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How much compensation can I claim for injury in Tenerife?

Tenerife is a popular holiday spot for British tourists, and it is not hard to see why. Sun, sea, and sand, what more could you want?

Holiday accident Tenerife

While most travellers enjoy a safe and healthy trip, there are some risks you need to be aware about, including diseases contracted due to contaminated water and food, and road traffic accidents. If you do fall victim to an incident that was not your fault, though, you can claim compensation. Read on to discover everything you need to know about doing so.

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A Guide to Accident Claims In Tenerife

Approximately half a million Britons visit Tenerife each year. While most of these people have an amazing time, there are those who would rather forget their vacation because they have been injured or contracted an illness in Tenerife. If this has happened to you, you will be able to make a claim, and this guide reveals everything you need to know about doing so. This includes details on specific types of holiday accident claims in Tenerife, such as road traffic accidents and sporting injuries, as well as how to claim and the No Win, No Fee approach. You will also find our contact information at the end of the guide should you have any further questions.

Luckily, most visits to Spain are trouble-free. While crime is low, street crime is something to be aware of, as a lot of people fall victim to thieves while visiting Tenerife. There have been a number of serious balcony falls in Tenerife, some which have been fatal. A lot of these are caused when an individual is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Please note you may not be covered by your travel insurer for any incidents that happen if you are under the influence of drink or drugs. Of course, there are also a lot of people that claim holiday compensation for delays, lost luggage and other matters of this nature.

What to do if you have an accident or injury on Tenerife

If you have had an accident or injury while in Tenerife, it is important to report the illness or injury to the tour company or package holiday company you have booked your vacation or tour through. This is vital so there is proof of what has happened. Once you have done this, you can then start to gather the evidence you need to build a strong case. This includes photographs of the scene, as well as witness statements. Make sure you track and keep proof of any costs you have encountered too, as you will be able to claim for them. Finally, contact your travel insurance provider so they are aware of what has happened. You can find more detailed information on the claims process by visiting our holiday accident abroad claims and package holiday claims guides.

You may also need to contact the police if you have been injured because of a crime and, therefore, want to seek criminal injury compensation in Tenerife, or if you have been involved in an accident that is posing danger to the wider public, such as car crash. You can also find a list of hospitals in Tenerife here.

Emergency contacts in Tenerife after an accident

Before you travel to Tenerife, it is important to put all of the emergency contact numbers you could possibly need in your mobile phone. For emergencies, the number is 112. For general information, dial 012. If you are in Tenerife and you need help, for example, if someone has died, you have been arrested, or you have been attacked, you can contact the British Consulate in Santa Cruz de Tenerife on +34 928 26 25 08. You can also find more information about the British Consulate in Santa Cruz de Tenerife here.

Once you have got the emergency assistance you need, it is important to take the necessary steps after your accident to ensure your safety and build a strong case. First and foremost, you should get the medical attention that you require. Once you have done this, you can contact your travel insurance provider, as well as reporting the illness or accident to your tour operator. Also, gather all of the evidence you can, including photographs and witness statements. Lastly, contact a solicitor to get the legal help you require. This is where Legal Expert comes in. We have years of experience and we can help you to get the compensation you deserve.

Medical treatment after an accident

You will be pleased to know that the health system in the Canary Islands is of an exceptional standard. There is a wide range of assistance centres and hospitals, both private and public. In order to access healthcare at a low or free cost, you need to get an EHIC – European Health Insurance Card. It is a good idea to download the EHIC app to your iPhone. This card is free to get, and it enables you to access state healthcare in Switzerland or any countries in the European Economic Area (EEA), and this is what Tenerife is a part of. In order to get this card, you need to supply your full name and address, as well as your date of birth. You will also need to give your NHS number or National Insurance number if you are based in Wales or England. If you are based in Northern Ireland, this is your Health and Care number, and for Scotland, this is your CHI number.

Time limits for a compensation claim in Tenerife

It is vital to be aware of the fact that there are time limits in place when it comes to making a personal injury claim for an accident that has happened in Tenerife. This depends on the nature of the accident. For an illness or injury that has happened during a privately booked flight, you will typically have two years to make a claim. For an illness or injury that has happened in Tenerife during a trip that was booked privately and not through a tour operator in the United Kingdom, you will have one-year to make a claim. For an illness or injury that has occurred on a flight to or from Tenerife, during a pre-booked activity or excursion, or in a hotel, where the vacation was booked via a package tour operator based in the UK, you will have three years to make a claim.

