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Hotel Accident Claims In The Republic Of Ireland – How much compensation can i claim for personal injury?

Suffering an injury is bad enough but suffering it on holiday is even worse. If you have been injured while in the Republic of Ireland, we can help you to get the compensation you deserve. This is the case irrespective of the nature of the hotel accident you have been involved in. For more information, you can reach us on 0800 073 8804. But don’t call just yet! Make sure you read on to discover everything you ned to know about hotel accident claims in the Republic of Ireland first.

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A guide to claiming compensation for an accident at a hotel in Ireland

Hotel accident claims Ireland

Hotel accident claims Ireland

In this guide, we will reveal everything you need to know about hotel accident claims in the Republic of Ireland. Considering the close proximity of Ireland to the UK, many people visit Ireland for business and personal reasons each year. From stag parties to horse racing weekends, there are lots of reasons why people make the short trip overseas. While most people have a great time, there are those that end up being injured while at the hotel. If this has happened to you, this hotel accident claims guide has all of the information you need. We will reveal how to make a claim, the different types of accidents at a hotel, and the service we provide.

When can you claim for an accident at a hotel in Ireland?

When staying at a hotel, it is the employees, management, and company as a whole’s responsibility to ensure you are safe and healthy. If they have failed in their responsibility, you can make a claim.

Do I have a claim against my hotel?

You have a claim if the following three factors apply to your accident:

  1. The hotel (hotel’s staff) acted negligently
  2. The incident happened in the last three years
  3. You have seen a medical professional

You can also claim for a fatal hotel accident on the behalf of someone else if you have lost a loved one.

Can I make a claim for an accident at a hotel in Ireland caused by a slip or fall?

Yes – if you have been injured because of a slip or fall that was caused due to the hotel’s negligence, you can make a claim. An example of this is slipping on a wet floor that was not marked.

How to make a claim for food poisoning at a hotel in Ireland

If you have suffered food poisoning in a hotel, you can claim. It is important to try and get proof, for example, photographs, of the food to enhance your case.

Poor hygiene such as bed bugs in your hotel room

As well as being very irritating in the moment whilst on holiday, they can get into your clothing and on your person and be carried home with you. This is the last thing anyone wants to bring back with them from Ireland!

Lift crash or accident injuries

If you have been involved in a lift crash or you have used an elevator while it malfunctioned and this has resulted in injuries, you will be able to make a claim. Many different hotels have lifts and escalators and they must be kept in good repair and maintained well to provide a safe service to any people using them.

Hotel swimming pool injury claims

We have helped many people to secure compensation for swimming pool injuries. These injuries can happen in many different ways. Some people experience illnesses because the pool has not been maintained properly and, therefore, there has not been the correct balance of chemicals. There are then those that fall or slip because of cracked tiles or other problems surrounding the pool.

Burn injuries caused by your hotel

Burns and scalds can happen due to foods or drinks being served too hot or being spilled on people. They can happen to guests of the hotel or to members of staff involved in food preparation. They can also happen if the water in a shower is far too hot because of a malfunction or something else that can be deemed the fault of the hotel. You certainly cannot claim if you simply turned the water up too hot!

Injuries caused by damaged or broken furniture

If you have suffered an injury because of a broke piece of furniture in the hotel room, you will be able to make a claim. This could be something that has fallen on top of you in the hotel room. It could also be that an electrical item has given you a shock. The reasons vary but if it comes down to poor maintenance, you can claim.

What to do if harmed on the hotels grounds

Getting the full amount of compensation you deserve is largely a task that falls into the hands of your solicitor. However, there are steps you can take to improve your chances…

See a medical professional as quickly as possible

After the incident, it is imperative to go and get checked out by a doctor. This is something a lot of people neglect to do when their injuries are minor, as they would rather cope with it themselves. This is a major mistake to make. After all, if you do not see a medical professional there will be no proof of your injuries and therefore you will really struggle to claim.

Get the contact details of anyone that witness the accident

Were there witnesses to the incident? If so, it is always a wise suggestion to get their contact details. Witness statements can give a big boost to your compensation chances.

Keep track and proof of any expenses encountered

You can claim for out of pocket expenses as ‘special damages’. This includes everything from prescription costs, to hospital parking expenses, to loss of income, to travel costs, to childcare expenses, and much, much more. Essentially, whatever expenses you have incurred because of the injury you will be able to claim for.

