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How much compensation can I claim for injury in Menorca?

The small Balearic Island of Menorca is a popular tourist destination, known for its beaches and gently rolling hills. According to official Balearic Government statistics, Menorca welcomed 1.18 million tourists to their shores in 2015, 451,000 of which were from the United Kingdom, making us the largest group of tourists to visit the Island. At the present time, record numbers of tourists from Britain are visiting Spain (there was an 11% increase between 2015-2016). The reason being that holidaymakers see it as a safer option than many Eastern Mediterranean countries where major terrorist incidents have taken place. Span and Menorca are considered safe places to visit. However, accidents abroad do occur and Spain is no exception. Common accidents in Spain include balcony fall accidents, road traffic accidents and cases of food poisoning and waterborne illnesses. If you have had your trip to Spain ruined by an accident that wasn’t your fault, which caused you to become ill or injured, then you could be entitled to make a holiday accident claim in Menorca for compensation. Some of these claims are worth tens of thousands of pounds, or even more depending on the nature of the injuries, so it’s well worth pursuing compensation for your injury or illness.

Holiday Accident Claims In Menorca

Holiday Accident Claims In MenorcaIf you have been involved in an accident abroad that happened in Menorca or elsewhere, trust Legal Expert to help you make the holiday accident claim in Menorca, or holiday sickness claim in Menorca that you are entitled to. We are a well respected legal firm that can provide you with a holiday compensation solicitor, to fight your claim for accident and injury compensation relentlessly and win your claim. Many British residents who have been injured on an overseas holiday worry about claiming personal injury compensation Spain. But we can provide you with a top holiday compensation solicitor based in Britain, familiar with personal injury law in Spain, who can claim your compensation for you. We offer a free legal consultation to potential claimants, so call us today on 0800 073 8804 or fill out our online claims form to get started. One of our friendly advisors will let you know if you have a viable claim, estimate how much compensation you could claim and will provide you with the right Menorca holiday illness or accident claims solicitors to handle your claim.

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A Guide To Holiday Accident Claims In Menorca

As we have already stated Spain and Menorca are relatively safe countries to visit. Unfortunately, there are some health and safety risks involved in travelling to Spain and Menorca. Accidents that happen in the Balearics include swimming and watersports accidents at the beaches, accidents involving falling from hotel balconies, road traffic accidents and cases of food poisoning. Before travelling to Spain, or elsewhere you should take out comprehensive travel insurance.

If you have been injured holidaying on the Island of Menorca, you could be entitled to make a holiday accident claim in Menorca, if the accident was caused by the negligence of another party. In this guide to hiring holiday compensation solicitors, we will inform you on what to do if you have been injured or made ill in Menorca, how to make a holiday sickness claim in Menorca, or accident claim, and provide you with useful contact details. We will also cover how to make a no win no fee claim. If you find yourself in need of urgent diplomatic assistance in Menorca, as in the case of arrest, being attacked or a death occurring in your party, you can contact the British Embassy on Palma de Majorca, which covers the islands of Majorca and Menorca.

What To Do If You Have An Accident Or Injury In Menorca

If you experience an accident in Portugal that was not your fault, which causes you to become injured and will, you could be entitled to claim holiday accident compensation. We will now look at the relevant steps you should take if you are injured in Portugal or made ill.

Before we start, it goes without saying that if you are seriously injured the first thing you should do is seek the appropriate medical care. Once you have been treated you can take the steps below.

First of all, it goes without saying that if you are made seriously ill, or injured due to an accident in Menorca, you should seek immediate medical attention. The advice below is legal advice, not accounting for illnesses or injuries.

If you experience an accident abroad in Menorca or elsewhere, there are certain steps you can take that will make it easier for you to claim personal injury compensation in Spain, later down the line. First of all, it is important to report your accident to your tour operator and the management of the establishment where you were injured. Make sure they record your accident accurately in their log book.you should also report your accident to your travel insurance provider. If you are involved in an accident where you are the victim of assault, violence or any sort of illegal activity then you should contact and report your accident to the local police. If you are injured in Majorca, you can also gather evidence at the scene of your accident to claim compensation. If you have to seek emergency medical treatment, a friend or family member can collect evidence that will support your claim for compensation for holiday illness in Menorca, or a holiday accident in Menorca. You can gather evidence by photographing the hazard that caused your illness (preferably with a date stamp) and taking down the contact details of witnesses, who may be required to give evidence later on. You should also keep receipts of any medical treatment you receive and any other expenses associated with your accident in Menorca. This could serve as evidence in your holiday accident claim in Menorca and you can also claim these expenses back, as part of your settlement.

If you are involved in a car or road traffic accident in Spain, or Menorca it is important that you exchange contact details of the other driver and take down their vehicle registration number. Be sure to take the contact details of the vehicle’s owner, if the driver of the other vehicle is not it’s owner.

