Romania Car Accident Injury Compensation Claim Specialists

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Romania Car Accident Claims Guide

Car accident claims Romania

Car accident claims Romania

Have you been injured in a car crash in Romania that was not your fault. If so, call Legal Expert today, to see if you are entitled to claim compensation for your injuries. If you are a British citizen or resident, who is concerned about claiming compensation abroad, there is no need to worry. We are a well respected personal injury solicitors firm that can provide you with an excellent personal injury solicitor based in Great Britain, to handle your car accident claim in Romania. The solicitor will be experienced at handling claims for car accidents in Europe, so that you won’t have to worry about finding an overseas personal injury solicitor to handle your claim.

We have created this guide for anyone wishing to claim holiday accident compensation for injuries they suffered due to a car accident in Romania. You can also claim compensation on behalf of a next of kin relative, who died in a fatal car accident in Romania. As long as the accident was caused by negligence of a third party, you could be entitled to claim compensation. Trust a personal injury solicitor from Legal Expert to represent you in your claim for holiday accident compensation for a Romania car crash. Our solicitors have up to thirty years of experience handling holiday accident claims and will always fight to get you the maximum amount of compensation you are entitled to. Your compensation claim can include damages for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries, reimbursement to cover the costs of any expenses you have experienced as a result of your injuries, such as the cost of medical treatment, and funds to repair your car.

If you think you may be entitled to claim compensation, call Legal Expert today. We offer a free personal injury claims consultation for all of our potential clients, so if you believe that you are entitled to compensation call us today to speak to one of our well informed claims advisors. After listening to your story, we will let you know if you are entitled to claim personal injury compensation, estimate how much your compensation package could be worth and will provide you with an excellent personal injury solicitor who will start working on your claim for an injury caused by a car crash in Romania as soon as possible. Call 0800 073 8804 today to start your personal injury claims process. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

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A Guide To Claiming Compensation For A Car Accident In Romania

Over 2.2 million foreign holidaymakers visit Romania each year. The United Kingdom is in the top ten countries that visit Romania each year. Popular reasons to go on holiday to Romania include going on city breaks and to see the mountains and historical monuments of Transylvania. If you were injured in Romania, because of an accident that was caused by negligence on the part of a third party you could be entitled to claim compensation from that party. Romania is a relatively safe country to visit and most trips there are trouble free, however accidents do happen. Sadly in Romania, the roads are significantly less safe than they are in the United Kingdom. Fatal car crashes in Romania are more common than fatal car crashes in the UK. For example, in 2016 there were 9.7 deaths per 100,000 members of the population caused by road accidents in Romania, compared to just 2.8 deaths per 100,000 members of the population in the United Kingdom. Drivers have a duty of care to other road users, this essentially means that they’re obliged to drive in a way that treats the safety of others with prime importance. If you have experienced a car accident in Romania in which you became injured, and the accident was caused by negligence on the part of another driver or third party then they could be held liable for your injuries and have to pay you compensation.

In this guide we will tell you: what to do if you are injured in a car accident in Romania, how to report a car accident in Romania, how to access healthcare in Romania and how to gather information about your car accident which can be used as evidence to support your personal injury claim. We will also give you information about making a personal injury claim for holiday accident compensation in Romania, such as what your personal injury claim could include, how to find the right solicitor to represent you in your claim and the benefits of making a no win no fee claim. There is also a personal injury claims calculator included on this page, which you can use to estimate how much compensation you could get for a car crash in Romania. Remember, Legal Expert offers a free personal injury claims consultation, so if you believe that you are entitled to make a compensation claim for a car accident in Romania, phone us today. If you are entitled to claim, one of our personal injury lawyers will represent your personal injury claim and you could receive compensation.

Personal Injury Claim Time Limits In Romania

Cause Of Your Accident Time Limit
Car accident where the car or taxi/ transport vehicle was booked as part of a package holiday thorugh a UK based company. 3 years may very
Car accident where the rental car was not booked as part of a package holiday. Approximatly 1 year – this does vary.

Please note all time limits may vary.

How To Contact The Emergency Services In Romania?

