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The British Virgin Islands Accident Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation For A Personal Injury In The (BVI) British Virgin Islands? On Holiday

Holiday accident claims British Virgin Islands

Holiday accident claims British Virgin Islands

Accidents on holiday are unpleasant, unfortunate and can spoil a highly anticipated trip. If you have been injured on holiday as a result of another person’s negligence then you are likely to want to hold them liable for your pain and suffering as well as the inconvenience and financial loss that you have incurred. Legal Expert can help you make a holiday claim if you have had a British Virgin Islands accident. Even though the injury occurred outside of the UK, Legal Expert can help you to seek compensation. We can provide you with a solicitor that specialises in holiday claims to ensure you have the best chance of winning the compensation you deserve. Speak to our helpful team today on 0800 073 8804 to find out more.

Read on to find out more about British Virgin Islands accidents and how you can go about making an injury claim.

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A Guide to British Virgin Islands Holiday Accident Claims

The British Virgin Islands are becoming increasingly popular with tourists. It is not hard to see why holidaymakers are drawn to these beautiful Caribbean islands which boast white sandy beaches and a turquoise sea dotted with reefs. The 28 national parks and fabulous selection of eateries and bars also provide an incentive for visitors.

However, if you suffer a British Virgin Islands accident whilst on holiday in this beautiful destination then you may wish to make a claim and hold the responsible party liable. Unfortunately, the potential for personal injury whilst on holiday is rather high. You run the risk of food poisoning whilst eating out in restaurants or in your hotel, of slipping and falling on badly maintained floors, being injured by broken furniture or even being involved in a road traffic accident on the unfamiliar roads. There is also an increased risk of sporting and sailing injuries whilst on holiday in the British Virgin Islands as there are some fantastic opportunities to take part in watersports or charter a yacht on the seas around the islands. If you do become hurt, there is only one hospital on the island and any serious injuries need to be dealt with on the mainland, meaning a potential delay in medical treatment.

It can be hard to prove liability so far from home so this guide will support you in understanding the best steps to take should you become injured whilst on holiday in the British Virgin Islands. We will also explain the types of injuries that we have successfully claimed for in the past and ways in which you can go ahead and begin your claim. Read on to find out more and better understand what to do if you have been injured abroad. We have also included some useful contact information at the end of this article.

What Is A Virgin Islands Holiday Accident?

A British Virgin Islands accident can include a variety of unfortunate incidents that could take place whilst on holiday in the Virgin Islands. This could include a British Virgin Islands sailing accident, an injury whilst taking part in other sporting activities in the British Virgin Islands, a slip trip or fall in your hotel, an injury or illness caused by a restaurant or a road traffic accident, amongst other things. Crucially if the injury or illness that you suffered was caused by the negligence of another individual then you may be eligible to make a British Virgin Islands injury claim for compensation.

What To Do If You Have An Accident On Holiday In The Virgin Islands

If you have been involved in a Virgin Islands accident that was not your fault then there are a number of things you can do whilst still abroad in order to strengthen your compensation case when you return to the UK. If your holiday was booked as a package then you should speak to your tour operator or package holiday representative immediately and advise them what has happened. You are protected under the Package travel, Package holidays and Package tour Regulations 1992 legislation. In order for your holiday to qualify as a package holiday you should have booked at least two of the following elements of your holiday together. These include accommodation, transport or other tourist services such as excursions.

You should see a medical professional about your Virgin Islands injury as soon as possible. It is crucial that you receive immediate medical attention in order to maximise your chances of a full recovery. A travel rep or someone at your hotel will be able to direct you to a local doctor or hospital. Ensure that you take a copy of your medical report back to the UK with you as this will be used as evidence in your compensation claim. If you have been required to pay for the medical services then you should also keep any receipts as you may be able to claim back medical expenses as part of your compensation claim.

You should inform your travel insurance company about your accident and your injuries. This will help you to make a claim at a later date for the cost of your treatment and any other losses incurred as a result of the accident. You may also require their help in being repatriated.

If anybody was witness to the incident then it can be crucial to gather not only witness statements but also names and contact details of any witnesses, should your personal injury lawyer wish to contact them at a later date to ask further questions.

If you were involved in a road traffic accident then you should contact the local police and no matter how tempting it is to move your car, leave it where it is following an accident and await the arrival of the police.

If you are able to, it can be helpful to take photographs of the scene of the incident. Using the camera app on your smartphone will suffice in this task. This can be used as evidence at a later date.

On your return to the UK you should contact a holiday claims solicitor. A personal injury solicitor who has a specialism in this field will give you the best possible chance of making a successful travel injury claim.

