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How much compensation can I claim for injury in Fuerteventura

Holiday accident FuerteventuraOn this page, you will find a detailed guide to making holiday accident claims in Fuerteventura. If you have been the victim of an accident, sustained an injury while you were on holiday in Fuerteventura, it will help you make a successful claim for holiday compensation.

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A Guide to Accident Claims in Fuerteventura

Over 12 million UK holidaymakers visit Spain every year. For most of them, their holiday is an enjoyable event, and they return safely back to the UK at the end of their holiday in Fuerteventura. Yet for a few, the holiday becomes a nightmare, due to a family member being the victim of an accident, suffering an injury, or become sick while on holiday in Fuerteventura.

This guide to holiday accident claims in Fuerteventura, as well as holiday injury claims and holiday illness claims, aims to provide UK holidaymakers with all the information they need to deal with an emergency situation while they are on holiday in Fuerteventura. It also covers the things you need to do to make sure you have the best chance of making a successful holiday compensation claim when you get back to the UK. You will find the following topics covered in this guide:

  • What to do – all of the steps you can take while you are still on holiday in Fuerteventura and once you return home to the UK, to make sure that you have the best chance possible of winning a holiday compensation claim.
  • Emergency contacts – a list of all of the telephone numbers of the emergency services in Fuerteventura, and also UK Government facilities such as the embassy or consulate.
  • Getting medical treatment – detailed information on how to gain access to healthcare services while on holiday in Fuerteventura.
  • Time-limits – that are imposed on UK citizens with regard to the length of time they to make a holiday compensation claim in.
  • Package holiday claims – information on how UK consumers are protected by legislation that governs the travel industry in the UK.
  • How we can help – an overview of the most common types of holiday compensation cases we see here at Legal Expert, and also a full explanation of our No Win No Fee claims service.

What to Do If You Have Been Injured or Become Sick in Fuerteventura

There are a number of things you can do, both while still in Fuerteventura on holiday, and once you head back to the UK, to make sure you have the best chance of making a successful holiday injury compensation claim. These are:

Things you can do while still on holiday in Fuerteventura:

  • First and foremost, you need to contact the police if you have been involved in a public accident such as a motorcycle crash in Fuerteventura. Make sure you write down the names of any police officers you speak to and also ask for the unique case reference number. You might need these later on so that you can ask for the police report to be submitted as evidence in support of your claim.
  • Next, if you booked your holiday while you were in the UK, through a UK based package holiday company, then you have specific consumer rights do the legislation that covers the travel industry in the UK (more on that lower down the page). You must contact your travel company and inform them of the accident, injury or illness. Make sure to write down the names of anyone you speak to, and also ask for the unique reference number for the report. You may need to be able to prove that you contacted the travel company as part of the claims process.
  • You must get proper medical treatment for any injuries, wounds or illnesses while you are on holiday in Fuerteventura. Make sure that you write down the names of the doctors who treat you, and also that you ask for a copy of your medical report. You may need the contents of this medical report to support your holiday compensation claim.
  • Gather witness info – if there were witnesses to the accident or the event that caused your injury or illness, then gather their contact details, even if they are local Spanish people. You may need to contact them at a later stage, to give evidence to support your holiday compensation claim.
  • Take plenty of photos – using your phone, take photos of everything relevant to an accident. For example, if you received an electric shock from a faulty light switch in your room, photograph it. You may need to submit this photographic evidence to support your claim at a later stage.
  • Contact your insurance firm – if you intend to claim for private medical treatment while you are on holiday in Fuerteventura, then it is a good idea to warn your insurer that you will be doing so.

Things you can do when you return home to the UK from your holiday in Fuerteventura:

  • Follow up with your tour operator – if you previously contact your package tour company to inform them of the accident, illness or injury, then make a second call when you get home to the UK to check that they have all the relevant facts recorded correctly.
  • Visit the hospital – or your GP, to have your injuries or illness checked out. This will make sure you have been treated correctly, and it will also make sure your injury or illness is recorded in the UK health system. This is an important step if you believe your claim will include damages such as loss of income or loss of future earnings.
  • Notify your insurer – that you have returned home safely, and that there should now be no additional medical fees to pay.
  • Contact Legal Expert – so we can talk you through our No Win No Fee holiday compensation claims service and explain how we can help you claim the compensation you are entitled to.

At the links below, you will find more in-depth information on the process of claiming for accidents on holiday, and also the process of claiming against a package holiday vendor:

The process of claiming for accidents on holiday

Emergency Contacts in Fuerteventura After an Accident

Unfortunately, holiday accidents happen quite frequently. If you have had an accident in Fuerteventura, you will need to contact the relevant emergency services to deal with the situation. Below, you will find the contact number for emergency services in Fuerteventura, as well as the contact number for the British Embassy/Consulate.

