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Hotel Accident Claims In Spain – How much compensation can i claim for a personal injury?

Have you been injured as the result of an injury that was not your fault while you were in a hotel in Spain? Perhaps you have suffered because of food poisoning? Maybe you have been involved in a balcony accident? No matter what type of incident you have been involved in, you will rightly be thinking about making a claim for compensation. In this guide, we will reveal everything you need to know about hotel accident claims in Spain.

When it comes to making hotel injury claims, there are three things you need to be able to prove. These are as follows…

  • That the injury was not your fault. You have to show that the incident was caused because of someone else’s error or negligence.
  • The accident happened within the past three years. This is the time limit on all personal injury claims.
  • You saw a doctor as a result of your injuries. This is vital because the medical report is the most crucial piece of evidence when it comes to making a claim.

If these three statements apply to your case, you should definitely proceed with making a claim. Legal Expert can help you to get the full amount of compensation you deserve. We were established many years ago, and since then we have made a name for ourselves as one of the leading law firms in the UK. You can reach us on 0800 073 8804. But before you give us a call, make sure you read on to discover everything you need to know about these sorts of claims.

Hotel accident claims Spain

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Can I claim compensation against a hotel in Spain?

The hotel as a company, their management, as well as their staff members all owe a duty of care to you as a guest. If you have been injured while in their care, there is a very high chance you are going to be entitled to compensation. You can also claim if you work for a hotel in Spain and your employer has acted negligently and this has led to you suffering an injury.

Who can you claim compensation against after a hotel accident?

In most cases, you are going to be making a claim against the hotel company. There may be some exceptions to this but there is no need to worry, as we have the experience to know how to sue a hotel for negligence no matter the circumstances.

Claims for accidents and injuries from a balcony

There have been several cases of people having fatal falls from balconies on holiday in Spain. You will be able to claim on the behalf of a loved one if someone you know has died because of such an accident. Often, poor building methods and/or maintenance are to blame.

Injury caused by a slip, trip, or fall at a hotel in Spain

Negligence, such as not cleaning or maintaining floors properly, can lead to people falling over and being injured. Slip, trip, and fall claims are undoubtedly the most common types of personal injury claims.

Food poisoning and other hygiene issues at hotels in Spain

There is no denying that food poisoning is one of the most common illnesses that people sustain while they are on holiday. Usually, symptoms do not last for more than a few days. However, there have been cases whereby people have suffered symptoms that are life threatening.

Claims for thefts, damage to personal property, and assaults

A lack of security can lead to people being assaulted on the hotel property, have items stolen from a hotel room, or otherwise suffering damage to your personal property. If this has happened to you, you will be able to make a claim against the hotel for failing to provide adequate security.

Infestations of bed bugs

When you booked your hotel, you did not expect to pay for bed bugs in your room! Not only are they very irritating but they can easily be carried on your person.

Injuries caused by or suffered in a lift or escalator at a hotel

In addition to the different types of accidents that have already been mentioned, people can suffer injuries or harm in a lift, or on an escalator. Whilst these types of accidents and injuries are uncommon, they can and do happen. On occasion they have been fatal.

Accidents in swimming pools, spa and leisure facilities at a hotel

People can be injured in leisure and spa facilities in a hotel. Maybe the equipment in the hotel gym was defective? Perhaps the swimming pool was not maintained properly and there was a chemical imbalance that caused you to fall ill?

Burns and scalds

Burns and scalds can happen in many different ways. You could get injured if the shower malfunctions and comes out with burning hot water. This can also happen due to foods or drinks being served too hot, or being spilled on people.

Damaged or old furniture accident claims

Have you been injured because something has fallen on you at the hotel or there has been an issue with something in your room? Old furniture or fittings (such as a seat or railing) can break and cause people potentially serious injuries.

I was injured in a hotel in Spain, what should I do?

There are a number of different steps you should follow if you have been injured while in a hotel in Spain. This includes the following:

  1. See a medical professional
  2. Call your insurer to inform them about what happened
  3. Take photos of the scene and/or your injuries
  4. Report the incident to the hotel
  5. Keep proof of any expenses
  6. Call Legal Expert to start the claims process

Hotel accident claim time limits in Spain

To bring a hotel accident claim in Spain, you need to make sure that you do so within the applicable time limit. In most instances there are time limits within which you can make a personal injury claim. These time limits may be under either UK law, or in this case they may also be under Spanish law. In the table below we have set out the time limits which you may face when making a claim.

Accident or injury at a hotel in Spain Time limit in which to make a claim
Injury or illness which happened at your hotel, on trips booked as part of a package holiday. 3 years
Independently booked stays at a hotel, this is one which was not booked via a tour company. The time limit varies depending on details

Please note, if you are not sure what time limit applies to your hotel accident claim, talk to us to find out more.

What can you claim compensation for after being injured in a hotel in Spain?