Emergency Contacts In Menorca After An Accident

If you have an accident in Menorca and need the emergency services or other assistance, here are some contact numbers.

  • Medical Emergencies/Ambulance: 061
  • National Police 091
  • Guardia Civil: 062
  • Fire Service: 971 35 10 11
  • Sea Rescue: 900 20 22 02
  • Airport Information: 971 15 70 00

For non-emergency illnesses or injuries do not contact the emergency services. Instead, seek treatment at a local doctor’s surgery or medical centre. Following an accident in menorca, it is advisable to take these steps: seek medical treatment from a qualified practitioner, report your injury to a travel insurance provider, report your accident or illness, gather evidence of your accident such as photographs and witness statements and contact Legal Expert to be provided with a Menorca holiday illness claim solicitor.

Accessing Health Care In Menorca

While Britain remains in the European Union, British citizens can use a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to gain access to state healthcare in any European Economic Area (EEA) country for free, or at a reduced cost. You can apply for your EHIC online here. Please be advised that having a European Health Insurance Card does not mean that you shouldn’t take out comprehensive travel insurance as well.

Compensation Time Limits In Menorca

According to personal injury law, the time limit for making personal injury compensation claims in Spain varies depending on the circumstances of your accident.

Circumstances of injury or illness Time Limit for Claim
Claims for injury or illness on a flight to or from Spain, as well as for circumstances happening in a hotel, whilst on an activity or excursion or for a trip booked through a UK based package holiday operator 3 years
Illness or injury which occured on a trip or holiday which was privately booked (i.e. not booked through a holiday company). Approximately 1 year – this does vary.
Illness or injury which happened on a flight booked privately flying to or from the following
– Barcelona-El Prat airport, Barcelona
– Palma de Mallorca airport
– Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas airport, Madrid
– Certain other airports in Spain which serve international destinations
2 years

If you were on a package holiday to Spain which was organised through a tour operator, you will have 3 years from the date of the accident or you realised that you had been harmed to make your claim. If you were injured on a privately booked holiday (i.e. not booked through a tour operator) then you only have one year in which to make your claim. If your accident happened on a flight between the United Kingdom or Spain then you have 2 years from the incident taking place, or becoming injured, in which to claim personal injury compensation in Spain.

Package Holiday Injury Claims In Menorca

If you have been injured on a package holiday to Menorca organised by a UK tour operator and the accident was not your fault you may be entitled to make a Menorca holiday accident claim. According to the Package Travel, Package Holiday, and Package Tour Regulations 1992 you are legally entitled to claim compensation for a holiday accident and other losses you incurred as a result. Some information you should know about package holiday injury claims in Menorca, firstly, you should report your injuries to your tour operator as soon as possible, and be sure they record it in their incident log book accurately. As we have said, there is a 3 year time limit to make a package holiday claim for compensation. So if you have been injured or made ill in a package holiday to Menorca in the last three years in an accident that wasn’t your fault, call Legal Expert to be provided with a Menorca holiday illness claim solicitor.

Holiday Accident Claims In Menorca

Legal Expert handle all sorts of holiday accident claims in Menorca. The holiday accident claims we frequently handle include: holiday sickness claims in Menorca for food poisoning and waterborne diseases, slip, trip and fall compensation claims, watersports and adventure sport compensation claims and road traffic accidents.

Here are some of the accident abroad compensation claims we have successfully handled:

  • Airplane
  • Bad hotel hygiene illness
  • Balcony falls
  • Boats & cruises
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Collapsing furniture
  • Excursion injuries
  • Faulty fittings
  • Faulty rental car
  • Food poisoning
  • Foreign transport
  • Hotel
  • Legionnaires disease / Norovirus
  • Skiing
  • Slips and trips
  • Swimming pool Accident

If you if you need to claim for a holiday illness in Menorca, or a holiday accident that wasn’t your fault, trust Legal Expert’s top personal injury solicitors to help you claim the compensation that you’re entitled to. Below, we have looked in detail at some common accidents in Menorca that affect holidaymakers.

Compensation For Accident, Injury And Illness At Unprepared Hotels

With the increasing number of holidaymakers visiting Spain and the Balearic islands, many hotels have expanded to accommodate more guests. Unfortunately, if building and renovation works overrun, work may still be going when guests start to arrive for peak holiday season. Hazards that can be found in an unfinished hotel include slip, trip and fall hazards, or hazards that can fall on guests, especially young children. If you have experienced any sort of hotel accident in Menorca that wasn’t your fault, including accidents caused by unfinished building work then you could make a holiday accident claim for your injuries. Call Legal Expert today to see how we can help.