Emergency And Non-Emergency Services In The British Emergency Islands

Don’t forget that if you are involved in a British Virgin Islands accident then it is crucial that you seek medical attention, contact your travel insurance provider, report the accident to the relevant authorities and gather witness statements. Here is some useful contact information that you may require if you are involved in a Caribbean holiday accident. As you can see, the emergency number for the British Virgin Islands is the same as in the UK.

Fire service 999

Police 999

Ambulance 999

24 hour A&E (284) 494 3497

Coastguard 999

Search and Rescue 999 or ch 16

How To Get Medical And Healthcare Services In The BVI

As a small group of islands with a low population, there is only one hospital in the British Virgin Islands and this has limited medical facilities. More serious cases are usually transferred to other nearby hospitals in the US Virgin Islands, the USA or Puerto Rico. It is crucial therefore that you have appropriate travel insurance that is comprehensive enough to cover you should you need emergency treatment. If you do require emergency treatment whilst in a British Virgin Islands then you should dial 999 for an ambulance.

Fortunately, the British Virgin Islands have a reciprocal healthcare agreement with the UK. This means that if you require emergency treatment whilst on holiday in the Virgin Islands, it will be provided for free or at a reduced cost. In order to take advantage of this reciprocal agreement you will need to prove that you are a UK resident. Hospital treatment is free for residents over 70 and school-age children. All other visitors will be charged at the same rate as British Virgin Island residents.

Holiday Accident Claim Time Limits For The British Virgin Islands

If you have had a British Virgin Islands and the holiday was booked through a UK tour operator as a package holiday then the standard personal injury claims time limit is 3 years. If you were aboard a cruise ship when you were injured then this is reduced to just 2 years and may very. Courts may be willing to grant extensions in exceptional circumstances. In general, we strongly recommend that you contact an accident claims lawyer as soon as possible in order to ensure that your claim doesn’t breach the time limit.

Type of Claim Claims Time Limit
Claims for injury or illness in British Virgin Islands, as well as for circumstances happening in a hotel, whilst on an activity or excursion or for a trip booked through a UK based package holiday operator 3 years from the date of the accident and may very
personal injury on a flight 2 years may very

British Virgin Islands Package Holiday Accident Claims

If you have been injured, made ill or had an accident while on a package holiday in the British Virgin Islands then there are some crucial steps you should take. After you have received medical attention you need to speak to your tour operator or a representative from the package holiday company. This is because you may be protected under the Package travel, Package holidays and Package tours Regulations 1992, as long as the holiday was booked through a UK tour operator. Some of the most popular package holiday providers and tour operators for the British Virgin Islands include:

  • Thomas Cook
  • Virgin Holidays
  • Hayes and Jarvis
  • Travel Republic
  • Ebookers
  • Tropical Sky
  • Kenwood Travel
  • Southall Travel

Common Types Of Holiday Accident Claims

In the past we have made many successful claims on behalf of people who have experienced a Caribbean holiday accident. The list below includes some of the types of holiday claims we have achieved compensation for previously. This list is not exhaustive however and if you have been involved in a British Virgin Islands accident then please talk to our team who will be able to offer you more advice on whether you are eligible to make a claim.

  • Airplane
  • Bad hotel hygiene illness
  • Balcony falls
  • Boats & cruises
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Collapsing furniture
  • Excursion injuries
  • Faulty fittings
  • Faulty rental car
  • Food poisoning
  • Foreign transport
  • Hotel
  • Legionnaires disease / Norovirus
  • Skiing
  • Slips and trips
  • Swimming pool Accident

British Virgin Islands (BVI) Hotel Accident Or Illness Claims

No matter how luxurious a hotel may appear, unfortunately there are still many ways in which you can become injured or ill whilst staying in a resort. Some of the main risks to health in a British Virgin Islands hotel include:

  • Food poisoning. If food is not hygienically prepared then eating in the hotel restaurant can lead to food poisoning. Cases of food poisoning are more prevalent in buffet style restaurants where food has been sitting around for some time. Food poisoning can also be caused where food is not heated to a high enough temperature, is used past its use-by date or is stored incorrectly. Food poisoning can cause anything from mild discomfort through to serious gastrointestinal illness requiring hospital admission.
  • Dangerous swimming pools. A number of incidents can occur around swimming pools. Lacerations from sharp objects or sharp edges in the pool are not uncommon, many people experience slips trips and falls whilst walking on slippery surfaces near to a swimming pool and swimming pools without appropriate supervision can lead to some nasty injuries.
  • Gym equipment. Poorly maintained gym equipment can cause injuries during workout.
  • Broken furniture. Furniture in hotels is heavily used and unless it is regularly maintained or replaced, can cause injury if and when it breaks.
  • Badly maintained flooring. Frayed carpets and uneven floor surfaces can lead to serious injuries as a result of slips and trips.
  • Slippery floors. If the floor in a hotel is slippery due to a spillage or having been recently cleaned then slips, trips and falls can ensue resulting in sprains, fractures and bad bruises.