  • Police – Corralejo – 928 866107
  • Police – Morro Jable – 928 541020
  • Police – Puerto del Rosario – 850 635
  • Ambulance – 112
  • Hospital – 928 862000
  • Red Cross Corralejo – 928 867497
  • Red Cross Caleta de Fuste – 928 851376
  • Red Cross Puerto del Rosario – 928 852 222
  • British Consulate – (+34) 902 109 356

The contact numbers below will help you to make the crucial steps of:

  • Informing the police
  • Contacting your tour company
  • Receiving medical treatment
  • Contacting your insurer
  • Gathering witness info
  • Taking photos

Medical Services and Healthcare Information in Fuerteventura For Tourists

Before actually beginning a claim for holiday illness compensation Fuerteventura visitors need to first, make sure that their injury or illness has been treated properly while they are on holiday.

Spain is part of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) scheme. This means that UK visitors who have a valid EHIC card, get free healthcare to the same standard as a local Spanish person. However, it should be noted that EHIC doesn’t cover costs such as medical repatriation, outpatient treatment, or dental surgery.

If you leave your EHIC at home, or it is lost while you are on holiday in Fuerteventura, you can contact the Department of Health Overseas Healthcare on +44 191 218 1999 and arrange for a temporary card to be issued.

For more information about EHIC and to apply for your own card, you can follow the link below:

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

Something else to consider if you need medical treatment while you are on holiday in Fuerteventura is that if you ask your hotel to arrange transport to a healthcare facility, they may take you to a private one. In this case, you will need to pay the cost of the private healthcare. So make sure you ask to be taken to a public healthcare facility unless you have valid travel or medical insurance that will cover the cost of private treatment.

Time Limits for Fuerteventura Holiday Compensation Claims

There are strict time-limits on how long you can leave it after the event before you make Fuerteventura holiday compensation claims. These time limits are detailed in the table below:

Circumstances of Claim Time Limit
On a pre-booked holiday, flight or trip that was booked in the UK. 3 years
On a privately booked holiday, flight or trip. 3 years
On a privately booked flight to or from:
• El Matorral Airport
2 years

Fuerteventura Package Holiday Accident Claims

Fuerteventura is a very popular package holiday destination for UK tourists. Every year, almost 2.3 million UK holidaymakers visit Fuerteventura, the vast majority of them on some kind of package tour, booked through a UK based travel vendor such as Thomas Cook, First Choice, Thomson, Virgin, etc.

All of these large UK based travel vendors have to comply with the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992. Many of these regulations were put in place specifically to protect UK consumers from suffering at the hands of unscrupulous package holiday companies.

If you are the victim of an accident, sustain an injury, or become sick while on a package holiday you booked in the UK, from a UK based travel company, then you must inform the company you booked your Fuerteventura holiday through, of any accident, illness or injury that occurs. As long as you do this, then Legal Expert should be able to make package holiday claims on your behalf, by leveraging the UK legislation linked above. We can claim package holiday regulations compensation if we can prove the travel company failed to comply with this legislative framework.

If you have had a package holiday accident you need to contact your travel vendor and tell them, here are some of the contact numbers of UK travel firms are listed below:

  • Thomas Cook – 020 7557 6400
  • First Choice – 0203 451 2720
  • Thomson/TUI – 0203 451 2688
  • Virgin Holidays – 0344 739 1165
  • Airtours – 01733 224 901
  • Olympic Holidays – 020 8492 6868

Fuerteventura Holiday Compensation Claims We Can Help With

Legal Expert has plenty of experience in claiming holiday sickness compensation Fuerteventura visitors can rely on us to offer a simple claims process, with a high success rate. We can also help you claim for accidents and injuries while you are on holiday in Fuerteventura. The most common types of accident, injury and illness holiday claims we help people win, are:

  • Accidents that take place in a swimming pool and surrounding area.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning due to inadequate hotel room ventilation.
  • Falling from a hotel balcony.
  • Slips, trips and falls.
  • Injuries caused by collapsing furniture.
  • Injuries caused by faulty room facilities, such as a faulty plug socket or light switch.
  • Boating and cruise accidents.
  • Accidents whilst travelling on public or tour operator supplied transport such as buses, taxis and trains.
  • Food-related illnesses due to lack of hygiene and badly cooked food.

This is not a full list, so if your own situation doesn’t fit with these examples above, please call us on the number at the bottom of this page, so that we can go over the unique facts of your claim with you.

Hotel Accident and Illness Claims

There are many ways that residents of a hotel in Fuerteventura can be injured due to an accident, such as:

  • Swimming pool accidents – due to faulty or badly maintained equipment and lax supervision.
  • Gym or exercise accidents – due to faulty or badly maintained exercise equipment and lax supervision.
  • Slips, trips and falls – on wet, dirty or uneven floors.
  • Electric shocks – caused by faulty electrical fittings in a hotel room.

