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Lufthansa Flight Personal Injury Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation For A Accident on a Lufthansa Flight?

Have you been injured whilst on an international flight to or from the UK with the German airline Lufthansa? Was the accident due to the negligence of the airline? If so, we could help you to make a Lufthansa flight accident claim.

Lufthansa flightPeople could be injured in numerous different ways from when they board a aircraft, to getting off at their destination. Making a claim against an airline can be complicated and some cases are conducted under Montreal Convention. To make sure that you get the right advice, please call our team.

We have a lot of experience with dealing with all different types of personal injury cases so you can rest assure that your case if you so wish to pursue one will be in good hands.

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A Guide To Lufthansa Accident And Incident Claims

In this guide we will take you through how to put together an airline negligence case, what you could claim compensation for, and how much you could be awarded in our personal injury claims calculator.

If you have been injured during a Lufthansa flight and you feel that this incident was avoidable it is possible that you can pursue a flight injury claim.

After reading the rest of our guide, you can find out more about aviation safety in this guide from the Civil Aviation Authority.

What Is A Lufthansa Incident Or Accident?

An airline injury and accident is simple an injury that occurs, boarding a plane, exiting a plane or while on board a flight. In order to be able to pursue a claim for a Lufthansa airline accident it must be proven that the airline through negligence was responsible for the accident that took place and as a direct consequence caused your injury.

In general, you can not claim compensation if the injury you suffered stemmed from your own internal reaction to the usual environment of the aircraft. This means you could not claim if you suffered deep vein thrombosis.

Qualifying To Make An Airplane Accident Claim

To find out if you do qualify to make a Lufthansa flight accident claim, you can get in touch with our expert team. We can advise you as to whether you have grounds to claim, and whether you meet the personal injury claims time limit applicable to your case.

What Rights Do Airline Passengers Have?

There are several ways in which you, as an airline passenger, are protected and through which you are able to make a compensation claim. Two of the most common of these are the Montreal Convention (which we will look at later) and the Package Travel and Tour Regulations of 1992. Under these two different routes to claim, there are different applicable personal injury claims time limits.

If you booked your flight through a package holiday company in the UK, you will be able to pursue a claim either against the airline, or against the package holiday company.

You can find out more about your airline passenger rights in this guide from the Civil Aviation Authority.

Personal Injury Claims Under The Montreal Convention

If you have had an accident on an international flight originating to or travelling from the UK, your flight, and any injuries which happened on it will be covered by the Montreal Convention of 1999. This convention imposes a strict system of liability on airlines. Under this, anyone making an airline injury compensation claim will have to prove that such an injury happened during the flight so it is imperative that you record any injuries that are sustained when flying.

There is a different personal injury claim time limit under this than the usual three year period in the UK. Under the convention you have two years in which to make your claim. Remember, this convention only applies to accidents or injuries which happened on an international flight.

Types Of Airplane Accidents You Could Claim For

Statistically, flying is the safest form transport. However, having said this, airline accidents could happen.

Airline accidents and incidents could include any of the following:

  • Slips and falls whilst on board, or entering/exiting the aircraft.
  • Tea burns, coffee burns, and other burn injuries.
  • Food poisoning and illness.
  • Exposure to food allergens
  • Injuries caused by turbulence.
  • Injuries caused by overhead lockers.

If you have been injured in any of the circumstances listed above, find out how we can help you claim for in flight injuries on airplanes.

Burnt By A Hot Drink Or Hot Foods

If you sustained a burn injury on your flight, such as from a hot coffee burn, or a hot tea burn, whilst travelling on a Lufthansa plane, you may be eligible to claim compensation for your injuries if negligence on the part of the airline can be established.

Negligence Leading To A Disabled Passenger Being Injured

If you are a passenger with disabilities, the airline and cabin crew owe you an additional duty of care to ensure that you are provided with any assistance which you may need when flying. The government recommends that you inform your airline two days prior to your flight about your disability, and any assistance which you may need.

In the majority of instances, your airline will offer you any assistance required during your flight. If they have acted in a negligent way, such as not providing you with a way to safely enter or exit the craft, or did not make sure that you were secured during your flight, and you were injured as a result, you could make an air accident compensation claim.

You can find information for travelling on aircraft with disabilities in this guide from the government, as well as tips for passengers with mobility issues in this guide from the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Injuries Caused By Trolley Or Service Cart Impacts

The trolley or service cart on a plane can be extremely heavy, potentially weighing hundreds of pounds. The aisle on an aircraft can often be very narrow and service trolleys will have little clearance to pass seats and passengers. If a passenger has fallen asleep with an arm of leg protruding into the aisle, the impact from a service cart or trolley may cause a serious injury, such as a crush injury, fractures, or severe soft tissue injuries. If you have suffered a trolley accident on a Lufthansa flight and have been injured, contact us so we can discuss your case further.

