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Romania Hotel Accident Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation For A Personal Injury Claim Against a Hotel In Romania?

In recent years Romania has increased in popularity as a destination for visitors from the UK; with visitor numbers rising to 340,000 in 2014. A visit to Romania should be a memorable and enjoyable experience; and your stay at a hotel in Romania should be a time to relax and unwind, getting away from it all. However this is not always the case and when something does go wrong we can help people to make holiday accident claims in Romania.

Hotel Accident Claims In RomaniaIf you have been involved in an accident at a Bucharest hotel, or have been injured in any hotel across Romania, our holiday and hotel accident claims solicitors could help you to make a compensation claim. All hotels, and the travel companies in the UK people book package holidays through, owe their guests a duty of care. This duty of care is there to protect and safeguard visitors from being harmed.

No matter whether you have been involved in a serious accident, have suffered an illness from an improperly cleaned swimming pool; or been injured in another way, as a result of negligence on the part of the hotel our personal injury lawyers can help you make a hotel hotel accident claim in Romania.

Please read our guide below to find out more about how to make a claim for an accident in a hotel in Romania. When you are ready, you can contact our team by using the methods at the bottom of this guide.

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A Guide To Hotel Injury Claims In Romania

In most cases, a stay at a hotel in Romania will be an enjoyable experience. But some guests will be injured, or made sick by illnesses and accidents which could have been avoided. Suffering an injury in Romania at a hotel might have very serious consequences for your health during your holiday, and even when you have returned to the UK. Because of this, if you or someone you were travelling with have been affected by injury or illness caused by a hotel in Romania, you may be able to make a compensation claim. This settlement could help to cover the costs of your financial losses. Our personal injury solicitors are experts in helping victims to bring a claim against a hotel, in the UK, or elsewhere.

Our team are experienced at conducting claims for accidents in a hotel. They will work hard to seek the highest possible amount of compensation for your case. They will hold the hotel, and any UK based travel companies to account for what happened to you.

When Can You Make A Claim For A Hotel Accident In Romania

If you have been involved in an accident abroad, such as being hurt in an accident in Romania, some of the first questions you may have could be around when you can make a claim, whom it can be brought against and what we could do to help.

Typically, claims can be brought against a package holiday provider in the UK within a three year period from when you were hurt, or from when you found that you had been injured. If you need to claim compensation from a business based in Romania, such as for an accident at a Bucharest hotel, your claim may be more complicated and the time limits could also vary according to local laws.

Do I Have A Valid Claim For A Illness Or Accident At A Hotel In Bucharest or Romania?

Typically you will have a valid compensation claim against a hotel in circumstances where you have been hurt as a result of someone else’s action or their negligence. To bring the claim against the hotel, they must be the party who was negligent. It may even be that the hotel was only partially responsible for what happened to you. However, even in such circumstances you may still have a valid claim.

To be eligible to make an accident in a hotel claim you may have been a guest on holiday at the hotel, have been visiting the hotel in Romania as part of a work conference, or for other reasons.

Hotel Slip, Trip, Fall Compensation Claims In Romania

The most common reason for anyone to suffer an accident abroad or be hurt here in the UK is from slipping or falling over. In terms of hotel accident claims in Romania, some common reasons for compensation claims are people slipping or falling over due to floors being wet. If there has been a spillage which staff neglected to clean up, or if areas around swimming pools are not kept free from water and obstruction, people can easily slip over and be hurt.

Any potential trip hazards should always be identified and cleaned up straight away. If they can not be cleaned or otherwise addressed, proper signage should be put in place to warn people. If these steps have not been taken and you were hurt as a result, we may be able to help you to make a claim. Contact us today to begin a holiday slip-trip-fall compensation claim.

Food Poisoning Caused By Your hotel

Ingesting contaminated foods or water is another of the most common ways in which people can suffer from accidents in a hotel. Romanian tourist food poisoning cases can be caused by guests either eating or drinking something which is contaminated, or even swimming in a hotel pool which is contaminated with something. When you are staying in a hotel in any country abroad it may be that they have different health and safety standards.

Bites From Bed Bugs

When on holiday one of the most basic things you should expect from your hotel is that they will meet minimum standards for hygiene. As a provider of a hotel, they owe guests a duty of care to prevent any insect or bedbug infestations. Whilst the most obvious symptom of bedbugs will be bite injuries, other symptoms include pain, itchiness, and even anxiety which can last for weeks or months after you have left the hotel.

Your claim may also include the cost of damage to your clothes, luggage, or other property. It might also be possible to recover the cost of getting rid of bed bugs if they have travelled home in your luggage and require you to use insect extermination services in your home.