Restaurant Illness, Accident Or Food Poisoning Claims

Unfortunately the tap water is not safe to drink on the Balearic Islands. If you were served a drink in a restaurant or bar with tap water, or ice made with tap water that led you to become ill, then you could sue for holiday illness compensation in Menorca. Other ways to become ill on holiday in Menorca include eating poorly prepared food in a restaurant which can cause food poisoning. You can also contract water borne diseases from swimming in a swimming pool that hasn’t been treated with chlorine. If you have a holiday sickness claim to make in Menorca, call Legal Expert today and we’ll be happy to help.

Slips, Trips And Falls In Menorca

Unfortunately, in Spain there have been very serious incidents where holidaymakers have fallen from balconies and in some cases, been killed. Some of the incidents happened when victims were under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or behaving irresponsibly on the balcony (for example, trying to climb from one balcony to another). There are also times when hotels have been at fault. EU regulations state that hotel balconies should have a safety railing or wall which is at least 1 metre high. Unfortunately, in Spain, heights vary, contributing to accidents. Other slip, trip and fall accidents that can happen on holiday in menorca can be caused by wet floors which have not been sign posted or mopped up and obstructions on the flooring. If you wish to make a slip, trip or fall claim for an accident in Menorca you experienced, contact Legal Expert today.

Watersports And Outdoor Activity Compensation Claims

Menorca is known for its beautiful waters and is a popular beach holiday destination. The waters around the Balearic Islands can be choppy with a strong undercurrent. Lifeguards have a flag system to warn beachgoers when its not safe to go in the water. If you have been injured where a lifeguard was not present, or where there was no adequate warning of dangerous waters then you may be able to claim accident compensation in Menorca. If you were injured during a planned outdoor activity such as sailing, diving or hiking, you can sue the activity provider if their negligence was the cause of your accident. To enquire about making a watersports and outdoor activity compensation claim, call Legal Expert today.

Road Traffic Accidents In Menorca

Unfortunately the road traffic accident rate in Spain is 30% higher than it is in Great Britain. The country’s motorway system is particularly dangerous. Because British tourists drive on the left hand side, they are particularly vulnerable to road traffic accidents in Spain and other overseas destinations. If you are involved in a car accident in Menorca or elsewhere in Spain which was not your fault, you should report your claim to the criminal courts and hire a holiday compensation solicitor to represent you. Call Legal Expert today, to enquire about claiming compensation for an injury in Menorca.

Do I Need To Use A Spanish Solicitor?

Its understandable that if you are injured in Menorca, due to an accident abroad that you might think you have to use a Spanish solicitor to make your holiday accident claim. Legal Expert can provide you with a top holiday compensation solicitor, who is familiar with personal injury law in Spain. They will be able to represent you in your holiday sickness claim in Menorca, instead of using a Menorca based holiday illness claim solicitors. Trust Legal Expert to find the right solicitor to represent your case. Call us today for free advice on holiday compensation claims in Menorca and to start your claim.

No Win No Fee Travel Claims

If you wish to claim compensation for holiday illness in Menorca, or make a holiday accident claim in Menorca then you can use a no win no fee solicitor. What does no win no fee mean? It means that your solicitor will offer you a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) – so you don’t pay them a penny unless you win. You will still receive the same great service from you holiday accident claims solicitor but won’t have the financial risk of having to pay an upfront fee. To enquire about working with a no win no fee solicitor to make your holiday accident claim, call Legal Expert today to speak to one of our friendly legal advisors.

Largest Municipalities In Menorca

  • Ciutadella de Menorca
  • Ferreries
  • Es Mercadal
  • Es Migjorn Gran
  • Alaior
  • Port Mahon (Maó)
  • Es Castell
  • Sant Lluís

Start Your Holiday Accident Claim In Menorca Today

If you wish to make a personal injury compensation claim in Spain’s Island of Menorca, trust Legal Expert to find the right solicitor to win your case. We offer a free legal consultation to potential claimants of personal injury compensation. Call us today or fill out our online claims form, to get started on claiming your compensation for an injury. Whether you have experienced a slip, trip and fall accident, food poisoning, a water sports or adventure sports accident or an accident in a hotel, if the accident was not your fault and made you ill or injured we would like to hear from you. If your holiday accident claim is successful, you could receive a personal injury settlement worth tens of thousands of pounds, or even more, depending on the severity of your injuries. Call today to pursue your compensation claim, we’re looking forward to hearing from you.

Useful Links

Government Guide to healthcare in Spain
Find out further information about accessing healthcare in Spain as well as any healthcare or medical considerations for before your trip.

British Embassy Madrid
Torre Espacio
Paseo de la Castellana 259D
28046 Madrid
Tel: +34 917 14 64 00
Web: www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-embassy-madrid
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm

British Consulate – Palma de Mallorca (serving both Majorca and Menorca)
British Consulate Palma de Mallorca
Carrer Convent dels Caputxins, 4
Edificio Orisba B 4ºD
07002 Palma de Mallorca
Tel: +34 93 366 6200
Web: www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-consulate-palma-de-mallorca

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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