Cause of illness or accident in Tenerife How long you have in which to claim compensation
Compensation for a holiday accident, injury or an illness which happened on a package holiday in Tenerife. 3 years
Accidents, injuries or illness which happened on a holiday which you booked yourself. 1 year (but time limits may vary)
Injury or illness caused on a flight you booked (not as part of a package holiday). Must have been traveling to or from an international airport. 2 years

For further and up-to-date information regarding the specific time limits for your case, please do not hesitate to give us a call.

Tenerife package holiday accident claims

Tenerife is a very popular package holiday destination. A huge number of Brits descend on this part of Spain every year. If you have been injured while you are visiting Tenerife, it is important to inform your package holiday provider or tour operator as soon as possible. This is so you can make an official complaint, and it will help your package holiday accident claim because you will have proof of what has happened.

The three most popular tour operators in Tenerife for Brits are as follows:

Thomas Cook, 020 7557 6400

First Choice, 0203 451 2720

Thomson/ TUI, 0203 451 268

You can also check out the official legislation that is in place: Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992. This reveals everything you need to know about package holidays and the responsibility of these companies to their consumers. By familiarising yourself with the laws that are in place, you will be able to tell if the company has breached it.

Tenerife injury claims we can help with

At Legal Expert, we can help with all types of holiday accident claims in Tenerife. No matter what has happened, or how obscure your case may seem, so long as the accident was not your fault, we can help you to get the compensation you deserve. Here is a list of some of the most common holiday accident claims we deal with:

  • Airplane
  • Bad hotel hygiene illness
  • Balcony falls
  • Boats & cruises
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Collapsing furniture
  • Excursion injuries
  • Faulty fittings
  • Faulty rental car
  • Food poisoning
  • Foreign transport
  • Hotel
  • Legionnaires disease / Norovirus
  • Skiing
  • Slips and trips
  • Swimming pool Accident

Tenerife hotel accident and illness claims

When we go on holiday, we spend hours researching the hotels in the area before we make our decision. It can, therefore, be incredibly disappointing when your hotel does not live up to expectations. This is especially the case if hygiene standards are low or the hotel poses a lot of dangers because of unfinished buildings and such like. A lot of the accidents that occur in hotels have to do with swimming pools. A swimming pool is only considered safe if maintenance is carried out regularly and responsibly. It is vital to make sure that the swimming pool at your hotel is chlorinated, as chlorine is a disinfectant that kills parasites and bacteria, which can lead to those awful illnesses that will ruin your holiday. You are probably already aware of the smell of chlorine – if you have ever been to a swimming pool in the UK, you will know what it smells like. If you cannot smell it, it is unlikely to be present. In pools that are not maintained correctly, it is easy for Cryptosporidium to spread, which can cause profuse abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhoea. It can take as long as two weeks for you to show symptoms of this, although some people experience symptoms within two days. Not only this, but you can suffer for as long as six weeks, which can mean you need to miss work when you get home. If this is the case, you will be able to claim for the income you have lost.

Restaurant illness, accident or food poisoning claims

There is nothing worse than falling ill while you are on holiday, yet, unfortunately, this happens to people all too frequently. This is often because they fail to consider the fact that the standard of living may not be the same in a foreign country as it is in the UK. The prime example of this comes with drinking water. Virtually all parts of the UK have water that is perfectly drinkable. However, in certain parts of Tenerife this is not the case. In a few parts of the island, there are issues with E-coli in the water supply. In other areas, the tap water is theoretically potable, which means you can drink it safely without it being treated. The best thing to do is talk to your our operator to find out whether you can drink water. If you are unsure, you should never take a risk. Not only should you avoid tap water, but make sure you do not drink water from fountains or given to you in communal jugs, and ask for drinks without ice. Whenever you can, drink from water that is given in a sealed bottle. Of course, you may also suffer an illness if you have fallen victim to food poisoning or poor hygiene standards. We have helped lots of people to secure holiday compensation for food poisoning. Food preparation mistakes include reheated food, food left to reach unsafe temperatures, buffet food left uncovered, and undercooked food. Hygiene mistakes include irregular cleaning routines, disinfectants not used when cleaning, staff not washing hands, serving and dining areas accessible by wildlife, and unclean serving utensils. If you have fallen ill because of any of these issues, you are entitled to launch a claim for a personal injury payout.

Slips, trips and falls

Slips, trips and falls happen every day. In fact, this is the most common type of claim we handle, no just for Tenerife, but all over the world. From slipping over on a new floor in a restaurant to tripping because of a pothole in the hotel car park, there are so many different ways that these incidents can occur. If you have been injured in a slip, trip or fall accident, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us for more information on slips, trips & falls on holiday claims.