Similarly, there are a number of ways a resident of a hotel in Fuerteventura can be made ill, such as:

  • Eating undercooked food, especially poultry.
  • Eating food contaminated by bacteria due to lax kitchen hygiene.
  • Eating food from a buffet that has been left standing for too long.
  • Dirty, badly maintained air conditioning units.

Regardless of how you were injured or became ill if your hotel is at fault, Legal Expert can help you claim the holiday compensation you are entitled to.

Food Poisoning and Water-Borne Illness Compensation Claims

Food-related illnesses are something that visitors to Fuerteventura report time and time again. From a simple case of “Spanish Tummy” to serious food-poising requiring hospital treatment. These illnesses are caused by bacteria such as Campylobacter, Shigella or Salmonella. These bacteria can find its way into food for many reasons such as:

Badly prepared food:

  • Undercooked meats
  • Buffet food left standing too long
  • Food that is stored at the wrong temperature
  • Food that has been reheated and served

Hygiene issues:

  • Serving food using dirty utensils
  • Staff with dirty hands serving food
  • Inadequate cleaning of food preparation and service areas

If you have contracted a food-related illness while on holiday in Fuerteventura, then Legal Expert should be able to help you claim holiday compensation.

Slips, Trips and Falls

Slips, trips and falls are the most common type of accident we claim holiday compensation for here at Legal Expert. Slips, trips and falls while on holiday in Fuerteventura can happen in many ways, such as:

  • Tripping on a damaged carpet
  • Slipping on a wet or dirty floor
  • Falling down a badly lit staircase
  • Tripping on an uneven paving surface such as cobblestones
  • Tripping while getting on or off public transport

There are so many ways a slip, trip or fall can happen it is impossible to list them all. Legal Expert can help you claim holiday compensation if you take a spill while on vacation in Fuerteventura.

Sports Activity Claims

One of the most attractive things about a holiday in Fuerteventura is that there are so many different sporting activities for UK holidaymakers to try out. Unfortunately, sporting accidents involving UK visitors is quite common, in activities such as:

  • Scuba diving and snorkelling
  • Sailing
  • Surfing
  • Bodyboarding
  • Horse riding tours
  • Quad bike tours
  • Jet ski riding
  • Rock climbing
  • Zip lines
  • Bungee jumping

If you have been the victim of a sporting accident while on holiday in Fuerteventura, call Legal Expert to find out how we can help you claim compensation.

Road Traffic Accidents in Fuerteventura

When considering car hire Fuerteventura visitors need to consider the fact that road traffic accidents in Spain are more common than in the UK. This means you are at greater risk of being involved in a car, bicycle or motorcycle crash. If you are unlucky and find yourself involved in a road traffic accident in Fuerteventura, take the following actions to make sure you have the best chance of making a claim:

  • Make sure the police are informed of the accident if they do not attend the scene.
  • Gather contact details for all witnesses to the accident.
  • Take photographs of all the vehicle involved, the drivers and the license plates.

Do I Have to Use A Solicitor in Spain For My Claim?

There is no advantage at all in using a Spanish solicitor to make a holiday compensation claim. Legal Expert offers our national holiday compensation claims service as the simplest, most effective way for UK holidaymakers to claim against Spanish based companies.

No Win No Fee Holiday Compensation Solicitors

Legal Expert has a team of No Win No Fee holiday solicitors available to help you claim the holiday compensation you are entitled to.

Under a No Win No Fee agreement, you don’t need to pay anything to begin your claim, and we won’t charge you anything while we are pursuing your claim. If we lose your claim, then you have nothing to pay at all. The only time we will levy a fee, is if you actually receive a compensation pay-out. This means that our No Win No Fee holiday compensation claims service is financially risk-free.

Popular Resorts Of Fuerteventura

  • Puerto del Rosario
  • La Olivia
  • Corralejo
  • Morro Jable
  • Betancuria
  • La Olivia
  • Antigua, Fuerteventura
  • Tuineje
  • Pajara
  • Caleta de Fuste
  • Costa Calma

Start Your Claim

Are you ready to begin your claim for holiday compensation? If you are, then contact Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804. We will spend a little time taking all of the details of your claim, and then offer you some advice on what to do next. We will likely offer to take on your claim under our national No Win No Fee holiday compensation claims service.

Useful Links

British Embassy Madrid

Torre Espacio

Paseo de la Castellana 259D

28046 Madrid


Tel: +34 917 146 300

Web: https://www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-embassy-madrid

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5 pm.

British Consulate Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Calle Luis Morote 6-3º

35007 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


Tel: +34 928 26 25 08

Web: https://www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-consulate-las-palmas-de-gran-canaria

Opening hours: Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm, excluding public holidays. Consular phone lines are open from 8 am to 4 pm.

You can find some detailed information published by the NHS on how to get medical treatment when on holiday in Fuerteventura as a UK citizen at the link below:

Government information on accessing healthcare in Fuerteventura

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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