In Romania there is one number for contacting the emergency services, 112. This includes the ambulance, fire brigade and police services. Please only dial 112 if you have a genuine emergency, such as you or someone in your party is critically injured, a fire has broken out or a criminal situation requiring the police. For less serious injuries you can visit a doctor’s surgery or travel to the A&E department of a hospital.

If you require diplomatic assistance in Romania, such as a member of your party being attacked or arrested, you can contact the British embassy in Romania on this number: +40 21 201 7200. We will have further information about contacting the British embassy in Romania, later on in this guide.

How To Access Romania Medical Care As A Tourist

Whilst the United Kingdom remains in the European Union, its citizens are able to access the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) scheme in EU countries. With an EHIC you are entitled to the same free healthcare in Romania that the country’s citizens are allowed to have. You can apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) here. We recommend that as well as travelling abroad with an EHIC, you also take out fully comprehensive travel insurance, as this will cover the cost of any medical treatment not covered by the EHIC (other countries do not have a healthcare system as comprehensive as the NHS) and the cost of additional services you may need if you are seriously injured, such as the cost of repatriation back to your home country.

What Should You Do After A Car Accident Abroad?

If you experience a car accident in Romania, we recommend you take the following steps immediately after your accident. First of all, make sure that you remain calm. Although car accidents can be highly stressful and even terrifying situations, making a conscious decision to respond rather than react can make a huge difference to how you deal with the situation and can stop a potential confrontation from escalating. So what actions should you take? Firstly, if you are able to do so safely, pull over to the side of the road or hard shoulder to allow other vehicles to pass you safely. Do not get out of your vehicle, or stand beside it if you are on a busy road or motorway without a pavement, as another car could hit you. Secondly, if you or someone else is critically injured, or there is another emergency situation such as criminal activity or a fire, call 112 to get the appropriate emergency service.

It is also important that you don’t unwittingly accept responsibility for the accident, because in doing so you could forfeit your right to make a compensation claim. Unfortunately this is easily done. For example, simply apologising for the accident to the other driver, or saying something such as “that was my fault” could make you liable for the accident, even if that was not the case. Allow yourself time to think what has happened. The police or your insurance company will investigate the accident and determine whose fault it was. We also can’t stress how important it is that you don’t sign anything given to you the by the other driver, their lawyer or insurer, as it may be an attempt to dupe you into admitting liability for your injuries and forfeiting your compensation.

What Should You Do If You Are Injured In A Car Accident In Europe Or Romania?

If you are injured in Romania in a car accident, there are steps that you can take to gather evidence used to support your compensation claim. These steps include:

  • Collect visual evidence: Photograph any hazards that led to your accident and injuries, only when it is safe to do so. Include a date time-stamp if possible.
  • Make a note of the colour, make and registration plate of the other car.
  • Swap contact information with the other driver involved in the car crash in Romania. Remember, do not sign any paperwork given to you by the other driver, or a solicitor or insurance company representing the other driver, as this could result in you losing your right to claim compensation.
  • Record the contact details of any eyewitnesses to the accident, as they may be able to support your claim at a later stage.
  • If you have any expenses associated with your injuries, keep your receipts. You may be able to claim back your expenses as special damages and they could also count as evidence in your Romania car crash case.

How To Report Your Romania Car Crash

If you have experienced a Romania car crash, you should report it to the police, within 24 hours. If someone is critically injured in a serious car accident the Romanian police and other emergency services will attend the scene of the crash. The police will speak to you at the site and you will be able to report the details of the car accident. If the accident is not attended by the police, you will have to report the accident to the nearest police station, in person or by telephone. To support your personal injury case, take a note of the name and number of the police officer you speak to. Being a foreign national, you may have to give the police your passport number. In the case of a Fatal car crash in Romania where you were also involved, there may be a long police investigation. You should also report your accident to your tour operator and insurer at the earliest possible instance and make sure that they record the details of your car crash in Romania, accurately.