Restaurant Accidents And Food Poisoning

Whilst eating out is one of the great joys of being on holiday, if a hotel or restaurant that you are eating at is not meeting basic hygiene standards then there is a very real chance that you could suffer from food poisoning. A bout of food poisoning can spoil your holiday and you are likely to want to make a claim against the restaurant who has negligently poisoned you. In order to prove food poisoning and have a good chance of a successful claim, you need to be sure that you were not already ill before you went on holiday, that you ate food at the restaurant or hotel and that you started feeling ill shortly afterwards. There are a number of common and unpleasant bacteria often present in the food on holiday. These include e-coli, Campylobacter, salmonella, cryptosporidium and shigella. Symptoms of food poisoning usually include stomach cramps, vomiting, nausea and diarrhoea. In some unfortunate cases, you can go on to develop irritable bowel syndrome or even chronic fatigue syndrome.

Cases of food poisoning are likely to arise as a result of undercooked food, inappropriately stored food, an unhygienic kitchen or kitchen staff, food that is reheated or left on a buffet for too long or food that is washed in water that is not suitable to drink.

Other ways in which you can become injured at a restaurant include slips and falls if there has been a spillage as well as burns and scalds if food has been overheated or if a hot item of food or drink has been spilled on you.

Accidents Caused By Trips And Falls In The Virgin Islands

Trips and falls are very common for holidaymakers, who are in unfamiliar surroundings and may be concentrating on having fun rather than looking where they’re going. Common causes of trips and falls include poorly maintained flooring or uneven surfaces. Slipping on wet floors caused by washing or spillages or falling in areas where the lighting is dim or where there is a broken handrail. Crucially, if your trip or fall is caused by another parties negligence then you should contact a holiday illness claims solicitor to find out whether you may be eligible to receive compensation.

Sailing And Watersport Activity Claims

Many people visit the British Virgin Islands to experience the fantastic opportunities for sailing and other watersports. If you have been sailing in the British Virgin Islands and have suffered an accident then you may be able to make a claim if someone else was to blame. Whilst it is mostly safe sailing in the British Virgin Islands, if the person in charge of the boat has been negligent in giving instructions or maintaining the vessel then you may be able to make a claim for damages.

Car Accidents In The British Virgin Islands

The great thing for British visitors in the Virgin Islands is that you drive on the left-hand side of the road with the steering wheel also on the left. However, the British Virgin Islands are very mountainous and following rain the high roads can become slippery. You should also watch out for fog and fallen rocks which can cause obstacles in the road. If you have suffered a Virgin Islands car accident that was not your fault then you may be able to claim compensation against the negligent driver of the other vehicle.

Do I Have To Use A Solicitor Based In The Virgin Islands?

We do not advise trying to use a British Virgin Islands solicitor following your accident. It would be confusing and expensive trying to navigate an unfamiliar legal system. Instead, we recommend that you use a UK based company such as Legal Expert who can help you to make a claim for accidents that happened whilst on holiday in the British Virgin Islands.

No Win No Fee Virgin Islands Holiday Accident Claims

Legal Expert can represent you on a no win, no fee basis. This is also known as a conditional fee agreement and means that our fee is conditional on you winning your case. We do not ask for any upfront fees and there are no hidden costs. Whilst most cases that we agree to handle are successful, a small number are not. If your case is unsuccessful for any reason then you will not be asked to pay a penny. This is a great way of relieving clients of any financial burden associated with making a personal injury claim.

Popular Places To Stay In The Virgin Islands

Some of the most popular places to stay in the British Virgin Islands include:

  • Guana Island
  • Surfsong Villa resort
  • Cooper Island Beach Club
  • White Bay Villas
  • Frenchmans
  • Anegada Beach Club
  • Sugar Mill Hotel

Contact Our Holiday Accident Claims Experts

If you are ready to make a claim or would like to find out more information about making a claim for your British Virgin Islands accident then please contact Legal Expert for further information. Our friendly team will be very happy to help and advise you. We can put you in touch with an experienced holiday claim solicitor who can handle the case on your behalf. Call today on 0800 073 8804. We also offer live chat 24 hours a day. Alternatively, you can contact us via our website and we will call you back at a time that is convenient to you.

Advice And Further Help

British Governor’s Office

Governor’s Office
Waterfront Drive,
Road Town
British Virgin Islands

Email: govoffice.tortola@fco.gov.uk
Tel: +(1) (284) 494 2345

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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