Isle of Wight Accident Claims & Personal Injury Compensation Experts

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The Isle Of Wight Personal Injury Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation For A Accident In The Isle Of Wight

The Isle of Wight is an island in the English Channel, to the south of the United Kingdom inhabited by around 140,000 people.  It is a common day trip for tourists with ferries and hovercrafts offering crossings in around 10 minutes.  In the event you are injured while visiting, working or living there you may need to make an Isle of Wight accident claim.

Legal Expert are personal injury specialists offering no fee no win claims.  If you’d like to use us to begin your claim today, please call us now on 0800 073 8804 and speak to one of our advisors.

If you would like more information prior to making a claim, please read on.

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A Guide To Accident Claims On The Isle Of White

Holiday accident claims Isle of Wight

Holiday accident claims Isle of Wight

The Isle of Wight is a common day trip for tourists holidaying in the south of England.  It also popular for campers and caravaners wanting to stay a bit longer.

While it is one of the smallest counties in the UK (150 square miles) by area, it has plenty to offer for tourists.

If you’re injured whilst on the Island, due to the negligence of a third party you may be wondering if you could make a claim for compensation. This guide is going to provide you with information you may need to decide if you have eligibility to make a claim.

This guide isn’t just for tourists though, we could help residents to make a claim for an accident which caused an injury which was  due to a breach of duty of care by a third party.

As you read this guide, we’ll provide you with information such as what type of accidents could happen, what to do following an accident, how much compensation you could be awarded and how no win no fee agreements work.

It’s important to note that in most cases, under UK law, you must begin a compensation claim within 3 years of the date of an accident.  Claims for accidents involving children can be made by parents or the child has 3 years from their 18th birthday if they decide to claim themselves.

Please contact us as soon as possible to allow us enough time to begin your claim.

What Is An Accident On The Isle Of Wight?

As with anywhere there are different potential accidents that could happen, which could inturn lead to an injury or illness. An accident on the Isle of Wight would be an unexpected unpredictable incident that may result in injury or damaged.

However not all accidents will lead to compensation claims. There are some tests that a personal injury lawyer will use to determine if you have a case for compensation.  To help you decide whether you could claim, here are the questions you may need to answer;

  • Did the defendant owe you a duty of care?
  • Then, did they breach that duty of care in any way?
  • And, did the breach cause your accident to happen resulting in injury?

It can sometimes be difficult to determine whether the defendant was negligent (breached their duty of care), so if you’re not sure, please contact our advisors who’ll be able to help determine whether you can proceed with a claim.

These tests are applied to all personal injury claims whether they are accident at work claims, holiday accident claims, road traffic accidents or medical negligence claims.

Common Personal Injury Claims Our Experts Can Conduct

Over the coming sections, we’ll provide information on some examples of accidents that could lead to personal injury claims.  Here at Legal Expert we have the knowledge and expertise to be able to provide advice on all personal injury claims.

Remember, if you do decide to make a claim, there is some evidence that will help with your case. These include:

  • Medical records which you can obtain from the doctor who treated you.
  • Witness statements from anybody who saw what happened.
  • Photographs that you took at the scene of the accident.
  • Accident reports if you were injured in a public place or at work. You can obtain a copy of the accident log book entry referring to your accident.
  • Evidence of any financial losses you’ve incurred because of your injuries.

Try to obtain as much supporting evidence as you can as this will help make your personal injury claim more straight forward. This will make it easier for us to assess your chances of claiming compensation for your injuries.

Accident At Work Compensation Claims

Workers on the Isle of Wight are protected by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This means that employers have to ensure the safety of employees at all times.

Employers should risk assess daily routines and tasks to ensure they are safe and reduce any risks.

Under health and safety regulations, Reporting of Injuries and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), certain workplace accidents must be reported.  If you have an accident at work on the Isle of Wight, you should ensure it is reported to your employer.  If you’re going to seek compensation, it’s a good idea to ask for a copy of the report.

Employers are not allowed to treat you any differently or discipline you for claiming compensation.  They have insurance in place to cover any compensation awarded so don’t be put off from claiming what you could be entitled to.

Car Crashes And Road Traffic Accidents

Injuries that are suffered due to road traffic accidents are common causes for people to make personal injury claims for. If you are injured in a collision but the third party may have been at fault you could be eligible to pursue a road traffic accident case.

Following a road traffic accident, you could:

  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible, use the emergency services in serious cases.
  • Photograph the scene prior to vehicles being moved if possible.
  • Get the other driver’s personal details, insurers details and registration plate number.
  • Ask witnesses for their details, and if they have dashcam footage, ask for a copy.
  • Report the accident to police if you believe a criminal act (dangerous driving, drink driving etc) has been committed.

Legal Expert have a panel of personal injury solicitors who could help with car crash claims.  This could include claims where the driver was uninsured or did not remain at the scene of the accident.  If you’d like to discuss an Isle of Wight accident claim, please get in touch.

