Car accident claims Lichtenstein
On this page, you will find a guide to claiming compensation if you have had a car accident in Liechtenstein. Below you will find information and advice that you may need such as; to learn why you might have a valid claim, who might be liable for compensation, and how to go about choosing a legal firm to help you.
However, we understand that some people prefer advice from a real person and not a website. If this is you, then you can call 0800 073 8804, and one of the Legal Expert team will gladly explain everything you need to know, and help you to get your claim started today.
Select A Section:
- A Guide To Claims For Road Traffic Accidents In Liechtenstein
- Telephone Numbers For Emergency Services In Liechtenstein
- Healthcare Services In Liechtenstein For Tourists
- Rules And Regulations For What To Do After A Road Accident In Liechtenstein
- What Should You Do If Injured In An Accident Abroad?
- Do You Need To File A European Accident Report?
- Whiplash Injuries Caused By Road Accidents In Liechtenstein
- What Can A Compensation Claim Include Damages For?
- Road Accident In Liechtenstein Compensation Claim Calculator
- No Win No Fee Claims For Road Accidents In Liechtenstein
- Choose Legal Expert To Conduct Your Claim
- Speak To Us Today
- Help For British Tourists And Additional Guides
A Guide To Claims For Road Traffic Accidents In Liechtenstein
This guide to making a claim for road traffic accidents in Liechtenstein, is going to give you all of the information you need to be able to understand the process of starting your claim. It begins by giving you some important information about how to contact the emergency services to get help after your accident, how to get medical treatment as a UK citizen in Lichtenstein, and all of the things that you have to do at the scene of the accident. It will then give a number of steps you can take, that would help to give you the best chance possible of your claim being successful, as well as details of your obligation to provide an accident report in certain circumstances.
The bottom part of this guide covers the claim itself. It gives a detailed list of all of the typical types of damages that a compensation settlement can be made up of. It also provides a table listing many common injuries, and the typical amounts of compensation they generally receive. The final part of this guide covers the Legal Expert accident and injury claims service. We offer this service to everyone in the UK. This is a simple and effective way to have your Lichtenstein road traffic accident processed. If you have any questions about the information in this guide, speak to one of the Legal Expert team on the number at the end of the page, and they will answer them for you.
The Personal Injury Claims Time Limit In Lichtenstein
Cause of accident/ reason for making a claim | Time limit – years |
Package holiday accident claims. Can include claims for injury or illness where the hotel, airline, or operator of a prebooked activity is at fault. | 3 years may very |
Cruise ship passenger accidents causing harm (injury or illness). | 3 years may very |
Passenger injury or illness on a flight to an international airport in Lichtenstein (closest airport to Lichtenstein are in Switzerland and Germany). | 2 years may very |
Non package holiday accident claims. Harm suffered on independently booked holidays. | This period can vary. May only be a short time seek advice as soon as possible. |
Telephone Numbers For Emergency Services In Liechtenstein
If you are involved in a Liechtenstein crash, it is important that you know how to contact the emergency services to provide you with the aid that you need. Unfortunately, Lichtenstein has not conformed with the same standard as most of Europe, and rolled out a unified number for the emergency services. Instead, you will have to call each individually, on these numbers:
- 117 – for the police.
- 118 – for the fire service.
- 112 – in an international emergency.
- 144 – for an ambulance.
- 1414 – for air rescue.
You can find some good information about the Lichtenstein police, and also the emergency services, at this link:
Lichtenstein police information
Healthcare Services In Liechtenstein For Tourists
If you have been involved in a car crash in Liechtenstein, you will need to attend the hospital, even if you think your injuries are trivial. There is some good news for UK citizens visiting Lichtenstein in this regard. The UK has a reciprocal healthcare agreement with Lichtenstein. The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is valid in Lichtenstein. As long as you have a valid EHIC card and have paid approximately 52 pounds for 1 months health insurance when entering the country, regardless of the length of your stay this will cover EU, EEA and Swiss nationals with regards to claiming free health care as Liechtenstein nationals do. You must have your EHIC card as well as proof of insurance on you when you attend hospital, so you can receive free (or reduced cost) healthcare the same as a local person would.
Please do note, that your EHIC will only cover you for emergency treatment, and for required procedures. It won’t cover the cost of outpatient treatment, specialised surgical procedures, etc. To avoid paying these costs out of your own pocket, you need to have valid health or travel insurance policy.
If you do have to pay the cost of private healthcare out of your own pocket, Legal Expert could help you to claim the cost back as part of your compensation claim. Speak to one of our team on the number at the bottom of this page to learn how.
You can find more information about getting hospital treatment as a UK citizen in Lichtenstein, at this link:
NHS information on healthcare in Lichtenstein for UK citizens
Rules And Regulations For What To Do After A Road Accident In Liechtenstein
Part of the answer to the question, what to do if you are involved in a road accident? is that you need to do all of the things that a) keep you and everyone else safe at the scene of the accident, and b) fulfil all of your legal obligations. This would include:
- Check to see if anyone is hurt, if they are, make sure they are at no further risk of harm, and then call the emergency services. Never move an injured person unless you absolutely must.