Sports activity claims

There are lots of popular sporting activities you can enjoy while you are visiting Tenerife. This includes water activities, such as jet skiing and snorkelling, as well as land-based activities, including hiking. All sport and activity based firms need to prioritise safety. If they have failed to follow the correct safety procedures and you have been hurt as a consequence, you can claim compensation. There are many ways the company could be at fault. Perhaps they have not maintained the equipment correctly? Maybe they did not give you the required instructions? Or, perhaps their employees were not trained correctly? No matter what has applied, you will be able to make a compensation claim in Tenerife. Nevertheless, it is important to stress that not all sporting activities are covered under standard travel insurance policies. Therefore, if you are planning on partaking in such activities while you are in Tenerife, it is important that you choose the required add-on for your policy so that you are covered.

Car or Road traffic accidents in Tenerife

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident in Tenerife, you will be entitled to compensation so long as the accident was not your fault. There are many different ways that a road traffic accident in Tenerife could happen. This includes accidents caused by careless driving, accidents due to someone speeding or driving under the influence, as well as accident caused because of roadworks that have not been sign posted correctly. No matter what has happened, it is important that you avoid saying as much as possible after the accident. Although emotions are running high, you may find you end up saying something that could put the blame on you for the incident when it was not even your fault.

Do I need to use a Spanish lawyer for my claim?

Although your claim has happened overseas, this does not mean that you need to use a Spanish solicitor. We can launch your claim for you, and this is something we have a lot of experience in doing. Moreover, even though your accident happened in Tenerife, the tour company you are making the claim against may not be Spanish-based in any case, and so it is really an international claim regardless.

No Win No Fee Claims

One of the best things about choosing our service is the fact that you are guaranteed a No Win, No Fee service. If you have never used a No Win, No Fee service before, let us explain what this means.

This essentially refers to the payment structure that is in place when taking advantage of certain legal services. If a solicitor promises a 100 per cent No Win, No Fee service, it means that you will not pay anything if the claim in Tenerife is unsuccessful, meaning you do not get any compensation. If you do win compensation, the legal fees will come from this. It will be a percentage of the payout you receive. Don’t worry, though, the solicitor will not simply take any amount they fancy; this will have been agreed on between both of you beforehand. There are many benefits associated with this type of service. Of course, the most obvious benefit is the fact that you are financially protected because there is no way you can end up out of pocket by claiming. However, this is not the only benefit to consider. Other benefits of No Win, No Fee travel claims include the fact that you know your solicitor is going to be working incredibly hard for you, as he or she is also impacted by the outcome of the claim, so this can give you great peace of mind. Not only this, but you can be sure that you will never have your time wasted. Your case will only be launched if there is a genuine chance of it being successful.

Cities and resorts in Tenerife

From small cities to large resorts, they all play host to holiday makers in Tenerife. We can help with claims that occur due to events happening in all this top places in Tenerife, as well as anywhere else on the island.

  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • Puerto de la Cruz
  • San Cristóbal de La Laguna Spain
  • Las Americas
  • Los Cristianos
  • Fañabe
  • Del Duque
  • Los Gigantes
  • San Eugenio
  • Torviscas
  • Callao Salvaje
  • Golf del Sur
  • Costa del Silencio

Start your claim

Starting your claim is easy when you work with Legal Expert. We have years of experience in the industry, and we pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service levels and empathetic approach. Because of this, we do not charge for any of the advice we provide for ruined holiday compensation complaints, and we have a number of different ways for you to get in touch with us. This includes our legal helpline number, which is 0800 073 8804. You can call this any day of the week and we will be available, just make sure you ring between the hours of 9 am and 9 pm. There are other ways to get in touch with us too if you would prefer. This includes via our live chat feature, or you can use the online contact form. You will also see that we have a ‘request a call back’ box on our website. Just fill in your details and we will call you back as soon as possible. Whether you are looking to secure holiday compensation for loss of enjoyment, loss of income, or anything else, we can assist.

Useful links

We hope you have found this guide helpful, but we recognise that you may need some further assistance. Below, you will find some useful links and contact information:

British Embassy Madrid

Torre Espacio

Paseo de la Castellana 259D

28046 Madrid


Tel: +34 917 14 64 00

Web: www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-embassy-madrid

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm

British Consulate – Santa Cruz de Tenerife

British Consulate Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º
38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Telephone: +34 928 26 25 08

Web: www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-consulate-santa-cruz-de-tenerife

Government information on accessing healthcare in Spain:


Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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