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Republic Of Ireland Car Accident Claims Guide – How Much Compensation Can I Claim?

Are you a resident of Great Britain who has recently been involved in a car accident in the Republic of Ireland (R.O.I) that was not your fault? If you became injured as a result of this accident, you could be entitled to make a claim for a car accident in the R.O.I for compensation, in many cases this could be for your injuries and the wider effect it has had on you. Find out how to claim the compensation that you are entitled to in our guide to making a Republic of Ireland car accident claim.

Legal Expert is a expert, specialist personal injury firm. One area we focuses on is helping clients to make personal injury claims for injuries sustained in road traffic accidents that happened abroad. Whether you were the driver, or a passenger if you were injured in an accident that was not your fault, we can provide you with an excellent solicitor to handle your claim. They will make sure that you are awarded damages to compensate you for the pain and suffering you have endured as well as damages to cover the costs of any repairs your car needed, or any medical treatment you required as a result of your injuries. Your solicitor will also be able to investigate whether the other driver’s insurance will pay for your claim, or if it will come out of your own insurance. We are based in Great Britain, but we can represent claims for car accidents in the R.O.I/ Éire, road traffic accidents in Europe and road traffic accident further abroad.

Car accident claims Republic of Ireland

Car accident claims Republic of Ireland

We can offer you a free personal injury consultation and free legal advice to any potential clients looking to claim compensation for a car accident. Call us today for us to assess your personal injury case. If you have legitimate grounds to make a car accident claim, we will provide you with an excellent personal injury solicitor to claim compensation to represent you in your Republic of Ireland car accident claim, who will start working on your case right away. We will also let you know how much car crash compensation you could be entitled to claim.

If you have legitimate grounds to make a compensation claim for your road traffic accident abroad, we would love to represent you. Call Legal Expert on 0800 073 8804 today to take advantage of our free consultation service.

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A Guide To Car And Road Traffic Accident Claims In The Republic Of Ireland

Many British residents travel to the Republic of Ireland each year, for holidays, work, or to see friends and relatives amongst other reasons. Most of these visits are trouble free, but unfortunately accidents, including road traffic accidents do happen. Drivers have a duty of care towards other road users. This means that they are obliged to drive in a way that upholds the safety of others who are also on the road. If a driver or another third party is negligent and this causes a road traffic accident, they could be held liable for any injuries caused and have to pay the injured party compensation. Therefore, if you are injured because of a road traffic accident that was not your fault in this country you could be entitled to claim compensation.

In this guide to making a road traffic accident claim for an injury you sustained in Ireland, we will advise you on what to do if you experience a ROI road traffic accident, how to collect evidence to help you claim compensation for your claim, and how to find the right personal injury solicitor to support your claim, amongst other issues. Remember, our solicitors have an excellent track record of winning claims for people who have been injured in road traffic accidents abroad and road traffic accidents in Europe, so are a safe pair of hands to handle your claim. If you have been injured in a road traffic accident that was not your fault whilst visiting this country, call Legal Expert today, to see if you are entitled to claim compensation.

Personal Injury Claim Time Limits In The Republic Of Ireland

Where did the accident or injury occur? How long to claim
Injuries which have happened on a package holiday to the R.O.I. This includes accidents on your flight, in a hotel, or any other activity booked as part of the package. 3 years
Injuries which happened on a non package holiday. The time limit depends in the details of the trip.
Flights not booked through a package operator. 2 years

How To Contact The Emergency Services In Ireland

If you are involved in an ROI road traffic accident where someone is critically injured and needs urgent medical assistance, you can call 112 or 999 to contact the emergency services. This includes the ambulance, police and fire brigade.

If you require diplomatic assistance in the Republic of Ireland, such as a member of your party being attacked or arrested, you can contact the British embassy in Dublin on this number: +353 (0)1205 3700.

How To Get Medical Treatment After An Accident

If you are a UK national, or resident, you do not need a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to access healthcare in the Republic of Ireland. This is because the United Kingdom and the R.O.I share a reciprocal health agreement, so it is enough to show a form of identification such as a driving licence. This may change after the United Kingdom leaves the European Union in 2019. At Legal Expert we recommend you take out fully comprehensive travel insurance to protect yourself, before you travel abroad. This is so you are covered for events such as repatriation, if you are seriously injured and have to be taken back to your home country.

What Do You Need To Do After A Road Traffic Accident In Ireland?

If you are involved in a road traffic accident anywhere in Europe, there are some immediate steps you can take after your accident has taken place. First of all we recommend that you pull over to the side of the road so that other cars can pass you. Try to remain calm, you may be shocked and in pain if you are injured, but staying calm will help you make good decisions and stop a potentially frantic situation from escalating into something worse.