When making hotel accident claims in Spain, your compensation will actually be split into two parts. To begin with, you have general damages, which is compensation for your injuries. You also have special damages, which is compensation for any costs you have encountered as a direct result of your injury. Read on to discover a little bit more about both types of compensation…

General Damages

General damages are the type of compensation that most people are already aware of. This money is designed in order to compensate you for your suffering. The sum is calculated based on the injury you have suffered. The severity of the injury, the impact it is having on your daily life and the long-term effects of your injury will be considered.

Special Damages

Special damages are essentially out of pocket expenses. This is compensation for any costs you have incurred because of your injury. Here are some examples…

  • Childcare costs – Have you had to hire someone to look after your children whilst your recover?
  • Prescription and treatment expenses
  • Travel costs – Have you had to use alternative transport because of your inability to drive? Have you had to pay for parking at the hospital?
  • Loss of income – Have you suffered a loss of income because of your inability to work?
  • Accommodation expenses – Have you had to adapt your accommodation because of your injury?

Make sure you keep proof of these expenses. This will be necessary if you are to claim for them when making your hotel personal injury claim.

No win no fee hotel accident claims in Spain

Discover five of the amazing benefits associated with making a No Win, No Fee accident claim in Spain…

  1. No Time Wasting – If you were to use a personal injury lawyer, that charges by the hour there is always the worry that they will simply take on your accident claim for your money, irrespective of how strong or weak your case is. With a No Win, No Fee solicitor, you can be sure of no such thing, as they are impacted by the outcome of your case.
  2. Eliminate Financial Worry – With this service you are going to pay in relation to the outcome of your case. This eliminates financial risk. You know that you will only pay the full amount if your case is a success and therefore you will have the compensation to cover the bill.
  3. No Money Needed To Start Your Claim – This is one of the biggest hurdles associated with using a traditional solicitor. Often people do not have the cash spare to afford the huge outlays. This is something you do not need to fret about if you opt to use a no win no fee solicitor.
  4. Better Quality – Since the solicitor is going to be affected by the outcome of your accident claim, you can be certain you will benefit from the highest level of quality. Your case is going to receive the attention it deserves. The solicitor will be dedicated to making sure it is a success.
  5. Peace Of Mind – All of the four points that have been mentioned work together to ensure you have peace of mind. The process will be a lot less stressful. This is particularly important when you consider the fact that you have just gone through the stress and upset of the accident itself.

It is not hard to see why a No Win, No Fee solicitor is the best choice if you want to make an accident claim in Spain. Here at Legal Expert, our provided solicitors only operate by this payment structure. Take advantage of our service today.

How Legal Expert can help you

If you take a look on the Internet, you will see that you have an abundance of law companies to choose from. So, why should you pick us?

  • We are experienced – You can be confident that we have all of the experience to handle your claim. We have worked on various cases, from food poisoning accidents to car crashes, and we have successfully secured compensation for thousands of people. Therefore, you can be confident that we will have handled cases similar to yours time and time before.
  • We care – We know that you have been involved in an accident, and, therefore, we know that you are probably feeling stressed and upset. We do not want to add to this. Instead, we want to take the weight off your shoulders and secure compensation for you in the quickest and smoothest manner. In fact, in a lot of cases we can secure payouts over the phone.
  • All of our panel solicitors work to a No Win, No Fee agreement – This means that you only need to pay legal fees if our personal injury solicitor manages to successfully secure compensation for you. If for some reason we lose your case, you will have the peace of mind that it will not impact you financially as it would if you went for a solicitor that charged per the hour. This leads to many other benefits too. You can be sure that we will not waste your time. If we do not think your case is strong enough, we will tell you. You can also be confident of an exceptional service as well, as our panel solicitors are impacted by the outcome of your case.
  • We have an exceptional reputation – If you take a look at the reviews on our website, you will see that we have an excellent reputation in the industry.

Contact our team today

If you want to know more about launching a hotel personal injury claim, or you are ready to go ahead and put the wheels in motion for your case, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. There are a number of different ways you can reach us. Most people prefer to speak to one of our advisors directly, which you can do so if you telephone 0800 073 8804. This number is available seven days per week, so you can call at any time that is convenient for you. We also have a live chat feature on or website. Plus, if you head to the contact page, you will see that there are plenty of other ways to get in touch too.

Helpful Links

We hope that this guide has presented you with all of the information that you were looking for. However, if you need any more advice or details, we have plenty of other useful guides on our website. Here are some links that could assist you:

Spanish Holiday Accident Claims for Personal Injury and Illness – If you have been injured in Spain but the incident has taken place outside of your hotel, use this guide to find out more information.

Accidents in Cars – This link takes you to our guide on car accident claims in Spain.

NHS – All about food poisoning – This link takes you to the NHS website where you will find more information on food poisoning, which is one of the main reasons why people make claims for accidents that have happened overseas.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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