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Personal Injury Claim For An Accident In A Restaurant in Spain

By Russell Bowes. Last Updated 18th June 2024. This is our updated guide to claiming for an accident in a restaurant in Spain. In this guide, you can find an updated compensation calculator for Spain claim as well as answers to some common FAQs.

On this page, you can find our guide to the process of claiming compensation for an injury caused by an accident at a restaurant in Spain. It will explain everything a personal injury lawyer will be doing when they make a claim for you, as long as you are within the claims limitation period of one year. However, if the restaurant is in the hotel and the hotel is on a UK packaged holiday you might have up to three years but you will need to confirm this with our solicitors.

Instead of reading this guide in its entirety, just pick and choose the parts that relate to you, and then call Legal Expert on 0800 073 8804. We will go over the claims process with you and answer any questions you may have at that stage.

accident in a restaurant in spain

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Claiming Compensation for Food Poisoning at A Restaurant in Spain

Spain restaurant illness statistics

Source – https://www.gideononline.com/2012/06/23/salmonellosis-in-spain/

Take a look at the graph above; it shows the frequency of cases of a number of different illnesses that could fall under the heading of a stomach upset or have food poisoning-like symptoms. Due to the frequency of such cases, we can discern that your chances of catching food poisoning at a restaurant in Spain are much higher than at home in the UK. Indeed, this is the very reason why we came up with the well-known English phrase “Spanish tummy”. Yes, food poisoning in Spain is quite common.

There are many ways that food poisoning can be contracted, that would lead a person to make Spain food poisoning and illness claims. Some of these are:

Food that has been prepared in an unhygienic kitchen or served with unhygienic utensils.

  • Food that has been left standing on a buffet table for too long.
  • Food that is either undercooked or has been reheated.
  • Food that has been washed in an uncleaned water supply
  • Food that has been kept at the wrong temperature.

These are the most common reasons why food goes bad and can cause food poisoning when consumed. If you need to make a compensation claim for a case of food poisoning that you caught in a Spanish restaurant while you were on holiday, then call Legal Expert on the phone number down at the bottom of this page, and we can start your claim today.

Compensation for Burn Injuries at A Restaurant in Spain

By the very nature of the business of a restaurant, the serving of hot food, burns and scalds are unavoidable to some extent. There are many ways that you can receive a burn injury at a restaurant, a common holiday accident in Spain that any personal injury solicitor will be able to help you claim for.

Burns in a restaurant are most commonly caused by hot food or drink being spilt on one of the patrons. However, in some restaurants, such as those that allow diners to barbeque their own food, or have a naked flame keeping dishes hot, normal burns could occur. Treating a burn or scald takes the following steps:

  1. Stop the burning – i.e. remove the heath that is causing the burn.
  2. Remove restrictions – clothing, bag straps, watches, etc. that are in the area of the burn.
  3. Cool the burn – apply ice, colder water, or a cold pack to cool the burn and stop inflammation. For more serious burns, use only lukewarm water to cool the burn.
  4. Keep warm – if the victim has suffered a serious burn, find a blanket or other covering to keep them warm and to help with shock.
  5. Wrap the burn – use plastic wrap such as cling film to wrap the burn before you seek proper medical treatment.

If you have been burned or scalded in a restaurant while you were on holiday in Spain, Legal Expert can help you to claim the compensation you are eligible for. Call us on the telephone number down in the last section of this guide so that we can help you start a claim today.

Slips, Trips, And Falls at A Restaurant in Spain

Slips, trips and falls are the most common types of accidents in the world, and the second most common in the UK after road traffic accidents. Therefore, a slip trip and fall is a very common reason to make a compensation claim in Spain. A slip, trip or fall in a restaurant can happen in many ways, such as:

  • Slipping on a floor where food, drinks, water or oil has been spilt, that has not been cleaned properly and has not been marked with a hazard sign as per EU regulations.
  • Tripping on damaged floorings, such as a frayed or torn carpet, cracked floor tiles, or warped wooden floorboards.
  • Falling down badly lit entrance stairs, or while exiting the restaurant into the carpark.

If you have been injured by a slip, trip or fall accident in a restaurant while you were on holiday in Spain, Legal Expert can get you the compensation that is rightfully yours. Call us at the number at the bottom of this page to find out how.

How Long Do You Have to Claim Compensation in Spain?

How long you have to make a compensation claim for a restaurant injury in Spain depends on how you booked your holiday, and where you flew into or out of thus:

  • If you booked via a UK-based package tour vendor – you have 3 years from the date of the event to make a claim.
  • If you booked your visit to Spain on your own – you have just 1 year from the date of the event to make a claim.
  • If you booked your flight to Spain privately – if you are flying into or out of Madrid Airport, Barcelona Airport, Palma de Mallorca Airport, and any other airport Spain, you would have up to 2 years from the date of the event to make a claim.