If someone is critically injured, dial 112 or 999 to reach and get the help of the emergency services.

For the purposes of your claim, when you speak to the other driver do not say something like, “I’m sorry” or “That was my fault”, as that could be taken as admitting liability for any damage or injuries caused. Liability and fault should be established after a thorough investigation has taken place, so don’t say anything that could be counted against you at a later stage. Similarly, if the other driver gives you paperwork to sign, or their lawyer or insurer approaches you with paperwork, do not sign anything without consulting your solicitor first, as the other party may be trying to dupe you into admitting you are at fault, when you are not.

What Steps Can You take After A Road Traffic Accident In Ireland To Help Your Claim

If you experience a road traffic accident in Ireland, you can take steps to gather evidence at the scene of the accident, to support your claim.

At the scene of the accident you should do the following to collect evidence:

  • If it is safe to do so, photograph any injuries that you and other people in your car have received as a result of the accident.
  • If it is safe to do so, photograph the hazard that created the accident and any other important information about the accident.
  • Take down the colour, make and registration number of the other vehicle involved. Exchange contact details with the other driver. If the other driver does not own the vehicle they are driving, get the contact details of the vehicle’s owner.
  • Take down the contact details of any witnesses who saw the accident, as they may be required to give evidence later.

We would like to stress again not to apologise for the accident, say it was your fault, or sign any paperwork given to you by the other driver or a lawyer or insurer representing the other driver. Taking the steps above should help to provide evidence to support your Republic of Ireland car accident claim.

Reporting An ROI Road Traffic Accident

If you are in the Republic of Ireland and you are involved in a car accident, or road traffic accident, you will have to report the accident.

If there is a Garda (Irish police officer) at the scene, you are legally obliged to share the following information with them:

  • Your car’s registration number,
  • Your name and address and if they are different,
  • The name and address of where the car is kept and the car’s owner.
  • You will also have to share the details of your motor insurance, including the expiry date of the policy.

If there is not a Garda (Irish Police Officer) present, you must report the road traffic accident to the nearest Garda station, or a nearby on duty Garda.

For insurance purposes, you should take down the name, or number of the Garda who reported it to you. You must also report the accident to your car insurance provider, and give them an account of what happened. If the other driver disagrees with you, a police investigation will establish liability. Remember, reporting your accident to the Garda and your insurance provider will also help to provide evidence of your accident, which will help to support your car crash claim.

Whiplash Injuries Caused By A Car Crash

Ireland’s roads are relatively safe, however, the country does suffer a higher rate of road traffic accidents then the UK. In 2016, there were 4 road traffic accident related deaths per 100,000 people, compared to just 2.8 road traffic accident related deaths in the United Kingdom per 100,000 people. Fortunately, in 2017 road traffic accident related fatalities in Ireland decreased by 15%, making it the safest year in the country’s history since records began.

Because Ireland’s roads are slightly less safe than Great Britain’s, you may be more likely to have an ROI road traffic accident. A common injury caused by road traffic accidents in whiplash. Whiplash injuries are often caused by your car’s rear end being hit by another car that was speeding, or collisions.

What is a whiplash injury?

Whiplash is caused by the soft tissues in the neck being pulled beyond their usual range of motion by a trauma such as a car accident, or another trauma. As a result, the soft tissues in the neck become sprained or strained. Whiplash can also affect the muscles in your upper back. Although it usually gets better over time, in extreme cases whiplash can cause a permanent disability.

Some common symptoms of whiplash are: headaches, dizziness and general fatigue, a painful jaw, stiffness and pain in the neck, upper back and shoulders, upper arm weakness and vision problems, leading to further dizziness. Whiplash injuries usually take 24 hours to manifest but can take longer. If you have suffered a whiplash injury caused by a car accident that was not your fault, Legal Expert can help you make a car accident claim for your injuries. Call us today for your free Republic of Ireland car accident claim consultation to start your personal injury claims process.

If You Are Injured In A Road Traffic Accident In Ireland, What Can You Claim For?

If you make a successful Republic of Ireland car accident claim for compensation, your compensation award will cover damages for your injuries and any financial losses you may have incurred. We will now look at what you can claim for below:

General Damages:

General damages are the largest part of your compensation package. They serve to compensate you for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity that you experienced as a result of your injuries.