Falls, Trips, And Slips On A Plane

Slips, trips, and falls are one of the most common ways people are hurt in any environment. However, they are also often a preventable accident, and so injuries resulting from them should often not happen. Whilst most slips or falls, whether walking around the aircraft, boarding, or disembarking, may not result in extremely serious or fatal accidents, if the incident was avoidable and you injured yourself as a direct consequence you could make claims for compensation.

I Injured My Head On A Lufthansa Flight Due To Luggage Falling Out Of The Over Head Locker, Can I Claim?

An overhead locker may not have been properly checked and closed by cabin crew prior to landing or takeoff, if this happens and you are injured due to falling luggage it may be possible to make an airline accident claim. In such cases, you could be able to claim compensation from your airline, such as Lufthansa for luggage falling on your head.

Claim For Injuries During Unexpected Turbulence

Whilst no one might be to blame for the aircraft encountering the turbulence, if the crew do not notify passengers to remain seated and put their seatbelts on, and inform cabin crew that the in flight service should be suspended and a passengers is injured then it may be possible to pursue a claim. The airline has a responsibility to keep you safe during the whole of the flight

Food Poisoning On A Flight

Food poisoning could occur if food is not stored, prepared or cooked properly, also if food is used past its sell by date it can cause you to have an upset stomach. Symptoms of food poisoning can include; Stomach cramps, diarrhoea, nausea, vomitting, dehydration. Although most cases are mild there could be severe cases. If you have suffered due to food poisoning caused on a Lufthansa flight and it can be medically proven you could make a claim for compensation call us today to discuss your case.

Food Allergy Claims

If you do suffer an allergic reaction on a flight, or experience food poisoning alert staff straight away. If you have medication for a food allergy, take it, or ask staff to help you do so. You could claim compensation if the food you had eaten did not display an allergen you was allergic to, as you would have not eaten it had you known.

Injuries Caused Broken, Faulty, Or Damaged Seats

Seats on an aircraft could become faulty, be damaged, or become broken in any number of different ways. With the short turnaround times that different aircraft operators operate within, cabin crew might not immediately repair a seat (or other part of the cabin) as there may be simply not enough time.

There could have been sharp parts of the seat protruding into your seat space, or the restraint mechanism might have been faulty. Whatever the reason you were injured by your faulty or damaged seat, as long as you did not cause the damage through improper usage, you could sue your airline for negligence with our team of personal injury lawyers.

What Can My Lufthansa Accident Claim Compensate Me For?

Your personal injury solicitor could secure you compensation. The final settlement you receive may be made up of both general damages, those compensating you for your injury itself (detailed later), and special damages, for other types of cost you have encountered.

Any expenses which you have encountered because of your injuries (such as for the cost of medical treatment) could be recovered as part of the claim. As part of your claim for a Lufthansa flight accident, you may also be able to claim for the cost of having to take alternative types of transport, lost income because you can not work, or other ways in which you have sustained financial losses.

How Much Can I Claim For An Injury Or Illness On A Lufthansa Flight

How much you can claim for a Lufthansa flight accident in terms of general damages will be dependent on the severity and the nature of the accident and injury which you suffered, and their effects on you in relation to your health. It will also take into account of how the injury has physically or psychologically affected you. As such, it is difficult for us to say how much you may be owed for your injuries. There are many personal injury claim calculators available online. But these may not be able to provide you with an accurate assessment of what you yourself could claim. No two claims may be the same, even if the injuries in the different cases are identical. This is why you should always seek advice from a personal injury lawyer or solicitor about your injuries.