Inform the hotel of what happened and call your insurer

It is important to notify your insurer and you should contact the hotel to lodge a formal complaint regarding what has happened.

Make your claim as quickly as possible

There are two reasons why you should do this. Firstly, the sooner you claim the easier the process will be. Secondly, there is actually a three-year time limit on all claims.

Get in touch with a quality law company

Last but not least, you need a leading experienced firm battling your corner. This is exactly what you have with Legal Expert, so get in touch today!

What you can file a hotel accident claim for?

If you are thinking about making a claim for an accident at a hotel in Ireland, you will be wondering how much compensation you could be entitled to. When it comes to personal injury cases, compensation is actually split into two parts. Firstly, you will be compensated for the injury itself, this is calculated based on the severity of it and the impact it has having on your life. The second part of the compensation is special damages. This is money for any expenses you have encountered as a result of the injury. Let’s take a look at some examples below…

Examples of special damages

  • Loss of income – Are you unable to work because of your injury? Because of this, have you suffered a loss of income? If so, you will be able to claim. Most people are fortunate enough to be covered by sick pay, yet this does not apply to everyone, especially those that are self-employed and so any period out of work can be extremely damaging.
  • Childcare costs – If you have had to pay for a child minder to look after your children whilst you recover you will able to claim for this.
  • Medical costs – Any medical costs, such as treatment expenses or prescription fees, will definitely be covered under special damages.
  • Travel expenses – There is a whole host of different travel expenses that could arise if you have suffered an injury. It could be something little, such as hospital parking expenses, or you may have to sort out alternative travel during your recovery period, which can prove to be expensive.

Essentially, if you have only encountered the cost because of the injury, you will be able to claim for it. Nonetheless, you will need proof. Therefore it is imperative to keep receipts and any other important and relevant documents. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with Legal Expert.

How my hotel compensation claim is calculated

One thing that most people want to know is how much compensation for an accident at a hotel in Ireland they will receive. The truth is that all claims are assessed on an individual basis. This is so you are awarded a fair amount. After all, there are so many variables, and so it is only right that this is considered and you are given a payout accordingly. Because of this, though, it is impossible to give you a 100 per cent accurate figure regarding the payout you will receive. Nevertheless, we can help to give you a better understanding. In the table below, you will see the typical payout amounts for injuries often suffered due to a hotel accident in Ireland.

The injury you have suffered Extra details Payout amount
Foot injuries – Amputation of both feet This injury is treated similarly to below knee amputation of both legs because the common feature is loss of a useful ankle joint. £148,540 to £176,660
Foot injuries – Amputation of one foot This injury is also treated as similar to a below-knee amputation because of the loss of the ankle joint. £73,620 to £96,150
Less severe elbow injuries Injuries causing impairment of function but not involving major surgery or significant disability £13,720 to £28,060
Wrist fracture Minor wrist fracture. £2,675 – £3,600
Anticipated earning loss Is it predicted that you are going to be off work for some time? If so, you can also claim for anticipated earning losses. £10,000 – £400,000
Loss of benefits After an injury, no matter where or how it has happened, people often miss time off work. If you have missed income because of this, you will be able to claim for loss of benefits. £5,000 – £500,000
Injuries and fractures to the rib For these cases, a few weeks are all it should take for a recovery to be made in full. Up to £3,000
Mental anguish If you feared you were going to lose your life because of the hotel accident you were involved in, you can claim for mental anguish. £3,550
Pain and suffering This payment defers considerably, as you can see. The amount depends on the level of pain and suffering you have been subjected to. £1,000 – £200,000

Hopefully, the table above has given you a better understanding regarding how much you could receive. However, if you cannot find your injury above, do not panic. You can still make a claim. Give us a call for more information and we will tell you how much compensation you could be looking at if you make a claim for a hotel accident abroad.

No win no fee Irish hotel accident claims

No matter how major or minor your injuries are, there is no denying that suffering any type of accident can be extremely distressing and worrying. From slips and trips to burns and scalds, the situations vary dramatically. Nonetheless, one key decision you need to make is how to go about claiming. Discover the reasons why a No Win, No Fee hotel accident claim is the best choice.

No time wasting!