Isle Of Wight Holiday Accident Claims

If you are injured while on holiday in the Isle of Wight due to the negligence or error of a third party who owed you a duty of care you may be able to claim compensation. There are different ways holiday accidents could occur including;

  • Hotel accidents
  • Restaurant accidents
  • Road traffic accidents
  • Excursion accidents
  • Swimming pool accidents

These are just a few places accidents could occur while on holiday. In order to be able to claim for an accident suffered while on holiday it must be proven that the injury which occurred was due to a negligent error by a third party that owed you a duty of care.

Medical Negligence On The Isle Of Wight

If you become injured or suffer an illness because a medical professional makes a mistake, you may be able to make a medical negligence claim.

Medical negligence can be claimed for against dentists, nurses, doctors, surgeons and professional care providers. Usually, the claim will be made against the medical provider, such as the Isle of Wight NHS Primary Care Trust, rather than the individual.

Claims for medical negligence can be complex and require specialist medical evidence to support the claim.

Reasons why medical negligence claims might be made include:

  • Late diagnosis of an illness causing a delay in treatment.
  • Mis-diagnosis of an illness leading to the wrong treatment.
  • Cosmetic surgery mistakes.
  • Damage caused during surgery (including dental work).
  • Infections contracted in hospital.
  • Childbirth injuries (to the mother or child).
  • Injuries caused by damaged or defective medical products.

If you believe any of the above caused you to become injured or ill, please contact our team for advice on what steps to take next.

Compensation For Slipping Or Falling Over

A slip, trip or fall could happen just about anywhere on the Isle of Wight. Slip trip and falls are common due to the fact that they could happen anywhere and there are a number of different hazards which could cause them.

What may seem like a minor accident could lead to serious injuries that require surgery to rectify. Some injuries may cause damage that can’t be fully repaired, and victims suffer life long injuries.

Reasons a third party may be liable for a slip, trip and fall;

  • Damage to paths such as deep potholes, raised paving slabs or damaged kerbstones.  The site owner or the Isle of Wight council could be held responsible if public areas are not safe to use.
  • Business owners who offer a public service may be liable if wet or slippery floors that are not highlighted by warning signs, or the signage is inadequate.
  • Business owners or public service providers may be liable if handrail, stairs, flooring are damaged and defected and cause a person to injure themselves.
  • The same for poor lighting in public buildings, shops, restaurants, hotels, which makes trip hazards difficult to see.

If you have suffered a slip trip or fall accident in a public place that could have been prevented which has resulted in an injury you may have the basis to pursue a personal injury claim.

Allergic Reactions And Other Injuries In Restaurants

When dining in a restaurant, pub, café or fast food outlet on the Isle of Wight, you are protected from becoming ill by food safety regulations.

Food poisoning could occur when the food you’re provided with hasn’t been stored, prepared or cooked in the right way.  It could lead to serious illnesses like salmonella, E-coli or norovirus.

You should seek medical attention as soon as possible and try to avoid contact with others before you’re treated.

As well as food poisoning, regulations exist to protect allergy suffers.  All food packaging, menus and noticeboards should highlight when food contains one of 14 different allergens including nuts, milk and wheat.

If you believe you’ve had an allergic reaction because an allergen wasn’t highlighted to you, try to retain a copy of the packaging or photograph the menu as you could use this as evidence if you decide to make a claim.

Contacting The Isle Of Wight Emergency Services

As with the rest of the UK, you have a couple of options should you need to speak with emergency services:

  • Dial 999 to speak to the police, ambulance or fire services to deal with an emergency.
  • Call 111 for less urgent medical advice from the NHS.
  • Contact 101 to speak with the local police in non-urgent situations.

If you’re in any doubt, call 999 and explain the situation to the operator.

Best Places To Stay On The Isle Of Wight

For your information, we’ve provided a list of some of the popular places to stay in the Isle of Wight:

  • Tom’s Eco Lodge
  • Luccombe Hall Hotel, Shanklin
  • The Royal Hotel, Ventnor
  • Bembridge Coast Hotel
  • Haven Hall
  • Norton Grange
  • Nodes Point Holiday Park
  • The Orchards Holiday Caravan and Camping Park
  • The Lakes, Rookley

Personal Injury Claims Calculator

When you begin an Isle of Wight accident claim, you may want to try and calculate how much compensation you may be entitled to.

Because every case is unique, we offer a personal calculation for cases we take on.  When you’ve discussed your claim with us, if we agree you have a good chance of winning your case, we’ll provide you with an estimate of how much compensation you could receive.

