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Malta Car Accident Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation

If you were injured in a car accident in Malta and need a personal injury solicitor to help you claim compensation, you can find out more about how our team of experts can help you in this guide.

Car accident claims Malta

Car accident claims Malta

Prior to the introduction of the more recent 3rd and 4th EU Motor Insurance Directives, making a compensation claim for a car accident which happened in another EU country was harder to carry out. However, these new rules have streamlined the process, making it quicker and smoother to get the compensation that you are owed. In some instances, such claims can be completed within a matter of a few months.

By reading the rest of this guide, you can learn more about how our specialist personal injury solicitors could help you.

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A Guide To Compensation Claims For Car Accidents In Malta

Whilst being hurt in a car accident in Malta as a tourist may be rare, such accidents can and do happen to people. In the event of your being involved in such an accident, you need to use a personal injury lawyer with experience of handling claims for accident which happened outside of the UK. At Legal Expert, we have the necessary experience and knowledge to help claimants.

In the rest of this guide we look at steps which you should take after being involved in a road traffic accident outside of the UK, and how we can help you to get any compensation that you could be owed.

Personal Injury Claims Time limit In Malta

When making any type of compensation claim for an accident outside of the UK, you need to be aware of the specific time limits relating to compensation claims in that country. These are the time limits for claims you need to be aware of in this case.

Type of compensation claim Package Holiday Claim Time Limits Flights To Or From Malta
Personal Injury Claims Time Limit (in years) 3 2

Accessing Emergency Services In Malta

You can call the emergency services in Malta using the standard pan European number 112. This will take you to the main switchboard and should be called if you do not know which service you need, or if you require more than one service. Main numbers which you should note include;

  • Main Hospital – Malta: +356 2545 0000
  • Gozo Hospital: +356 2156 1600
  • Malta Police: +356 2122 4001-7
  • Helicopter Rescue: +356 2124 4371
  • Rescue Patrol Boat: +356 2123 8797

Medical Services In Malta For Tourists

Whilst you can expect a very high standard of healthcare in Malta, you should also remember that the healthcare systems of different countries may not include (for free) all of the things which you can expect from the NHS. This means that if you are using travel insurance or the EHIC car scheme to pay for your medical treatment, you may still need to make contributions to the cost of your medical care. Anything you need to pay for will be charged for at the same rate of payment as residents of Malta (if using the EHIC scheme).

If you need emergency medical care, you can contact the Maltese emergency services by calling 112 to get an ambulance.

What You Should Do After A Car Accident In Malta?

If you have been injured or otherwise involved in any type of road accident abroad, such as a car crash in Malta, and believe that you might be able to seek holiday accident compensation for the harm you suffered; you can take some simple steps before returning to the UK.

  1. First and foremost, you need to get your injuries treated to make sure that your health and welfare is taken care of.
  2. Report the accident, including any injuries and damage to the vehicle, to your insurance company.
  3. Take photos of the accident, the damage to the vehicles, and the injuries suffered.
    Details of witnesses.

Finally, you need to make sure that you do not in any way give the impression that you have assumed liability or responsibility for the accident.

What You Should Do If Injured In An Accident Abroad?

If injured in a car accident abroad, there are a few simple things which you need to learn about immediately after an accident. If you are driving a vehicle, make sure that when safe, you pull over to a safe location. You should make sure that the emergency services will be able to see your vehicle, and that they can easily find injured people. When safe, you should call the emergency services on the numbers supplied on this page. You will need to provide any required information to the emergency services operator. Stay on the phone until they have all the information they need. If you are driving a rented vehicle, it should have any required equipment, such as reflective triangles which you can place in front of and behind the vehicle.

The other driver might ask you to sign something, or there may be the temptation to say sorry for accident. However, you should never do anything which can be taken as an admission of guilt.

How To Report Your Car Accident In Malta

If you are involved in a car accident in Malta with a Maltese driver, there are a few steps which you will need to take in order to follow the law, and make sure that your accident is correctly reported. You will need to report the accident to the local police, the car rental company, and the vehicle insurance company. You will have to provide a legal declaration covering what happened to you. Your report may include information such as;

  • The location of your accident as well as the time it happened.
  • Details of both vehicles registration numbers.
  • The drivers licence details.
  • Names and contact information for any witnesses.
  • What injuries were suffered by parties involved.
  • Any relevant insurance company details.
  • What caused the accident.
  • What was the weather like at the time of the accident and how fast were vehicles travelling.

Whiplash And Neck Injuries Abroad

Whiplash is a form of neck injury which can be caused in circumstances, such as a car accident in Malta. It is caused by the sudden and forceful or jerking motion which can happen during rapid deceleration and the impact of a crash. It is most often caused by car crashes from the rear. However, they can also happen in sporting accidents, or in other traumatic accidents.

The symptoms of whiplash will commonly develop in the first 24 hours following the accident, however, they can take longer in some cases to present. Symptoms of whiplash might include;

  • Stiffness or pain in the neck, and the muscles of the shoulders and upper back. Pain will get worse over time.
  • Loss of movement in the neck and possibly shoulders or upper back.
  • Headaches which start at the bottom of the skull.
  • Pain radiating through the upper back, the shoulders, and the upper arms.
  • Dizziness and/ or fatigue.

How much compensation you can claim for a whiplash can you claim? Find out in our dedicated guide.

I Was Injured In A Road Accident Abroad, What Can I Claim Compensation For?

