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MSC Cruise Personal Injury Claims Guide – How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Personal Injury On MSC Cruise Lines?

MSC Cruises personal injury claimOn this web page, you will read a guide to the legal process of making a MSC Cruises ship personal injury claim. We will discuss examples of accidents that could happen aboard a cruise ship, as well as why you may be eligible to make a claim in your own case. We also cover the legal aspects of making a claim, as well as how to get your claim started.

If you need answers to questions that have not been covered in this guide, as each claim is different and we cannot cover every eventuality on this page, then please speak to one of our claims team on 0800 073 8804. They will be able to answer your questions, and give you any other help that you need.

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A Guide To Personal Injury Claims On A MSC Cruise Ship

Cruise line statistics

Cruise line statistics

Take a look at the graph above; we can see that MSC is one of the 7 largest cruise lines, with regard to overall levels of revenue. It is also a very well established cruise line, being first established in 1960. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. MSC is the fourth largest cruise line in the world (at the date of this page being produced), and employs almost 23,000 people in 45 countries across the globe. It currently operates a fleet of cruise liners that includes:

  • MSC Armonia
  • MSC Sinfonia
  • MSC Lirica
  • MSC Opera
  • MSC Musica
  • MSC Orchestra
  • MSC Poesia
  • MSC Magnifica
  • MSC Fantasia
  • MSC Splendida
  • MSC Divina
  • MSC Preziosa
  • MSC Meraviglia
  • MSC Bellissima
  • MSC Seaside
  • MSC Seaview

This guide provides information if you are thinking about making a cruise ship injury or illness claim. It includes information such as:

  • A section that lists examples of illnesses and injuries that a person who is travelling on a cruise ship could be affected by.
  • A section that lists examples of accidents that a passenger on a cruise ship could fall foul of.
  • An examination of the duty of care that MSC owes its passengers, and also an examination of cruise passenger rights covered by the Athens Convention while in international waters.
  • A table that gives information about time limits that could apply to a claim, based on the circumstances of the accident, injury or illness.
  • Information regarding an accident that could have happened in a crew member or a passenger cabin.
  • Information regarding an accident that could have happened while you were using road transport to transfer to or from your cruise liner.
  • Information regarding an accident that could have happened while you were using water transport, such as a tender, to transfer to or from your cruise liner.
  • Information regarding a food-related illness such as food poising, or an allergic reaction.
  • A detailed table that provides information on the level of compensation that you could receive, for a wide range of different injuries that you could suffer in an accident.
  • A list of the most frequently seen types of damages, that are awarded to claimants as part of their overall settlement.
  • A list of steps that you can take, that will help you to prepare for making a compensation claim at the end of your cruise. We will also introduce our claims service in this section, which could provide you with a financially risk-free way for you to have your claim processed.

If you find that you have questions about the contents of this guide, or you simply need some  holiday accident advice in regards to an injury that happened on MSC Cruises, please talk to one of our claims team, they will be able to help you further.

Examples Of Injuries And Illnesses People Could Suffer On A Cruise Ship

There are different illness and injuries that a person who is travelling on a cruise ship could become the victim of, for example.

  • Scald and burn injuries.
  • Traumatic head injuries and concussion.
  • Food or waterborne illness such as norovirus or food poisoning.
  • Allergic reactions to food.
  • Cuts, bruises, grazes, scrapes and other types of skin injuries.
  • Broken bones and fractures.
  • Soft tissue injuries including strains and sprains.

As you can see, this is just a partial list of examples of injuries people could come to on a cruise ship. If you are unsure whether your accident on MSC Cruises which lead to your injury was as a result of negligence due to the staff or cruise operator call Legal Expert and they will be able to asses your case and tell you if you may be eligible for compensation.

Examples Of Ways Accidents Could Happen On Cruise Ships

Examples of different types of accidents that either a passenger or a crew member could encounter when they are travelling on a cruise ship could include;

  • Slips, trips and falls due to faulty flooring, wet unsigned flooring, damaged carpets.
  • Accidents caused by damaged equipment around the pool, damaged flooring or illnesses caught by swimming in a contaminated pool.
  • Being struck by a moving or falling object that has not been secured correctly.
  • Work-related accidents such as a lifting injury caused due to no manual handling training.
  • Accidents caused by faulty gym equipment which has not been maintained correctly,
  • Lift or escalator accidents that have malfunctioned.

Not all accidents that happen aboard a cruise ship will lead to a personal injury compensation claim. It is vital to remember that in order to pursue any personal injury claim a third party who owed you a duty of care needs to be responsible for the accident which caused the injury or illness.

What Duties Does MSC Cruises Owe Crew And Passengers

In order to be able to make a MSC Cruises accident personal injury claim, the cruise line will need to have failed in their duty of care towards a passenger, and the passenger in question will have suffered an injury. The cruise line has a duty to provide crew and passengers with a safe, healthy environment at all times. This duty of care should be enforced by legislation in the country’s that the cruise travels in. The Athens Convention which is an international treaty is used when the cruise ship is in intentional waters.

When a ship is sailing in international water, outside of the three-mile limit of any national jurisdiction, the Athens Convention comes into play. This is a legal framework that provides passengers with certain rights, no matter where the ship is located. You can find more information about this at this link:

Information on the Athens Convention

Accident At Sea And Cruise Ship Claims Time Limits

When making cruise ship accident claims, the claim must be started within whichever time limit that applies, based on the circumstances of the claim. These time limits are:

Claim Circumstances Applicable Time Limit
If you were travelling in international waters when you came to harm, and are making a claim based on the Athens Convention. 2 years may vary
If your cruise was booked as a package deal, in the UK by a UK tour operator. 3 years

If you would like to check which time limit applies in your own case, speak to one of our claims team today.