Special Damages:

Special damages are usually the smaller part of your compensation package. They serve to compensate you for any expenses you may have endured as a result of your injuries and cover the costs of any associated expenses you may require in the future, such as the cost of future medical treatment. These can include the following:

  • Medical expenses: These will cover the cost of any medical treatment or medication you may need as a result of your injuries, including ongoing expenses.
  • Travel expenses: These will cover the cost of any travel you had to undergo as a result of your injuries. This includes travel to the hospital, doctors appointments and alternative transport costs if your injuries meant that you were temporarily unable to drive.
  • Care expenses: If you had a friend or family member care for you whilst you were recovering from your injuries, you could claim compensation for them, to award them for their efforts. Similarly if you now need ongoing care, you can claim compensation to cover these costs.
  • Home adaptation expenses: If you became disabled because of your car accident and need to adapt your home to suit your mobility issues, and or are in need of mobility equipment to get around, you can claim compensation to cover these costs.
  • Loss of income: If you were temporarily unable to work and missed out on your salary, as well as any in work benefits, then you can claim for loss of income. Similarly, if you miss out on pension payments you can also claim for loss of future income.

Road Traffic Accident Abroad Personal Injury Claims Calculator

If you have been injured and wish to make a Republic of Ireland car accident claim, you will probably be anxious to know how much compensation you could be awarded for your claim. Our personal injury claims calculator can estimate approximately how much you could be awarded in general damages, based on how much money our car accident claims clients are normally awarded.

Seriousness Location of injury on body Award banding Comments
Severe Neck £39,870 – £130,060 Severe injury with a longer period of recovery. There will be permanent harm caused.
Moderate Neck £6,920 – £33,750 Painful injuries which will take a longer time for recovery to take place.
Minor Neck Maximum – £2,150 Minor injury, such as whiplash or a similar type or severity of injury.
Moderate Back £10,970 – £34,000 Damage to the muscles and other soft tissue injuries to the back.
Minor Back Maximum £10,970 More minor levels of soft tissue damage. No permanent injuries or damage.
Minor Single foot Maximum £12,050 Minor forms of harm to the affected foot. May be to the bones or the soft tissues. Recovery will be swift.
Moderate Single foot £12,050 – £21,910 More serious than minor injuries. There will be more damage to the affected foot and the recovery will be longer.
Seriousness Single foot £21,910 – £34,370 The injury claimed for may be for a permanent loss of function in this limb (foot).
Severe Single foot £36,800 – £61,410 The claimant will be permanently disabled and will not be able to use the foot at all.
Very severe Single foot £73,620 – £96,150 Similar to but more serious than the category above.
Amputation Both feet £73,620 – £96,150 Full amputation of a single foot.
Amputation Both feet £148,540 – £176,660 Full (surgical amputation) of two of a persons feet.

Please note, the amounts of compensation quoted on the personal injury claims calculator are automatic generated, so they do not account for your personal circumstances. Similarly, the amounts quoted in the personal injury claims calculator exclude special damages. The compensation amount that you could actually be awarded, could be even more. To receive an accurate estimation of how much your car accident claim could be worth, call Legal Expert today, for your free legal consultation.

No Win No Fee Republic Of Ireland Road Traffic Accident Claims

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident in the Republic of Ireland that was not your fault, trust Legal Expert to help you claim compensation. We can provide you with a solicitor based in Great Britain to handle your road traffic accident abroad claim. What’s more, every one of our clients has the option to make a no win no fee claim. What does no win no fee mean? No win no fee means that your solicitor will not charge you an upfront fee. Instead, you will agree that you will pay your fee if and when you win your claim. Because there is nothing to pay if you do not win, there is no financial risk to you.

Ofcourse, Legal Expert doesn’t take on claims that we know we can’t win, so losing your claim is not likely. However, many clients feel reassured by knowing that no win no fee means that they will not have to pay a penny if they do not win their claim. To learn more about no win no fee, call Legal Expert today, or read our online guide to no win no fee compensation claims. If you have legitimate grounds to make a no win no fee compensation claim for injuries sustained in a road traffic accident abroad, Legal Expert would love to hear from you. So call today to see how much you could claim.

Contact Legal Expert Today

How do you begin the process of making a Republic of Ireland car accident claim? It’s simple, just pick up the phone and call us to speak to one of our friendly advisors. We can let you know if you are entitled to claim compensation for your injuries, can estimate how much compensation you could be entitled to claim and will provide you with an excellent personal injury lawyer to handle your car accident claim. You will have the option to make a no win no fee claim, so what have you got to loose? Call today to find the right personal injury solicitor to represent you. We’re looking forward to taking your call.

Further Helpful Guides

British Embassy Dublin
29 Merrion Road
Dublin 4

Telephone: +353 (0) 1205 3700
Web: www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-embassy-dublin
If you’re in the UK and worried about a British national, call for assistance 020 7008 1500.

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Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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