What Can Your Accident in A Restaurant in Spain Claim Include?

When you make a holiday accident claim for personal injury compensation Spain, the settlement you will receive if you are successful in your claim could be made up of a number of types of damages. Each may paid for a specific reason, such as:

  • General damages – all of the damages paid for physical reasons:
    • Pain and suffering – if the initial injury and illness, and also of the emergency treatment you may have received.
    • Mental trauma – if the accident causing the injury or illness was especially traumatic.
    • Psychological problems – if the injury or illness, or the root cause, was severe enough to leave you with long-term mental health issues such as PTSD, depression or anxiety.
    • Painful rehabilitation – if the road to recovery is going to be long, painful and traumatic.
    • Permanent damage – if your injury or illness is going to result in a permanent disability that will affect you for the rest of your life.
  • Special damages – all of the damages paid for non-physical reasons:
    • Care cost – if you had to hire a nurse to help care for you, or home help such as a cleaner.
    • Medical fees – if any of the treatment for your illness and injury came out of your own pocket.
    • Travel costs – if you had to use public transport to get to the hospital or clinic for outpatient treatment.
    • Loss of earnings – if you have had to take a long period out of work and have lost out on wages or salary.
    • Loss of future earnings – if the prognosis of your injury or illness is that you will have a reduced capacity for work in the future.

If you would like to know exactly what types of damages could be applicable to your case, call Legal Expert on the number at the end of this page to find out.

No Win No Fee Restaurant Accident and Illness in Spain Claims

Legal Expert has come up with a risk-free way for you to make a personal injury claim for an illness or injury that was caused by a restaurant in Spain. Our No Win No Fee claims service can be used by anybody in the UK to claim compensation in a simple, safe and effective way.

The only time you will need to pay us, is when you actually receive a compensation payment. We charge nothing to begin your claim, and nothing to pursue your claim, and also nothing if we lose your claim.

Call Legal Expert on the number below to find out more about this claims service and how it can help you to claim the compensation you are eligible for.

How Our Team Covering Claims in Spain Can Help Make Your Restaurant Accident or Illness Claim in Spain.

Legal Expert is experienced in making all types of personal injury claims, including claims for an illness or an injury caused by a restaurant in Spain. We have many happy clients (read our reviews)who we have helped in the past, and we would be happy for you to join their ranks.

Whenever you have a question about your claim, or simply want a status update about how your claim is going, one of our legal team will always be on hand to answer you in simple English, and not legalese.

Call Legal Expert on the telephone number below and learn how we can help you claim the maximum level of compensation possible.

Start Your Claim by Contacting Us Today

Did you contract food poisoning, or suffered an injury such as a burn while you were eating in a restaurant on holiday in Spain? If so, then call Legal Expert right now on 0800 073 8804 so that we can take the details of your case, and get your claim underway today.

Useful Links and Further Information

We have provided the link below, that leads to a webpage published by the NHS and gives information on the treatment of burns and scalds:

NHS info on burns and scalds

We have provided the link below, that leads to a webpage that contains a guide to claiming compensation for scalds caused by hot drinks:

A guide to claiming for hot drink scalds

We have provided the link below, that leads to a webpage that contains a guide to making restaurant compensation claims:

A guide to making restaurant claims

We have provided the link below, that leads to a webpage that contains UK Government information on the safety of food and water abroad:

UK Government info on food and water abroad

Swimming pool accidents could happen in your hotel or resort. Find out if and when you could claim compensation:

Swimming pool accidents in Spain

This guide looks at how to claim compensation if you were injured in a coach or bus crash in Spain.

Bus and coach accidents in Spain


Could I claim without having travel insurance?

Having travel insurance does not impact your ability to make a personal injury claim. As long as you have booked your holiday through a package tour operator based in the UK your holiday will be covered by the ‘Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tour Regulations 1992’.

What information should I collect whilst on holiday to help with my claim?

There are a few pieces of information which you could collect whilst on holiday which could help your claim when back in the UK. Reporting where and when the accident at a restaurant in Spain happened with your tour company starts to create a record of it having taken place. You could also keep records of any healthcare you accessed or required before returning to the UK. If possible, taking photographic evidence of the cause of the accident could help your case.

Can I claim for a child injured at a restaurant in Spain?

If a child has been injured, a suitable adult could become a litigation friend and could act on their behalf in making the claim. This person could be the child’s parent or guardian, another family member, a solicitor or other professional advocating for the child.

How long does a child have to claim?

Whilst adults have shorter limitation periods to start and make their claim, time limits for children may be longer. Please check with a solicitor as time limits to claim for accidents abroad can vary.

Thank you for reading this guide on claiming for an accident in a restaurant in Spain.

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