Potential Accidents In Your Cabin Or Accommodation

There could be hazards that could cause a MSC Cruises accident in the cabin of a passenger or a crew member if accommodation is not always checked in regards to health and safety and strict maintenance up keep is not met, For example:

  • Electrocution caused by a faulty plug socket, light switch, etc.
  • Trips caused by damaged carpets, floor tiles, etc.
  • Burns and scalds caused by faulty shower, heaters, and water thermostat, etc.
  • Contaminated bedding or towels causing bed bugs.

Road Traffic Accidents Transferring To Your Cruise Ship

Many cruise companies or package holidays providers provide some form of transport as a transfer service from the airport to the port that the cruise liner is docked in. This could be a shuttle bus, coach, minibus, etc. If this vehicle is involved in an accident whilst transferring passengers to or from the cruise liner, and a passenger is injured they may be able to make a claim for any injuries suffered amongst other things.

Tender And Small Boat Transfers To Or From A Cruise Ship

Some cruise liners are too large to dock at some of the smaller ports in the world. What this means, is that passengers and crew who wish to go ashore when the cruise ship is moored away from the shore, will need to use a smaller boat such as a tender, to get to and from the cruise liner. If you are injured during this transfer due to negligence on the part of the operator or cruise provider call Legal Expert to see if you have grounds to make a claim.

Food Poisoning Illness And Norovirus

All of the restaurants, cafés, and other eateries on board a cruise ship, are legally obligated to serve safe and healthy food to passengers and crew. If the food that is served has not been heated or prepared correctly and this leads a customer to contract a food-related illness such as food poisoning it could ruin part or even all their holiday.

Additionally, the allergen content of all packaged foods must clearly be marked on the label. Also, serving staff are expected to give accurate allergen information to customers eating on board when questioned. If either a food label or a member of the serving staff gives wrong information, and this results in a customer suffering an allergic reaction, it could be possible to make a cruise ship illness compensation claim.

Personal Injury Claim Calculator

All cruise ship compensation claims are different, so the amount of compensation you might receive is difficult to estimate. This table below, gives the typical compensation range that is awarded for a number of different types of injuries that you might sustain in an accident.

Type Of Injury/Illness Severity Compensation Range Further Notes
Hand injury Moderate Injury £5,110 to £11,640 The range in this category starts with soft tissue, lacerations, deep wounds, crushing injuries, the top brackets is reserved for permanent damage.
Arm injury Less Severe Injury £16,830 to £34,340 The range in this category includes significant disability but a substantial degree of recovery is expected.
Finger injury Fracture of index finger £7,990 to £10,730 Fracture has recovered but grip remains impaired.
Back injury Moderate Injury £10,970 to £34,000 The range in this category starts with as disturbance of ligaments and muscles giving rise to backache, soft tissue injuries, prolapsed discs to incidents of a compression/crush fracture of the lumbar vertebrae where there is a substantial risk of osteoarthritis. The impact on daily life will play a significant part.
Neck injury Minor Injury Up to £2,150 Recovery within 3 months.
Ankle injury Modest Injuries Up to £12,050 The range in this category includes sprains and soft tissue damage and displaced fractures.
Foot injury Severe Injury £36,800 to £61,410 The range in this category includes fractures to both heels, significant pain and restriction.

For a much more accurate idea of how much you could be able to claim in compensation for your cruise ship injury claim, please speak to one of our claims team, who will be able to give you a more accurate figure.

What Can I Be Compensated For After An Accident At Sea?

When you make a claim for cruise compensation, if you are successful, then the compensation settlement that you receive, will be made up of several kinds of damages, for example:

  • Special damages for financial and other losses:
    • Loss of your current earnings.
    • Medical fees.
    • Loss of prospects in the future.
    • Travel costs.
    • Care costs.
  • General damages for physical harm:
    • Permanent or long-term disabilities.
    • Long recovery period.
    • Psychological damage.
    • Shock and trauma.
    • Loss of quality of life.
    • Pain and suffering.

To learn what kinds of damages might apply in your own case, please speak to one of our claim advisors on the number below.

What Should I Do If Injured On A Cruise Ship?

If you were to have an accident while on holiday that was the fault of a third party then there are a number of steps that you could take, if you are considering making a holiday accident claim once you are back to the UK, for example:

  • Gather contact details for any witnesses to the incident.
  • Make sure to get your injuries treated, even if they appear quite trivial.
  • Start to make a list of any losses you suffer due to the incident.
  • Gather evidence by taking photographs of the scene and the cause of the accident.
  • Make sure to notify the cruise line of the accident and follow the accident reporting procedure.

No Win No Fee Ship Personal Injury Claims Against MSC Cruise

When you use our national No Win No Fee claims service to have your holiday illness claims processed, there is no charge when we start working on your claim. There is also no charge while we are processing your claim. If we don’t get you any compensation, you do not pay our fees. When we do win you a settlement, we take our fee from the money received, and then pass you the remainder.

How We Can Help You

When you use us as your personal injury solicitor to make a claim against a cruise line, we will always do everything in our power to a) ensure that your claim is successful, and b) make sure you get the most compensation that is possible for your case. We are always available to answer all of your questions about your claim, using plain and simple English, with no legal jargon. Speak to our claims team today to learn how we can help.

How To Get In Contact

Have you been injured whilst holidaying on a cruise liner? Do you believe that you might have a valid reason to make a personal injury claim? If so, call our claims team today on 0800 073 8804. Once they know a little about your claim, they will offer you some free legal advice on how best to proceed.

Package Holiday And Cruise Ship Accident Guides

Here are some external links, that cover related information:

Information on the Athens Convention

Norovirus information

The basics of international Maritime Law

You may also like to look over these related guides:

A guide to cruise liner accident claims

How to claim for holiday accidents

Edited By Melissa.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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