Hotel Lift Or Escalator Claims

When on holiday, you may expect that the lift in your hotel is in good working order. However this may not be the case and many people have been injured in a lift accident on a package holiday. The cause of lift accidents is often the floor of the hotel and lift itself not lining up properly leading to people tripping over. To make sure you do not suffer a lift accident, please follow these simple steps;

  • Do not let children ride in a lift alone.
  • Check whether the lift has internal door. If they do not, keep well away from the exposed side and keep all fingers, hands, and feet in the car at all times.
  • Always make sure that the floors have lined up correctly.

If you are injured in a lift, you may be able to make a holiday slip-trip-fall compensation claim. In order to do so, please contact a member of our team today.

Hotel Swimming Pool Accident Claims

The swimming pool at your hotel may well be one of the main reasons you booked that venue over a competitor. The facility is often one of the most inviting things about your hotel and you will want to use it as much as you can. However due to pools being poorly supervised, or not well kept, each year people of all ages are hurt in accidents in and around swimming pools. In some cases, it has even been found that the design of the pool itself contributed to the accident happening.

Common causes of accidents around a swimming pool leading to hotel personal injury claims include:

  • No clear signage marking the depth of the pool.
  • Broken or damaged tiles in, or around, the swimming pool.
  • Filters or drainage systems which are not working correctly.

How To Claim If Burned In Your Hotel

There are numerous ways in which you can be burned, or suffered a scald in a hotel setting. These can happen right across your hotel, from your room to the public facilities. The causes of burn and scald injuries might include;

  • Burns or scalds from showers which are set wrong.
  • Defective shower heads or units which cause water to come out at the wrong temperature.
  • Heated towel rails which are too hot.
  • Burns from radiators which are set too hot.
  • Hot foods or drinks which are served at the wrong temperature (i.e. far too hot) and which cause you injury.
  • Swimming pools which have been overheated.

If you have had an accident on a package holiday resulting in burns to your body, we could help you to make a compensation claim.

Injuries Caused By Faulty Or Damaged Furniture

Various parts of your hotel will be used again and again by large numbers of people. Over time this could mean that different items of furniture, or the fixtures and fittings across the hotel can become worn and damaged. Whilst your hotel should carry out maintenance on a regular basis and check over items of furniture or electrical items which guests are using, this may not always be the case. If furniture has not been regularly updated, it could lead to accidents. If a chair or other piece of furniture breaks suddenly whilst being used, it can lead to someone being hurt, such as causing a broken bone.

If you have been hurt because of a broken or damaged furniture or other appliances you may have come into contact with as a hotel guest, contact Legal Expert to find out how to make a claim for an accident in a hotel room.

What To Do If Hurt In Your Hotel

No matter whether you were involved in an accident in a hotel room, were injured at the swimming pool, or suffered food poisoning there are several steps which you could follow in order to help make your personal injury claim stronger.

Several of these steps can and could be done when your accident happens, and by doing so, you will have more evidence to support your claim. The first thing that you should try and do is to take a photo of what caused your accident. Try to take the photo from several different angels and include as much information as possible. If you tripped over on a broken floor, take a picture of this damage. To go along with this, you should take a photo to show your injury as close to the time of the accident as you can. Today most cameras will allow you to include the date in the picture, please do so.

Did anyone see what happened to you? Or had anyone seen the damage which caused your injury? Perhaps if you suffered food poisoning others also did and can provide corroborating evidence.

You should notify the hotel staff and any representatives of your holiday company as soon as you can after being hurt or becoming sick. Make sure that they make a report in their accident report book (or equivalent in Romania). Make sure the report notes what happened along with where, when, and how it happened. Ask for a copy of this report.

If you were treated for your injury or sickness you should also ask for a copy of the medical report. This should have information on your condition, how you were treated, and an overall summary.

Finally, you could reach out and contact a solicitor to help you make your accident in a hotel claim.

Different Types Of Damages You Can Claim

Whilst the main form of compensation which people are aware of when making a personal injury claim is that awarded for harm (injury or illness) suffered, there are several other forms of damages which can go towards making up compensation settlements. In the table attached to the next section we will look at examples of compensation awarded for different forms of harm suffered. The types of damages which can make up the total amount of compensation awarded are;

Damages for medical and care costs. If you have had an injury in Romania and needed to see a doctor for treatment, it may be that even with travel insurance or accessing healthcare through the EHIC, you still had to pay for treatment. If you did, you can recover these costs. If you also had to pay for care or buy medicine when back in the UK you can also claim for this.

In some cases you may have had to return home earlier than planned, paying for extra flights. If this is the case, again, you could be compensated for this.

If you have been hurt in a hotel accident, you may find that when you returned to the UK that you needed to take time off work. This may have cost you loss income, or mean that you do not accrue as many benefits as you otherwise would have done. If so, you could claim compensation for this.