Neck Injuries And Whiplash Claims In Romania

As we have already said, Romania has a higher rate of road accidents than the UK. Sadly, the rate of fatal car crashes in Romania is five times higher than that of the United Kingdom. This means that you are more likely to be injured in a car accident in Romania, than you are back at home. Being a tourist in an unfamiliar place, can also make you more vulnerable to accidents. One of the most common car accident related injuries is whiplash. Whiplash is a soft tissue injury to the neck, which can also affect the shoulders and upper back. Whiplash happens when a trauma forces the head beyond its usual range of motion, causing the neck muscles to suffer a soft tissue injury. The symptoms of whiplash include stiffness, pain and loss of movement. Other symptoms can include dizziness, headaches, problems with your vision, fatigue and weakness in the upper arms. Although whiplash is treatable and usually sufferers recover over time, in extreme cases it can cause permanent disability.

I Was Injured In A Car Accident In Romania, What Can I Claim Compensation For?

If you claim personal injury compensation for a holiday accident in Romania, your compensation will be awarded in two parts, general damages and special damages. We will now look at what these sorts of damages include.

General Damages

General damages are the primary part of most compensation claims and usually makeup the majority of compensation that the claimant is awarded. The purpose of general damages are to compensate the Claimant for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity that they have experienced because of their injury.

Special Damages

Special Damages serve to compensate the Claimant for any expenses they experienced because of their injuries such as medical expenses or travel expenses. The special damages will also fund anything the Claimant may need in the future because of their injuries, such as the cost of ongoing medical treatment, mobility equipment or the cost of training for a new career if their injuries caused them to leave their old job.

If you have been injured in a car crash in Romania that was not your fault, call Legal Expert today to enquire about making a personal injury claim. The personal injury claims time limit is three years if booked through a UK package holiday this also may very so contact us to be sure or you realised that you have been injured. Call us today to see if you could claim compensation for your injuries.

Car Accident In Romania Personal Injury Claims Calculator

See how much holiday accident compensation you could claim with our personal injury claims calculator. Our calculator will help you to determine how much compensation you could claim for your injuries. Just look up the injury you suffered because of a car accident in Romania, for an estimation of how much you could claim.

Form of injury Settlement
The loss of two of your legs between £211,150 and £247,280
More simpler fractures of the femur (bone in leg). between £7,990 and £12,350
More minor levels of head or brain injury. between £1,940 and £11,200
Severe levels of injuries to the back. between £79,890 and £141,150
Severe level of injury to your ankle. between £27,450 and £43,900
Minor types of harm to the neck, recovery is then expected in three months. Compensation to £2,150
More severe levels of harm to the neck. Settlements up to £130,060

Please note that this is an automated personal injury claims calculator which does not take your personal circumstances into account. What’s more, the calculator only shows general damages you could potentially claim, not special damages, so your compensation package could be worth even more than the amount shown. Call Legal Expert to enquire about making a personal injury claim for a car accident in Romania, and we will give you an accurate estimation of how much your personal injury claim could be worth and provide you with an excellent personal injury lawyer, who will start working on your claim right away.

No Win No Fee Car Accident In Romania Claims

At Legal Expert we understand that claiming compensation for an accident on holiday, can be a stressful experience for many. That’s why we offer all of our clients the option to make a no win no fee compensation claim. What does this mean? No win no fee means that your solicitor will offer you the same excellent service they would provide to any other client. However, you will not have to pay an upfront fee. Instead, you will only have to pay a fee if you win your car accident claim. If you don’t win, you won’t have to pay us a penny. For many of our clients, making a no win no fee claim is the less stressful way to win the compensation that they are entitled to.

Call Legal Expert today, to see if you are entitled to claim compensation and to enquire about making a no win no fee claim. Alternatively read our online guide to making a no win no fee claim, to learn more.

Contact Us Today

If you have recently been injured in a car accident in Romania that was caused by negligence on the part of someone else, the team at Legal Expert can help you to claim compensation. Call Legal Expert today to see if you are entitled to claim compensation. If you have legitimate grounds to be awarded compensation, we will let you know how much money your claim could be worth and provide you with a brilliant personal injury solicitor to help you make your claim. Call Legal Expert today for your free personal injury consultation and to claim what you are owed.

Useful Links

Holiday Accident Claims In Romania – How Much Compensation Can I Claim?
General holiday accident claims in Romania are explained in this guide.

Holiday Accident Claims In Hungary – How Much Compensation Can I Claim?
Have you had an accident on holiday in Hungary? If so, find out how to claim in this guide.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Car Accident?
What you can claim for after being involved in a car crash or similar accident.

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Edited by Melissa.

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