First and foremost, one of the best things about No Win, No Fee claims is the fact that the personal injury solicitor in question will only work on your case if they genuinely believe you have a strong chance of getting compensation. If you were to go for a traditional service, there is always the worry that the solicitor is merely taking on your case to get your money.

You don’t need any money to start your claim

The high legal costs associated with a traditional solicitor’s service tend to be a huge barrier of entry to most people and thus they never end up claiming. This is something you need not fret about with No Win, No Fee claims.

Financial risk is a lot lower

Aside from the points that have been mentioned, financial risk is lowered dramatically as well. This is because the payment structure is different and you essentially pay based on the outcome of your case. If you were to go for a traditional service you would be worried about the potential financial implications that could arise if you were to lose your case.

Here at Legal Expert, we are delighted to say that all of our provided ROI covering solicitors work on a No Win, No Fee basis.

How our team can help you to claim hotel accident compensation

From food poisoning to swimming pool accidents, the types of accident abroad claims differ dramatically. Nonetheless, there is one thing all of these injuries have in common, and this is the need to find the best firm if you wish to win your case. This is exactly what you have with Legal Expert. Read on to discover five reasons why we are the best choice for a hotel personal injury claim…

  1. Free legal advice

We have a legal helpline available for those that have any questions. Give us a call and you will speak to one of our experienced advisers. They will happily talk you through the process of a claim in Ireland and answer any queries you have. This helpline is available every day of the week, with advice available at no cost to you.

  1. Experience

We were established many years ago, and since then we have successfully helped thousands of personal injury victims and dealt with a variation of claims. You can be confident we have the capability to handle your case.

  1. We care

We care about our claimants. We want you to concentrate on getting better while we focus on getting you the compensation you deserve.

  1. No Win, No Fee

All of our provided experienced solicitors work on this basis. There are many benefits you will gain as a result. You won’t need any money to begin your claim. Financial risk that is associated with a traditional service is eliminated. You benefit from a much better service and you can be one hundred per cent certain we will only take on your case if we believe it is a strong one. We won’t waste your time like many traditional solicitors do.

  1. Great reputation

Take a look at the reviews on our website and you will see that we have an impeccable reputation.

Hotel accident claim time limits in the Republic of Ireland

If you have been hurt whilst on holiday in the Republic of Ireland, you need to be aware of how long you have in which to make a personal injury claim. As with making a personal injury claim in the UK, there are time limits which clearly state how long you have after sustaining the injury or becoming sick, or becoming aware of the sickness or injury. The table below contains information on the time limits you need to be aware of.

Circumstances of the way in which you were harmed How long do you have?
Harm which occured when you were on a package holiday. This will include anything which happened on your flight, at your hotel, on a cruise ship around the R.o.I or when taking part in activities or trips booked as as part of the package. 3 years
Harm which occured on a holiday abroad to the R.oI that was independently booked and planned. The time limit depends in the details of the trip.
Flights which were not booked as part of a package deal. 2 years

These time limits are correct at the time of publication. For the most up to date information, please contact our team.

Start your no win no fee compensation claim

You will struggle to find a better expert firm than Legal Expert. We specialise in personal injury law, and personal injury law alone, and so you can be confident of an exceptional service. Having been established numerous years ago, one thing we certainly do not lack is experience. We have worked on thousands of cases over the years, and done so successfully, and so you can be sure that we have handled many cases similar to yours before. Not only this but all of our panel of lawyers operate a No Win, No Fee service too, so you can be certain of all of the benefits that have been mentioned in this guide regarding the cost of personal injury lawyers. So, if you have any further queries, or would like to start the process of making a personal injury claim, all you need to do is call 0800 073 8804. This is our claims line, which is available seven days a week. There are other ways you can get in touch with us, though. This includes the live chat facility on our website. You can also head to the contact page where you will find our email address and an online contact form.

Helpful Links

We hope that you have found this guide useful on your search for more information on how to claim compensation when launching accident claims in the Republic of Ireland. However, if you need more information, the links below should be of assistance.

Accident Claims in ROI – This link takes you to our accident claim guide for the Republic of Ireland. Not only will you find information on hotel accidents but also all sorts of accidents that can happen while you are in Ireland.

Guide to holiday accident claims abroad – This is our general holiday accident abroad claims guide where you will find further information on these sorts of claims.

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