles.
  • Tripping on a torn carpet.
  • Falling down a badly lit staircase.
  • Tripping while getting on or off hotel provided transport such as shuttle buses and taxis.
  • Tripping over obstructions left on public walkways.

If you have suffered a slip, trip or fall while on holiday in Formentera, contact Legal Expert on the number at the bottom of this page, so we can help you claim holiday compensation.

Water Sports and Activity Claims

One of the main attractions for people going on holiday from the UK to Formentera each year is the number of excellent water sports and other activities they can enjoy. Unfortunately, not every operator of these types of activities operates to UK health and safety standards, and this can lead to injuries. Sporting activities such as those listed below are especially risky:

  • Riding a jet ski.
  • Riding on a banana surf boat.
  • Doing a bungee jump.
  • Riding a zip line.
  • Surfing and bodyboarding.

If you were injured while undertaking any sporting activity while on holiday in Formentera, then contact Legal Expert so we can help you claim the compensation you are entitled to.

Formentera Hire Car Accident Compensation

If you have been in a road traffic accident while on holiday in Formentera, you should be able to claim car accident compensation. If the accident was caused by a fault with a hire car, you can also claim against the car hire company. If you have been involved in a car or motorcycle accident on holiday, there are two things you must do to have the best chance of claiming compensation when you get back to the UK. Firstly, you need to make sure the police are aware of the accident and have recorded the incident. Secondly, you need to inform your hire care company that the accident took place.

Driving in Spain is less safe than the UK, especially in areas such as the island of Formentera, where many of the smaller roads are in bad repair or are only dirt or shingle roads.

Do I Need to Use a Spanish Lawyer for My Claim?

There is no benefit at all in using a local Spanish solicitor to make a claim if you have been the victim of an accident, suffered an injury, or become ill while you are on holiday in Formentera.

The No Win No Fee holiday claims service operated by Legal Expert in the UK is the simplest, most effective and financially risk-free way to make a holiday compensation claim against overseas holiday companies.

No Win No Fee Accident Abroad Solicitors

If you have become ill, suffered an injury, or been the victim of an accident while you were on holiday in Formentera, Legal Expert can help you make a compensation claim under a No Win No Fee agreement.

Under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) like this, you don’t pay anything to begin your case, and you don’t pay ongoing legal fees. You only pay us if we claim holiday compensation on your behalf. And if we don’t you don’t pay us anything. So this is a financially risk-free way to claim Formentera holiday compensation.

Largest Resort Areas and Cities on Formentera

Sant Francesc Xavier

Sant Ferran de ses Roques

El Pilar de la Mola

La Savina

Start Your Claim

If you are ready to begin your claim for an accident, injury or illness that occurred while you were on holiday in Formentera, then call Legal Expert on 0800 073 8804. We will take the details of your case, then offer you some free legal advice on what to do next.

Useful Links

British Consulate Ibiza

Avenida Isidoro Macabich 45

1º1ª (corner with Calle Canarias)

07800 Ibiza


Tel: +34 93 366 6200

Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays from 8.30 am -1.30 pm.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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