Calculating Compensation For Hotel Accident Claims In Romania

The most common thing which we are asked when people are considering making a claim after being injured in Romania is how much will be awarded. The value of personal injury claims may be unique to each and every claim, with some attracting much higher levels of compensation than others. In this compensation calculator, we try to give you an idea of how much compensation people can claim under different circumstances, and for different injuries. These settlement figures have been taken from the most recent guidelines set by the Judicial Studies Board. Please remember, once costs have been taken into account, you may be entitled to a higher total amount.

Grounds for your claim Notes on the claim Settlement
Suffering and pain. The level of compensation here falls in a very large band. How much you are awarded will depend on the severity of your suffering or pain. £1,000 – £200,000
Mental suffering/ anguish Fearing that your life will end as a result of what has happened to you. £3,550
Loss of workplace or other benefits Compensation for the loss of accrual of workplace benefits £5,000 – £500,000
Future loss of earnings or income Income which you are predicted to lose in the future as a result of your injury or illness £10,000 – £400,000
Rib fractures or similar injury Full recovery will be made within a few weeks to months. Up to £3,000
Simple fractures in the forearm bones Simple levels of injury £5,000 – £14,600
Simple or minor fractures to the wrist Simpler forms of fracture £2,675 – £3,600
Simpler finger injury Simpler/ less serious levels of injury which will heal in a shorter period of time. Up to £4,160
Elbow injury Injury which causes some impairment of the joint, but which does not involve the need for major surgery of which does not result in significant disability £13,720 to £28,060
Foot injuries – serious injury leading to the amputation of one of your feet Foot injuries – serious injury leading to the amputation of one of your feet £73,620 to £96,150
Foot injuries – serious forms of injury which leads to the amputation of both of your feet Foot injuries – serious forms of injury which leads to the amputation of both of your feet £148,540 to £176,660

Remember, what you are awarded may be different to these figures.

How Do You Make A No Win No Fee Hotel Accident Claim

We are happy to be able to offer many of the claimants we work with services under no win, no fee contracts. But, what are these types of claim, and how does a no win no fee agreement work?

Often also known as ‘conditional fee agreements’, the contract explains what services will be provided by the solicitor, lawyer, or legal firm to the claimant. It will also detail what the claimant can expect to pay if they do win their claim. Perhaps the most important part of the agreement for many people is how the fees for such claims work.

You will only pay under certain conditions, i.e, if you do win. In these circumstances, you will pay a success fee. This will be taken from your settlement. If you do not win, there are no fees due to be paid.

By working with us under such an agreement, you can have total peace of mind, being safe in the knowledge that by making a claim, you will never be put out of pocket.

How We Can Help You Make A Hotel Accident Claim

Each and every year the team at Legal Expert help numerous people from across the country to make hotel accident personal injury claims. For many of those people we can do so through a no win, no fee agreement. We have designed our service to be as streamlined and easy to use as possible. Our solicitors and personal injury lawyers have many years of experience in handling different forms of claims, and could help you.

To us, customer service and your experience is extremely important. We take your satisfaction seriously and always strive to go the extra mile. Find out how to begin your claim and get in touch below.

Hotel Accident Claims Time Limits In Romania

If you have sustained an injury whilst staying at a hotel in Romania, you need to be aware that there are specific time limits in place with regards to how much time you have to make your claim. If you hotel was booked as part of a package holiday, you will be covered by the UK regulations on liability for this type of accident. If you booked your holiday yourself, you will be subject to different rules. In the table below, we look at how much time you have in which to make a claim if injured whilst staying at a hotel in Romania.

Circumstances of injury or illness How long you have to claim
Injury or illness which happened in a hotel booked as part of a UK package holiday to Romania. Transports may also be included. 3 years
Injury or illness which happened in a hotel which was booked not as part of a package deal. 3 years (may vary)

Please note that all time limits may vary.

Tell Us About Your Claim

The team at Legal Expert hope that this guide to making hotel accident claims in Romania has provided you with everything you need to know before getting in touch with our team. When you are ready to start your claim, and we recommend that you do so as early as possible, there are several ways in which you can do so. Claimants can contact us over the phone, send our team an email, or use the online support feature on the site.

Phone: 0800 073 8804
Email: info@legalexpert.co.uk
Web: https://www.legalexpert.co.uk/contact-us/

Whichever of the above methods you choose to contact us through, our team are here seven days a week from 9am to 9pm to answer your message.

Helpful Links

We hope that through this article that we have provided you with all the information you need to make an informed choice about using a personal injury solicitor after being injured in Romania at a hotel. We have also provided some links below to our other related guides.

Holiday accident claims in Romania
In this guide we look at how to make a holiday accident claim in Romania, looking at claims against providers other than your hotel.

Accident Abroad Claims
This is our more comprehensive guide to the variety of different types of holiday accident claims which we can help people make.

Edited by Melissa.

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