For now, the table below outlines how much compensation could be awarded for certain injuries:

Injury / Illness Range of Seriousness Compensation Further Comments
Hand injury Minor to serious Up to £54,280 This compensation bracket includes injuries like soft tissue damage (minor) to loss of function of the hand (serious)
Wrist injury Minor to severe Up to £52,490 This compensation bracket includes injuries like tissue damage (minor) to loss of the use (serious)
Arm injury Moderate to severe Up to £114,810 This compensation bracket includes injuries like painful injuries where recovery will eventually occur (moderate) to injuries such as permanent paralysis (severe)
Thumb injury Minor to severe Up to £48,080 This compensation bracket includes injuries like bruising and soft tissue damage (minor) to loss of the thumb throught amputation of the thumb (severe)
Back injury Minor to severe Up to £141,150 This compensation bracket includes injuries like sprains and strains (minor) to injuries that cause restriced movement with pain until healed (severe)
Neck injury Minor to severe Up to £130,060 This compensation bracket includes injuries like soft tissue damage to injuries which cause loss of movement and pain (severe)
Foot injury Minor to very severe Up to £96,145 This compensation bracket includes injuries like brusing and tissue damage (minor) to amputation of the foot (severe)
Leg injury Minor to severe Up to £119,210 This compensation bracket includes injuries like sprains, bruising and tissue damage (minor) to injuries causing permanent disability (severe)
Illness Minor Up to £3,460 Short term food poisoning type illnesses
Illness Moderate Up to £8,360 Medium term food poisoning type illnesses

Don’t worry if you can’t see your particular injury. This is just a sample of compensation amounts.

What Can My Claim Compensate Me For?

What many people don’t realise is, a compensation claim isn’t just for the pain caused by your injuries.  There are other parts of a claim that could be made including:

  • General Damages: This is compensation paid out for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity caused by the injuries.
  • Damaged Property: If any item of your personal property is damaged during your accident, such as clothes, jewellery or your phone, you could claim for the cost to replace the item.
  • Loss of Income: Sometimes, following an accident, the claimant won’t be able to return to work while they recover. If this means income is lost, then it could be included in the claim.
  • Travel Costs: The cost of travelling between doctor’s appointments, physiotherapy or other appointments associated with an accident can soon build up. These could also be claimed back.
  • Care Costs: If professional care is required following an accident, it may be possible to claim the cost back.

Before committing to any costs following an accident, it’s worth checking with a solicitor to ensure you could claim the costs back.  Ensure you keep receipts or bank statements as evidence of the financial loss will be needed.

No Win No Fee Accident And Illness Claims On The Isle Of Wight

You shouldn’t be put off from making an Isle of Wight accident claim as Legal Expert offer no win no fee agreements for all cases we take on.

If you’re not sure how no win no fee works, we’ve outlined the 2 options you have below:

  • No Win No Fee: Your solicitor works without being paid up front and if they lose the case, doesn’t get paid at all. If they win the case, you agree to them retaining a success fee from your compensation.  This is limited to a maximum of 25%.  They then send you the remaining compensation.
  • Pay A Solicitor: You will have to pay your solicitor up front for their work, usually at an hourly rate. If they win the case, you receive 100% of the compensation.  If they lose though, you still have to pay them for their service.


Many of our clients have stated that without no win no fee agreements, they wouldn’t be able to begin a claim, which is why we only work in this way.  We believe it makes claiming compensation less stressful and risk free.

Why Make Your Personal Injury Claim With Legal Expert?

It’s really important that, when claiming compensation, you have a solicitor on your side who specialises in personal injury claims.  Legal Expert have years of experience on our side and only work on personal injury claims.

We can help with claims from anywhere in the UK, including the Isle of Wight.

Our team are dedicated to working hard to ensure our clients receive the right amount of compensation for their injuries.

We are contactable throughout your claim to offer advice and answer any questions you may have.

How To Contact Legal Expert

Now that you’ve read this guide in full, we hope your ready to begin your claim today.  If so, you can get in touch with us in any of the following ways:

  • Telephone: Call us free on 0800 073 8804.  Our team are ready to discuss your claim.
  • Email: Send details of your accident to
  • Live Chat: We have trained advisors available 7 days a week to answer any questions.
  • Online: Fill in this online form to begin your claim and we’ll get back to you at a convenient time.

Whichever route you take, we’ll begin with a free initial consultation.  It’s a no obligation consultation where you can ask any questions you may have.  We will assess your claim and let you know if we think you could successfully claim compensation.  If we believe your chances are good, we’ll offer you a no win no fee agreement.  When you’re happy, we’ll begin your claim.

Further Holiday Accident Claims Resources

Thank you for reading our guide to Isle of Wight accident claims.  Hopefully you’ve received all of the information you require.  For reference, we’ve provided links to some useful guides which provide further help.

Isle of Wight Personal Injury Solicitors – A guide about making claims with personal injury solicitors for accidents on the Isle of Wight.

Package Holiday Accident Claims – A guide about the legislation that protects tourists who’ve been injured on a package holiday.

Holiday Abroad Accident Claims – A guide aimed at tourists who’ve been injured while on holiday abroad and how to make claims.

Food Allergies – A guide from the NHS about allergic reactions, their causes and treatment options.

Edited By Melissa.

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    • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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