Whether you are making a claim for whiplash, or for a fatal car crash in Malta, you will be able to claim compensation for the actual injury (whether physical or other) and for the wider effects that the injury has had upon you. These effects might extend from your having to take time off work, having to organise emergency repatriation to the UK, having to travel (at home or abroad) for medical care, or faced a variety of other costs. These additional things which you can claim compensation for can include any of the following;

  • Medical care and related expenses,
  • Costs for travel to medical appointments and for emergency returns to the UK,
  • Income and benefits which are lost due to your having to take additional time off work,

Please keep receipts and/ or invoices of any expenses which you have to pay as it may be that you can reclaim these cost as part of your claim.

Car Accident In Malta Personal Injury Compensation Calculator

How much compensation you will be able to claim will depend upon what accident or injury you suffered. In general, the more serious your injuries are, the more you will be able to claim for them. Whilst with a quick query for “personal injury claims calculator” in the search engine of your choice can return several calculators, these can not tell you what you will definitely be owed. This is because whilst each type and level of injury will have a settlement figure attached to it, this is still a banding which you settlement can fall in. These calculators will also not include how much you may be awarded in special damages.

Type of Injury and seriousness Further Comments Settlement Recommendations
Back injury – minor Including injuries such as bruises, sprains and muscle strains. There will be no lasting effects of the injury. Compensation up to £10,970
Back injury – moderate Including injuries to the ligaments and other connective tissue, such as the tendons. Other soft tissues may be present. £10,970 – £34,000
Neck injury – minor Less serious types of neck injury and less serious types of whiplash. Including similar injuries. Compensation up to £2,150
Neck injury – moderate The higher the amount of pain, the greater the compensation settlement. £6,920 – £33,750
Neck injury – severe Effects of the injuries will last much longer, and will not recover fully and there may be persistent symptoms. £39,870 – £130,060
Thigh injury – moderate Less severe types of injury to the upper leg/ thigh. IT will fully recover from. £22,130 – £31,25
Thigh injury – serious These will be more serious that previous categories of thigh injury. £31,250 – £43,710
Thigh injury – very serious Highest level of severity. There may be permanent injury or loss of mobility and function in the thigh effected. £43,710 – £67,41
Shoulder injury – moderate You should be able to fully recovery and the recovery should not take too long. Compensation up to £1,950
Shoulder injury – serious Highest level of severity. There may be permanent injury or loss of mobility and function in the thigh effected. £10,180 – £15,300

When you talk to one of our personal injury lawyers, you will be able to fully discuss your car crash in Malta and the effects it has had on you.

No Win No Fee Claims For A Car Accident In Malta

If you have been involved in an accident abroad and need to make a holiday accident compensation claim, one of the best ways to do so is to is through a CFA, Conditional Fee Agreement, or No win No Fee Agreement. These are all different names for the same type of service. Typically, claims made with a personal injury solicitor can be done so through this type of contract. These agreements are set between the solicitor and claimant. It will have details of the different services which will be provided and what the solicitor and will do for the claimant. It will also set out the solicitors conditions of payment. It will also state how much the solicitors fees will be. Typically, this will be set as a percentage of the final award. It can also be deducted from the settlement before it is passed on to the claimant.

If you choose an expert personal injury solicitor from Legal Expert, there will be no extra fees or costs. There will be nothing for you to pay upfront, and you can have the peace of mind which comes from knowing that whatever happens, you will never be left out of pocket.

How We Can Help You Claim Compensation

At Legal Expert we believe we are well placed to handle personal injury claims for the victims of car accidents in Malta. We have a team of expert and specialist solicitors with experience in dealing with road traffic accident claims both inside and outside of the UK. We have helped people to claim settlements which they are happy with, and our team could also help you. Whether the other vehicle in your car crash in Malta was a car, bus, coach, HGV, van, motorcycle, or bilke, if the accident was caused by the other party, and if you (or a passenger in your vehicle) were injured, our team can help.

We always strive to secure those who we help the best possible settlement, and to make the process of claiming compensation as stress free and easy as possible. For more information, contact our team on the channels listed below.

Top Ten Largest Destinations In Malta

  1. Qormi
  2. Zabbar
  3. Zebbug
  4. Zejtun
  5. Siġġiewi
  6. Rabat
  7. Valletta (Capital City)
  8. Bormla
  9. Senglea
  10. Birgu

Contact Our Team

The best way to start your claim with us is to get in contact with the team at Legal Expert. You can do so by phone, email, or our online contact form, whichever is more convenient for you. If you do make a claim with us, we will keep you updated in the method of your preference.

Call our experts on 0800 073 8804
Email our team on Office@LegalExpert.co.uk
Or, fill in the form above by clicking ‘Claim Online’

However you choose to get in touch, we are here to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Advice And Assistance For British Holidaymakers

In the event of your being involved in an accident whilst visiting Malta (not exclusively accidents on the road) the British Embassy can sometimes provide consular services and assistance, such as emergency travel documents.

British High Commission Malta
Whitehall Mansions, Ta’ Xbiex Seafront
Ta’ Xbiex
XBX 1026
Tel: (+356) 2323 0000
Web: www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-high-commission-malta
Opening times: Weekdays (excluding Wednesday) 9am to 1pm

Holiday Accident Claims In Malta
You can find information on how to claim compensation for other forms of accident or injury whilst on holiday in Malta in this guide.

Package Holiday Accident Claims
This is our dedicated guide to claims for accidents on a package holiday with helpful advice on how to deal with injuries and accidents caused by package holiday companies.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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