- Remove any obstructions from the road. Such as pieces of bodywork, glass, or any other parts of the vehicle.
- If the vehicles are causing a hazard, move them to the side of the road and turn on the hazard lights.
- If there is any contention over who was to blame, make sure the police are called.
- Also inform the police if there are any injuries sustained.
- If anyone appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, make sure the police are called.
- Exchange details with all of the drivers involved. Including insurance information and driving license number.
The steps above will make sure the scene of the accident is managed in a safe manner, and fulfil all of the legal requirements for reporting a road traffic accident in Lichtenstein. When you return to the UK, Legal Expert can begin processing your accident claim for you. Speak to one of our team on the number at the bottom of this guide to proceed with this.
What Should You Do If Injured In An Accident Abroad?
Take a look at the graph above. It shows that Lichtenstein has one of the highest rates of fatal road traffic accidents in Europe. If you are unfortunate, and become involved in a vehicle collision while visiting Lichtenstein, you may be able to make a compensation claim when you return to the UK. If this is your intent, then the steps below will help to officially document your injuries, and also the accident that caused them. This will be helpful when it comes to making your claim, and could improve your chances of success.
- If it is possible to do so safely, take photographs of the scene of the accident and all of the vehicles involved.
- If there were any witnesses at the scene of the accident, gather their contact details.
- Visit the hospital to have your injuries treated, even if they appear to be minor in nature.
- If you intend to use your health or travel insurance to pay for medical treatment in Lichtenstein, contact your insurer and let them know.
- Speak to the police, and find out the incident number for the accident.
- When you return to the UK, visit the hospital to make sure your injuries were treated properly overseas.
Once you have carried out steps such as these above, it will make the process of making your claim that much easier. Speak to Legal Expert on the number at the bottom of this page, explain what has happened, and one of our team will advise you on what to do next.
Do You Need To File A European Accident Report?
You may need to fill in an accident report if you are involved in a road traffic accident while visiting Lichtenstein. If you intend to claim back the cost of damage to your car due to an accident caused by the state of the road, or some other non-vehicle related hazard, you definitely will need to submit this report to the authorities. This can be a complicated procedure, knowing exactly what needs to be in the report, and who to submit it to. Legal Expert can offer you some advice about this. If you speak to one of our team on the number at the bottom of the page, they will be able to help you with this.
Whiplash Injuries Caused By Road Accidents In Liechtenstein
In the UK each year, claims for whiplash add up to more than £2 billion. Each day, there are on average, some 1,500 separate claims involving whiplash. This is an injury that can be caused by even the most minor rear shunt accident, but is very hard to diagnose and even harder to treat, as symptoms are generalised, not specific.
In the past, whiplash has been used as a basis for fraudulent claims, and because of this, whiplash claims are now scrutinised closely. Therefore, we recommend that you have an independent medical examination, to have your injuries proven. Legal Expert can arrange this for you for free, locally. If you speak to one of our team on the number at the end of this guide, they will be able to get this organised for you. You can find some excellent information about whiplash injuries, as well as how they are caused and treated, at this link:
Whiplash information from the NHS
What Can A Compensation Claim Include Damages For?
When you engage a personal injury lawyer to process a claim for you, if they are successful, the compensation settlement that you receive will comprise of several types of damages. These damages will all generally fit within two categories. Firstly, general damages that cover all of the physical harm caused. Secondly, special damages that cover financial and other ad-hoc losses. Typical forms that these damages can take include, but are not limited to:
Special Damages Compensate the Claimant for Financial and Other Losses
- Loss of future prospects and income – if you will be left with a permanently reduced capacity for work, and your long-term income prospects will be affected negatively.
- Loss of current earnings – if you have had to take an extended period away from work while your injuries heal, and you have lost out financially because of it.
- Cost of care – if due to your injuries you have had to hire home help, or a nurse to help care for you at home.
- Medical fees – if some of the treatment for your injuries required private healthcare that you had to pay for yourself.
- Travel costs – any travel costs related to having your injuries treated, or to do with dealing with any aspect of the claim itself.
General Damages Compensate the Claimant for Physical Effects of their Injuries
- Permanent lowering of life quality – for example, your injuries will leave you with a permanent disability, or you will have reduced mobility.
- Pain during the recovery period – if your injuries will take some time to heal, and will be painful for much of your recuperation.
- Psychological damage – such as P.T.S.D, anxiety, depression or newly contacted phobias.
- Pain and suffering – for the initial pain caused by the accident, and also whilst having emergency treatment administered.
- Mental trauma – for the shock and stress of the accident, and the emergency treatment you received.