Injury Type Severity of Injury Compensation Amounts Information
Head Injury Moderate Brain Damage £43,060 to £90,720 These injuries range from concentration and memory issues, ability to work is reduced, risk of epilepsy to severe intellectual deficit and effects of speech, sight and senses.
Head Injury Minor Brain or Head Injury £2,210 to £12,770 In these cases brain damage if any will have been minimal and the lower bracket reflects recovery within weeks.
Neck Injury Moderate Neck Injury £7,890 to £38,490 These injuries will range from soft tissue damage with further trauma possible, serious limitation of movement, permanent or recurring pain to injuries associated with dislocations and severe fractures.
Neck Injury Mild Neck Injury Up to £7,890 Lower bracket reflects recovery within three months, to short-term acceleration and/or exacerbation injuries, duration of the soft tissue injury will play a major factor.
Shoulder Injury Serious Shoulder Injury £12,770 to £19,200 Dislocation to the shoulder causing back issues, pain to the neck and elbow and gripping issues to the hand.
Arm Injury Permanent and Substantial Disablement £39,170 to £59,860 Serious fractures to one or both forearms leading to disability.
Arm Injury Simple Fractures of the Forearm £6,610 to £19,200 Fractures to forearm.
Hand Injury Serious Hand Injuries £29,000 to £61,910 Brackets include 50 percent reduced capacity, possible amputation and rejoining of fingers, or amputation of some fingers together with part of the palm resulting in gross diminution of grip.
Hand Injury Minor to Moderate Hand Injuries Up to £13,280 Brackets include crush injuries, penetrating wounds, soft tissue type and deep lacerations, impaired function to permanent disability.
Hip/Pelvis Injury Moderate Injuries £12,590 to £39,170 These brackets involve hip replacement or other surgery to significant pelvis injury.
Back Injury Moderate Injury to the Back £12,510 to £27,760 Disturbance of ligaments, soft tissue injuries, prolapsed discs necessitating laminectomy or resulting in repeated relapses to residual disability, traumatic spondylolisthesis with continuous pain requiring spinal fusion.
Back Injury Minor Back Injury Up to £12,510 Brackets include soft tissue injuries, strains and sprains, recovery time plays an important factor.
Leg Injury Moderate Injury to the Leg £27,760 to £39,200 Multiple fractures, severe crushing, future surgery; imperfect union of fractures, muscle wasting with a possible impact on employment.
Leg Injury Less Serious Injuries to the Leg Up to £27,760 Simple fractures to the tibia and fibula to serious leg fractures with incomplete recovery.
Ankle Injury Modest Injuries Up to £13,740 Minor displaced fractures, ligament damage, sprains, recovery will determine the amount.
Foot Injury Modest to Moderate Injury Up to £24,990 Fractures to the foot that could lead to permanent deformity.
Scarring Trivial Scarring Up to £3,530 One scar which may be covered to some small scars.
Food Poison Significant Illness £3,950 to £9,540 Stomach pains, cramps alteration of bowel function, recovery within a couple of years.
Food Poison Minor Up to £3,950 Disabling pain, cramps and diarrhoea.

To get an accurate personal injury claim calculator assessment for your case, please get in touch with our team today.

No Win No Fee Flight Accident Claims Against Lufthansa Airline

When you first get in contact with our team, we will provide you with a free assessment of whether you can sue your airline for negligence. We can also tell you if it is worth making a claim for your injuries, and whether you are likely to be able to make a successful claim. At this point, if we think we can help with your personal injury claim, we may be able to offer you a no win no fee contract.

No win no fee agreements enable you to pursue your compensation claim without needing to worry about how you will pay your personal injury lawyers, or solicitors fee. This means that you will be protected from having to pay any fees to your solicitor in the event of your personal injury claim not being successful. If you are successful, you will then be able to pay for their services as part of your award.

Let Our Experts Handle Your Airline Negligence Case

At Legal Expert our personal injury solicitors are experienced in helping people to claim compensation for aviation accidents, such as airline accidents and incidents. As such, we know how to handle these types of claims, how to navigate complex areas of law, and how to get our clients the best possible outcomes.

Our team will always aim to make the personal injury claim process as as easy and stress-free as we can. We always want you to be able to concentrate on your recovery, rather than worrying about legal matters. If you need medical treatment, you may even be able to get interim payments towards these costs before your claim is finally settled.

Contact Us Today

If you, a loved one, or someone you were travelling with have been injured on a flight to or from the UK, please contact our team. To speak to us you can call on 0800 073 8804, send an email to Office@LegalExpert.co.uk, or fill out our contact form.

Contact us today to start your Lufthansa flight accident claim.

Additional Resources

We have provided you with everything we think you need to know in order to make a Lufthansa flight accident claim. However, below we have included information on where you can find out more about making an air accident compensation claim.

Flight Accident Claims
This is our more general air passenger accident claims guide where you can find out about making a compensation claim against any airline flying from the UK.

Delayed Flight Compensation Claims
Having your flight delayed could be frustrating or leave you waiting in an airport for an extended period of time. It could even cause you to miss part of your holiday or time at work. If your flight has been delayed, see if you can claim in this guide.

Helpful External Organisations

The UK Civil Aviation Authority
In this guide the CAA looks at ways to resolve a variety of different disputes between airlines and passengers.

Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB)
This is an organisation run by the UK Government. The AAIB investigates serious aviation incidents or accidents in the UK. Serious incidents can be reported to the agency.

Edited By Melissa.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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