If you would like to know what kinds of damages you might be able to claim in your own case, speak to one of the Legal Expert team on the number below. Once they know a little more about your claim, they will be able to give you an accurate estimate.
Road Accident In Liechtenstein Compensation Claim Calculator
We have not added an online personal injury claims calculator to this page. These tend to give the claimant an inaccurate view about the level of compensation they may be able to claim. We prefer to give solid facts. This table below shows typical ranges of compensation paid to different injuries. It has been derived from the UK judicial guidelines, that are used by the courts when judging how much compensation each claim should receive.
Injury Type | Severity | Compensation | Information |
Hand injury | Minor to serious | Up to £54,310 | Injuries will range up from simple cuts and bruises, through nerve damage, muscle damage, sprains and fractures, to paralysis or loss of the hand. |
Wrist injury | Minor to severe | Up to £4,190 | Injuries will range up from lacerations, cuts and bruises, through fractures and sprains, to paralysis of the wrist. |
Arm injury | Moderate to severe | Up to £114,840 | Injuries will range up from damage to the soft tissue of the arm such as lacerations, burns and bruises, through nerve damage, muscle damage and fractures, to complete paralysis, or loss of the arm below or above the elbow. |
Finger injury | Minor to severe | Up to £21,950 | Injuries will range up from cuts and lacerations, through sprains, dislocation and fractures, to loss of one or more fingers. |
Thumb injury | Minor to severe | Up to £48,050 | Injuries will range up from cuts and lacerations, through sprains, dislocation and fractures, to loss of one or both thumbs. |
Back injury | Minor to severe | Up to £141,180 | Injuries will range up from scrapes, cuts and bruises, through vertebrae, muscle and nerve damage, to complete paralysis of the back. |
Neck injury | Minor to severe | Up to £130,090 | Injuries will range up from scrapes, cuts and bruises, through vertebrae, muscle and nerve damage, to complete paralysis of the neck. |
Toe injury | Moderate to severe | Up to £49,150 | Injuries will range up from cuts and lacerations, through sprains, dislocation and fractures, to loss of one or more toes. |
Ankle injury | Minor to severe | Up to £61,150 | Injuries will range up from lacerations, cuts and bruises, through fractures and sprains, to paralysis of the ankle. |
Foot injury | Minor to very severe | Up to £96,150 | Injuries will range up from simple cuts and bruises, through nerve damage, muscle damage, sprains and fractures, to paralysis or loss of the foot. |
Leg injury | Minor to severe | Up to £119,250 | Injuries will range up from damage to the soft tissue of the leg such as lacerations, burns and bruises, through nerve damage, muscle damage and fractures, to complete paralysis, or loss of the leg below or above the knee. |
For a much more accurate estimate of how much you may be able to claim in your own case, speak to one of the Legal Expert team on the number below. Once they know the details of your claim, they will be able to give you a much better idea of how much your claim might be worth.
No Win No Fee Claims For Road Accidents In Liechtenstein
Legal Expert operates a No Win No Fee national accident and injury claims service. We make this available to every resident of the UK. This is a simple service to use, but very effective in helping claimants get the maximum level of compensation possible for their claim.
There is no fee when we first start working towards getting you compensation, and no fee as we process your claim, even if it takes many months. If we fail to win you any compensation at all, then we charge you nothing. If we do win your claim, we will deduct our fee automatically from the payment we have received for you, and then give the remainder to you. So, you see, you really have nothing to lose by letting us process a claim for you. Speak to one of our team on the number below for more information.
Choose Legal Expert To Conduct Your Claim
There are many reasons why you should choose Legal Expert to process your personal injury claim for you. We have proven time and again that we have the skill and experience required, to win significant compensation settlements across the full range of accident and injury claims.
Our team is always on hand, to answer any questions you may have, and to keep you updated on what we have been doing on your behalf. We speak freely, and won’t use legal jargon. Call us on the number below to learn how we can help you today.
Top 10 City Break Destinations in Lichtenstein
- Schaan
- Vaduz
- Triesen
- Balzers
- Eschen
- Mauren
- Triesenberg
- Ruggell
- Gamprin
- Schellenberg
Speak To Us Today
Have you been injured in a road traffic accident in Lichtenstein? Do you think you have a valid cause for a claim? If so, Legal Expert can act as your personal injury solicitor, and process a claim for you. Call us on 0800 073 8804 today, and learn how we can be of help.
Help for British Tourists And Additional Guides
British Embassy
Thunstrasse 50
3005 Berne
Tel: +41 (0)31 359 7700
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 to 12.30 and 13.30 to 16.30.
Below, you will find a link to our full RTA guide:
A guide to claiming for an RTA
You may also find our guide to fatal road traffic accidents of use:
A guide to fatal road traffic accident claims
This information about claiming for an accident with a foreign vehicle may also be useful:
A guide to foreign vehicle accident claims
Edited by Melissa.